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For Research Question 1: What are the factors influencing individuals to select a rental house?

1)Top Three Priorities:

 Affordability: The rent must fit within my budget without compromising other financial
 Location: Proximity to work, public transportation, and essential services like grocery stores is
 Safety: A safe neighborhood is non-negotiable, as it directly impacts my quality of life.

2) Finding Rental Houses:

I utilize online platforms such as real estate websites, social media groups, and classified ads to find
listings. I also consider word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family.

3) Role of Location: Location determines my daily commute, access to amenities, and overall
convenience, making it a pivotal factor in my selection.

4)Financial Considerations: Besides the rent, I consider the cost of utilities, potential parking fees, and
the security deposit. I also evaluate the long-term cost implications of the lease terms.

5)Lease Agreement Terms: The flexibility of the lease term, policies on subletting, and clauses regarding
rent increases are significant to me.

6)Recent Rental Selection Experience: I recently chose a rental that balanced cost with a desirable
location, even though it was smaller than my previous residence.

7)Prioritized Aspects: I prioritize a well-maintained property with responsive management, as it affects

living conditions and potential disputes.

8)Impact of External Factors: A well-connected neighborhood with a good reputation enhances my

social life and provides peace of mind.

9)Personal Preferences and Lifestyle Influence: I prefer a quiet environment, so I look for properties with
soundproofing and away from busy streets.

10) Trade-offs and Compromises: I had to compromise on having a larger living space to stay within a
preferred location and maintain financial stability.

Research Question 2: Problems Faced During Rental House Selection Process

1. Challenges Encountered: I’ve faced issues like misleading listings and discrepancies between the
advertised features and the actual property. To deal with this, I started scheduling in-person
visits before making decisions.
2. Financial Considerations: Financial considerations are central to my decision-making. I set a
strict budget and consider the total cost of living, including rent, utilities, and transportation.
3. Gathering Information: I primarily use trusted online platforms that verify listings. I also value
recommendations from friends who have firsthand experience with the properties.
4. Negotiations: Yes, I’ve negotiated lease terms and rent prices. The key points often revolve
around the length of the lease and potential rent increases, which can significantly affect my
5. Advice for Navigating the Rental Market: Always verify information, be clear about your non-
negotiables, and don’t hesitate to negotiate terms that work for you.
6. Compromising on Preferences: I have compromised on amenities for a better location or lower
rent. It’s about finding the right balance between wants and needs.
7. Challenges with Landlords:
Challenges include unresponsive landlords and unclear maintenance responsibilities. Clear
communication and written agreements have been crucial in resolving these issues.
8. Size and Layout Impact:
The size and layout affect my daily comfort and functionality of the living space. I look for
layouts that fit my lifestyle, like a dedicated workspace.
9. Assessing Safety and Security:
I research crime statistics, speak to potential neighbors, and observe the general upkeep of the
area to gauge safety and security.
10. Past Experiences Influencing Selection Approach:
A past experience with a poorly maintained property taught me the importance of a responsive
landlord and the condition of the property, shaping my future selection criteria

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