Word Processing Activity Handouts 1

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Tier 6

Word Processing Activity Handout

1. Load Microsoft Word.

2. Open the document ‘T6 Mammals’ saved in C:\My

This document contains two pages. It has some

information about mammals. You need to add more
information into the document and prepare it to publish in
a children’s magazine.

3. Zoom the document to a suitable size.

4. Change the page size to A4.
5. Change the page orientation to portrait.
6. Change the page margins as follows:
ƒ Top and Bottom - 1 inch
ƒ Left and Right - 1.25 inches
7. Save the document as WPAct<<your name>> in your
teacher’s folder. That is, if your name is Jane save your
document as WPActJane.
8. Insert a WordArt heading ‘Mammals’ at the top, centre of
the document. Use a suitable style and colour effect.
9. Adjust the size of the WordArt so that it does not go
beyond the page margins.
10. Move the cursor to a new line, below the WordArt heading,
and enter the following text as the first paragraph.

Animals are sorted into six main groups which are mammals,
birds, fish, reptiles, arthropods and amphibians. All mammals
share a number of important traits that make them different
from other animals.

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Tier 6

11. Make sure there is only one blank line between the first
and the second paragraph.
12. Insert a table with 3 columns and 5 rows on the second
page, below the heading ‘Mammalian Diets’.
13. Enter the data into the table as given below, and adjust
the column width and row height as required.

Diet What is eaten Examples

Herbivore Plants Deer, beaver
Carnivore Meat Polar bear, shark
Omnivore Plants and meat Human, raccoon
Insectivore Anteater, pangolin

14. Copy the word ‘Insectivore’ in the first column, last row, to
the blank cell in the second column of the table.

15. Edit the word ‘Insectivore’ in the second column, last row,
to ‘Insects’.
16. Move the cursor to the end of the last sentence ‘The
smallest mammal…’ on the second page, then press the
enter key once, and enter the following text.

The tallest mammal is the giraffe, which can be from 4.8 to 5.5
metres tall and weigh up to 1,360 kilograms.

17. Justify all the text in both pages (justify only the text area
without the WordArt heading and the table).
18. Spell check the document and correct any mistakes.
19. Save the changes.

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Tier 6

You are required to improve this document by reorganising the

contents and formatting it to make it more suitable for its topic
and target audience.

20. Move the third paragraph of the first page and place it
below the first paragraph, to become the second
paragraph. Make sure there is only one blank line between
21. Find the word ‘sorted’ and replace it with ‘classified’.
22. Find the word ‘around’ and replace it with ‘throughout’.
23. Find the word ‘important’ in the document and search for
synonyms for it. Then, replace it with a suitable synonym.
24. Apply a suitable font type face and font size to the three
paragraphs of the first page.
25. Format the text in the three paragraphs into two columns.
26. Apply suitable font type faces for the two sub-headings
‘Mammalian Diets’ and ‘Mammal Extremes’ in the second
27. Apply a suitable font size and colour to the two sub-
28. Embolden and underline the two sub-headings.
29. Change the font type face of the text in the whole table to
‘Arial Unicode MS’ and font size 14.
30. Centre align the text in the first column.
31. Left align the text in the second and third columns.
32. Centre align the text in the first row and embolden them.
33. Format the five sentences under the heading ‘Mammal
Extremes’ into a list. Apply an appropriate bullet or
numbering style.

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Tier 6

34. Search for pictures of a mammal from the Clip Art gallery.
Choose a suitable Clip Art and insert it on the first page.
35. Change its layout, resize it to a suitable size and place it at
the bottom of the first page, below the text.
36. Insert the picture ‘T6 Polar Bear’ saved in C:\My
Documents folder on the second page.
37. Change its layout, resize it to a suitable size and place it
on an appropriate position in the second page.
38. Apply a suitable page border to the document.
39. Spell check the document again for mistakes and correct
40. Save the document.
41. Print preview the document and make a printout.
42. Exit Microsoft Word.

Your teacher will show you where to paste the printouts in

your activity book.

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