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Tatk ahout nnoney, savings and the future.

3 EEtrEIESf @EEI Listen to a discussion between

Tim, a British student, and a savings adviser. Comp[ete the
I Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. savings ptan with the words below.
l" How ofte¡ do you manage to save money? afford balance income interest
2 What a re you saving fo I outgoings pocket money savings wages
3 Where do yoL.r keep the money you save?
4 Whal's lhe hardesl thing about saving money?
? Read the articte and comptete the sentences about it. Tem's momÉh&y sawsmgs pLam
I The writer couldn't go on hotiday because . , .
2 Before you open a bank account, ir's a good ldea to flnd
out which ones give ...
3 You can keep a record of how much you spend and save
on a ... Totol 3,,_ r120
4 Yoursavings witI increase if you 4

Purchoses L20
fntertoinrnent t50
ffimtr sffiw§ffiffi fssentlols r30
Last summer, some of my friends were planning a holiday to
Totol o 01 s 1100
celebrate the end of our exams. We were going to spend two
weeks camping by the beach - it would have been amazing. The gool = 1500
only problem was I didn't have any money to go. That got me 5oving period ='12 months
thinking. lf I had saved a little money each week over the previous
Current bonK 6- = s160
year, I would have had enough to go on holiday ... and probably 7
-*- rate = 2%
quite a bit more. But how do you do it? Here's what l've learned.
(can 8-- to sove r30 a month)
üpen a separate savings account
Check out several banks online to find the ones that offer the
best interest for younger savers. Even if you just deposit a little
bit each week, it will soon add up. By the end of the year, the
balance may be more than you think. Possibitities
can . i cou[d...
Make a savings ptan It's posslb[e that ...
Use a spreadsheet or a handy app on your phone to keep a I might be ab[e to .

record of ... Probabilities

o your weekly income from pocket money, wages from t may / might (not)
pañ-time jobs, etc. t's (u n)[lkely that.

. your outgoings. How much you spend each week, e.g.

t'tl probably be ...
Certa inties
purchases, transport costs, enterlainment, etc.
l'm certain that ...
¡ how much you can afford to save.
l'm sure that ...
lf you have nothing left to save at the end of each week, try
giving yourself a spending budget and don't spend more! 4 @E[ts Read the Phrasebook. Listen again and tick (/)
the phrases you hear.
Set a goatand don't touch your savingsl
5 ffiüm Your friend wants to buy a bike, but does not
They are for the future, not the present. Remember that the have enough money and is not good at saving. Record
longer they stay in the bank, the more interest you will earn a voice message for your friend to give them three
and the more your money will grow. pieces of advice about saving. Use the information from
this lesson.


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