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Test 9-10 (Variant 1)

1 Translate the words into English.

1) Діалект
2) Століття
3) Рідна мова
4) Аптечка
5) Носій рідної мови
6) Мотузка, шнурок
2 Read and complete the sentences with the third conditional form of the verbs
in brackets.

Hi Suzy!
I’m so sorry I didn’t meet you at the club. What a terrible day I’ve had! It all started
when my mum forgot to wake me up. If she 1 (remember) to wake
me up,
I2 (not be) late to meet you. And, if I 3 (not get up)
late, I 4 (have) time for breakfast. But I didn’t, I was in such a hurry.
And, if I 5 (not be) in such a hurry, I 6 (realize) it was
going to rain. But I didn’t notice the weather! Of course, if I 7 (take)
an umbrella,
I8 (not get) wet, but I forgot it, and my coat as well! And if the bus
9 (arrive) on time, I 10 (not walk) all the way to the
club. But I walked, and when I got there, it was closed! I promise I’ll meet you on time
next week!
3 Change
Sandra the direct statements into reported speech. Change the verbs and
the pronouns.
1 “I’m learning Italian,” said Toby. Toby Italian.
2 “We aren’t going on holiday until August,” said Carrie and Ella. Carrie and Ella said
on holiday until August.
3 “We tried all the activities and sports,” said Freddie. Freddie said ____________________
all the activities and sports.
4 “I’m fluent in French,” said Suzy. Suzy said fluent in French.

4 Complete with the correct form of the present continuous and reflexive pronouns
from the box. There are two words you don’t need.
themselves myself itself himself ourselves herself

1 2 3 4

1 They (behave).
2 She (teach) to cook.
3 He (sing to).
4 It (wash).

Test 9-10 (Variant 2)

1 Translate the words into English.
1) Рідна мова
2) Континент
3) Аптечка
4) Багатомовний
5) Акцент, вимова
6) Офіційна мова
7) Складаний ніж
8) Пляшка води
2 Read and complete the sentences with the third conditional form of the verbs
in brackets.

Hi Suzy!
I’m so sorry I didn’t meet you at the club. What a terrible day I’ve had! It all started
when my mum forgot to wake me up. If she 1 (remember) to wake
me up,
I2 (not be) late to meet you. And, if I 3 (not get up)
late, I 4 (have) time for breakfast. But I didn’t, I was in such a hurry.
And, if I 5 (not be) in such a hurry, I 6 (realize) it was
going to rain. But I didn’t notice the weather! Of course, if I 7 (take)
an umbrella,
I8 (not get) wet, but I forgot it, and my coat as well! And if the bus
9 (arrive) on time, I 10 (not walk) all the way to the
club. But I walked, and when I got there, it was closed! I promise I’ll meet you on time
next week!
3 Change
Sandra the direct statements into reported speech. Change the verbs and
the pronouns.
1 “We tried all the activities and sports,” said Freddie. Freddie said ____________________
all the activities and sports.
2 “We aren’t going on holiday until August,” said Carrie and Ella. Carrie and Ella said
on holiday until August.
3 “I’ll buy you both a souvenir,” said Marianne. Marianne said ____________________
us both a souvenir.
4 “I can’t wait for the end of the exams,” said Tom. Tom said for
the end of the exams.
4 Complete with the correct form of the present continuous and reflexive pronouns
from the box. There are two words you don’t need.
themselves myself itself himself ourselves herself

1 2 3 4

1 They _____________________ (behave).

2 She (teach) to cook.
3 He (sing to).
4 It (wash).

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