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This option follows the same route as the classic

route, but it is suitable for those travelers who do
not have much time, for which we eliminate the
rest days; it is certainly more physically
demanding; but you can see all the mountains,
you cross the same steps, you even get to the
Mirador San Antonio from where you can admire
the Siulá Grande, the mountain made known
worldwide by Joe Simpson in his book "Touching
the void." If you have little time, but want to do the
full tour, you should consider this option.

Duration: 10 days
Distance: 105 Km Approx.
Grade: Moderate - difficult
Starting point: Cuartelwain
Return: Llámac
Elevation: 3300 - 5000m
Going up to Paso Cuyoc, Huayhuash
Day 1: Huaraz - Llámac - Cuartelwain 4170m.
Day 2: Cuartelwain - Qaqanan Pass 4750m -
Mitucocha 4230m.
Day 3: Mitucocha - Paso Carhuac 4600m -
Carhuacocha 4138m.
Day 4: Carhuacocha - Paso Carnicero 4630m -
Huayhuash 4330m.
Day 5: Huayhuash - Paso Portachuelo 4750m -
Viconga 4407m
Day 6: Viconga - Cuyoc Pass 5000m - Guanacpatay
Day 7: Guanacpatay - Mirador San Antonio 5010m
- Huayllapa 3600m.
Day 8: Huayllapa - Tapush Pass 4800m -
Qashpapampa 4600m.
Day 9: Qashpapampa - Paso Yaucha 4750m -
Jahuacocha 4070m.
Day 10: Jahuacocha - Paso Pampa Llámac 4300m
- Llámac - Huaraz

Other options:
• Depending on the time available, it is possible to
have a rest day in any of the lagoons, especially
Carhuacocha or Jahuacocha.

• The road that runs from Carhuacocha through

the Siulá Pass to the Huayhuash camp (day 4), is
more complex because in that section you cannot
count on the assistance of the emergency horse,
but at the same time the one of greatest interest
because in the route visits the three lagoons. If
you are not willing to take that path, we
recommend you take the common path, where
the mules walk.

To keep in mind:
• Before doing this hike, acclimatization of at least
two days is essential. You can take conventional
one-day bus excursions such as visiting the
Llanganuco lagoons, the Chavín de Huantar
archaeological center; or take short day hikes in
the Cordilleras Blanca or Negra around Huaraz.

• Carry bottle (s) with water in the summer

season it is very hot.
• Wear warm clothes, because in the mountains
the temperature drops rapidly, especially at
down, at night and sometimes when the sun is
covered by clouds.

What to see and do

In the 30 km, of the Cordillera Huayhuash, one of
the most beautiful hiking circuits in the world
takes place: hills covered with perpetual snow,
multicolored lagoons, crystalline sources of
water, green fields and a great diversity of flora
and fauna, Andean customs , Etc.

Mirador Gran Vista Cordillera Huayhuash

The most common activity in this mountain range
is walking, in recent years many roads have been
built, so parts of the Cordillera Huayhuash can be
visited in fewer days than the classic circuit takes
(12 days).

Another activity is mountaineering; but most of

the peaks in this mountain range are very difficult
to ascend, this means that it is necessary to have
experience in climbing. Among the mountains of
moderate difficulty that can be climbed are:
Pumarinri 5465m, Diablo Mudo 5350m and Leon
Huaqanan 5420m, the latter located in the Raura
Mountain Range; Any of the mentioned
mountains can be reached by doing the classic

Another activity to do in the Cordillera

Huayhuash is fishing when in most of the lagoons
there are trout, so if you are interested you can
bring your fishing kit. There is also the possibility
of horseback riding and mountain biking.
Time and weather
The climate in the Cordilleras Blanca and
Huayhuash is determined by their proximity to
the equator and also by the relationship between
the humid air of the Amazon basin and a
perpetual low pressure over the area of the
Pacific coast, the latter caused by the cold
current from the Humbolt, which draws
moisture-laden air from the mountains to the
Snowy Hirishanka in the Cordillera Huayhuashh
The rainy season runs from October to March,
and the dry season, also known as "Andean
Summer", runs from April to September. During
the Andean summer the weather is stable, with
only one or two days of bad weather during any
perfect week. It is in the summer months that
most of the hiking and mountaineering activities
take place.

A typical day in the Andean summer begins with

a cloudless day with a blue sky at noon, the
temperature rises reaching around 20 ° C at
4000m. Mornings and afternoons are very cold at
this altitude and it can easily drop to 0 ° C. Wind
is generally not a major problem at this time of
Flora and fauna of the Cordillera Huayhuash
The Cordillera Huayhuash has an Andean flora
and unique fauna in it there are also some rare
species. In the winter time (October - March) and
the first months of spring, the landscapes turn
into something heavenly with green ichus (Stipia
ichu) and multi-colored flowers. The green of the
slopes, the glow of the white mountains, the pure
blue of the mountain skies reflected in the
waters of the sweet lagoons, are simply beautiful
landscapes that in few parts of the planet can be

Common flower of the Cordillera Huayhash
In the Cordillera Huayhuash there are many
unique plants. Some of them grow at ground
level like Kalua kalua (Wernenia nubigena),
which has a yellow daisy-like flower; or the
important tree, the Quenual (Polilepis
werberaueri), which grows even close to 5000m,
these form forests that are the irreplaceable
habitat of many other plants and animals. There
are plants that live in the water of the lagoons
like the Cattail (Scirpus riparius), of those that
have a fascinating inflorescence like the Atasuku
(Gentianella weberbaurei); Macha-macha
(Pernettya prostate), which has some fruits that
could be mistaken for small grapes, but has
hallucinogenic effects for those who consume it,
with a handful of approximately more than 100g,
it could lead to intoxication because we
recommend not trying it. There are also
medicinal plants such as Ezcorzonera
(Homoiantus multifloras), which is used for
bronchial infections, we could make an extensive
list naming all of them. Biologist Roberto
Arevalo, who made a catalog in the Cordillera
Huayhuash, identified 272 plants grouped into
148 genera and 55 families. Here are some plants
that can be seen during the tour:
Ahuash (Áulica gigantea)
Hummingbird (Colibri coruscana)
Condor (Vultur gryphus)
Huayhuash or Weasel (Mustela freanata)
Hummingbird (Oreotrochilus estella)
Pichuichanca (Zonotrichia capensis)
Toad (Bufo spinulosos)
Taruca (Hippocamelus antisensis)
Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Deer (Odocoileus virginiaus)
Vizcacha (Lagidium peruvianum)
Wachua (Berniola meloneptera)
Wiskur (Cathartes aura)
Fox (Duscicyion culpaeus)
Thrush (Merula gigantea)
Mountains and lagoons of the Cordillera
In the 30 km of length of the mountain range
there are numerous snowy hills, as well as
several lagoons, rivers and streams

Siula Grande mountain Cordillera Huayhuash

The six peaks that exceed 6000m are:
Yerupaja 6634m
Siula 6344m
Sarapo 6127m
Jirishanca 6094m
Yerupaja Chico 6089m
Rasac 6017m

The other peaks that exceed 5000m are:

Butcher 5960m
Rondoy 5870m
El Toro 5830m
Mitaraju 5750m
Nevada Jurau 5674m
Trepecio 5653m
Nevada Suerococha 5625m
Ninashanca 5607m
Seria Punta 5567m
Nevada Quesillo 5600m
Nevada Huaraca 5537m
Jirishanca Chico 5446m
Cuyoc 5550m
Sueroraju 5439m
Sarapococha 5370m
Dumb Devil 5350 m

Among the gaps we have:

Caramarca, Etc.
Reserved Zone "Cordillera Huayhuash"
General objective: The conservation of the high
mountain ecosystems contained in this mountain
range area, as well as the protection of the
exceptional scenic beauty.

Laguna Mitucocha Cordillera Huayhuash Peru

Date created: December 24, 2004

Location: Communities: Llámac, Pacllón (Ancash

Region), Queropalca, Jesús, Tupac Amaru
(Huanuco Region), Uramaza and Huayllapa (Lima

Area: 67 589.76 hectares

Elevation: From 3650 to more than 6000m (the

highest peak is Yerupajá 6634 m.)
Climate: Precipitation and temperature vary
according to altitude, in general the average
temperature is between 9ºC and 0ºC.

Biodiversity: According to the studies developed

by Carlos Arévalo of the Mountain Institute, 272
species of plants have been identified, grouped
into 148 genera and 55 families in the Cordillera
Huayhuash. There are 61 species of birds, 14
mammals, 2 amphibians, and two species of fish.
Ten species of birds have been identified as
endangered. Some examples of the fauna of this
area are Weasel (Mustela Frenata), whose name
in Quechua language is “Huayhuash”, from which
the name of this Mountain range derives; Condors
(Vultur griphus), Vizcachas (Lagidium
peruvianum), Wachuas (Berniola melanoptera),
the Shirish (Oreotrochilus estella), and the
Andean Fox (Dusicyion culpaeus). Among some
plants we have: Totora (Scirpus riparius), Ichu
(Stipa festua sp.), Quenual (Polilepys
weberbaueri), Escorzonera (Homoiantus
multiflora), and Huamanripa (Senecio

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