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Blog journal #2 – creating + testing product

Throughout the past 2 weeks I have done significant progress with my capstone project.

Firstly, I began my research on gym workouts that I can include in my workout plan. After doing
my research I created a workout plan specifically for the gym and the machines that are
provided, I’ve uploaded it to my website, and was consistent with this plan for the full 7 days of
the week. I also encouraged some of my close friends to also try this challenge with me, so that
we can motivate each other to go to the gym together.

Secondly, I began to do some research on the benefits of fitness to one’s mental health and
what the pros/cons can be. I found it Important to identify the cons as well so I could find ways
to try to contradict them or find a different method of fitness that is suitable for everyone. After
doing all the research I started to create more mental health worksheets to fill out post
workout/exercise to reflect and assess how you feel mentally and physically. I also started
looking into more factors that may affect someone’s well-being and fitness like their hours of
sleep and how much water they drink a day.

Thirdly, I started to try new ways outside of the gym to maintain good fitness. Every day after
school I took an hour walk in my neighbourhood, and on the weekends, I tried to go on hikes
and new trails with my friends and some family members. The purpose of doing this is so that I
can include different ways of fitness so everyone who visits my website can find different things
to do. For example, if they don’t have a gym membership or enjoy being out in nature, they
might like to try new hikes and trails, another purpose of this is that I can review the hikes/trails
that I do and rank their level of intensity for other people to see before they attempt doing it.

Fourthly, I started to ask around peers and adults at school and at the gym for their advice and
tips to help keep people motivated and encourage them to incorporate fitness in their lives.
I'm planning on adding a page to my website regarding tips that I've received from others
because I feel that it can be helpful. I've asked for permission to record these people when
talking to them so that I can post the videos on my website and other people can view it.

Finally, i created and started updating my official website as my product . I wasn’t sure where to start and what to add,
so I looked at other similar websites for inspiration. I began working on the home page and
creating different pages on the website like, and about me page, a mental health page, a gym
page, at home page, and outdoors page. I showed my website to some teachers to get tips and
pointers on what to add and take off.

To help myself stay motivated I’ve asked my friends and family to participate with me in my
walks, hikes, workouts, and filling in my worksheets. They encourage me a lot and I also
encourage them. I think it’s important to have support when trying new things and whenever
my friends can help me out, they do. I’m thankful for the support I’ve received, and I want to
give others the same type of support my friends have given me

This week:

I plan on trying new hikes and ranking them on my website for how hard and how long they
are and uploading pictures to the hikes and trails section on my website. I was focused on gym
workouts last week and now I want to be focused on outdoor fitness. a source/mentor I can ask
is my uncle he hikes regularly and takes his dog on many trails often he can provide me with
some locations to try out for myself and I can ask some of my friends to come with me so I
don't have to go alone and so we can reflect on how we feel after.

I also want to update my website and add more things to the pages and continue my research
on the benefits of fitness with mental health and figure out a way to incorporate that in my
website as a part of proof of my research

I want to add the app that I installed on my phone to track my steps and calories onto my
website because I think it is resourceful and that it could benefit others the same way it has
benefited me.

Core skills + learning

the core skills I worked on throughout the past two weeks was self-determination and well-
being because I set a goal for myself and was able to complete that goal by finding ways to
motivate myself.
I also worked on my critical thinking skills because I needed to do a lot of research the past
couple weeks to help me for my website and find things to include that is accurate. I was able
to analyze and critique my work and learning and ask advice from teachers and people around
me to add on to the information that I'm learning.
I was also able to develop and design my website and explore and create new ways to
represent my learning and, I could understand the purpose for my work and consider my
audience my website is mainly focused for teenagers and young adults, and I have tried to
include things that may interest them.
I have also worked on my creative thinking I created new and unique ideas that influence how
people think about topics for example I am finding new ways to help encourage people who
don't normally exercise or include fitness to start doing that and I was able to use the
environment around me including others and my unconscious mind to generate new ideas

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