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Inglés II- LKF Prof.

Rodeghiero, Andrea
Reading Comprehension
Cervical radiculopathy (CR) is a disorder of the spinal nerve root commonly caused by cervical disc herniation or other
space-occupying lesion, such as spondylitic spurs or cervical osteophytes, resulting in nerve root inflammation,
impingement, or both. CR is usually present with pain in the neck and one arm, loss of motor function, or reflex changes
in the affected nerve root distribution. The most common cause of CR (in 70% to 75% of cases) is foraminal encroachment
of the spinal nerve from a combination of factors, including decreased disc height and degenerative changes of the
uncovertebral joints anteriorly and zygapophysial joints posteriorly (i.e., cervical spondylosis). Herniation of the
intervertebral disc is responsible for only about 25% of the cases.

Cervical radiculopathy must be differentiated from other possible causes of upper extremity pain, which might include
thoracic outlet syndrome; referral patterns from cervical and upper thoracic anatomical structures; shoulder girdle
impairments, such as a rotator cuff impingement; elbow impairments, such as lateral epicondylitis; and wrist/hand
impairments, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. At the very least, active and passive range of motion and palpation should
be carried out to screen each region of the upper quarter. Depending on the pain pattern, symptom behavior, and
response to these initial screening procedures, additional upper extremity special tests and accessory motion testing
should also be carried out.

The goal of the examination is differentiation of local pain from referred pain and referred pain from true radicular (i.e.,
nerve root) pain. Wainner et al identified a test item cluster of four clinical examination procedures for identification of
patients with cervical radiculopathy that was confirmed and correlated with electrodiagnostic testing if all four test items
were positive. The four test items include positive Spurling A, neck distraction test, upper limb neurodynamic test 1 (ULNT
1), and limited ipsilateral cervical spine active range of motion of 60 degrees or less. The single best test in Wainner et al’s
study for screening for CR was ULNT 1, with a change in probability of the presence of the condition from 23% to 3% when
the test results were negative. If the ULNT 1 results are negative, CR can be essentially ruled out. If three of the four test
cluster items are positive, the probability of the condition increases to 65%. If all four variables are present, the probability
increases to 90%.

Waldrop used the test item cluster developed by Wainner and colleagues and reported on a case series of six patients
who met the diagnostic criteria for CR. The six patients were treated for a mean of 10 visits (range, 5 to 18) over an average
of 33 days (range, 19 to 56 days). Four of the six patients had a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. Reductions in
pain and disability were reported with all six patients with a treatment approach that included thoracic thrust
manipulation techniques, patient education on proper posture, cervical range of motion and deep neck flexor
strengthening exercises, and mechanical cervical traction.

From: Olson, K (2009) Manual Physical Therapy of the Spine. Saunders-Elsevier

1) Indique V o F y justifique su respuesta resaltando las líneas en el texto que sustentan su decisión
a. La causa más común de la radiculopatía cervical es la hernia de disco.
b. Antes de diagnosticar una radiculopatía cervical, se deben efectuar muchas pruebas con el objeto de distinguir
el dolor provocado por esta patología de otros tipos de dolor, más locales.
c. De los cuatro procedimientos de evaluación del paciente propuestos por Weinner, ULNT 1 es el mejor
predictor de una radiculopatía.
d. En los seis pacientes tratados por Waldrop, la resonancia magnética fue útil para evaluar la gravedad de la

2) Ubique los antecedentes de estas expresiones:

a. The condition
b. All four variables
Inglés II- LKF Prof. Rodeghiero, Andrea

3) Halle el núcleo de la frase nominal y traduzca

a. a disorder of the spinal nerve root commonly caused by cervical disc herniation or other space-occupying
lesion, such as spondylitic spurs or cervical osteophytes, resulting in nerve root inflammation, impingement,
or both
b. foraminal encroachment of the spinal nerve from a combination of factors, including decreased disc height
and degenerative changes of the uncovertebral joints anteriorly and zygapophysial joints posteriorly (i.e.,
cervical spondylosis).
c. a test item cluster of four clinical examination procedures for identification of patients with cervical
radiculopathy that was confirmed and correlated with electrodiagnostic testing if all four test items were
d. a treatment approach that included thoracic thrust manipulation techniques, patient education on proper
posture, cervical range of motion and deep neck flexor strengthening exercises, and mechanical cervical

4) Marque:
a. Todos los ejemplos de CLÁUSULA RELATIVA
b. Una oración en PRESENTE SIMPLE
c. Una oración en PASADO SIMPLE
d. Una oración que exprese una CONDICIÓN (si ocurre A, entonces también sucede B)

5) Observe este patrón de organización de la información que se repite en el texto:

a. Cervical radiculopathy must be differentiated from other possible causes of upper extremity pain
b. Upper extremity special tests and accessory motion testing should also be carried out
c. The six patients were treated for a mean of 10 visits
d. Reductions in pain and disability were reported with all six patients

i. Ubique el verbo.
ii. Pregúntele al verbo, ¿quién es el encargado de realizar la acción indicada?
iii. Esa entidad que realiza la acción, ¿aparece mencionada? ¿por qué?
iv. ¿Cuáles son los beneficios para el autor al emplear esta estrategia textual?

6) Localice expresiones en el texto vinculadas a estos aspectos y ubíquelas en el cuadro.

Causas de la Radiculopatía Otras patologías que Herramientas de Tratamiento de la RC

cervical pueden causar un dolor diagnóstico
similar a la RC

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