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Use of English

1. Fill in the words correctly.

advance, bunk beds, dormitory, double room, family room, key, reception, single room,
twin room, vacancies
1. If you book a room for one person, you usually book a ______.
2. If you want a room with a double bed, you book a .
3. If you want a room with two separated beds, you book a .
4. For families there are usually special offers if they take a .
5. In youth hostels rooms are often shared by 10 or more people. This kind of room is
called .
6. To get 10 people into one room, two beds are usually placed on top of each other. They are
called .No matter where you're staying, you usually have to fill in a form at
the .
7. Then the receptionist tells you your room number and gives you the for your room.
8. During high season it's advisable to book a room in .
9. If a B&B is fully booked, they usually have a sign in the window saying »No «.

2. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a – d next to the number 1 – 4.

1…….. platform a. A small piece of paper to allow you to use a train

or bus.
2…….. ticket b. The place in a train station where people get on
and get off trains.
3…….. single (ticket) c. A ticket to travel to a place, but not to travel back
4…….. return (ticket) d. A ticket to travel to a place and back again.

3. Choose the correct variant:

1. My doctor ________ some medicine for me.
a) prescribed
b) persuaded
c) persisted
2. I'm having ________ sleeping.
a) hard
b) trouble
c) difficulty
3. The doctor told me to ________ the pills three times a day.
a) take
b) eat
c) consume
4. He ________ a few tests. He performed/did a few tests.
a) hurried
b) carried
c) ran
5. To come ________ with something. To become ill/sick
a) clean
b) out
c) down
6. You can expect to make a ________ ( = complete) recovery.
a) full
b) fully
c) fool-proof

4. Grammar
1. Present Tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect

1) Derek _____________ flowers for his mom every Mother’s day.

1. buys 2. to buy 3. will bought 4. buying
2) We usually _____________ to the beach with our friends every week.
1. have gone 2. going 3. goes 4. go
3) The Sun _____________ in the east and _____________ in the west.
1. rising, setting 2. rises, sets 3. rise, set 4. to
rise, to set
4) Tom and Linda _____________ the subway train to work every day.
1. takes 2. took 3. take 4. have taken
5) He _____________ the car at the moment.
1. is washing 2. are washing 3. washed 4. has washed
6) Shh! Be quiet the baby _____________ now.
1. sleeps 2. has slept 3. are sleeping 4. is sleeping
7) I _____________ him since yesterday morning.
1. hadn’t seen 2. hasn’t seen 3. haven’t seen 4.haven’t seeing
8) The Prime Minister _____________ a speech in the television right now.
1. is giving 2. was give 3. are giving 4. Given
9) We _____________ cleaning the kitchen.
1. had just finished 2. have just finished 3. Just have finished 4. had just
10) For three hours, Jim _____________ for his mother at the airport.
1. have waited 2. is waiting 3. waited 4. has waited
11) Lauren and Sarah _____________ Spanish with Mrs. Andersen right now
1. are studying 2. is studying 3. will study 4. studied
12) So far, He _____________ anything to make me feel bad.
1. haven’t done 2. having done 3. hasn’t done 4. hadn’t done

5. Translate the sentences into English

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