Double Digit Computer Studies Ppr2 QSN

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Name.........................................................................................................Adm Number..........


TERM 2 2022

Time: 2½ HOURS




Instructions to candidates
a) Indicate you name and index number at the top right hand corner of each printout.
b) Write your name and index number on the CD-RW provided.
c) Write the name and version of the software used for each question attempted in the answer
d) Answer all the questions
e) All questions carry equal marks.
f) Passwords should not be used while saving in the CD-RW provided.
g) All answers must be saved in your CD-RW provided.
h) Make a printout of the answers on the answer sheet.
i) Arrange your printouts and staple them together.
j) Hand in all the printouts and the CD-RW used.
k) This paper consists of 5 printed pages.
l) Candidates should check the question papers to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated
and that no questions are missing.

Page 1 of 5
1. (a) Type and format the following document as it appears using a Word processor. Save it as
TELE1 (40 marks)
The advent of the information and communications technology has brought with it several advantages that
need to be made use of by both the public and private sector. Not only are those technologies convenient
but some are also cost effective.

Meier and Vodacom Tanzania’s Romeo

E ven though most of the

Kumalo) were to proceed to the other two
launches. These were first
the Tanzania launch at
communications Governments and the private sector lunch time and finally, the
technologies are need to take advantage of the Uganda dinner launch in
currently widely in use Kampala.
facilities offered by tele and video
- mobile telephones and
internet - one area that conferencing Imagine all the traveling
needs seriously to be involved and the resultant
explored and utilised by fatigue for the officials of
both government institutions and the three firms, plus
private sector is tele and video others who were part of
conferencing. the retinue. Even though
one would
During the February 1 launch of argue that the traveling to all the three countries
the ‘Just Like Home’ seamless was necessary as there were papers to be signed,
network by the region’s three reliable sources tell me that what was happening
main mobile phone providers, on February 1 was just a formal exercise.
Safaricom, MTN Uganda and Vodacom Everything else, including the paperwork and
Tanzania, the celebrations were held in the three memoranda of understanding had already been
different countries at different times of the same signed.
day. T
he second instance when holding a video
Nothing wrong with that only that the chief conferencing would have been more ideal was
executives of the three firms were meant to be recently when Ethiopia’s premier Meles Zenawi
present at all the functions. I say ‘were meant to’ made a few hours visit to Nairobi to discuss the
because I only attended the Nairobi launch. Somalia crisis with the former President Kibaki.
After the Kenya launch, held at Nairobi’s
Serena hotel over breakfast from 7 am, the three
CEOs, (Safaricom’s Bob Collymore, MTN’s

Page 2 of 5
(b) Insert the following formula which is used to compute the percentage growth of a
particular mobile phone provider in a region. (4 marks)

( )
p+a n
q k=0 k
=∑ n x k a n−k

(c) The following table shows the percentage growth of the three mobile phone providers in
two periods of six months in the years 2011, 2012 and 2013. Include it exactly as it is
formatted in the passage just below the formula. Create a formula to calculate the total
percentage growth over the three years for each period.

Safaricom MTN Vodacom

Period 1 Period 2 Period 1 Period 2 Period 1 Period 2

2011 10 7 12 6 5 8
2012 20 9 20 3 28 67
2013 10 9 7 39 17 1

(d) Print TELE1. (1mk)

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2. Hekima school ordered computer accessories and the following suppliers provided the

As illustrated below.



1 Name Item Sold Amount Date

2 Joseph Mouse 200.00 2/06/2022

3 Peter System unit 5,000.00 3/06/2022

4 Tony Keyboard 200.00 4/06/2022

5 Mike CD Writer 2,000.00 5/06/2022

6 Joseph System unit 2,000.00 6/06/2022

7 Peter Mouse 200.00 7/06/2022

8 Tony Mouse 200.00 8/06/2022

9 Mike System Unit 2,500.00 9/06/2022

10 Joseph Keyboard 200.00 10/06/2022

(a) Using a spread sheet application, enter the above data exactly as it appears into a
workbook and save it as Quotations. (6mks)

(b) Restrict all the cells in the Amount column to allow entry of amounts

Between 0 and 6000. A message, “Input amount <= 6000” should be displayed
whenever a cell is selected. In case of an invalid entry, the message, “Amount >6000”,
should be Displayed. Put an inside and outside border on data on sheet 1. (5mks

(c) Copy the content of Sheet 1 to Sheet 2 into the exact position and rename it as

New price. Insert a new row after the Amount row and label it “New price”. The
suppliers of the items decided to, increase all their items by 20%. Enter the percentage

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into cell A18. Using absolute referencing, calculate the new price of each of the items in
the “New price” column. (7mks)

(d) Copy the content of Sheet 1 to Sheet 3 and rename it as Subtotals. Using subtotals sheet

Find subtotals for each supplier and display the Grand Total. (6mks)

(e) Using the subtotals sheet, Create a column graph (bar graph) to compare the total cost of

all items bought from each supplier. The x-axis should be labeled as “Names” and the

y-axis “cost items’. Each bar should display a total value it represents on top of it and the

supplier’s Name below it. The title of the graph should read, SUPPLIERS
COMPARISON TOTALS. Place the graph on a new sheet and rename the sheet as BAR
GRAPH (8mks)

(f) Insert a new sheet into the workbook. Rename this sheet as “Filtered”. Open the
subtotals Sheet. Filter the records of all suppliers whose New price is greater than or
equal to 6000 or less than 250. Copy the results onto the “Filtered” sheet. (6mks)

(g) Put the sheet name as the header and your name. School and index number as footer

for every sheet in your workbook. Save your work on a removable storage media and

print ALL the worksheets (4mks)

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