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A code of conduct is the most common policy within an organization. This policy lays out the
company’s principles, standards, and the moral and ethical expectations that employees and
third parties are held to as they interact with the organization. A code of conduct is an
integral part of compliance efforts as it provides documentation that an employee or third
party has violated company policy if illegal activity arises. Let’s explore what a code of
conduct means and the impact it can have on an organization.
A company’s code of conduct is a policy that outlines principles and standards that all
employees and third parties acting on behalf of the company must follow. The code of
conduct reviews the organization’s mission and values and ties these ideals to professional
behaviour standards. In many workplaces, codes of conduct become benchmarks of
Having a strong, ethical code of conduct is essential to building a culture of compliance
throughout an organization. A code of conduct is an excellent exercise to focus the
leadership team on how employees should behave at work and the standards they should
uphold. These standards can have massive impacts on how the organization functions, how
employees conduct themselves daily, and how the workforce interacts with others on behalf
of the organization.
On top of ethical reasons, there are legal reasons for implementing a code of conduct as
well. All public organizations in the U.S. are required by law to have a code of conduct in
place. Private organizations would be smart to take note of this as well.
In this analysis I try to analyse the code of conduct of TATA group towards their
environmental and ethical responsibility.
The Tata philosophy of management has always been, that corporate enterprises must be
managed not merely in the interests of their owners, but equally in those of their employees,
of the consumers of their products, of the local community and finally of the country as a
Consumers, shareholders, local communities, and other stakeholders increasingly demand
assurances that the production of goods in developing countries conforms to minimum
standards of social and environmental responsibility, defining such standards is a difficult
task, because responsibility is a term subject to interpretation.
As per TATA’s Code of conduct towards their environment
1. We are committed to good corporate citizenship, and shall actively assist in the
improvement of the quality of life of the people in the communities in which we
2. We engage with the community and other stakeholders to minimise any adverse
impact that our business operations may have on the local community and the
3. We encourage our workforce to volunteer on projects that benefit the communities in
which we operate, provided the principles of this Code, where applicable, and in
particular the ‘Conflicts of Interest’ clause are followed.
According to me a good corporate citizen is a company that prioritizes making a positive
social impact, acting ethically and ensuring the long-term environmental
sustainability of its operations, among other actions. Here TATA have mentioned that
they actively try to assist and improve the quality of life in people in the communities that
they operate, one of the most concrete example that proves this to be true is when Tata
introduced their first iodized salt, Tata Salt was the first iodised salt brand in India,
significantly reducing diseases related to lack of iodine in the body.
Thereby engaging with the community and other stakeholders and having a positive and
significant impact within the community.
As per TATA, Over and above giving time and directing professional expertise and rich
experience towards pressing environmental and social issues, volunteering also enhances
social cohesion and strengthens communities, Today, the Tata group clocks more than a
million volunteering hours annually. Over 40 per cent of the total volunteering hours are
contributed through the group-level volunteering programme Tata Engage, in which over 60
Tata companies participate.

Tata companies have been undertaking volunteer actions since inception. To augment the
efforts of the companies' own volunteering initiatives and institutionalize volunteering across
the Tata group, Tata Sustainability Group set up Tata Engage, Launched on 3rd March

4. In the production and sale of our products and services, we strive for environmental
sustainability and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
5. We seek to prevent the wasteful use of natural resources and are committed to improving
the environment, particularly with regard to the emission of greenhouse gases, consumption
of water and energy, and the management of waste and hazardous materials. We shall
endeavour to offset the effect of climate change in our activities.
There has been many laws that has been passed by the Indian parliament in order to protect
the environment

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