How To Register For Courses - SAM Platform

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How do I register for courses

1) Login

Log into the campus management system S.A.M.:

with your login data that was sent to you by the enrollment office:

2) Course registration

My Studies – Registration for Courses

!!! You can find all mandatory courses of the semester in the study plan. The study plan is found in
the information brochure that you received from the master office or on the website of your master
programme. Do not select the course “Research Seminar” in your first semester.

01/09/2022 Department 1 - Business and Economics

a) Electives (Please note that not all master programmes have electives in each of the two

Please give your choice by setting priorities. Pay attention that courses are not overlapping in the

Click on Prioritization:

You need to select a minimum of one, two or three courses (the minimum number of selection
alternatives is given in the information area). We recommend you chose additional priorities. In
some masters, some courses are offered in German only.

01/09/2022 Department 1 - Business and Economics

By clicking on the arrow in the field, more information will be shown, such as lecture dates, times
and rooms.

You may change the order of your priorities by moving the rows. Row no.1 means first priority, row
no.2 is second priority, etc. Please save your changes by clicking on Prioritization.

01/09/2022 Department 1 - Business and Economics

You can select courses with up to 32 semester weekly hours. Please be aware that the courses of
your study plan are mandatory. If you choose to do additional courses such as language courses, you
need to make sure you have enough time for the tasks of your study plan, such as case studies, group
work, presentations, etc.

You can change your priorities and course registrations any time during the registration period.

!!! Course registration is only possible during the registration period. After the deadline, the above
explained functions are de-activated and your courses may disappear until the places in the courses
are finally allocated by the administration of HWR Berlin. This takes about a week after the end of
the registration period. You can then find your personal timetable at My Studies – My Courses,
including all courses that you have been admitted to:

b) Mandatory courses

Click „Enroll / Cancel“ and then “Enroll” to register for a mandatory course. Please be aware that
mandatory courses are obligatory whether you register for them or not. You will loose one attempt
of your examination if you do not attend the course. If you register for the course, it will appear in
your schedule.

01/09/2022 Department 1 - Business and Economics

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