LP For Final Demo.. Eponyms of Words

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064-572-6321; sbcmlanghs@gmail.com

Quarter : 4 Week : Date: April 15(tentative),

Grade : 9 Subject : English Section: Nehemiah
Teacher/s : Arbaiya L. Talusan



A. Competency (-ies): Identify the eponyms of words (Explain how words are
derived from names of person and places)

 Know Goal (Cognitive) – Define eponyms of words

 Understand Goal (Affective) - Identify and explain the origin of common
 Do Goal (Psychomotor) – Construct new sentences using eponyms of words
B. Lesson: Eponyms of Words

C. Resources: Textbook about Integrated English for Effective Communication

Grade 9 (Phoenix). Pages 183-186.

D. Biblical Integration: Proverbs 22:1 “A good name is more desirable than great
riches; favour is better than silver and gold”


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminaries

( Stand up everyone. May I Students will stand. Noesbi will lead
request Noesbi to lead us a the prayer .

Good morning ma’am Arbaiya, good

2.Greetings morning classmates. Its nice to see
( Good morning class!) you again. Mabuhay!

There’s no absent today, ma’am .

3.Checking of attendance
( Class monitor, do we have
absentees today?)
As our class is going on, we are
4. Setting of classroom standards expected to;
( Alright class, what are the 1. Sit properly
things you need to do while the 2. Listen attentively
class is going on?) 3. Raise your right hand
when reciting or
asking questions
4. Participate in class

5. Motivation
Arrange the scrambled words to
make it correct.
(Answer vary)
With the arranged word, what do
you think is our lesson for today?

At the end of 60 minute lesson, I can;

6. Presentation of objectives
( Let us read the objectives of our 1. Define eponyms of words
lesson today.) 2. Identify and explain the origin of
common eponyms.
3. Construct new sentences using
eponyms of words

A. Pre-Assessment
On a ¼ sheet of paper, draw a ⭐ (star ) if the statement is true and draw a 🌙
(moon) if the statement is incorrect.
1. The word “eponymous” is a French word which means named after.
2. “Epi” meaning ‘name’
3. Eponym refers to a person, place or thing for whom or which something is
named after.
4. “Victorian” word is an example of eponym.
5. “onyma” meaning “upon or after”

Answer !
1. 🌙
2. 🌙
3. ⭐
4. ⭐
5. 🌙

B. Acquisition

How are words derived from names of persons and places?

-(Based on the contribution of the person or how the place is known.)
- (answer vary)

Read and examine the sentence below.

“ As I entered the hotel lobby, I was welcomed by a warm Victorian ambiance. The
hotel was decorated and furnished in a Victorian theme”.

What does the word Victorian mean? How is it related to Queen Victoria of England?
-(It is something that is about or related to Queen Victoria of England?)
- ( Answer vary)

Today, the word Victorian is used to describe something that resembles the style of
furniture and house decorations during the reign of Queen Victoria in England. This
word may also refer to people who overly proper . Queen Victoria was known for her
austere lifestyle and strict adherence to morality.

Queen Victoria’s name is an eponym of the describing word “Victorian”.

What is eponyms?
Greek word “eponymous” which means named after.
“epi” meaning “upon or after”
“onyma” meaning ‘name’
An eponym refers to a person, place or thing for whom or which something is named
after. Knowing the eponyms of words will help us explain the origin and true meaning
behind words.
Look at the following examples of words and their corresponding eponyms
Words Meaning Eponym
America/ American A North American nation Amerigo Vespucci was an
composed of states with Italian cartographer who
Washington, D.C as the created the earliest maps
capital. of America. When Martin
Waldseemuller made the
world map, he named the
continent after Vespucci,
calling it America.
tuxedo A formal evening wear for The name was taken from
men Tuxedo Park, New York
where the garment was
first worn.
pasteurized To kill bacteria through Louis Pasteur, a famous
the process of heating scientist, how bacteria
caused certain diseases.
The word pasteurize was
taken after his surname.
jacuzzi A swirling, whirlpool bath The term was coined from
inventor named Candido
Jacuzzi who invented the
whirlpool bath for his son
who suffered from
rheumatoid arthritis.
vandal Someone who The word is derived from
intentionally ad the name of Germanic
deliberately destroys tribe who invaded Gaul,
other people’s properties Spain, and North Africa
during 5th century. These
were the vandals.
A unit use to measure James Scott was a
watt power Scottish inventor who
helped develop the steam
engine. The word watt is
derived from his name.
The addictive chemical in The word came from Jean
tobacco products such as Nicot who promoted
nicotine cigarette smoking in France in the
16th century.

C. Make-Meaning
Activity 1
You will be grouped by column, each group will be given a 2 words. With the
given words, you will search the meaning, identify the origin of each word and
explain how the word is derived from the name of a place, person, or thing. Cite
your sources. You are given 5 mins. to answer and 3 mins. to present. Each
group will select 2 representative to present. You will be graded on the rubrics






Excellent 5 Good 4 Fair 3
Content Both words' Meanings and origins Meanings and origins
meanings and are mostly accurate are somewhat
origins are accurate but lack some details. accurate but may
and well-explained. Derivations are contain minor errors.
Derivations from explained but could be Derivations are
place names, more specific. attempted but lack
people, or things clarity.
are clear and
Evidence is shown Some evidence of Limited evidence of
Research/ of consulting using reliable sources using sources is
Accuracy of multiple sources is shown. shown, or sources
information (dictionary, may not be entirely
etymology websites) reliable.
to support
Presentation is
Presentation clear, concise, and The presentation is The presentation is
engaging. Both mostly clear and mostly clear and
representatives organized, but may organized, but may
effectively deliver lack some details or lack some details or
the information. visuals . visuals .

Collaboration All group members Most group members One or two group
participate actively participate in the members do most of
in the research and research and the work.
presentation. Roles presentation. There Collaboration is
are assigned and may be some uneven limited.
responsibilities are participation.
shared effectively.

Activity 2
The teacher will return the student’s output on the activity 1. With the same
group, for additional 5 pts., you will exchange your output with another group.
At the back of the paper, each group will use the 2 words identified and
explained by another group in a sentence. After 3 minutes of preparation, each
group will read aloud their work on their seats.

D. Transfer
1. Application
On a ¼ sheet of paper, you will be individually tasked with constructing your
own sentences using at least two of the eponyms you learned. Afterward, 5
students will be randomly selected by spinning the wheel to share his /her
work with the class.

2. Assessment / Evaluation

Instructions: On a ½ crosswise, fill the blanks with its corresponding

1. The word __________is a Greek word which means named after.
2. _________ refers to a person, place or thing for whom or which something
is named after.
3. “Onyma” means ____________.
4. _________meaning “upon or after”
5. Queen Victoria’s name is an eponym of the describing word ________
6. “Jacuzzi” term was coined from inventor named _______
7. The term ________ is derived from the name of Germanic tribe who
invaded Gaul, Spain, and North Africa during 5th century.
8. Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian ________who created the earliest
maps of America.
9. The term _______ is named after Louis Pasteur, a famous scientist,
who discovered how bacteria caused certain diseases.
10. The term _____ was taken from Tuxedo Park, New York where it
was first worn.
Answer key!
1. Eponymous
2. Eponyms
3. Name
4. Epi
5. Victorian
6. Candido Jacuzzi
7. Vandal
8. Cartographer
9. Pasteurize
10. Tuxedo


Assignment: I’m sure you have your favourite books and movies. Can you find other
eponyms hiding in your favorite books or movies? Write them down on a 1/8
illustration board and see if you can guess their secret messages!

Remember: There are no wrong answers! Be creative in writing, have fun, and keep
exploring the world of words!

(sa product po pwd dw e assignment n lng)

Prepared by: Arbaiya L. Talusan Evaluated by: Mrs. Marilyn P. Tungala

Pre- Service Teacher Critic Teacher

Checked by: Dolly Joy V. Valenzuela MAED

School Principal

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