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This section of Warhammer 40,000 details the rules of the game - the nuts and bolts of how different
troops move and fight on the battlefield.
This is a combination of the various FAQs and trial rules introduced over the life of Warhammer 40,000 3rd Edition.
You’ll find this rulebook to be a somewhat ‘trimmed down’ affair compared to the actual, gloriousness that is the 3rd
Edition Rulebook as this is designed to be mainly used as a gaming aid more so than a delightful tome to pour over.
These are the rules we’ll be using for all 3rd-A-Palooza events, but feel free to use these for whatever you like…treat yo

– 3rd-A-Palooza EO Team.


As well as the Warhammer 40,000 book, there are a few other As well as players, armies, a battlefield and terrain there are a few
items you will need white you are playing. other things you'll need when playing. For troop movement etc,
For a start, you'll need two or more players, with a selection of you will need at least one measuring device marked in inches
miniatures to represent their forces and a battlefield for them to (such as a ruler or retractable tape measure). All distances in
fight over. Any firm, level surface will do, such as a tabletop or an Warhammer 40,000 are in imperial measurements.
area of floor - most kitchen tables will do fine! It's a good idea to You will need some ordinary six-sided dice, and a Scatter dice will
protect the table from scratches and chips with a blanket or cloth. also be useful. Finally, a pen and some paper can be handy for
Some players use a special gaming board made from chipboard noting down damage to vehicles, casualties on units and other
on top of the table to extend their playing area. To complete the details that will crop up during a game.
battlefield, you should try to obtain some terrain such as hills,
fences, ruined buildings, jungle or woods. Terrain, whether you
made it yourself or bought it, adds realism to your battles and
gives armies something to fight over or use as much needed
cover from enemy fire. You can find out more about armies and
battlefields in the Battles Book.


There are lots of occasions in Warhammer 40,000 when you have In very rare circumstances you may be told to roll a D3. Since
to roll dice to see how the actions of your troops turn out – how there's no such thing as a three-sided dice, use the following
effective their shooting is, what damage they've done to a vehicle, method for determining a score between 1 and 3. Roll a D6 and
how far they fall back from enemy fire and so on. All of the dice halve the score, rounding up. Thus 1 or 2=1, 3 or 4=2 and 5 or
rolls in Warhammer 40,000 use a standard six­ sided dice (usually 6=3.
shortened to '06'). Sometimes you may have to modify the result
of the dice roll. This is noted as 06 plus or minus a number, such
as 06+ 1 or 06-2. Roll the dice and add or subtract the number to A few weapons are fairly random in their accuracy and require
or from the score to get the final result. For example, 06+2 means you to roll a Games Workshop Scatter dice to determine where
roll a dice and add 2 to the score, giving a total of between 3 and they land. This Scatter dice is marked on four sides with an arrow,
8. and on two sides with a special 'HIT' symbol. Simply roll the
Scatter dice near the target point, if an arrow is rolled this shows
You may also be told to roll a number of dice in one go, which is which direction the shot has deviated in. If a Hit symbol is rolled
written as 2D6, 3D6 and so on. Roll the indicated number of dice this generally means the shot is bang on target. Some weapons
and add the scores together, so a 2D6 roll is two dice rolled and may scatter automatically, with no chance of a direct Hit, in which
added together for a score or between 2-12, 3D6 adds together case you will find a small arrow on the Hit side to determine the
the scores of three dice for a total of 3· 18 and so on. For direction.
example, a 2D6 roll or a s and a 3 are added together to score 8.
Another method sometimes used is to multiply the score of a dice
by a certain amount. Therefore, D6x5 means roll a D6 and In some situations, the rules allow you a 're-roll' of the dice. This is
multiply it by 5, giving a total between 5-30. exactly as it sounds - pick up the dice you wish to re-roll and roll
them again. The second score counts with a re-roll, even if it
Sometimes a combination of these methods may be used, such as means a worse result than the first, and no single dice can be re-
2D6+5 giving a score of between 7 and 17, or 3D6-3 which will rolled more than once, regardless of the source of the re-roll.
total 0-15.
In Warhammer 40,000 there are many different types of warriors ranging from the mighty Space
Marines to the brutal Orks and deadly Eldar. There are other creatures as well, some small, such as
the green-skinned Gretchin, and others as massive as the dreaded Tyranids. To represent these
creatures in the game there are nine categories that describe the various aspects of their physical or
mental make-up. These are called characteristics.

All characteristics are measured on a scale of 0 to 10. The higher

a characteristic the better it is. The characteristics are Weapon
Initiative (I)
Skill (WS). Ballistic Skill (BS), Strength (S). Toughness (T),
Indicates how alert a creature is and how last it can react.
Wounds (W), Initiative (I), Attacks (A), Leadership (Ld) and Save
Creatures with a low Initiative score are slow and
cumbersome; creatures with a high Initiative score are
Weapon Skill (WS) much quicker and more agile. In close combat initiative
gives faster creatures an edge over slower ones.
Defines how skilled a warrior is with his weapons in hand-to-hand
combat, or how determined and vicious a creature is. The higher Attacks (A)
the score the more likely the lighter will land blows on a hand-to-
hand combat opponent. An ordinary human has a Weapon Skill of Indicates the number of Attacks a creature makes during
3. A battle-hardened Space Marine will have a Weapon Skill of 4 close combat. Most creatures only attack once, although
or 5. some warriors of exceptional skill or monsters can strike
several times. The number of Attacks a creature can make
Ballistic Skill (BS)
is increased if it has the added impetus charging into its foe
Shows how accurate a warrior is with ranged weapons such as or is lighting using two weapons.
guns and energy weapons. It also includes a measure of the
warrior's technical competence with his weapons. The higher this Leadership (Ld)
score is the easier a creature finds it to hit when it shoots at
something. Some monsters have natural weapons that can be A creature with a high Leadership value is courageous,
used al range (they may be able to spit venom, lor example) and steadfast. and sell-controlled. A creature with a low value is
their BS is used to determine whether they hit or not. the opposite! Creatures with high Leadership can lead
others, inspiring them on to greater feats of valour.
Strength (S)
Save (Sv)
Shows how strong a creature is. An exceptionally puny creature
may have a Strength of 1, a deadly Tyranid Lictor has a Strength A creature's saving throw gives it a chance of avoiding
of 6 and most men have a Strength of 3. Strength tells us how
harm when it is struck or shot. Most creatures have a
hard a creature can hit in hand-to-hand combat and how easily it
saving throw based on what kind of armour they are
can hurt an opponent.
wearing, so their saving throw may be improved ii they are
Toughness (T) equipped with better armour. Other creatures may receive
a natural saving throw from having a thick hide or chitinous
Toughness measures a creature's ability to resist physical damage shell.
and pain and reflects such factors as the toughness of its flesh,
hide or skin. The tougher a creature is the better it can survive 0 LEVEL CHARACTERISTICS
enemy blows or shots.
Some creatures have been given a '0' lor certain
Wounds (W) characteristics which means that they have no ability.
Shows how much damage a creature can 1ake before it either
whatsoever in that field! This usually applies to creatures
dies or is so badly hurt it can't light any more. Most
humans/human-sized creatures have a Wounds value of only 1.
who are unable to use missile weapons, and .so they have
Large monsters are often able to withstand several wounds that a BS of 0, but it might equally apply to other characteristics
would slay a smaller creature and so have a Wounds value of 2, 3, too. For example, a defenceless civilian will have no Attacks
4 or more. whatsoever.
Although not a big difference, the greater Strength value gives the
CHARACTERISTIC PROFILES Space Marine a better chance of injuring or killing the Dark Eldar
Every creature in Warhammer 40,000 has a characteristic profile in hand-to-hand combat. The Space Marine's higher Toughness
that lists the value of its characteristics. In the Armies Book you means he is more able to survive any damage inflicted by the
will find profiles for many of the races and creatures of Dark Eldar. The Space Marine's thicker armour gives him a
Warhammer 40,000. The examples below show the profiles for a marked advantage over the Dark Eldar and any shot or blow that
hits the Space Marine is deflected on a D6 roll of 3 or more. The
Dark Eldar warrior and a Space Marine. Dark Eldar, however, needs a 5 or more to be saved by its mesh
Both creatures have 1 Wound which is the normal value for man-
sized creatures, but the Space Marine loses out when it comes to
Initiative. This is not a terrible disadvantage, but it does mean that
the Dark Eldar warrior wilt have an edge on the Space Marine
As you can see, a Dark Eldar warrior and Space Marine are once they get into I1and-to-hand combat, though the Space
similar in many respects. They both have the same Weapon Skill Marine's Toughness will make him hard to hurt. Both races have
and Ballistic Skill which means that they are very evenly matched the same Leadership of - 8 - better than the average Leadership
in combat. When it comes to Strength and Toughness however, for Orks and human warriors, which is only 7.
the Space Marine wins over the Dark Eldar as his Strength and
Toughness are 4 compared to 3.


Warhammer 40,000 allows you to fight battles with armies of Units of warriors fight in loose groups with gaps between each
troops and supporting units of tanks and guns. It is up to you as model. This gives the troopers the freedom to move over difficult
general of your forces to find the best way to use your vehicles terrain quickly and enables them to take advantage of such things
and infantry to achieve victory. The miniatures used to play as minor folds in the ground, scrub, and other small features to
Warhammer 40,000 are simply referred to as models in the rules shelter from enemy fire.
that follow. Each model is an individual playing piece with its own
capabilities. Similarly, artillery batteries consist of the guns and the crew that
fire them, vehicle squadrons are made up of a number of light
Of course, in real warfare soldiers group together to fight in vehicles and so on. The different elements of the unit have to stay
squads, teams, sections, etc - individual warriors do not normally together to remain an effective fighting force. This is detailed more
go wandering off on their own for obvious reasons! In Warhammer fully in the rules that follow.
40,000 we represent the way that real troops fight by grouping
them together into units. A unit will usually consist of several infantry models or small
vehicles that fight as a group, but it can also be a single, very
large and powerful model such as a battle tank, a monstrous alien
creature or a heavy gun and its crew. In the rules that follow all of
these things are referred to as units.
The Movement phase is your chance to move your troops. For example, you can send them into the
attack, move them in to cover, retreat from a superior foe or sweep around an enemy's vulnerable
side or rear. Although the movement phase is the easiest to perform, it's probably the most


If a unit is broken up for any other reason the models in it must be

In his turn a player may move each unit up to its standard Move
moved to restore coherency in the next movement phase. JI they
distance. Once one unit has completed all of its move, the player
cannot do so then the unit may not shoot or launch an assault until
selects another and moves that one, and so on until the player has
it is in a coherent formation again.
moved all of the units he wishes to move. This can be summarised
as: Models engaged in close combat are not bound by the above rule.
Once combat has finished the unit must form up again.
1. Choose a unit to move.
2. Move the unit up to its maximum move distance. Turning and Facing
3. Choose another unit to move.
As you move models in a unit, they can turn by any amount
Note that a player doesn't have to move all (or indeed any) of his without any penalty to the distance they are able to cover. Models
units. A unit that doesn't move is often more effective at shooting, are turned to face their targets in the
as we will explain later in the rules.
shooting phase so don't worry about which way they are pointing
at the end of their movement phase (although dramatically facing
off against their foes is traditional).
Warriors on foot move 6 inches (6") in the movement phase. This
represents most creatures moving at a run but stopping several
times to observe the surrounding landscape for enemies, snap off
a few quick shots with their weapons and so on.

Even warriors who are moving in a part of the battlefield where no

enemies may be apparent move 6”. Th s is because your troops
lack your own god-like knowledge that there is no enemy around.

A player cannot position a model so that it touches an enemy

during the move phase - he must wait until the assault phase to do
so. Opposing models must be left at least 1” away in the move
phase to keep l things clear.


As mentioned before, units are often groups of warriors operating
together. They fight in a loose formation with gaps between each
model. This gives the individual troopers freedom to move quicker
over difficult terrain and enables them to take advantage of cover.

When you are moving a unit the individual models in it can move
by any amount up to their maximum Movement distance.
Remember that units have to stick together otherwise individual
troopers or vehicles become scattered as the squad loses its
cohesion as a fighting unit.

Once a unit has finished moving, the models in it must form an

imaginary chain where the distance between one model and the
next is no more than 2".

During the course of a game it's possible a unit will get broken up,
usually because it takes casualties or individual models are
engaged in close combat. When this happens, the following rule
The galaxy is a vast place with millions of different worlds: ice Varying Terrain Difficulty
worlds, desert worlds, hive worlds, feral worlds and more others
than can be easily enumerated. The terrain covering these worlds You might want to try making various sorts of terrain harder or
can vary from broad, empty plains to sky-scraping towers of easier to move through for extra variation. This is easily done:
plexiglass and plas­steel, from verdant jungles to icy peaks or simply roll one, two or three D6 for a unit moving through the
baking hot deserts. terrain. You must decide first on how tough you think the terrain
should be. The more dice you roll the easier the terrain is to move
One factor is common to all of them, they all have areas seemingly through - so you might decide a muddy field is three 06 while a
designed to make it difficult to wage war. Of course, areas that tidal mud flat is one D6. This can also be used to represent
provide cover where warriors can fight or which present an moving on worlds with particularly high or low gravity in
obstacle to the enemy are vital in war, and these are destined to comparison to Earth - for example on a high gravity world you
become the bloodiest battlefields. might decide that you roll three D6 and pick the highest for
movement even when you are crossing open ground.
How to represent terrain on the battlefield is discussed further in
the Battles Book. For now, we’re going to discuss terrain only in
relation to troops moving through it. On this chart there are examples of what effect different
terrain ha$ on troop movement. In addition, you may want
CLASSIFYING TERRAIN to have a look at the random Terrain Generator charts in
the Battles Book section.
At the start of a game, you will need to have a look at the areas of
terrain on the tabletop and decide how difficult they will be to
traverse. Don't panic! There's a list of examples below. It's best if
you can agree the terrain with the person you're playing against,
but you can always roll dice for any areas you're not sure about.

Terrain is classified into three types: normal, difficult and


Normal. Grassland, crops, moors, most hillsides, streets,

buildings, gantries, ladders, steps, fields, open woods, sparse
brush or bushes, sand, rocky plateaus, craters, ice sheets,
scattered rocks or monoliths, most ruins and low walls, most
streams and rivulets.

Difficult. Sand dunes, loose ash or clinker slopes, steep hillsides,

thick mud, dense or tangled woodland, thick vegetation, jungles,
deep snow, marsh, peat bogs, waist-deep water (or other
harmless liquids), unstable piles of rubble.

Impassable. Very steep slopes and cliffs, high walls, bottomless

dust pits, geysers, lava, swamps, tar pits, sludge pools, toxic
waste, very deep water.

Units moving through dense terrain tend to slow down or stop
altogether. They may become temporarily lost and need to find
their bearings or could be physically slowed down by picking their
way through difficult ground full of potholes and tangling
vegetation. This means that units sent into some areas are not
entirely under the control of the force commander (i.e. you)

Normal. Standard rules apply, no additional effects on moving


Difficult. A unit of troops that is moving into, out of, or through

difficult terrain rolls two D6 and uses the highest roll as the
maximum distance it may move that turn.

If the dice roll is not high enough for the models to move into
difficult terrain, place them just inside its edge. Any models in the
unit which don't actually move in difficult terrain still get a full 6"
move but remember that they must form a continuous chain with
the rest of the unit that is in difficult terrain. Refer to image --->

Impassable. Can't be moved through at all unless the troops have

special training, supernatural abilities and/or the right equipment.
Where this is the case ii will be noted in the troops' or creatures'
In the shooting phase you have the opportunity to fire at the enemy with your forces. In a real battle
the guns thunder unceasingly and there is an almost constant exchange of fire between foes. To
represent this in a Warhammer 40,000 battle we split the firing up so that each player fires during
their own turn. This makes shooting simple to work out and keeps the game moving at a good pace.

In the shooting phase each of your units may fire. You can choose
1. Choose a target. Select an enemy unit for one of your
any of your units to shoot with, but you must complete all the firing
units to fire at.
by one unit before you move on to the next. Each model in a unit
2. Measure range. See if the target is within range of
can shoot with one weapon each. The whole unit has to fire all of
weaponry of your firing unit.
its weaponry at a single enemy unit of your choice, you may not
3. Roll to hit. Roll a D6 for each shot fired by the firing unit.
split fire between two or more target units. The shooting process
The model’s BS determines what score they must equal
can be summarised into the following five steps.
or beat to hit their targets.
Once you have completed this sequence with one of your units 4. Roll to wound. Roll again any dice that hit to see if the
select another unit and begin at step 1 again. Once you have shots wound their targets. The score needed is
completed steps 1 to 5 for each unit in your army you have determined by comparing the Strength of the firing
finished shooting and can move on to the assault phase. weapons to the Toughness of the target.
5. Remove casualties. The target unit’s owner removes any
The rules to the shooting phase also include details on weapons. casualties but attempts saving throws for models that
These appear later on in this section. have been wounded. Models in cover can always attempt
a saving throw.


As mentioned before, a firing unit can choose a single enemy unit

as. its target. There are several considerations when choosing a
target: namely can your unit see it, and will their weapons have
enough range to reach it?

You cart only select an enemy unit as a target it your unit can see
it, or at least part of it. Obviously, a unit cannot open fire if there is
a hill, building, or some other large object in the way.

Sometimes it may be hard to tell if a line of sight is blocked or not,

so players must stoop over the table for a 'model's eye view'. This
is the best way to see if a line of sight exists.

Models in the attacking unit do not block a line of sight (they duck,
crouch or get out of the way). Likewise ignore units from your own
side (your unit conducts its firing at a convenient moment when
their compatriots are not in the way). Enemy models and all
vehicles, friend or foe, do block a unit's line of sight if they are in
the way, just like buildings and other terrain. Enemy models will
block the line of sight to other models up to twice their height.
Individual models in the unit that
don't have a line of sight to the
target unit cannot fire, and any
models in the target unit that
cannot be seen by their attackers
cannot be hit by their firing.
Woods and Jungles
Not all kinds of terrain will
completely block line of fire. Areas
of terrain such as trees, shrubs,
bushes and other similar plant-like
obstructions will tend to form a
'grey area' where the enemy fades
out of sight the further in, they are.
The model terrain used to
represent woods and jungles is
made so that models can be
moved into and through it. In
reality woods and jungles would
be overflowing with all kinds of
greenery (or its alien equivalent)
so in this case the usual rules for
spotting targets. using the model's
eye view do not really work.

In woods and jungle, it is possible

for a model to see up to 6" into
areas of woods, jungles or similar
terrain. Models that are further
than 6" into the terrain cannot be
seen at all or see out themselves.
If both firer and target are within
the same area of vegetation, they
can only see each other if they are
within 6".

Note that although it is possible to

see into an area of woods or jungle
you cannot see through it even if it
is less than 6" deep. So, if a unit is
behind an area of woods or jungle,
they cannot be seen at all by
anyone on the other side.

As a final note you may want to

vary the distance that troops are
visible in woods or jungles to their
enemy. For example, you could try
reducing visibility to only 2-3" for
very dense growth or increase it to
8-12" for sparse woodland.

All weapons have a maximum effective range that tells you the
furthest distance they can shoot. If your target is beyond this
maximum range, then your shot misses automatically. This is why
you have to choose your target before measuring the range.

When checking range, measure to the nearest model in the target

unit. Models in that unit who are out of range cannot be hit, as
described in Casually Removal later.
When a unit fires, measure the distance lor each model in the unit.
Any that are out of range may not shoot.
Moving and Shooting
Whether or not a unit has moved can make a big difference to its
firing. If the warriors hold a position, take up firing stances and aim
at their targets property they can hit targets further away than if
they are firing on the move. In fact, some weapons are so heavy
they can only be used if their firer halts to brace themselves. For
the time being it's enough to know that moving makes a difference
to a unit's shooting. The most important thing to understand is that
the whole unit counts as moving even ii only some of it moved in
the movement phase.


To determine if the firing unit hits their target roll a D6 for each Rolling Dice to Hit
shot. Normally troopers will get to fire only one shot each, When a unit fires roll all of its To Hit dice together. Sometimes
however they can fire more than one shot with particular weapons there will be different weapons firing, or firers with different BS in
as we'll explain in more detail later. For those present just assume the same unit and you might find it convenient to use different
that each trooper fires one shot so they each roll one dice to hit. coloured dice for them so that they can be picked out easily. For
The dice score needed to hit will depend on how accurate the example, you could use green dice for all shots with plasma
firers are (as shown by their Ballistic Skill characteristic or BS). weapons and red dice for all shots with melta weapons.
The chart below shows the minimum D6 result needed to score a Alternatively, you can simply make separate dice rolls for different
hit. weapons or shooters. As long as ii is clear which dice rolls are lor
BS of Shooter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 which shots you can use any convention for this that you like.

Score to Hit 6 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+
For example, if the shooters are a unit of five Space Marines with
a BS of 4, you would roll 5 dice and each roll of a 3 or more would
score a hit.
To hit rolls are easy to remember as you just subtract the BS of
the shooter from 7. This will give you the number you need to hit.
For example, a model with a BS of 2 needs (7-2=5) 5 or more on a
D6 to hit.
As you can see, the minimum dice roll needed to hit is always at
least 2. There is normally no such thing as an automatic hit, a roll
of a 1 always misses. Ballistic Skills of more than 5 are shown for
comparative purposes; they are used fully in the Warhammer
40,000 Skirmish series games.

Hitting your target is not always enough to put it out of action. Not to convert the hit into damage. As with shooting roll the dice
all hits cause damage, and some targets can take quite a bit of together and once again you can use different coloured dice to
damage before they are destroyed. A hit might result in nothing represent different weapon strengths.
more than a superficial graze or flesh wound.
If this roll is successful, the target has been wounded and is
To decide if a hit causes damage, compare the weapon's Strength removed as a casualty. Casualties are not necessarily dead; they
characteristic with the target's Toughness characteristic. Each may be merely knocked unconscious or incapacitated in some
weapon has its own Strength score as given in the description of way. In any case, they are no longer fit to participate in the battle.
the weapon. Here are some examples of different weapons and
Note that N on the chart means that the hit has no effect. A target
their Strength characteristics.
with the Toughness indicated cannot be harmed by a hit of such a
puny strength.
EXAMPLE: A Space Marine armed with a bolt gun shot at an Ork
and hits him. A bolt gun has a Strength of 4 and the Ork has a
Toughness of 4. Referring to the chart a score of 4 or more is
needed to convert the hit into damage. If the dice roll is 4 or more
then the Ork takes a wound -as he has only 1 wound in tile first
place this means that he will be 'killed' and removed from play.

To work out the damage caused by the weapon consult the

following Damage chart. If you cross reference the weapon's
Strength (s) with the target's Toughness (T) the resulting number
is the minimum D6 result needed

Once the number of hits and wounds has been determined the
Units With More Than One Toughness Value
player owning the target unit must remove any casualties that
have been inflicted. This means that the owning player gets to Sometimes a unit will contain creatures with different Toughness
choose who is hit by the enemy's firing. Assuming that the models characteristics. When this is the case allocate hits before rolling to
in the unit have 1 wound each, one model is removed for each wound. You may only allocate one hit against each model until all
wound inflicted. of the models in the unit have taken one hit each.
Note that you can't choose to lump all of the wounds together
onto one model!
The owning player can remove any models from the unit,
providing they're within range of the attacker's weaponry. He can
even remove models from the rear of the unit - these troops were
slain as they advanced, and the rest of the unit continued moving
forward. Likewise powerful weapons will be picked up by other
members of the unit and so on, so it's perfectly fair for a player to
avoid taking casualties on (for example) heavy weapons or squad
leaders if he doesn't want to.
Before he removes models as casualties the owning player can
test to see if they survive being hit because their armour stops or
deflects the shot. Most troops wear some sort of protective
clothing or armour - even if it's only a helmet! If a model is wearing
armour it is allowed a further dice roll to see if the armour stops
him being wounded. This is called a saving throw.
To see if armour successfully stops damage roll a D6. The
following table shows how the minimum D6 score required varies
between the different types of armour.

Enemy fire will make even the hardiest troops
waver if their comrades start to fall in great
numbers. Outright flight is unlikely and unwise in
the face of intense opposition but even the most
seasoned veterans may fall back to regroup and
If the player rolls a D6 and gets equal to or greater than the score reconsider their tactics if they suffer too many
required, it stops the wound. casualties.
EXAMPLE: A Space Marine wearing power armour is hit and In Warhammer 40,000 such events are represented
wounded. The Space Marine is entitled to a saving throw of 3 so by units taking Morale checks when they suffer
he rolls a D6, scoring 5. The damage is therefore saved, and the casualties in the Shooting phase. Any unit losing
model is unharmed, the shot bounces harmlessly off his armour. 25% or more casualties from its current strength to
shooting during a shooting phase must make a
When a unit takes a number of wounds from an enemy unit Leadership test to hold their ground. Morale
shooting at it you can roll all saving throws together. The owning checks, falling back and regrouping are covered in
player then simply removes the wounded models all at once. more detail later.
Weapons can often pierce lighter types of armour and particularly
devastating weapons make a mockery of even the heaviest
armour. This is explained in more detail later.
Especially tough and heroic individuals such as Space Armour Saves and Multiple Wounds
Marine commanders or horrendous alien monstrosities like
Creatures that have multiple Wounds take their armour
Tyranid Lictors can sustain more damage than ordinary
saves just as ordinary troops with only 1 Wound do. If they
troopers and carry on lighting. To show this they have more
make their save, they suffer no damage but if they fail, they
than 1 Wound on their characteristic profile.
suffer 1 Wound. Against instant-death Strength weaponry a
When a creature like this suffers a wounding hit it loses 1 save can still be attempted (assuming the weapon doesn't
Wound. Once a creature has lost all of its Wounds it is have a good enough Armour Piercing value to just punch
removed as a casually. For example, a creature with 3 straight through their armour). II the save is made the shot
Wounds would only be killed after it had been wounded ricochets harmlessly off the model's armour or cover
three times. Keep track of how many Wounds a creature (phew); if it fails the model is removed as a casualty (urgh!).
has left on a piece of scrap paper or by placing a dice or
marker next to the model (Jervis has made little model Casualty Removal and Multiple Wounds
gravestones for his Wound markers!). If a unit is made up of creatures with multiple Wounds you
Instant Death! have to remove whole models as casualties where possible.
This is a convenient method which saves on both brain cells
Even though a creature might have multiple Wounds there and bookkeeping. For example, if you had a unit of Ork
are plenty of weapons in the 41st Millennium that are Nobz (hulking great things with 2 Wounds each) which
powerful enough to kill instantly. If a creature is wounded by suffered 5 Wounds from bolter fire, you would remove two
something that has a Strength value that is double its models as casualties and note down or place a dice by the
Toughness or greater it is killed outright and immediately unit to indicate that 1 Wound was carried over. If the unit
removed. It can be imagined they are vapourised, burned to later took another Wound, you would have to remove the
a pile of ash, torn limb from limb or otherwise mortally slain wounded Ork Nob first.
in a suitably graphic fashion.
If the hits are powerful enough to kill outright take off one
EXAMPLE: A Space Marine commander is Toughness 4 and model as a casualty lor each wounding hit inflicted. For
has 2 Wounds. Normally he could survive being wounded example, Ork Nobz are Toughness 4, so a lascannon
twice before being removed as a casualty. However. if he (Strength 9) can kill one Ork Nob with each hit. Hence two
were to have the misfortune to be hit by a Krak missile lascannon hits on a unit of Ork Nobz would remove two
(Strength 8 -normally used for knocking out battle tanks) he Nobz as casualties. Note that these 'instant kills' do not
would become a casually immediately because the missile's affect Wounds that are being carried over, these are
Strength is double his Toughness - he just isn't that tough! retained so that they can be made up to full kills by other
less powerful hits.
Powerful weaponry is quite capable of punching through different When the air is full of bullets and shrapnel some good solid cover
types of armour. This is shown by a weapon's Armour Piercing to lurk behind is always welcome. A position in cover shields
value. Nearly all weapons have an Armour Piercing rating. This is troops against flying debris, shots, blasts and shrapnel, enabling
most commonly 6, but potent weapons like bolters and heavy them to get their heads down or crawl amongst rocks and
weapons might have values of 5, 4 or even less. Some sample (hopefully) avoid harm. In a battle model in or behind cover get a
Armour Piercing ratings for different weapons are shown below. saving throw of 5 or 6 on a D6, or a saving throw from their own
armour, whichever is better.
The great thing about cover saving throws is that they are not
affected by the Armour Piercing value of the weapons firing, so
troops in cover will normally get a saving throw regardless of what
is firing at them.

The lower the rating the better, because it indicates the armour
save the weapon can defeat and automatically punch through. So,
a bolter with an Armour Piercing rating of 5 automatically pierces
armour which has a save of 5 or 6; a lascannon with its Armour
Piercing rating of 2 automatically pierces armour which has a save
of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6.
If the weapon's Armour Piercing value is sufficient to punch
through armour as described, then the target gets no save at all.
The armour is ineffective against the shot.
If the weapon's Armour Piercing value is not able to automatically
punch through the armour, then the target can attempt to save as
EXAMPLE: A bolter has an Armour Piercing value of 5 so Armour
saves of 5 or 6 are automatically ignored. Saves of 4+ are taken as

Invulnerable Armour Saves

or "Our weapons are useless!"
Some creatures or entities are protected by more
than mere physical armour. They may be shielded
by force fields, enwrapped by mystic energies or
have an alien metabolism that can shrug off hits
which would put holes in a battle tank. Models like
these are referred to as Invulnerable and always EXAMPLE: A Space Marine with a missile launcher fires a frag
get their saving throw even if the Armour Piercing missile (Armour Piercing 6) at a unit of troops who are using some
value of the weapons hitting them would normally mined walls as cover.
defeat their armour. Even if a hit normally ignores If the troops were Orks (save 6) they'd use the 5+ saving throw for
all armour saves, an invulnerable model gets to try being in cover as it is be/fer than their armour save (which would
and make its saving throws as normal. be useless against the frag missile anyway).
If the troops were Space Marines (save 3) they would get a 3+
Sometimes a creature has a normal armour save saving throw because the /rag missile doesn't pierce their armour
and a separate invulnerable armour save - a good and their own save is better than the cover save.
example of this is a Space Marine Chaplain who is
protected by power armour and a forcefield. In
cases where an invulnerable save is also available What Counts as Cover?
the owning player must decide which armour save II is hard to be completely definitive about what counts as cover,
to use before rolling the dice as the model will still different players will have access to all sorts of different terrain so
only get to make one saving throw. common sense is the best guide. The main criteria is that cover
has to be reasonably substantial. Basically, it is up to the players to
define what constitutes cover in their games, but here's a guide to
some of what we designate as cover.
Crates, Rocks, Woods, Jungles Ruins, Buildings and Vehicles
Cover which is notably more or less substantial than these can
have a different saving throw value if you choose. For example,
really light cover such as high grass or a chain link fence that
conceals troopers rather than protects them gives a cover save of
6+. Fortified bunkers, trenches or heavily reinforced
emplacements will give troops within them a cover saving throw of
When Do Models Count as in Cover?
Once again, common sense is your best guide in working out
whether models are actually in cover or not, and most of the time
it should be pretty obvious if they are. Some situations are a bit
more complex, and the following conventions will help you to
decide if a model is behind cover.

1. Models immediately behind cover such as rocks or walls

are protected from shooters that are on the other side.
2. The corner of a building, vehicle, or large rock counts as
cover to any models placed on the edge so that they are
partially obscured. The models lean out just far enough
to see and use their weapons, posing as small a target to
the enemy as possible. This is very useful when you are
fighting amongst buildings or ruins.
3. Models at windows or doors always count as being
behind cover from the models outside.
4. Models in craters, trenches or pits always count as being
in cover and protected from models outside. The interior
of large craters is pock-marked with smaller holes, etc,
so that even a model in the middle counts as in cover
from shots outside.

Units Partially in Cover

Sometimes a unit will only be partially in cover (i.e. some of the
models are in or behind cover and some of them are out in the
open). In this situation the owning player has to remove casualties
from amongst the models in the open first until there are none left
-they are the more obvious targets and will suffer
The technology of the 41st millennium has spawned innumerable weapons of destruction, ranging
from the simple but efficient laspistol to the barely controllable energies of the plasma cannon. In this
section we'll describe how special rules and characteristics reflect the differences between different

TYPE Models partially covered are hit on a 06 roll of 4 or more, models

completely covered are hit automatically. The defending player
Different weapons have unique characteristics when fired. Some has to remove any casualties inflicted from the models directly
guns rattle off a burst of shots enabling them to hit multiple beneath the Blast marker.
targets, others may fire a blast of energy or shell that explodes on
impact and can kill several things at once. These qualities are Unscrupulous players may be tempted to use blast weapons to
represented by a weapon's type. The different weapon types are pick off leaders and heavy weapons in an unrealistic fashion. To
blast, flame, rapid fire, pistol, heavy, barrage and linked. prevent this the following rule applies. The owner of the target unit
can move an incoming Blast marker onto a different part of the
In Warhammer 40,000 weapons that affect an area are target unit providing that:
represented by a template. There are three templates: a long tear
drop shaped template {flame template). a circular 3" template a) The Blast marker covers the same number of models (or more)
(Blast marker) and a circular 5" template (Ordnance marker). in the same unit.
When the weapon is fired place the relevant template on the b) The new target is within the firer's range and line of sight.
tabletop and any models fully or partially covered by it are
potential casualties. All weapons that use a template have the
word 'Template' instead of a number for their range. Flame Weapons
Multiple Shots Indiscriminate short-ranged weapons such as flame throwers
affect a broad, cone-shaped area represented by a template.
Some weapons like storm bolters and multi lasers fire multiple Instead of rolling to hit place the template so its narrow end is
shots. Where this is the case the number of shots a weapon can touching the base of the firing model, and the rest covers the
fire is noted after its type. For example, a multi laser can fire three maximum number of models in the target unit.
shots in each shooting phase so its type is noted as Heavy 3.
Models fully or partially under the template are hit automatically.
Blast Weapons As template weapons bathe the area in burning fuel, acidic spray.
Blast weapons fire shells, missiles or energy bolts that explode on etc., all cover is ignored when resolving hits. As for blast weapons,
impact, potentially injuring several victims with shock waves and casualties inflicted by flame weapons must be taken from
shrapnel. When you fire a blast weapon roll to hit as normal. If the amongst the models actually covered by the template.
shot misses ii has no effect. If ii hits place the Blast marker over
the target unit to see which models are affected.
Rapid Fire Weapons
Heavy Weapons
Self-loading weapons that carry a reasonably large amount of
ammunition are called rapid fire weapons. These are very Heavy weapons are heavy man-portable weapons such as heavy
common and usually come in the form of sub-machine guns or boilers or lighter weapons which need to be recharged between
assault rifles. They can lay down a withering hail of fire, especially each shot, carefully set up or whatever. If a unit moves then it
at close range if the firer is stationary and concentrates on aiming cannot shoot heavy weapons, they either move or shoot, but not
and firing. Their high rate of fire also means they can be fired both (remember that even if the model armed with the heavy
effectively 'from the hip' when a squad is advancing, spraying weapon doesn't move it still can't fire if other members of its unit
shots into the enemy whenever they present themselves. move). When shooting heavy weapons always fire the number of
times indicated regardless of range in the same way as assault
If a unit armed with rapid fire weapons moves, each model can weapons. They are very good for laying down long-range
shoot once at targets up to 12" away. supporting fire or knocking out tanks, strongpoints, etc.
If a unit armed with rapid fire weapons remains stationary each
Assault Weapons
model can shoot twice at targets up to 12" away or once at targets
over 12” away. Assault weapons are used to support units as they charge forward
into the attack. They either fire so rapidly or are so indiscriminate
Pistol Weapons that you don't have to do much more than point and shoot. For
Pistol weapons are similar to rapid lire weapons but are light example, a flamer is a weapon which fires a fan-shaped gout of
enough to be carried and fired one-handed. As they are lighter, burning fuel so it's just as accurate whether you are moving and
they often have a less powerful charge that limits their range. On firing or not. These weapons shoot the number of times indicated
the plus side they allow a trooper to fight in close combat with a - whether you move or not and regardless of range. This means
combination of pistol and sword, axe or other close combat they are very good for assaulting things ... hence the name!
If a model armed with a pistol moves it can shoot once at targets
up to 12” away.
If a model armed with a pistol weapon remains stationary it can
shoot twice at targets up to 12”. NOTE: If you fire your pistol twice,
you may not assault afterwards.
The Imperial Guard player fires the mortar
guessing the range to the target to be 32". A
Scatter dice and D6 are rolled, and the
template is moved 5" in the direction shown by
the arrow. As none of the Ork mob are near
where it lands, the mortar has missed.

Barrage Weapons
Certain blast weapons launch their shells high up into the air so
that they plunge down a distance away, passing over any
intervening obstacles en route.
Weapons like these fire by guessing the range to the target. They
are shown by their maximum range being preceded by a G
(Guess), e.g. G48". When you fire barrage weapons you have to
state the target unit and then guess the range to it in inches from
the firing unit. Intervening obs1acles and terrain do not block the
line of fire for these weapons, so you don't need a line of sight to
the target in order to shoot at it.
Place the Blast marker for the weapon at the distance guessed
and then see if it landed on target by rolling the Scatter dice and a
D6 together. If you roll a HIT symbol the shot lands at the range
guessed. If an arrow symbol is rolled the marker is shifted in the
direction indicated by the arrow a number of inches equal to the
roll on the D6. Calculate hits on enemy models and remove
casualties as for blast weapons (i.e. from beneath the Blast
II a unit has more than one barrage weapon they will all be fired
together in a salvo, with one Blast marker landing for each
weapon firing. Guess the range and roll for any potential scatter
with the first shot as above, this is the 'ranging shot' for the salvo
and all the other shots will land nearby. Once the first marker is in "Incoming!" - Barrage Pinning
place roll a Scatter dice for each other Blast marker in the salvo. If Barrages are sudden and shocking affairs - shells
an arrow is rolled place the marker in the direction indicated so scream down out of nowhere and troopers throw
that its edge is touching the edge of the marker placed for the themselves flat as the ground erupts into fountains
ranging shot. If a hit is rolled the firing player may place the of dirt and lethal shrapnel.
marker so that its edge is touching the edge of any of the Blast
markers in the salvo which have already landed. Units that suffer casualties from a barrage must
pass a Leadership test to avoid being pinned down.
If the unit fails it may not move, shoot or assault in
Note: If a Barrage Weapon lands in close combat, all underneath its following tum. At the end of its following turn the
the template can be hit. unit recovers and may act normally again.
A unit pinned down does not have to take a Morale
test if it sustains 25% casualties from enemy fire,
Linked Weapons the fact it is pinned overrides the Morale test.
Weapons are sometimes linked to fire together in order to
increase their chances of scoring a hit through the crude A unit must take a Pinning test every time it suffers
expedient of blasting more shots at the target. To represent the casualties from a Pinning attack from a different
fusillade of fire laid down by a linked. enemy unit.
weapon you may re-roll the dice to hit if ii misses. However, if the If assaulted by the enemy the pinned unit will fight
second roll is also a miss you can't re-roll the dice again. normally, ignoring the falling shells under the more
pressing circumstances of battle.

While firepower may be enough to drive an enemy back from open ground or lightly held
positions, shifting a determined foe from a fortified bunker or ruined settlement will need sterner
measures. In an assault troops storm forward screaming their battlecries, eager to strike at their
foe with knives, claws, gun butts or anything else in a desperate close combat.

The term Assault covers all seven steps summarised below:

1.Declare Charges. Announce which of your units intend to 5. Loser Checks Morale. The loser has to pass a Leadership
charge. test or fall back. If the loser fails the test, go to step 7.

2. Move Charging Units. Move units which are charging. 6. Pile In. If units are still locked in close combat, then any
unengaged models must move 6" towards the enemy to continue
3. Fight Close Combat. Troops fight in close combat. Models the fight next turn.
roll to hit, to wound, and then saving throws are made through ten
Initiative steps. 7. Losers Break Off and Winners Consolidate. Units falling
back from close combat must test to see if they successfully break
4. Determine Assault Results. Total up wounds inflicted. The off; the winners may try to keep them in combat, engage a new
side which inflicted the most wounds in each combat is the foe or reorder their ranks.

In his own Assault phase, a player can declare a charge with any
If the unit fired in the Shooting phase it must start its charge by
of his units that are within Assault range of an enemy unit and not
engaging the unit, it shot at first.
already in close combat. Assault range is typically 6" but some
units can assault 9", 12" or more. Where this is the case, it will be Exception: Models such as Terminators, Bikes, Dreadnoughts and
noted in the unit's special rules. The unit may charge any enemy Walkers, which always count as stationary when firing, do not have
unit that can be contacted by at least one of its models making an to charge the same unit they shot at.
Assault move which avoids any obstructions such as impassable
terrain or other enemy units which you do not wish to contact. Designer's note: The change to having to charge the target of
your shooting is an important one - the old assault unit tricks of
A unit that fired in the Shooting phase of the current turn may only hitting one unit with ranged attacks and then charging a different
declare a charge against the unit it shot at. A unit that remained enemy can no longer be used (unless you can reach both, of
stationary in the Movement phase in order to fire heavy weapons course). This helps bring assault units more into line with
or fire twice with pistols or rapid-fire weapons may not charge at firepower-based ones in that they can only attack one enemy unit
all in the Assault phase. in their turn. The one exception to this is units such as
Hormagaunts which are both very fast and very numerous, as
A unit may charge multiple enemy units but only if the charging
these may be able to engage several enemy units at once,
unit can reach them all without losing unit coherency. Select one
effectively swamping the enemy defence. Also note that a unit
unit as the primary target and move to engage that one first as
doesn't have to charge the nearest enemy unit, although it can be
detailed below.
difficult to bypass one unit to reach another, as we'll see later.


Charging units may now move into close combat with the unit (or Start the charge by moving a single model from the charging unit.
units) they have declared a charge against. Once a model is in The model must be the one nearest the enemy being charged.
base-to-base contact with an enemy model it is said to be Move the model into contact with the nearest enemy model in the
ENGAGED (as in engaged in combat). The unit that the models unit being charged. This is the start point of the close combat.
belong to are then said to be LOCKED (as in locked in close Next move each model in the charging unit in turn up to 6"
combat). Move all the models in each charging unit before moving towards the unit or units they have declared a charge on.
on to the next unit. The charging player decides the sequence in Remember that if the enemy is not within 6" of at least one model,
which his units will move. All the models in a charging unit make the charge does not happen. See Diagram 1.
an extra 6" move in exactly the same way as if moving in the
Movement phase. Note that some units may be able to charge
further than this. Where this is the case, it will be noted in their
army list.
. In all cases, models may not move through friendly or
enemy models and may not pass through gaps narrower
than their base diameter. You may not move models within
1" of enemy models they are not charging. See Diagram 4.

After the first model in the unit has been moved you can move the
others in any sequence you desire. There are some constraints on
their movement though. The most important one is that each
model must end its charge move in coherency with another model
in the same unit that has already moved. See Diagram 2.

In all cases, models may not move through friendly or

enemy models and may not pass through gaps narrower
than their base diameter. You may not move models within
1" of enemy models they are not charging. See Diagram 4.

Terrain effects
Models assaulting into, out of or through difficult terrain will
be slowed down in the same manner as models moving
through such terrain in the Movement phase. Roll two D6
and pick the highest to see how far they can move. If their
move is insufficient to reach the target unit then the charge
does not proceed, and no close combat ensues. The
models are not moved, and it is assumed that they simply
If possible, the model must contact an enemy model which is not did not have time to scramble through the difficult terrain or
already engaged. If there are no unengaged models in reach, then thought better of it due to their poor progress.
you must contact an enemy model that is already engaged with
one or more friendly models. If you cannot reach any enemy Didn't make it?
models, you must try to move within 2" of one of your own models
that is engaged with an enemy model. If this is impossible then the Enemy units that have been charged but have not been
charging model must just obey the main rule and move to within contacted are not considered to be locked and are not
2" of a member of its own unit that has already moved. See involved in the combat in any way.
Diagram 3.
Designer's note: The rules for charging have been
tightened up considerably for the sake of clarity. During the
initial charge, the attackers are subject to the normal
Movement rules with the exception that they can now move
within 1" of the enemy in order to fight them in close
combat. It is possible to set up units to block the path of a
charge, however, since models may still not move through
each other. Tight terrain can also mean that initial charges
become 'choked', although if the combat continues, it is
assumed to sprawl out as detailed later. Note that difficult
terrain is handled differently to the Movement phase - this
way we save Jots of pointless Assault moves which won't
result in combats occurring.

If you follow this sequence you will end up with all the
models in the charging unit in 2”-unit coherency distance of
one another, having engaged as many enemy models as
possible with as many chargers as possible.
How good creatures are in close combat depends almost entirely
Models in or behind cover normally fight in close combat with
on their physical characteristics, in other words how fast, strong,
Initiative 10. This represents the advantage of cover: their attacks
tough and ferocious they are. Armour remains useful for warding
include not only close fighting but also shots against the enemy as
off blows and shots, but ranged weaponry becomes a secondary
they charge in. Apart from this, cover does not affect hits or
anything else in an assault. After the first round of close combat,
the best gun in the galaxy won't help if your opponent is bashing fighting is assumed to have swept into the cover, so it gives no
your brains out with a rock! further advantage to models in it. Note that cover advantage
applies only to models in cover that are being charged. Some
In close combat, both players' models fight. How many blows are units count as being in cover all the time because of psychic
struck and who strikes first is discussed below. The rules are abilities or weird force fields - these are of no benefit if the unit
written assuming that there is only a single close combat charges.
occurring in the turn. Of course, there may be several separate Sometimes a unit will only count as being in cover if it is assaulted
assaults being fought simultaneously in different parts of the from a specific direction from which the cover has an effect. For
battlefield. If this is the case, the player whose turn it can choose example, a Space Marine squad behind some oil drums is in
what order to fight the combats in; complete steps 3-7 for each cover if assaulted over the oil drums but not if assaulted from the
combat before moving on to the next. rear. If a direct line from any of the assaulting models to the
closest enemy model, before assaulting troops are moved, passes
Who can fight? through the cover then it is assumed to be enough of an
Close combat is a swirling melee of fighters leaping forward, obstruction to count.
spinning, hacking and slashing at one another. As well as fighting Designer's note: The Cover rules are intended to make it hard to
hand-to-hand, warriors will be firing at point blank range at any dislodge defending units without a concerted effort. Grenades can
target that presents itself. help to mitigate this as they can force the enemy under cover
during the vulnerable charge. Units with special abilities which
Models in base-to-base contact with the enemy will fight with their confer 'continuous cover' do not benefit from its advantages when
full number of Attacks and count the benefits of any special close charging as they have to move up to close quarters where their
combat attack forms they have. All models that are within 2" of a concealment is less effective.
friendly model which is engaged in combat will take part in the
fighting as well, not just those in base contact. They only get a
single Attack though, regardless of the number of Attacks on their ATTACKS
profile, and get no benefit from any special close combat attack
forms they have. Such models are referred to as supporting Attacks in close combat work like shots in shooting - each attack
models. See Diagram 5. that hits have a chance to wound, the wounded model gets a
chance to save, and if it fails is.
(generally) removed as a casualty. Each model in base-to-base
contact with an enemy model strikes with the number of Attacks
(A) on its characteristics profile. In addition, the following bonus
Attacks apply.
+1 Two weapons. Models in base-to­base contact which have an
additional close combat weapon or a pistol in each hand have an
extra + 1 Attack. Models with more than two weapons gain no
additional benefit - you only get one extra Attack regardless of
whether you have two or more close combat weapons.
+1 Charge. Models in base-to-base contact who launched the
close assault that turn (ie, charged) get + 1 Attack on their normal
profile for that turn, only if they did not fire in the Shooting phase.
Models belonging to units which fired in the Shooting phase do
not receive the charge bonus.
Exception: Models such as Terminators, Bikes, Dreadnoughts and
Walkers, which always count as stationary when firing, always
receive the charge bonus whether or not they fire before entering
close combat.
WHO STRIKES FIRST Models not touching an enemy, but within 2" of a model from their
own unit that is touching an enemy, may make one Attack
Troops who are defending cover have a massive advantage in an
regardless of their profile, armament or whether they charged.
assault. They can fire from their hiding place at their approaching
enemies and then smite them down as they struggle to get to Designer's note: This is another important change. Under the
grips with their hidden foe. It's all in the reflexes when it comes to previous rules there was seldom any good reason not to charge
combat in the open; slow lumbering opponents can be quickly into close combat in order to get the bonus Attack for charging
dispatched by a faster and more agile foe. Unfortunately, (do it to them before they do it to you). This change means that
lumbering opponents, such as Orks, are tough enough to be able troops well-armed with guns may be more inclined to stand their
to withstand a vicious pummelling and come back for more. ground and shoot, leading to more short-ranged 'firefights'. Units
using flamers and other short­ranged weapons must weigh up the
benefits of shooting over getting an extra Attack in close combat.
Rolling to hit When a unit inflicts hits, they may only affect enemy models which
are engaged with them or supporting a model that is in contact
To determine whether hits are scored roll a 06 for each Attack a with them. These are the only enemies able to strike back at them,
model has. The dice roll needed to score a hit on your enemies so it is reasonable that these are the only ones who can be hurt. If
depends on the relative Weapon Skills (WS) of the attackers and all the enemy models in the 2" 'Danger Zone' are slain, then any
their foes. Compare the Weapon Skill of the attackers with the excess wounds are lost. See Diagram 6.
game when you've got several big close combats going on at
once. In the example above, the Space Marine player would roll
his ten Attacks together.

Hitting units with different Weapon Skills

Many units in Warhammer 40,000 contain models with different
levels of Weapon Skill. Attacks against a unit are resolved using
the Weapon Skill of the majority type in the unit. For example, if a
mob of twenty Grots (WS2) is led by an Ork Slaver (WS4), while
the Grots are in the majority then Attacks against the unit are
resolved using their WS of 2 - however skilled the Slaver is he
can't prevent the Grots getting hit in the first place. If there is no
majority Weapon Skill type, use the lowest Weapon Skill in the

When models attack, calculate their own To Hit numbers based on

their own Weapon Skill. If the Grots and Slaver hit back at their
enemies, the Grots' To Hit number will be based on a comparison
of WS2 with the enemy WS, the Slaver's on a comparison of WS4
with the enemy WS.

Allocating attacks
We simply assume that the warrior is contributing his shots and
blows to the swirling combat going on. This means we don't have
to worry about whether individual models strike their respective
opponents in base contact.
Remember that attacks are resolved in Initiative order, so it's Example: A Space Marine (Strength 4) hits a Dark Eldar
possible that all of the available enemies may be slain before (Toughness 3). Referring to the To Wound chart below we find that
some models get to strike. See Diagram 7. the Space Marine requires a 3 or more on a 06 to Wound.

What Strength to use

In almost all cases, when rolling to wound in close combat use the
Strength on the attacker's profile, regardless of what gun they are
using. Some (but not all) close combat weapons may give the
attacker a Strength bonus. In a unit containing different Strength
models roll their attacks separately (they'll quite often have
different Initiative characteristics too). So, for example, in a unit of
Gretchin with an Ork Slaver, the Grots' attacks are made with their
puny Strength of 2, but the Slaver's attacks use his more macho
Strength of 3.

Different Toughness values

If the unit being attacked contains models with different
Toughness characteristics, then the hits are converted to wounds
using the majority Toughness in the unit. If there is an equal
number of models with different Toughness characteristics, the
owning player chooses which Toughness is used. To continue the
WOUNDS example above, the unit of Grots (T2) with Ork Slaver (T4) will
suffer rolls to wound using the Grots' meagre Toughness as long
Rolling To Wound as they are in the majority. Once again remember that this is
figured at each Initiative step. So, for example, if the Grot unit was
Not all of the attacks that do hit will harm your enemy. They may whittled down to a single Grot and the Slaver, the attacks at the
be deflected by equipment, parried at the last moment or merely next Initiative step could be resolved at the Toughness of the
inflict a graze or flesh wound. Once you have scored a hit with an Slaver at the option of the owning player - all in all a smart move.
attack you must roll again to see if you score a wound and
incapacitate your foe. Designer's note: The majority Toughness of the unit is used to
prevent the combat bogging down into a/locating individual
The procedure is the same as for shooting. Consult the chart, attacks against different models and having to make separate to
cross-referencing the attacker's Strength characteristic (S) with wound rolls. There are a few units with differing Toughness values
the defender's Toughness (T). The chart indicates the minimum and this rule prevents weake rmodels 'hiding behind' the higher
D6 roll required to inflict a wound. Toughness of an anomalous individual.
If heavier armoured models are in the minority, use the worst
ARMOUR SAVES Armour Saves and take the casualties from the lightly armoured
Models struck and wounded in close combat can attempt an models first. If there are more hits than the majority type,
Armour Save to avoid becoming casualties. Models usually get to distribute them out so that all go on the majority type before
save regardless of the attacker's Strength, but some especially hitting minority models, in each case, the differently armoured
monstrous creatures and powerful close combat weapons will models get to use their own Armour Saves if they are hit. If there
punch straight through armour. is no Save type in the majority, the owning player gets to decide
which group gets hit first.
Note that cover provides no extra protection in close combat as it
does against shooting. Remember that invulnerable models are Example: A squad of Black Templars Space Marines includes four
allowed to make Invulnerable Saves throws even where Armour Initiates
Saves would not normally be allowed. If the rules for a weapon or
(Sv3+) and six Neophytes (Sv4+) is inside the enemy's 2" Danger
attack states that no Armour Save is allowed, then only an
Zone. The squad suffers eight wounds in close combat. There are
Invulnerable Save may be made. six models in the unit with a Save of 4+, so six Armour Save rolls
are attempted - four fail and four of the Neophytes are removed as
SUFFERING WOUNDS AND REMOVING casualties, the remaining two hits spill over onto the Initiates and
CASUALTIES are saved using their 3+ Armour Save.
When a unit inflicts wounds, they may only affect enemy models in
More attacks than models
contact with them or within 2" of a model in contact with them.
This is effectively the Danger Zone from which all casualties will If the unit has the misfortune to suffer more wounds than it has
be drawn. Aside from this restriction, the player suffering the models in the Danger Zone, then the remaining wounds are
casualties is free to choose which models die from those in the 'lapped round' and start hitting the majority type again. For
unit. example, if the Black Templars had suffered fourteen wounds, six
would go on the Neophytes as they are in the majority, four on the
Allocate wounds to one model at a time, each model can absorb
Initiates and then the remaining four wounds would be resolved on
wounds equal to their Wound characteristic. Keep allocating
the Neophytes. As with all attacks, the results of each Initiative
wounds to a model until it is dead, or all the wounds have been
step are resolved before moving on to the next, so the majority
allocated. When a model dies and there are still wounds to be
type of armour for the unit could change through the phase as
inflicted, pick another model and repeat the sequence until all
casualties occur. For example, if the squad above had now been
possible casualties have been suffered or the wounds inflicted
reduced to two Initiates and two Neophytes, if it suffers more
have all been allocated. Casualties should be removed in such a
wounds in the next Initiative step then they could go to the
way that the unit maintains coherency wherever possible. This
Initiates or the Neophytes first at the option of the owning player.
represents the way that a unit can be whittled down to a tight knot
in close combat. Invulnerable Saves
It is possible that casualties may exceed the number of models in
A model may only elect to use its Invulnerable Save each time it is
the Danger Zone, in which case the surplus hits are discarded.
allocated a wound under the majority rules given above.
The calculation of which models are in the 2" Danger Zone is
made at the start of Step 2 (Fight close combat) and is not Designer's note: This last obscure reference is to prevent
affected by casualties. If a model started a combat in contact with individual models with storm shields, rune armour, et al, taking a
an enemy model that is killed, it will be treated as a model disproportionate amount of the damage during close combat,
engaged in combat until the end of the Assault phase. claiming they can break the majority rules or other weirdness.
If a model becomes a casualty before he has an opportunity to
attack, then he may not strike back. When striking blows
simultaneously, you may find it more convenient to resolve one
side's attacks and simply lie wounded models on their side to
remind you that they are yet to attack back.

Multiple-Wound creatures
As noted previously, with multiple­Wound creatures, whole models
must be removed as casualties wherever possible.

Different Armour Saves

If the unit being attacked contains models with different Armour
Saves, the same procedure is used as for shooting at mixed
armour units. So, the opposing player rolls to hit and to wound for
whichever unit he is attacking with as normal. However, when the
defending player makes Armour Saves, he uses the best saves as
long as the models wearing that type of armour are in the majority
(ie, they outnumber models with worse Saves in the unit). Any
casualties which are removed after saving throws have been taken
must come from amongst the most heavily armoured models first
(ie, the ones with the best Armour Saves take the hits).

Even though high-powered lasers and plasma weapons scour Power Weapons
the battlefields of the 41st Millennium, close combat remains A power weapon (typically a sword or axe, but more rarely a
commonplace - sieges, city fighting, boarding actions and glaive, halberd or mace) is sheathed in the lethal haze of a
tunnel warfare are noted more for the ferocity of the fighting disruptive energy field. When a blow is struck, a crackling blast of
than any strategic nuances. Seasoned warriors always bear a energy tears at the target, eating through armour, flesh and bone
deadly array of clubs, knives, frag grenades and bayonets for with ease.
close-quarter fighting.
A model armed with a power weapon ignores Armour Saves. Note
Assault troops will be even more fully equipped, taking pistols, that some power weapons may provide the attacker with bonus
swords and axes into battle with them. Most deadly of all are the Strength in addition or wound on a fixed dice score regardless of
power weapons that are sheathed in disruptive energy fields of the enemy's Toughness characteristic. These will be detailed in
crackling blue balefire. Power weapons splinter ceramite armour the appropriate Codex.
plates and melt plasteel in the blink of an eye, smashing through
even the toughest armour like paper. Close Combat Weapons (chainswords/swords/axes/pistols, etc.)
Specialised weaponry can give troops a real edge in close There is a bewildering array of close combat weapons ranging
combat. Some of the most common close combat weapons and from simple clubs and axes to hand flamers and chainswords.
special attacks are listed below. Note that models with special These weapons confer no bonus to the Strength or hitting power
close combat attacks can always choose not to use them and of combatants. However, as a model with a weapon in each hand
attack normally instead. If you're wondering why you might want to gains an additional Attack against an enemy in base­to-base
do that, read the power fist entry below! Sometimes a model might contact, swords and pistols (or similar hand weapons) remain a
be equipped with more than one type of special weapon: a power useful combination for hand-to-hand fighting. A plasma pistol, like
fist in one hand and a power axe in the other for example. In this other pistols, can be used as a close combat weapon. It confers
situation the player can opt to have the model strike in Initiative no Strength bonus or particular armour penetration advantages
sequence with the power axe, counting the power fist as an though.
additional close combat weapon, or strike at Initiative 1 with the
power fist, counting the power axe as an additional close combat Poisoned Weapons
weapon. Poisoned weapons are particularly feared and can include
Important note: Unless noted otherwise, only models in base-to- everything from normal weapons daubed in venom to hypodermic
base contact with the enemy can use their special close combat claws.
attacks. They do not rely on a comparison of Strength and Toughness to
Power Fist or Claw wound but will normally wound on a 4+. Some venoms are so
lethal that the merest drop can kill; these will wound on a 2+.
A power fist or claw is a powered, armoured gauntlet surrounded Weapons with this type of lethal venom are described in the
by an energy field that disrupts solid matter. It is an awesome appropriate Codex.
weapon most commonly seen fitted to Space Marine Terminator
armour. Heavy Close Combat Weapons
A power fist or claw doubles the user's Strength up to a maximum Heavy close combat weapons are similar to close combat
of 1 O and ignores Armour Saves. Only the user's basic Strength weapons but are particularly massive and used to batter through
is doubled - any additional bonus for special abilities is added after an opponent's defences. Examples include the Ork choppa and
Strength has been doubled. the mighty chainaxe used by Berserkers of Khorne.
The only drawback is that a power fist is slow and cumbersome to There is no armour that can completely protect its wearer against
use, so a model armed with a power fist or claw always strikes at a direct blow from such a weapon and the best hope is to dodge
Initiative 1 no matter what its bearer's Initiative is (including any to turn it into a glancing blow. Against a heavy close combat
bonuses for special rules, cover, grenades or wargear - power fists weapon, better armour provides sharply diminishing rewards - the
always strike at Initiative 1 no matter what!). maximum Armour Save that applies against heavy close combat
weapons is 4+ and any model with a better Armour Save will only
Lightning Claws save on 4+.
Lightning claws are commonly used as matched pairs. They
consist of a number of blades exTending from a housing on the
Rending Weapons
wrist and back of the hand. Each blade is a mini­power weapon in Rending weapons is a category that includes the sharpest edged
its own right and, if they hit, one blade or another is likely to and pointed weapons. Whilst not massive or excessively powerful,
wound. a well-placed blow from a rending weapon can tear through any
armour and make a mockery of flesh and bone.
Lightning claws ignore Armour Saves and may re-roll any To
Wound dice that fail to wound once each. The only weapon that Any roll to hit of 6 with a rending weapon will automatically cause
can provide an additional close combat weapon attack bonus for a a wound with no Armour Save possible. Against a vehicle, any
model with a lightning claw is another lightning claw. Armour Penetration roll of 6 allows a further D6 to be rolled and
the result added to the total score.
Thunder Hammer
Thunder hammers release an ear-splitting blast of energy when
they strike.
A thunder hammer counts as a powerfist, but any model wounded
by it and not killed will be knocked reeling and attacks with
Initiative 1 in the next Assault phase. Vehicles struck by a thunder
hammer suffer a 'crew shaken' result in addition to any other
results they suffer.
Force Weapons Plasma Grenades
Force weapons are potent psychic weapons that can only be used Rather than the crude fragmentation grenades used by other
by a trained psyker such as a Librarian. They are treated as a races, the Eldar employ advanced plasma grenades to stun their
power weapon but can unleash a psychic attack that kills an enemies when they charge into close combat.
opponent outright. The effects of cover on close combat are negated by plasma
Roll to hit and wound as normal, taking any Invulnerable Saves. grenades, so all fighting is done in the standard Initiative
Then, as long as one wound has been inflicted, make a single sequence as the Initiative 1 O bonus for being in cover is lost.
Psychic test for the psyker against one opponent wounded by the Monstrous Creatures
weapon. The normal rules for using psychic powers apply, and
you may not use another psychic power in the same turn. If the A monstrous creature is so huge and powerful that its attacks
test is passed then the opponent is slain outright, no matter how make a mockery of armour; foes are not so much wounded as
many Wounds it has (but count the actual number). Force hideously mangled and crushed.
weapons have no special effect against targets that don't have A monstrous model (Carnifex, Greater Daemon, etc) ignores
Wounds such as vehicles. Armour Saves.
Frag Grenades When attacking vehicles, a monstrous model rolls 2D6 for Armour
Fragmentation grenades can be thrown at opponents in cover to Penetration and adds them before adding their Strength.
force them to keep their heads down during a charge. The lethal Special close combat attacks vs different armour saves.
storm of shrapnel from exploding frag grenades will drive If special close combat attacks come into play against a unit with
opponents further into cover for a few precious moments while different Armour Saves use the method of making majority
the attackers close in. Armour Saves noted on the previous pages but applying all
Troops armed with frag grenades that are charging enemy in or special close combat attacks as early as possible. For example,
behind cover will fight with Initiative 10, so they strike blows the Black Templars squad noted previously suffer four power
simultaneously with the defenders. weapon hits and four normal hits in a single Initiative step. The six
Neophytes with a 4+ Armour Save are in the majority so they
suffer the four power weapon hits with no Armour Save allowed.
Two more hits can be saved against, however, and one is made,
resulting in one more casualty on the unfortunate Neophytes. The
remaining two hits spill over and now the Initiates take Armour
Saves using their Armour Save of 3+.

Assaults are usually very decisive - one side or the other quickly
gains the upper hand and forces back their foe. Numbers and
leadership can keep a side in the fight but the casualties which
each side inflicts is the most telling factor.
To decide who has won the combat, total up the number of
wounds inflicted by each side. The side that causes the most is
the winner; the other side is the loser and may be forced back if
they fail a Morale check. Note that wounds which have been
negated by Armour Saves do not count, nor do wounds in excess
of a model's Wounds characteristic, or wounds that were wasted
because there weren't enough victims in the Kill Zone. Only
wounds actually inflicted count.
If both sides score the same number of wounds, the combat is
drawn and continues next tum.
Wipe out!
If one side destroys the enemy it wins automatically, even if it
sustained more casualties. They may consolidate as normal (see
10). In addition, the destruction of the unit will unnerve nearby Designer's note: This rule is borrowed from Warhammer, which
friends if they are not already engaged in close combat. Take a quite sensibly supposes that troops seeing their fellows wiped out
Morale check for every unengaged friendly unit within 6" of the to a man will start giving serious thought to hoofing it before
victorious unit before it consolidates. If the check is failed, the unit they're next! It means that tough assault units can break an enemy
in question will fall back as described below. See Diagram 8. gun line, throwing the foe into confusion as they try to pull back.
This helps balance off some of the risks intrinsic in braving enemy
fire to assault in the first place, and the vulnerability of assaulters
to get blasted with supporting fire the moment they emerge from a
close combat.


Units which lose a close combat must make a Morale check to The Fall-Back rules are presented later. Some units have differing
hold their ground. If they fail, they must abandon the fight and fall Fall Back rules. Where this is the case, it is detailed in their special
back (see section 7). If they pass, the unit holds its ground and rules.
fights on. Basically, the combat is drawn, and no further account is
made of the unit's defeat (apart from some good­natured taunting
by the winner!).
Morale checks are covered in more detail in the Morale section of
the rules (But the relevant ones have been placed here for ease of
Units that lose a close combat (ie they suffer more wounds than
they inflict) must test against their Leadership to hold their ground.
If they fail, the losers must fall back.

The Leadership test is modified by the following factors:

- 1 If the unit is below 50% starting strength.
- 1 If the losing side is outnumbered by its opponents•.
- 2 If the losing side is outnumbered 2:1 or more. •
- 3 If the losing side is outnumbered 3:1 or more. •
- 4 If the losing side is outnumbered 4:1 or more. *
*Only apply the highest of these modifiers.

EXAMPLE: A Dark Eldar warrior squad has lost an assault. They

would normally require an 8 or less to pass the Leadership test
but are below half strength (-1) and outnumbered 2: 1 (-2), which
means they require 8-3=5 or less. They roll a 6 and fail.

At the end of each close combat, models in units that are locked Whenever both sides in an engagement have extra models to
but which are not engaged in combat themselves MUST move up move, the player whose turn it is moves first. See Diagram 9.
to 6" in an attempt to contact enemy which their own unit is locked
with. If they cannot engage the enemy, they must get as close as Important note: Once a unit is locked in combat it may only make
they can to them without moving out of unit coherency. Neither Pile In moves and may not move in the Movement phase. If for
the presence of enemy models, nor terrain, affects reinforcement some reason (mass carnage usually!) Pile In moves will not enable
moves. Unlike in a charge, reinforcing models may move through the unit to engage or support against any enemy models, and the
obstructing terrain and models in order to engage. It can be unit has no models engaged in combat itself, it is no longer
imagined that the fighters at the front of the combat are becoming considered to be locked in combat. In this case it makes a
increasingly embroiled and making such movement possible. Note consolidate move instead - the close combat comes to an end as
that the other restrictions for making a charge still apply, so the unit finds itself with no enemies to fight.
models must contact enemy models which are not already Designer's note: This last bit is just to cover some situations that
engaged in combat in preference to those which already are and come up (usually in multiple combats) where a unit slaughters
must end their moves in coherency with another member of their everything and the Pile In move won't get it into combat with the
own unit. remnants of the enemy (as they'll often be surrounded and unable
to pile in themselves). In this case it keeps things cleaner to simply
consolidate with the unit instead.


Where a side has won and their enemies fall back, the victors can Some units, like bikes and jump packers, make faster sweeping
choose to make a sweeping advance and/or consolidate their advances - typically 3D6". Where this is the case, it will be detailed
position. in their special rules. Such units excel in harrying an opposing unit
to death with their superior speed and should be employed
SWEEPING ADVANCES against battered or fragile enemies for best effect. Conversely,
Just because the losers of a close combat want to break off, it some units, like Terminators, are too slow and ponderous to
doesn't mean their opponents are willing to let them! A quick, pursue a defeated enemy and are not allowed to make a sweeping
ferocious opponent will drive home their advantage unmercifully. advance. Where this is the case, it will be noted in their special
To represent this, the victors can opt to roll 2D6 and compare it to rules.
the distance that the defeated troops have rolled to fall back. If it is Designers’ notes: Sweeping advances have been heavily
greater, they get an opportunity to seize the initiative and keep modified in order to prevent assault units rampaging across the
them engaged in a sweeping advance. The unit attempting to fall tabletop faster than a speeding bullet. We've also taken into
back does not move and the sweeping unit makes a Pile In move account that units which must make compulsory sweeping
as described in Diagram 9 - the unit which attempted to fall back advances will tend to get wrapped up in slaughtering what they
does not do so. We assume that the cornered foe will fight back at are fighting, instead of acting with the best of tactical foresight.
full effect against their pursuers, so in the next Assault phase the
combat continues as before, with no one counting as charging. In
effect, the attackers have chosen to continue the combat instead
of allowing their opponents to fall back and escape.
If the sweeping advance roll is equal to or under the fallback roll,
the losers extricate themselves from the combat successfully.
Make the fall back move for the losing unit - the winners can now
If they do not choose to make a sweeping advance, or the
Models engaged or supporting in close combat may not fire
sweeping advance attempt fails, the victors of a close combat may
weapons in the Shooting phase. Their attentions are completely
move up to 3" in any direction to consolidate their position and
engaged by the swirling melee. Likewise, while especially twisted
recover an effective formation. Units consolidating their position
and soulless commanders may wish their warriors to fire
ignore difficult terrain. This move may be used to engage enemy
indiscriminately into close combats in the hopes of hitting the
units and lock them in combat, but the consolidating unit must
enemy, this is not permitted. The events in a close combat move
maintain unit coherency and does not count as charging when the
too quickly and the warriors themselves will be understandably
combat is worked out next turn. See Diagram 10.
hesitant about firing on their comrades (they may end up in the
Note: Sometimes a losing unit will only fall back 2" or 3" from a same straits soon enough after all).
combat and it is perfectly possible for a consolidating unit to move
Models belonging to locked units that are not engaged in combat
back into contact with such slow-footed foes.
themselves or are not supporting engaged friends, may shoot in
Note that if several close combats are being fought in close their own Shooting phase and may be shot at in the enemy
proximity, a unit which consolidates into a new close combat Shooting phase. Note, however, that lines of fire may not be traced
cannot take casualties or make attacks until the next Assault through the Danger Zone due to the risk of hitting the combatants,
phase - all the combats are assumed to be simultaneous. and that all the models in the locked unit count as moving for the
Consolidation may not be used to embark on a transport vehicle purposes of firing heavy and rapid-fire weapons. Blast markers
unless it is open topped. can be re­positioned subject to the normal rules, so it is probably
not a good idea to fire a plasma cannon at the back of a close
combat if you value the combatants much. Templates and
Ordnance Blast markers may only be positioned so they target
models outside the Danger Zone.
Morale checks and Pinning tests inflicted by shooting are ignored
by units which are locked in close combat. See Diagram 12

When a unit is fighting more than one enemy unit, their attacks
must be divided between them. This is done as follows. Models
engaged in combat with or supporting a model engaged in
combat with a single unit must attack that unit. Models engaged
with enemy from more than one unit or able to support friends
engaged with enemy from more than one unit can choose which
enemy unit they fight against. See Diagram 11. FALL BACK!
Fall back is a fighting withdrawal, not an out-and-out rout.
Sometimes a fighting retreat in the face of overwhelming odds is
the only option left. A withdrawal can give troops the chance to
retire to a stronger position to mount a fresh attack or hold off the
As a unit falls back it moves directly to the player's table edge, or
to the base line where the unit deployed/entered the table if it
came on at a different place.

We've specified this in the Mission descriptions for Warhammer

40,000 but if you make up your own scenarios be sure you know
where your units fall back to. If possible, the unit must remain
coherent, with gaps of no more than 2" between models as they
fall back.
Most units fall back 2D6" each turn until they regroup. Some faster
If several units are fighting in the same combat, total up the units, such as those on bikes or using jump packs, fall back 3D6".
number of wounds inflicted by each side to determine who is the A unit that falls back must move within a Fall-Back corridor which
winner. All the units on the losing side have to check their Morale. lies between its most extended models as shown in the diagram -
Winning units can only make a sweeping advance or consolidate if but individual models can move within this corridor as you wish. If
all of the units they are locked with fall back. If the unit chooses to a unit is spread out so that its models are more than 2" apart, the
sweeping advance, it makes a single roll and compares it to each models must be moved back into coherency as the unit moves.
of the enemy unit's individual fall-back scores. Any that it beats See Diagram 13.
are kept locked in combat. Units that stay fighting may make
Reinforcement moves.
Sometimes a unit will find its Fall-Back corridor blocked by
impassable terrain and/or enemy models. Ignore enemy models
that have fought in close combat against the unit this turn. A unit
falling back may move around any obstruction in such a way as to
get back to their baseline by the shortest route. If a unit cannot
perform a full Fall Back move in any direction without doubling
back, entering impassable terrain or coming within 1" of the
enemy, it is destroyed. See Diagram 14.
Note: This replaces the Crossfire rules after an Assault.

All characters in assaults fight just like normal troopers, though
their characteristics are usually better. If a unit including an
independent character charge into close combat, the character
must charge in too. Likewise, if the character charges, the unit he
If the unit moves into, out of, or through difficult terrain, the is with charges too - inspired by his heroic example!
distance rolled on the dice that determines fall back is halved.
Units will divert their Fall-Back corridor around impassable or An independent character on their own can charge into close
dangerous terrain and enemy models but must move in such a combat if they are within Assault range of the enemy in the
way as to get back to their base line by the shortest route. Assault phase.
Independent characters always fight separately to any unit they
have joined or are part of. They charge just as another member of
Troops who are falling back may continue to shoot, but as they are the unit, but when they fight, their dice are rolled separately. An
moving, they may not fire heavy weapons, or rapid-fire weapons at independent character may allocate his attacks between units he
full effect. They also cannot launch an assault. is engaged with. Only enemy models engaged in combat with the
independent character, or only able to support a model engaged
in combat with the independent character, may strike their blows
Assaulted while falling back. against the independent character.
A unit which is assaulted by the enemy whilst falling back must
check to regroup immediately. No modifiers apply to the check in
this case, and even units which would not normally be allowed to MONSTROUS CREATURES
regroup are allowed to make the check - the situation is Monstrous creatures` are treated just like independent characters
sufficiently life or death threatening for the usual regrouping in an assault and always count as being a unit in their own right.
restrictions to be ignored. If successful, the unit is regrouped and
will fight the close combat normally. If it fails to regroup, the unit is
scattered and counts as destroyed. Note that this rule applies if a
unit consolidates into enemies falling back too.
It's a lucky commander who can rely on his troops to perform Morale checks are taken by rolling 206 and comparing the total
fearlessly all of the time. In the chaos and confusion of battle score to the unit's Leadership value. If the score is equal to or
troops can easily become demoralised, disorientated or outright under the unit's Leadership value the test is passed, if it is higher
terrified by the violence unleashed against them. To represent this the test is failed.
element of the unknown your units of tr0-0ps have to check to see
if their morale remains good under certain circumstances. As you Leadership Modifiers
will have already gathered Morale tests can occur at a number of
different times, so a unit in particularly dire straits may be forced Circumstances can make Morale checks harder for a unit to pass.
to take several Morale checks in a single turn. For example, a unit that has already suffered heavy casualties will
be more inclined to give way than a unit that is untouched. This is
LEADERSHIP TESTS represented by Leadership modifiers for Morale checks, and
these reduce the unit's Leadership value by -1. -2 or sometimes
Units use their Leadership characteristic for taking Morale checks. even more.
This represents the grit, determination, elan or (sometimes) plain
stupidity of warriors in action.


Only Infantry, Cavalry and Bikes have to take Morale checks -
tanks, Dreadnoughts and other vehicles never have to.
Units that lose a close combat (i.e. they suffer more wounds than
Particularly monstrous or fanatical units may be immune to the they inflict) must test against their Leadership to hold their ground.
effects of morale, but where this is the case, any special rules are If they fail, the losers must fall back.
included in their description. Note that some units automatically
pass Morale checks, while others automatically pass all
The Leadership test is modified by the following factors:
Leadership tests. This is a subtle but important difference. For
example, units immune to Morale checks will still have to test for - 1 If the unit is below 50% starting strength.
barrage pinning. - 1 If the losing side is outnumbered by its opponents•.
- 2 If the losing side is outnumbered 2:1 or more. •
NOTE: Independent Characters DO NOT increase a unit’s size for
the purposes of Morale Checks. - 3 If the losing side is outnumbered 3:1 or more. •
- 4 If the losing side is outnumbered 4:1 or more. *
Infantry units normally check Morale in three situations:
*Only apply the highest of these modifiers.
A) If they take 25% casualties in the shooting phase. Test at
the end of the phase.
EXAMPLE: A Dark Eldar warrior squad has lost an assault. They
B) If defeated in close combat in the assault phase. Test
would normally require an 8 or less to pass the Leadership test
once combat results are established. but are below half strength (-1) and outnumbered 2: 1 (-2), which
C) If a tank breaks through their line. Test once the vehicle means they require 8-3=5 or less. They roll a 6 and fail.
has moved.


Any unit taking 25% or more casualties of its current strength from Units that are driven at by an enemy tank may well wisely decide
shooting during a single shooting phase must check against its it's time to abandon their position and fall back. If a tank reaches a
unit's position, then the unit must check against its Leadership to
Leadership not to fall back.
see whether or not it falls back. For a fuller explanation of how
-1 If the unit is below 50% starting strength. Tank Shock works see the Vehicle rules later on.

EXAMPLE: A unit of five troops suffers two casualties (reducing ii

-1 If the unit is below 50% starting strength.
to 60% of its starting strength) so it takes a Morale check. Next
tum the unit, now three strong, suffers another casually (reducing
it to 40% o/ starting strength) so it takes another Morale check,
this lime al -1 Leadership for being below 50% of starting strength.

All On Your Own (Last Man Standing)

Sometimes a unit will be almost entirely wiped out, with only a single member left. Such lone
individuals must take a Leadership test at the start of each of their turns. If they pass, they are filled
with heroic fervour and continue to fight on single-handedly. If they fail, they suffer an outbreak of
common sense and begin to fall back.

Fall back is a fighting withdrawal, not an out-and-out rout.

Sometimes a fighting retreat in the face of overwhelming odds is FIRING WHILE FALLING BACK
the only option left. A withdrawal can give troops the chance to Troops who are falling back may continue to shoot, but as they are
retire to a stronger position to mount a fresh attack or hold off the moving, they may not fire heavy weapons, or rapid-fire weapons at
enemy. anything more than 12• away. They also cannot launch an assault.
As a unit falls back it moves directly to the player's table edge, or
Assaulted While Falling Back
to the base line where the unit deployed/entered the table if it
came on at a different place. We've specified this in the scenarios A unit which is assaulted by the enemy whilst falling back must
in the Battles Book but if you make up your own scenarios be sure check to regroup immediately (see Regrouping below). No
you know where your units fall back to. If possible, the unit must modifiers apply to the check in this case, and even units which
remain coherent, with gaps of no more than 2" between models as would not normally be allowed to regroup are allowed to make the
they fall back. check -the situation is sufficiently life or death threatening for the
usual regrouping restrictions to be ignored. If successful, the unit
Troops fall back 2D6" each turn until they regroup. Particularly fast
is regrouped and will fight the close combat normally. If it fails to
units fall back further than this but where this happens it will be
regroup the unit is destroyed.
noted in the special rules for them.

A unit that falls back must move within a corridor which lies THE CROSSFIRE RULE
between its most extended models as shown in the diagram - but
Units forced to withdraw through enemy units will be caught in a
individual models can move within this corridor as you wish. If a
deadly crossfire and destroyed or irrevocably scattered. If a unit is
unit is spread out such that its models are more than 2• apart the
withdrawing towards the enemy measure the distance to the
models must be moved back into coherency as the unit moves.
nearest enemy model within the fall back 'corridor' before rolling
If the unit moves into, out of or through difficult terrain the to see how far the unit falls back. If the distance rolled takes the
distance rolled on the dice that it falls back is halved. Troops will unit up to or past the enemy model the unit is destroyed.
divert around impassable terrain but must move in such a way as
Note that only models from units that have not fought in close
to get back to their base line by the shortest route.
combat that turn can be used for crossfire purposes.

A Dark Eldar
squad falls
back 8" as

Note that
one of the
warriors has
to avoid the
terrain as it
falls back.
A Dark Eldar squad is falling back but a Space
Marine is inside their fall-back corridor. He is 6"
from the nearest Dark Eldar, so if the warriors
roll a 6 or more on 2D6 they will be destroyed.
They roll a 6 and are killed in the lethal
A unit falling back can attempt to regroup by taking a
If a unit moves into cover that lies within its fall-back corridor, it
Leadership test at the start of its next move phase so long as: may attempt to regroup again as it does so. Effectively this is a
second chance to regroup. A unit may only attempt to regroup in
1. There is at least 50% of its original strength remaining. cover once per movement phase as long as none of the normal
2. There are no enemies within 6”. restrictions apply. Make the test once the whole unit is in cover. If
3. The unit is in coherency. passed it regroups and halts. If it fails it must complete its fall
If you fail (or the unit cannot regroup because of the restrictions
given above) the unit must continue to fall back and is moved a Regrouping After an Assault
further 206". Remember that even units that are falling back can A unit that has been defeated in an assault cannot regroup by
still shoot. However, they are still subject to the Crossfire rule. moving through cover during the same tum.
If the unit successfully makes its Leadership test, it will then be LAST CHANCE
able to regroup. It cannot move any further during that movement
Once a unit reaches the table edge it has one more chance to
phase, except that models are allowed to be move up to 3• to
regroup, if it fails it is removed and may not return. Note that there
rearrange their firing line or take up positions in cover. Difficult
is no need for individual models in the unit to move 'off' the table,
terrain does not reduce this 3" move at all.
once any reach the edge it is last chance time! Finish the move for
Once a unit has regrouped it fights as normal. It can, for example, all the models in the unit, stopping any who would finish off the
shoot (counting as moving that turn) or mount an assault that turn table edge, and then attempt to regroup, as long as none of the
if ii gets the chance. usual restrictions apply. If the unit regroups it stops at the table
edge. If it fails it is removed. NOTE: You may not make a Last
Chance regroup attempt on the same turn you were defeated in
an assault or forced to fall back.
It is permissible for an Independent Character to join a unit
Nearly every race or power throws up exceptional individuals who consisting of a single Wraithlord or Talos. Independent Characters
stand out above the normal herd. Veteran warriors, brilliant may always join units with a normal (non-vehicle) profile, but they
officers, inspired prophets, ferocious war-leaders and monstrous may not, however, join other Independent Characters.
daemons can take 10 the battlefield and make a difference 10
combat. They inspire others lo greater feats of heroism (or
fiendish bravery as the case may be) and are usually quicker,
stronger and more powerful in combat. In Warhammer 40,000
these powerful individuals are called characters and there are
certain special rules that apply to them.

Characters In Battle
Characters fight as part of an army in one of two ways. Ordinary Some of the army lists include characters who
characters are fielded as part of other units from the start of the are allowed to use psychic powers. These
game. They are effectively another trooper in the unit with characters are often referred to as psykers.
enhanced characteristics and usually a superior Leadership value. Psychic powers vary from race to race. so, the
Independent characters are represented by individual models, effect of each power and when it may be used is
which fight as units in their own right. However, as we shall see, included in the special rules for the psyker in
one of the most useful abilities of independent characters is to join the army list. The rules below tell you how to
other units in battle, so that they can move in to bolster the find out if the psyker can use his powers, and
battleline where the fighting is fiercest. what can happen to him II things go wrong ...

Character Movement It requires intense concentration and inner calm for

Characters follow the normal movement rules for troops of their a psyker to use his power, which ls not always easy
type be it infantry, cavalry or bikes. Independent characters can to attain in the midst of a firefight! In order to use
move through difficult terrain more quickly than ordinary troops. one of his powers the psyker must make a Psychic
This means you are allowed to re-roll any dice throws for lest by rolling equal to or under his Leadership on
independent characters moving in difficult terrain. 2D6. If he tails the psyker's concentration has been
broken and he cannot use the power that tum. II he
CHARACTERS IN UNITS passes the power may be used as described in the
special rules for the psyker in his army list. A
Characters who are part of a unit must obey all the usual psyker may not attempt to use more than one
coherency rules, meaning that they must remain within 2· of a power per turn.
member of their unit. Psychic attacks are subject to the usual Shooting
Independent characters are allowed to move freely around the rules, so the psyker must be able 10 see the target,
battlefield and can temporarily join other units if desired. While an and all attacks must be directed against a single
independent character is part of a unit, he must obey the usual target unit, etc. This is because even telepathic
coherency rules until he leaves the unit as detailed below. psykers find that in the heat of combat ii is hard 10
pinpoint the mind of an opponent with any clarity:
Independent Characters Joining and Leaving Units generally, they all blur and merge in a confusing
In order to join a unit an independent character simply has to
move within the 2· coherency distance of the unit during his
movement phase. Note that if an independent character joins a In order to use their psychic powers a psyker must
unit which has special abilities such as infiltrators, jump pack draw deeply upon the power of the warp. This is a
troops, cavalry etc. he does not gain any of the abilities of the unit. risky and very dangerous thing to do, for the warp
is inhabited by hostile creatures that can attack an
An independent character may leave a unit during the movement unwary psyker during the few moments that he
phase by moving out of coherency distance with it. An draws upon the warp to use his powers.
independent Character cannot leave a unit he joins, which
To represent the dangers of the warp, if a psyker
subsequently falls back, until it regroups. Therefore, if the unit
rolls a 2 or a 12 when he lakes a Leadership test in
can’t regroup, the character can’t leave it. If an Independent
order to use a psychic power, he is attacked! The
Character has joined a unit, which later falls back, and is
psyker suffers 1 automatic hit with a Strength equal
subsequently eliminated (by shooting, for example), the character
to the roll of a D6, no saves allowed - a warp
can then test for regrouping by himself.
creature has tried to flay the psyker's brain! Note
An independent character may only join or leave a unit during the that on a roll of a 2 the psychic power works, even
movement phase - once assaults are launched it is too late to join though the psyker has been attacked or killed.
in or duck out!
One advantage of a character being part of a unit is that any
Independent characters can only be chosen as targets if they are Leadership tests the unit takes are then made using the
more than 6” away from any other viable target unit or if they are character's Leadership value. If an independent character is part
the closest target at short range (up to 12"). Otherwise, you can't of a unit that falls back, he may not leave the unit until it regroups.
shoot at them. Characters shoot just like ordinary troopers, Independent characters never have to take 'all on your own' tests.
although in many cases they will have superior Ballistic Skills or
exotic weaponry that sets them apart Where this is the case either Special Characters
roll for them separately or use different coloured dice to
differentiate their shooting. In the army lists, later in this book, you'll find characters you can
field as part of your army. As with squads of troops you can
NOTE: When shooting at a character a viable target is deemed to choose for your army, the character's profile tells you how tough
be one that the firing unit has at least one ranged weapon capable he is and what weapons and armour he can have. It is left to you
of wounding or scoring a glancing hit against. to name your heroes and follow their illustrious careers across
bloody battlefields.

Nonetheless the 41st millennium is filled with famous characters

CHARACTERS IN ASSAULTS renowned as legendary heroes or infamous villains. These
individuals are called special characters and can be found in the
All characters in assaults fight just like normal troopers, though Codex army books and in White Dwarf magazine.
their characteristics are usually better. If a unit including an
independent character charge into close combat the character Special characters are highly skilled and dangerous opponents
must charge in too. who have special traits or skills that make them particularly
valuable to an army.
An independent character on their own can charge into close
combat if they are within 6" of the enemy in the assault phase (12" For example, Lord Commander Solar Macharius is without doubt
if the character is mounted as cavalry). the finest Imperial Guard commander who ever lived, his armies
conquered nearly a thousand worlds in under seven years. An
Allocating Attacks army led by him can expect great benefits in strategy and tactics if
little direct help in fighting. On the other hand, Kharn the Betrayer,
A character fighting in close combat can always choose to an exalted champion of the Dark Gods, is a mad butcher and
allocate his attacks against enemy models in back-to-back slaughterer of men with no thought for anything other than
contact, unlike ordinary troopers who may only do so if their personal combat (which it must be granted, he excels at).
opponents have different Weapon Skills and Strengths. A
character's attacks can be divided up as the player wishes, as Special characters represent unique individuals, past and present,
long as he makes it clear before rolling to hit. that many players like to use in their games to give background or
history to their army. However, these powerful characters can
If a player chooses to allocate attacks in this way the character dominate certain types of game, especially the smaller battles. It is
can only inflict casualties on the models in base-to-base contact general practice that special characters can only be used if both
with him. It can be imagined that the character is deliberately players agree to do so before the battle.
looking to cut down those before him instead of rampaging

The Chaplain is fighting

both an enemy
character and an
ordinary warrior, and so
can allocate all of his
attacks against the
warrior, or all of his
attacks against the
opposing character, or
divide them between
his two opponents as he
This section of the rules describes how vehicles of all shapes and sizes move and fight. As
mentioned earlier, vehicle rules are quite different to those for infantry in order to show their
unique strengths and weaknesses. Vehicles can move swiftly and bring a tremendous arsenal of
weapons to bear as infantry fire patters harmlessly off their armoured hide. However, determined
infantry squads with the right weapons can use dense terrain to outmanoeuvre lumbering
vehicles and can easily knock them out unless the vehicles have their own infantry to guard

Vehicles have characteristics that define how powerful they are in a similar way to troops. However, as vehicles do not fight in
the same way as creatures of flesh and blood, their characteristics are different. Vehicle characteristics are as follows:

Type Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS

Leman Russ Tank 14 12 10 3

Ballistic Skill. Vehicles have a BS value, just like troops, which represents the accuracy of the crew as they blast away at
their enemy with the vehicle’s weapons.

Armour Value. The Armour value of a vehicle tells you how hard it is to damage. Weapon hits against vehicles must defeat
their Armour value in order to inflict damage. Vehicles generally have different Armour values on their front, sides and rear.

Type. Vehicles come in all sorts of different types: some are faster than others while some are able to fly or walk instead of
driving along on wheels or tracks. Any special traits a vehicle has are described by its type. The different types are: Fast,
Tank, Open-Topped, Skimmer and Walker. These traits can be combined to define, for example, a Fast Skimmer or an Open
Topped Walker.


However, a few wheeled or tracked vehicles are also capable of
Some vehicles are not fully enclosed but expose their crews to a high speeds, mostly due to either ultra-light weight or extremely
hostile universe. There are many reasons for this: It may be to give powerful engines.
reconnaissance units a good field of vision, to make embarking
and disembarking easier, or it may simply be impractical to SKIMMERS
enclose the crew. In the case of Imperial Guard artillery vehicles,
While most vehicles travel across the ground using wheels, tracks
such as the Basilisk, for example, the crew require plenty of space
or legs, some advanced machines are fitted with anti-gravitic
to load and fire the enormous Earthshaker cannon. This aside, it is
drives that enable them to swoop and hover a few metres above
mostly smaller vehicles that are open topped, such as Ork
the battlefield. This is not true flight, but rather gravitic repulsion in
buggies and trukks.
a limited plane. The Space Marine Land Speeder is the only
While crews and embarked troops on open-topped vehicles have Imperial vehicle with this capability as the helio-prismic engines
more freedom of movement and much better arcs of vision, the are very difficult and expensive to produce, limiting their issue to
lack of an enclosed cabin inevitably means that they, and their only the Emperor’s elite troops. The Land Speeder is a highly
vehicle, are more vulnerable to incoming fire. manoeuvrable, light reconnaissance and fast strike craft. It is
capable of high speeds and can execute very tight turns but is
FAST VEHICLES limited in its vertical movement by a climb/dive incidence of no
more than 35° from the horizontal due to inverse flux anomalies
There is a role in any army for high-speed vehicles. These are which arise beyond this point.
usually smaller vehicles which will often be used to reconnoitre
ahead of an army or rapidly deploy heavy weapons systems or The only race to have truly mastered skimmer technology is the
infantry squads to critical parts of the battlefield. Some races, ancient and highly advanced Eldar. They build nearly all of their
such as the Eldar, use fast vehicles almost exclusively (Falcons, vehicles around sophisticated tri-polar phased crystal engines.
Vypers, etc) enabling them to carry out the lightning raids and These are manufactured in all sizes from the small and super-light
deep strikes for which they are rightly feared. Most of the fastest units in jetbikes to the huge engines that power super- heavy
vehicles on the battlefield are skimmers, such as the Space grav-tanks such as the Scorpion. The Falcon is perhaps the best
Marine Land Speeder, as these avoid terrain problems which slow example of Eldar skimmer technology.
down conventional craft.
It is a large tank that is not only capable of low altitude flight but
can also climb and dive almost vertically. Orks, on the other hand, On any battlefield, there are places where conventional vehicles
are not sufficiently advanced to fully comprehend anti-grav cannot go: built-up areas, dense forests, narrow tunnels, and so
technology. on. For this reason, many armies use vehicles that are propelled
by two, or sometimes more, mechanical legs. These vehicles are
TANKS usually capable of carrying as many weapon systems as a tank
can on a significantly smaller and lighter chassis. They combine
These are a commonplace sight on the battlefields of the 41st the armoured might of a tank with the manoeuvrability of an
Millennium. For an infantryman, a tank is an awesome sight as it infantryman. In general, these vehicles have a single crewman.
rolls across the battlefield. It will not only be immune to most of Space Marine Dreadnoughts, however, are more than simply a
the weaponry carried by his squad, but it is able to bring to bear one-man vehicle. They contain the mortally wounded remains of
enough firepower to utterly eradicate him and his unit. great Space Marine heroes, becoming mausoleum and war
machine all in one. It is considered the greatest honour for a
Most races field some kind of heavily armed and armoured Space Marine to be incarcerated into one of these ancient
vehicle, whether it be the huge and lumbering Leman Russ battle machines so that they may continue to serve the Emperor. The
tanks of the Imperial Guard or the sleek and sophisticated grav Eldar Wraithlord on the other hand does not have any crew at all.
vehicles of the Eldar. Tanks are often fitted for multi-role capability, It is ‘piloted’ instead by a spirit stone containing the vital essence
and this will commonly include troop transportation as well as of a dead Eldar warrior.
tank-hunting capability or infantry support with a deadly arsenal of
weapons. Because of their manoeuvrability, lighter walkers are often used as
recon vehicles. The Imperial Guard Sentinel and the Eldar War
Imperial vehicles are often ancient in design, the basic plans Walker are both designed with this role very much in mind.
having been rediscovered thousands of years ago, before the Dreadnoughts on the other hand, especially those created by the
Emperor’s ascension. Despite the antiquity of their design, their Orks, tend to be used as shock assault vehicles, striding into
sheer ruggedness and versatility mean that they remain a match battle alongside their infantry and spearheading assaults.
for enemy vehicles. Alien tanks are very different machines. Eldar
combat vehicles are highly advanced; not only do they float above The walker category also includes war machines that use anti-
the ground using sophisticated anti-gravity engines, but they are gravitic engines such as the Dark Eldar Talos. Although not literally
also faster, more manoeuvrable and better armed than their a walker, the performance of these vehicles’ mirrors walker
Imperial counterparts. By contrast, Orks use crude contraptions characteristics more closely than it does that of skimmers.
that are almost as dangerous to their crews as they are to their
enemies! Designers’ Note: This last clarification has been introduced to
thwart those players who have tried to convince their unfortunate
opponents that because a Talos utilises gravitic technology they
need a 6 to hit it in close combat. They don’t – the Talos floats
rather than walks but in all important game respects it should be
treated as a walker.


Most vehicles can move up to 12" in the Movement phase. This is FAST VEHICLES
relatively slow, but it represents a cross-country speed rather than
Some vehicles are notably fast either because of their light
moving flat out. However, most vehicles will want to move even
construction or powerful engines – or both! Fast vehicles can
more slowly in order to use their weapons (see later). Most
move up to 24" in the Movement phase.
vehicles can only move in the Movement phase, but some can
move in both the Movement phase and the Assault phase, just as
troops can.
Vehicles can turn any number of times as they move, just like any
Vehicles that move through difficult terrain are not slowed down
other model. Vehicles turn by pivoting on the spot, rather than
like infantry – they will either crash through successfully or
‘wheeling’ around. Turns do not cost any of the vehicle’s move but
become stuck, bogged down or something similar. To represent
once the vehicle’s move is finished, they can only make turns as
this, a vehicle that moves into difficult terrain or starts its move in
described in the Shooting phase to bring weapons to bear, and
difficult terrain must take a Difficult Terrain test. Do this by rolling a
then may only do so if they have not moved in the Movement
D6. On a roll of 1, the vehicle is immobilised for the rest of the
phase. A vehicle may combine forward and reverse movement in
game, on a 2-6 it can carry on moving. The test is taken when the
the same turn, providing it does not exceed its maximum move.
vehicle first encounters difficult ground during its move and will
halt the vehicle there if it fails the test. If moving through terrain
Designers’ Note: Some players have been interpreting the Free deemed especially hazardous, then vehicles are immobilised on a
Turns rule to allow their transports to make further turns after roll of 1-3, rather than merely a 1.
disembarking troops. The wording has been tightened up to make
Designers’ Note: This rule has been changed slightly to clarify
sure this cannot happen.
where in its move a vehicle is halted – ideally it would be at a
random point in the move, but this generates far too much
complexity. As the idea is to deter vehicles from entering difficult
terrain and sticking to the open spaces, having them crash on
encountering obstacles is the easiest abstraction. Also, the option
to define terrain as being particularly hazardous to vehicles has
been included in order to curb excessively dangerous driving.
Vehicles, other than skimmers or walkers, who follow a road for
the entire Movement phase may add 6" to their maximum speed.
They may only do this if their move required no Difficult Terrain
tests, if they do not shoot, if they do not embark or disembark
passengers and they do not perform Tank Shock.

These are vehicles that hover above ground level using anti-
gravity drives, huge turbofans, supernatural energies, etc. Note
that these are not full-blown flying machines. They generally hover
at a few metres above ground level but are capable of making a
powered boost to gain height and cross obstacles. Skimmers can
ignore terrain as they move but if they begin or end their move in
difficult or impassable terrain, they have to test to see if they are
immobilised (as noted for ordinary vehicles above). Immobilised
skimmers crash and are destroyed if they are moving more than
6" in their move. The player should specify their speed before
testing for difficult terrain. An immobilised skimmer travelling
slowly makes a controlled landing and may not move again in the

Including vehicles that have legs instead of tracks or wheels, the
most common walkers are the huge war machines called
Dreadnoughts. Walkers move like infantry so they can move up to
6" in the Movement phase and then charge up to 6" in the Assault
phase if the enemy are within 6". Difficult terrain affects walkers
just as it does infantry. Walkers moving into, out of or through
difficult terrain have to roll 2D6 and use the highest result as the
maximum distance they may move that turn.


Various vehicles can carry troops across the battlefield. The Disembarking
advantages of being able to move a squad rapidly from one area
to another under the protection of armour plate is obvious. The A unit that begins its Movement phase inside a vehicle can get out
danger is that troops will be wiped out aboard the transport if it is either before or after the vehicle has moved. When the unit
fired at before they disembark. disembarks, the models are deployed at least partially within 2" of
one of the vehicle’s access points. If the vehicle has already
Access Points moved then the passengers cannot move other than to deploy,
and they cannot disembark if the vehicle moved more than 12".
Each vehicle model capable of carrying passengers will have a This 12" move limit includes all bonus movement from special
number of ‘access points. These are the doors, ramps and engines, frenzied driving and so on (and that does mean all bonus
hatches which the passengers use to get in and out of the vehicle. movement, with no exceptions. This over-rules anything previously
The exact access points for each vehicle are detailed in the 2003 published in a codex or FAQ). If the vehicle has not yet moved
Chapter Approved compilation. then the infantry may move as normal after disembarking, and the
Designers’ Note: Access points have been introduced since the vehicle can then move off separately at any speed.
3rd edition Warhammer 40,000 rules were released. These rules Troops on board a vehicle may not disembark in the Assault phase
have now been formalised as mandatory. and may never disembark within 1" of an enemy models. If
compelled to disembark, because of the vehicle being destroyed,
for example, any models that cannot disembark because the
access points to the vehicle are blocked by enemy models
become casualties.
After disembarking, models may shoot but may not assault unless
the vehicle they disembarked from is open topped. that all its
models are within 2" of the vehicles.
Designers’ Note: This particular addition should attract a lot of
interest. Players will have to rethink their transport vehicle tactics
quite a bit to cope with it. Compared to previous editions of the
rules, transport vehicles have enjoyed a golden era, perhaps to
the extent that the pendulum has swung too far. This rule is an
attempt to redress matters a little.

Embarking and Disembarking

Models may disembark from an open-topped transport vehicle
and re-embark as part of a consolidation move. Apart from this,
no models may embark and disembark in the same turn.

Passenger Capacity
Each transport vehicle has a maximum passenger capacity which
may not be exceeded. Sometimes there will be constraints on
exactly which types of models can embark on a particular vehicle.
Terminators, for example, cannot be embarked on a Rhino or
Razorback, although they may be transported in a Land Raider.
Infantry equipped with jump packs may not embark in transports
because of the space taken up by their bulky equipment.

Dedicated Transports
Some transport vehicles are directly assigned to a particular unit.
Normally, a unit entry in a codex will include a transport option
allowing a vehicle to be selected along with the unit. Other
transport vehicles occupy a force organisation chart slot (for
example Eldar Falcons) and can be used to provide ad hoc
transportation to any unit that can embark on it.

No more than one unit can ever be embarked on a single


Dedicated transports may only be used to transport the squad

they are selected with, plus any independent characters who have
joined the squad. An independent character may disembark and
leave the squad that owns the transport embarked, but if the
squad disembarks then any independent characters must do so
as well.

Some vehicles, particularly battle tanks, carry a hefty arsenal of
weapons. When a vehicle fires, it uses its own BS characteristic
(representing the BS of the crew) and shoots like other units - all
its weapons must fire at a single target unit. Although vehicles can
fire light weapons on the move, they are limited in the number of
larger weapons that they can fire.

Vehicle Line of Sight

Line of sight for shooting is traced directly from the weapon
mountings on the vehicle. Weapons mounted on vehicles often
have a limited arc of fire and they may not fire on units that are
outside their arc. Trace the actual line of fire from the weapon
mounting on the vehicle to see if it will be blocked by terrain or
other vehicles. Weapons mounted on walkers can fire in a 90-
degree forward arc.
Fast Vehicles
These manoeuvre more rapidly than ordinary tanks and other
Designers’ Note: Be sure to read this section carefully as there are vehicles so they can fire heavy weapons when they move faster.
several changes that will significantly affect the way vehicles fire. They may fire all their defensive weapons if moving up to 12".

Vehicle Weaponry • Fast vehicles moving up to 6" can fire all their main weapons.

Vehicles can mount a frightening array of weapons. These can be • Fast vehicles moving up to 12" can fire one main weapon.
divided into two broad categories: defensive weapons and main
• Fast vehicles moving more than 12" may not fire main weapons
weapons. Main weapons are the primary means by which the
at all.
vehicle will achieve its set objectives. They are defined as any
weapon of Strength 6 or greater. Weapons with a random
Strength which can possibly be greater than 6 are treated as main
weapons. Defensive weapons are not specifically required for the Having sophisticated weapon systems that are fully integrated with
vehicle to operate but provide it with important protection against their crew, Walkers can engage targets on the move more easily
enemy infantry. Defensive weapons have a Strength of 5 or less. than other vehicles. This means they can always fire two weapons
(one from each side/arm) regardless of whether they’ve moved or
The normal restrictions for infantry moving and shooting don’t
not. Walkers who do not move can fire all their weapons. Walkers
apply to weapons fitted to vehicles. So, a heavy weapon mounted
make no distinction between main weapons and defensive
on a tank can still shoot even though the tank may have moved.
Rapid Fire weapons can shoot once up to the weapons’ maximum
range or twice up to 12". Otherwise, Heavy and Assault weapons Designers’ Note: The changes made to the Moving and Firing
shoot the number of times listed. Ordnance weapons (a special rules for vehicles are intended to make vehicles more dynamic in
type of extremely heavy weapon normally only mounted on battle and to encourage the use of tank sponsons and other back-
vehicles) are dealt with in more detail later. up weaponry. Given the ranges of such weapons, it is quite likely
they would be able to find a target anyway so game balance will
Note that a twin-linked weapon counts as a single weapon for the
not be massively altered. The main difference will be that they are
purposes of shooting.
more fun to use.
Defensive Weaponry (Strength 5 and below) Turning to Face
Many vehicles have a range of weapons with relatively low Turrets can be turned to face without it counting as movement.
Strength but high rate of fire. These weapons are intended to help
protect the vehicle from enemy infantry and because of their Any vehicle that is not immobilised can pivot on the spot without
relative lightness and high rate of fire are largely unaffected by the counting it as movement so they can fire as if they were stationary.
movement of the vehicle. Consequently, a vehicle may fire any or They may not do this if they moved during the Movement phase as
all weapons of Strength 5 or below if it moves up to 6" in addition this will have given them opportunity to bring weapons to bear.
to any main weaponry allowed.
Troops Firing From Vehicles
Main Weaponry (Strength 6 and above)
Troops aboard vehicles can fire from firing slits, hatches or over
Some vehicles carry main weapons as well as defensive weapons. the sides of the fighting compartment if the vehicle is open-
This is normally what distinguishes battle tanks from personnel topped.
carriers. Any weapon of Strength 6 or above counts as a main
weapon. All of the models aboard an open-topped vehicle can fire.

General rules for moving and firing main weaponry: Fire Points. Each enclosed vehicle has a number of fire points
defined. A fire point is a hatch or gun slit from which one or more
• If a vehicle does not move, it can shoot all its main weapons. passengers inside the vehicle can fire. The number of fire points
on each vehicle and how many models can fire from them is
• If a vehicle moves up to 6", it can shoot one main weapon. specified in the 2003 Chapter Approved compilation.
• Vehicles that have moved more than 6" do not shoot at all with Troops firing from a vehicle count as moving if the vehicle moves
their main weaponry. and may not fire if the vehicle moves more than 12". This means
they may not fire heavy weapons from a moving vehicle unless
normally allowed to fire heavy weapons while moving.

If passengers fire from a closed vehicle and do not have an

Armour save of 3+ or better, then in the following turn enemy
firing at the vehicle count it as open-topped.
D6 to see where the shot lands. If the Scatter dice rolls a HIT
ORDNANCE WEAPONS symbol, the shot lands on target. If an arrow is rolled, the marker is
shifted in the direction shown by the arrow the number of inches
Especially large weapons are called ordnance. These weapons
indicated on the D6.
are so huge and powerful that they cannot be physically carried
but must be mounted onto a vehicle or built into the structure of a Any models which are entirely under the Blast marker will be hit
fortress. For the most part they are used by the heavily automatically. Roll a D6 for models that are partially under the
mechanised armies of the Imperial Guard. As noted in the marker: on a 1-3 they are unharmed, on a 4-6 they are hit by the
weapons section, ordnance weapons will normally use the large full force of the blast. Vehicles will be hit regardless of whether
Blast marker. they are fully or partially under the Blast marker. When the targets
are mounted models, it is best to determine whether the model is
USING ORDNANCE WEAPONS hit based on whether the marker covers the rider. Thus, if the rider
of a Space Marine bike is entirely under the Blast marker, then it is
Ordnance weapons may also be barrage weapons, this is
hit, and the wheels of the bike are not important.
indicated by a ‘G’ (for guess) in their range, indicating that the
crew guess how far the target is away and aim to drop their shots Resolve Ordnance hits with the Strength and Armour Piercing
down on top of them from high. Ordnance barrages work slightly values on the Ordnance table.
differently from normal ordnance attacks, so the two types of
attack are described separately. ORDNANCE BARRAGES
If an attempt is made to fire an ordnance weapon, then the vehicle Some pieces of ordnance are used for laying down a barrage in
may fire no other weapons, whether they are main weapons, the same way as mortars (though on a much larger scale). These
defensive weapons or weapons bought as vehicle upgrades. weapons will have G (for guess) suffixed to their range in the
Weapon charts. These weapons do not need line of sight to fire
NORMAL ORDNANCE but may have a minimum range. If the Blast marker scatters or is
placed so that it is within minimum range, then it misses
Firing on the Move automatically.
Ordnance weapons may be fired on the move, but the chances of Designers’ Notes: Now it is the troops that guess and not the
an accurate shot are greatly reduced. Normally, an ordnance shot commander! The guessing process takes time for no particularly
will land somewhere near the target but when firing on the move, useful purpose – a double scatter reduces accuracy in an equally
the shot could go anywhere. Roll to hit using the vehicle’s Ballistic acceptable way and moves the game on far quicker.
Skill. If the shot is on target, then continue to the section detailing
the firing procedure for ordnance weapons. If the shot misses, Firing on the move
then it has disappeared over the horizon, or the crew have simply
been unable to aim because of the vehicle bouncing about and It is difficult enough calculating where a barrage will fall without its
have not managed to fire a shot. origin point moving around! Ordnance barrage weapons may only
be fired when stationary. The vehicle may still pivot unless
Designers’ Note: This is another of the major changes and is also immobilised, however.
intended to make armoured warfare in Warhammer 40,000 far
more dynamic. Firing on the move sacrifices accuracy but at least Firing Procedure
gives options in missions which require an army to advance. The
sight of Imperial Guard infantry advancing behind the cover of Place the Blast marker for the ordnance over the target unit and
their mighty tanks should once again become a common sight. then see if it landed on target. If the target is in sight roll a D6 and
a Scatter dice. If the target is out of sight roll 2D6 and a Scatter
Firing procedure for ordnance weapons dice. If you roll a HIT on the Scatter dice the shot lands on target.
If an arrow is rolled, the marker is shifted in the direction indicated
Most ordnance weapons use the large Blast marker, which is 5" in by the arrow, a number of inches equal to the sum of the D6 rolls.
diameter. Any exceptions are detailed in the appropriate army’s
codex. INCOMING!
When placing the large Blast marker over the target unit, you may Ordnance Barrage Pinning
find that models from other units are caught in the blast. These
are also attacked. However, when initially placing the marker, you Ordnance barrages are even more terrifying than normal barrages
must place it to get the maximum number of models from the as the ground shakes and heaves under the thunderous impacts,
target unit under the marker. As with non-ordnance weapons, any troops caught in the open are completely annihilated and those in
casualties inflicted on a unit do not have to be selected from cover are virtually buried alive by a furious rain of flaming death.
models under the marker, the choice is up to the owning player.
When firing at a vehicle or vehicle squadron, the hole in the Units suffering casualties from an ordnance barrage must pass a
middle of the template must be over at least one vehicle in the Leadership test with the following modifier to avoid being pinned
target unit. down:

Next, check that the target is within range and that there is a valid -1 For coming under fire from an ordnance barrage.
line of fire to it. If the marker has been placed out of range or so
that the hole in the middle of the marker is not visible from the If the unit fails it may not move, shoot or assault in the following
firing vehicle then the shot misses automatically, and no harm is turn.
done. A unit that is pinned down does not have to take a Morale test if it
If the target is in range and can be seen the massive blast of an sustains 25% casualties from enemy fire, the fact it is pinned
ordnance weapon means, it’s going to be very hard to miss overrides the Morale test. If assaulted by the enemy, the unit will
completely. Nonetheless, the shot may not land exactly where it fight normally, ignoring the falling shells under the pressing
was intended to. Roll the Scatter dice and a circumstances of battle. At the end of the following turn the unit
recovers and may act normally again.

A vehicle is much harder to destroy than a creature of flesh and EXAMPLE: A lascannon shot hits the front of a Space Marine
blood. Most fighting vehicles are heavily constructed from steel Predator which has an Armour value of 13. Rolling a D6, the
and tough alloys and their hulls are protected by thick armour player scores a 4 and adds this to the lascannon’s Strength of 9
plates, sloped or angled to deflect shots. Any hits that do for an Armour Penetration total of 13. This equals the Armour
penetrate may only cause slight damage or strike non-essential value of the Predator and so inflicts a glancing hit.
systems. In the case of lighter vehicles, shots may simply pass Ordnance Weapons
straight through and out the other side without causing any
damage at all! On the other hand, vehicles carry a supply of fuel These fire such enormous projectiles that they can smash through
and ammunition that will blow them apart if they are hit, and armour or hit with such force that the target vehicle’s crew are
however tough the vehicle is, its crew can always be stunned or turned to mush. When you roll to penetrate a vehicle’s armour with
disabled by hits made against its armoured hide. an ordnance weapon you get to roll two D6 instead of one and
pick the highest result.
Armour values are different for each type of vehicle. They
When you want to fire at a vehicle treat it like any other unit. One represent not just the thickness of its armour but also how difficult
of your units can choose it as a target and must direct all of its a target it is because of its size and speed, how tough and
shooting at it. Often this means that some of their weapons can’t numerous its crew are, etc.
damage it, so assume that the other members of the squad are
giving covering fire, bringing forward ammunition for heavy Armour values for individual vehicles also vary depending on
weapons or simply keeping their heads down! whether the shot comes from the front, sides or rear.
NOTE: Only terrain & vehicles block line of sight to a vehicle. When a vehicle is hit by a non-barrage weapon with a Blast
marker or large Blast marker (including ordnance), the shot is
When placing a Blast marker or large Blast marker to attack an always assumed to strike the vehicle from the direction of the firer
enemy vehicle, the circle at the centre of the marker must initially regardless of exactly where the marker is placed or scattered to.
be over the vehicle, or one of the vehicles if the target is a unit of
vehicles. It may be that models from other units are under the In the case of a barrage weapon, the shot is assumed to come
Blast marker and these are also attacked. Flame templates should from the hole at the centre of the Blast marker. If this is over the
be placed so as much of the template as possible is over the vehicle then it is struck from the direction of the firer, if it is behind
enemy vehicle without also touching a friendly model. the vehicle then the shot hits the rear armour, and so on.
Remember the rule about the hole in the middle of the Blast
Roll to hit against vehicles in the same way as against troops. If marker! A barrage shot landing behind a vehicle may hit the rear
any hits are scored you then roll for each to see if they penetrate armour but will be at half Strength.
the vehicle’s Armour Value, as explained later.
Vehicles can normally be targeted even if they are in close combat
with friendly models. Vehicles which have a Weapon Skill
characteristic (normally walkers) may not be, however.
All vehicles even partially under a Blast marker, large Blast marker
or flame template are hit. However, if the hole in the middle of a
Blast marker or large Blast marker is not over the vehicle then the
Strength of the attacking weapon is halved (round fractions up)
when working out whether the shot penetrates the vehicle’s
Designers’ Note: Against large model vehicles, ordnance shots
had a tendency never to miss and it has become the norm to
place ordnance Blast markers so that they touch several targets.
This will now only be worthwhile against the lightest targets so
shooting straight at the target is a good thing.


Once a hit has been scored on a vehicle roll a D6 and add the If a vehicle’s armour is breached make a Damage roll to see what
weapon’s Strength characteristic to it. Then compare the total happens. Roll a D6 and look up the result on the appropriate
against the vehicle’s Armour value. Damage table. Note there are separate tables for glancing,
penetrating and ordnance hits.
If the total is less than the vehicle’s Armour value, the shot
bounces off. Wrecks. Unless stated otherwise, a destroyed vehicle should be
marked with some cotton wool smoke and left on the table. It is
If the total is equal to the vehicle’s Armour value, the shot causes a then treated as difficult terrain for the remainder of the battle.
glancing hit. Other vehicles may not move over it but can push the wreck aside
If the total is greater than the vehicle’s Armour value, the shot if their frontal Armour value is higher than that of the wreck. If the
scores a penetrating hit. vehicle doing the pushing has a dozer blade or rough terrain
modification (or some other device, we detail as having this ability
in the future) they may move vehicles with an equal frontal Armour
Designers’ Note: You will notice that the
Damage tables have been modified to PENETRATING HIT ORDNANCE HIT
ensure that a vehicle will always suffer (S+D6 roll beats Armour value) (Ordnance weapon beats
some loss of capability, however Armour value)
temporary, from a damaging hit. No D6 Result D6 Result
longer will Rhinos get away with just 1 Crew stunned – The vehicle 1 Crew stunned – The vehicle
losing their storm bolter. Similarly, any may not move or shoot next turn, may not move or shoot next turn.
damaging penetrating hit will force embarked troops may not disembark Embarked troops may not
passengers to evacuate their transport. or fire from the vehicle. disembark.
These modifications help to balance the
greater opportunities to fire on the move. 2 Armament destroyed – One 2 Armament destroyed – One
of the vehicle’s weapons (chosen by of the vehicle’s weapons (chosen by
the attacker) is lost. The attack the attacker) is lost. The attack
doesn’t just shoot off the weapon but doesn’t just shoot off the weapon but
GLANCING HIT mangles the mounting and possibly mangles the mounting and possibly
the gunner as well. Because it is
(S+D6 roll equals Armour value) the gunner as well. Because it is
rocked by the impact, the vehicle may rocked by the impact, the vehicle may
not move or shoot next move and any not move or shoot next move and any
D6 Result passengers must immediately passengers must immediately
1-2 Crew shaken – The vehicle disembark. disembark.
and any currently embarked
passengers may not shoot next turn. 3 Immobilised – The vehicle has 3 Immobilised – Skimmers
Embarked troops may disembark and taken a hit that has damaged a wheel, moving fast crash to the ground and
the vehicle can still move. track or leg and the driver struggles to are destroyed. The vehicle has taken
maintain control. The vehicle may not a hit which has damaged a wheel, leg
3 Crew stunned – The vehicle move for the rest of the game. or a track and the driver struggles to
(and any embarked troops) may not Skimmers moving fast are maintain control. The vehicle may not
move or shoot next turn. immobilised, crash and are destroyed. fire next turn and all passengers must
The vehicle may fire next turn and all immediately disembark.
4 Armament destroyed – One passengers must immediately
of the vehicle’s weapons (chosen by disembark as if the vehicle had been 4 Vehicle destroyed! – The
attacker) is destroyed. If the destroyed. massive impact slews the wreck D6"
vehicle has no main weapons in a direction determined by rolling the
(Strength 6 or more) left, treat this 4 Vehicle destroyed! – The Scatter dice. On a roll of a HIT the
result as a crew stunned result as well vehicle is wrecked, mark it with cotton wreck flips over onto its side or roof
as destroying one of the vehicle’s wool smoke, turn it on its side or (whichever way it balances best,
defensive (Strength 5 or less) demonstrate its destruction in some randomise if necessary). Models in
weapons. other pleasing manner! the way leap aside automatically.

5 Immobilised – The vehicle may 5 Vehicle destroyed! – An 5 Vehicle destroyed! – The

not move for the rest of the game. explosion slews the wreck D6" in a vehicle’s fuel and ammo detonate,
Skimmers moving fast that are direction determined by rolling the scattering flaming debris over a D6"
immobilised crash and are destroyed. Scatter dice. On a roll of a HIT, the radius measured from the edges of
If the vehicle is already immobilised, wreck flips over onto its side or roof the vehicle. Any models within range
then treat this as a crew stunned (whichever way it balances best, suffer one wound on a D6 roll of 4 or
result instead. randomise if necessary). Models in more (saving throws are allowed),
the way leap aside automatically. vehicles are unaffected.
6 Vehicle destroyed! – The
vehicle is wrecked, mark it with cotton 6 Vehicle destroyed! – The 6 Vehicle annihilated! – The
wool smoke, turn it on its side or vehicle’s fuel and ammo detonate, vehicle is blown to pieces by the shot.
demonstrate its destruction in some scattering flaming debris over a D6" Red hot fragments of armour, engine
other pleasing manner! radius measured from the vehicle’s and weaponry are sent scything in a
edge. Models in range suffer one 6" radius measured from the edges of
wound on a D6 roll of 4+ (saving the vehicle. Any models within range
throws are allowed), vehicles are suffer one wound on a roll of 4+
unaffected. (saving throws are allowed), other
vehicles are unaffected. Remove the
destroyed vehicle model (only a
smoking crater is left behind). The
resultant explosion will kill all
passengers carried with no saving
throws of any sort allowed.
NOTES Players may not claim their skimmers are ‘circling’ or moving 4"
one way and 3" back. Skimmers are dependent on speed to make
Crew & Passengers: Vehicle drivers, gunners and other crew are
the enemy miss, and adequate velocity cannot be attained while
automatically killed if their vehicle is destroyed. Troops embarked
circling. If Immobilised while moving 6" or less the skimmer lands
on a vehicle that is destroyed each suffer one wound on a D6 roll
in its current position.
of 4 or more but may take their Armour saving throws. Survivors
are placed within 2" of the wreck and are pinned for the whole of The Hull Down Rule
their next turn. Note that a roll of 6 on a penetrating hit for an
Vehicles do not gain benefits from cover in the same way as
ordnance weapon will always kill all the passengers in a vehicle.
infantry. However, vehicles can move into protected positions and
Stun results: Crews stunned more than once only miss their next use terrain to mask their more vulnerable parts in the following
turn – don’t add the stuns together. A skimmer with stunned crew way. Any vehicle that is in or behind cover (e.g., behind a wall, just
drifts D6" in a direction indicated by rolling the Scatter dice in its beyond the crest of a hill or a wrecked vehicle, in woods or jungle,
next Movement phase (but stays facing the same way). or something similarly substantial) is considered to be ‘hull down’.
Immobilised Vehicles: An immobilised vehicle may not turn in A hull down vehicle is trying to keep itself out of the line of fire as
place, but its turret may continue to rotate to select targets. much as possible, so it counts all penetrating hits as glancing hits
Further immobilisation results have no additional effect, although if instead, as shown in the diagram on the next page.
they are caused by penetrating hits then the vehicle will still be
prevented from firing the following move.
Open-Topped Vehicles
Some vehicles are more vulnerable to damage than others
because of their lightweight construction and the fact that their
crew is exposed to enemy fire. A typical example of an open-
topped vehicle is an Ork Wartrak or War Buggy. Whenever a
Damage roll (glancing or penetrating) is made against an open-
topped vehicle, add +1 to the Damage result.
Template and Blast marker weapons are particularly dangerous to
open-topped vehicles because their crewmen, wheels, engines
and other components are not protected against the flames and
shrapnel. To represent this, template and Blast marker weapons
cause double the normal number of hits against open topped
vehicles (i.e., two hits instead of one).
Obscured Targets and Glancing Hits A vehicle moving
especially fast or behind cover, whether natural or artificially
generated, will be harder to destroy. Remember that any weapon
firing at a vehicle must pick its target spot carefully if it is to be Smoke Launchers: Some vehicles have small launchers mounted
successful and an obscured target denies the opportunity. The onto them that carry smoke charges (or a more sophisticated
exact circumstances are detailed below. equivalent in the case of skimmers). These are fired to temporarily
hide the vehicle behind concealing clouds of smoke and are most
Skimmers Moving Fast often used when it is moving in the open. Once per game, after
Moving skimmers are very difficult to hit squarely because they completing its movement, a vehicle with smoke launchers can
are more agile than other vehicles, and most shots are more likely trigger them (it doesn’t matter how far it moved). Place some
to ‘wing’ them instead. To take account of this, any hits that would cotton wool around the vehicle to show it is concealed by smoke.
penetrate a skimmer that moved more than 6" in its Movement The vehicle may not fire in the same turn as it used its smoke
phase count as glancing hits instead. In order to qualify as moving launchers, but any penetrating hits scored by the enemy in their
more than 6", the skimmer must end its move more than 6" from next Shooting phase count as glancing hits. After the enemy’s
where it started. turn, the smoke disperses with no further effect.


Most vehicles fight as individual units and are represented as a

single model. However, some vehicles like Ork Wartraks and Eldar
Vypers operate in units of more than one vehicle rather like When shooting, a unit of vehicles tires all of its available weaponry
troops, usually with up to three vehicles in a unit. at a single opposing unit. When a unit of vehicles is fired at any
hits are distributed evenly amongst the vehicles, starting with the
Moving nearest vehicle model. No vehicle takes more than one hit until all
When a unit of vehicles moves, they all have 10 moves at roughly of the vehicles in the unit have taken one hit each. Once the hits
the same speed, e.g. they all move up 10 6" or they all move up to have been distributed roll to penetrate armour and make any
12" etc. Once all the vehicles have moved, they need to be within damage rolls as appropriate.
2" of each other, just like ordinary troops. Only mobile vehicles EXAMPLE: An Ork Trukk fires its big shoota at a squadron of two
stay together like this; if any of the vehicles in the unit are Vypers, and scores two hits. This is divided between the Vypers,
immobilised for any reason they can be ignored and left behind by one hit on each, rather than both hits on a single Vyper.
the others in the unit.

Vehicles don’t fight in close combat as such, although they can be Death or Glory!
attacked by enemy troops. However, heavy vehicles like tanks can
break through enemy positions, scattering units and possibly If a unit passes its Morale check against Tank Shock, any troopers
forcing them to fall back, this kind of attack is called Tank Shock from the unit who are in the vehicle’s path can stand and attempt
and is described opposite. Dreadnoughts, giant humanoid walking to destroy it, rather than move out of the way. This is potentially a
machines designed to spearhead assaults, and other walkers fight rather suicidal thing to do! Each model nominated for this heroic
in close combat the same way as troops do. duty gets one attack at the tank as it heads towards him.
The attack can be a single shot (one shot, even if Assault 4) from a
Skimmers weapon carried by the model or a single close combat attack
These can always choose to move over enemy troops and this using any weapon carried, including krak grenades and melta
neither impedes their movement nor harms the troops below. bombs. The attack hits automatically – resolve the hit against the
Enemy troops can attack skimmers in the Assault phase, as close tank’s Front Armour immediately. Then, unless the attack has
combat takes into account close range shooting and grenade destroyed or immobilised the tank, the Death or Glory boy is
lobbing as well as actual hand-to-hand combat. crushed to death by the tank grinding over him – the model is
Skimmer tanks can still choose to overrun an enemy unit and killed regardless of Wounds or Armour (Invulnerable or not!). A
inflict Tank Shock in the normal manner. crew stunned or shaken result has no effect in this case.

Tanks can overrun enemy troops during their Movement phase. INFANTRY ASSAULTING VEHICLES
Having some monstrous metal behemoth coming straight at you is Infantry can pose a grave risk to vehicles if they get close enough.
unnerving for anybody! With the right weapons, troopers can wreck a vehicle by shooting
During their Movement phase, a player can declare that a tank is through vision slits, planting explosive charges on fuel tanks,
going to attempt to overrun an enemy unit. If the tank has tearing open hatches to attack crew members or committing
sufficient movement to get into contact with the unit, the enemy some other equally imaginative act of mayhem.
must take a Morale check. NOTE: You may not Tank Shock a unit Whilst vehicles can be assaulted by infantry, they cannot be
that is involved in a close combat. engaged in close combat by them, so when the vehicle’s player
To use Tank Shock, declare which enemy unit or units you are turn comes around it can simply drive off unless damage prevents
driving at with which of your tanks, and how fast each is moving. it. Alternatively, it could just stand still and fire at the enemy all
To do this you specify a direction and a speed before moving –you around it, although this might be dangerous with ordnance or blast
may not change direction during this move. Next, measure to see weapons!
if any models from the unit will be reached by the tank. If the tank As mentioned above, vehicles don’t take part in close fighting in
reaches the unit, it must take a Morale check. the same way as units of troops. However, a squad of troops can
If they fail the check, the unit falls back 2D6" – individual models assault a vehicle and attempt to destroy it. This works as follows:
are allowed to be moved out of the path of the vehicle if they
Launching an Assault
would otherwise end up underneath it. The unit can check to see
if it is able to regroup in its own turn as normal, but troops will not A squad can assault a vehicle by moving 6" towards it, getting into
be allowed to regroup if there is an enemy unit within 6" (such as contact in the same way as when assaulting enemy squads.
the tank that forced them to fall back!). Individual models must move into contact with the closest aspect
moving by the shortest route. This means that troops are not
If a unit is moved over by a tank and it passes its Morale check,
allowed to go round the sides or rear of the vehicle unless they
individual models can be moved out of the way if they would end
start their assault at the sides or the rear.
up underneath it, but otherwise the unit is unharmed. The troops
are assumed to move out of the way and resume their positions as
the tank passes. Remember that vehicles cannot move over
friendly troops, or over vehicles or wrecks from either side (unless
it can push a wreck aside – see the rules for wrecked vehicles
Melta Bombs
Troops attack with the normal number of Attacks: +1 if double
Specialist tank hunting troops are often equipped with melta
armed or +1 because they are assaulting that turn. All attacks
bombs – fusion based thermic charges which can reduce a battle
automatically hit a stationary vehicle. Vehicles moving 6" or less in
tank to a burnt-out wreck in milliseconds. Troops armed with melta
their previous turn are hit on a 4+. Vehicles which moved faster
bombs can treat any of the hits they score in an assault on a
than this are only hit on a 6. WS counts for nothing in this case!
vehicle as close range meltagun hits (Penetration S8 + 2D6).
Skimmers can only ever be hit on a 6 regardless of whether they
moved or not, unless they are immobilised in which case, they are However, melta bombs need to be clamped in place before
hit depending on the distance moved in their previous turn. activating, so each model using them makes only one attack and
doesn’t count bonus attacks for charging, extra hand weapons,
Damage etc. Melta bombs can be used in a Death or Glory attack against a
Penetration is worked out as normal (D6+ the Strength of the tank attempting to overrun.
attacker). Note that this means few troops can actually harm
vehicles as even the lightest vehicle has an Armour value of 10.
Krak Grenades
Some troops are equipped with krak grenades, a special type of
Results grenade with a shaped charge designed to penetrate armour, and
No results are counted for close combat against vehicles. The (hopefully) stopping vehicles in their tracks. Troops equipped with
vehicle simply moves away as it wishes in its next turn, while the krak grenades can use them to assault vehicles. Krak grenades
troops who mounted the assault are free to move, shoot, etc, give troops S6 for close combat hits scored against vehicles,
normally. Thus, assaults against vehicles are very easy to work out making their Armour Penetration scores 6+D6. Krak grenades
– just make your attacks and work out any damage. need both hands to trigger so models using them can only make a
single attack and don’t get bonus attacks for charging, additional
Monstrous Creatures hand weapons or anything else. Krak grenades can also be used
Monstrous creatures are so big and powerful that they roll an to make a Death or Glory attack on an overrunning tank.
extra D6 to penetrate vehicle armour, so their Armour Penetration
value is equal to 2D6 + the Strength of the creature.


Walkers fight in an assault in the same way as infantry. Resolve

any hits scored on walkers by rolling for armour penetration and
Multiple Combats
damage as for a vehicle. Unlike other models, walkers can launch In multiple combats where there is a walker (or several walkers)
an assault even if they have fired in the Shooting phase. on one or both sides, the infantry units have to check Morale if
they lose as normal. In the event that any of the infantry falls back,
Infantry fighting against a walker will normally fight against its
the walkers remain in combat. As normal, winning units (including
frontal armour as the walker rampages through the mêlée. This is
walkers) can only sweeping advance or consolidate if all of the
the case if the Walker is immobilised, as the upper torso of the
units fighting them fall back.
machine can still swing round.
Immobilised, stunned and shaken walkers fight in close combat Using Grenades Against Walkers In Close Combat
with one less attack than normal, but otherwise attack normally. Grenades and melta bombs can be used normally against a
walker if it is already immobilised at the start of the close combat.
Otherwise, grenades and melta bombs may be used against a
Designers’ Note: These modifications help to balance the mobile walker following the normal rules for krak grenades and
increased vulnerability of Dreadnoughts and other walkers in melta bombs. Hits are scored on the result of a 6 on a D6 only,
close combat under the revised Assault rules. A Dreadnought irrespective of the relative Weapon Skills or any other factors.
does not stand impassively while enemies attack its rear armour,
and several tons of rampaging Dreadnought should always be a Designers’ Note: This is a new rule to give troops with krak
dangerous prospect. grenades or melta bombs some chance to damage a walker – it is
a poor chance but better than none at all.

Each Damage roll that is inflicted on a walker counts as a single

Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons
wound for the purposes of working out who won the combat. Dreadnoughts are often armed with enormous close combat
There is one very important difference for walkers in an assault. weapons like hammers, wrecking balls, claws, etc. If a
They never have to check Morale, and so will never fall back in an Dreadnought is armed with a close combat weapon, it doubles its
assault. Even if the walker has lost, count the result as a drawn Strength in close combat (up to a maximum of 10) and ignores
combat. The only way to win a close combat involving a walker is Armour saving throws. In other words, for a Dreadnought, close
to destroy it! Unlike other vehicles, walkers can be engaged in combat weapons count as power fists, but it strikes according to
close combat by enemy models. If it is engaged, it may not shoot its normal Initiative value instead of always striking last. A
or make any type of move except a reinforcement move. Dreadnought armed with two close combat weapons gains an
extra attack just like ordinary troopers armed with two weapons.
Drawn Combats
In a drawn combat, a walker can make a reinforcement move to
move into contact with more enemy models or to turn to face a
different direction.
Vehicles don’t normally check Morale for any reason, whether A walker with total Armour value (front plus both sides plus rear)
they are clanking great behemoths or arrow-quick attack craft. It is greater than 45 counts as ten models, otherwise they count as five
assumed that in all cases the vehicle’s crew has unshakeable faith models.
in both their vehicle and you as their supreme commander (as is
often the case with vehicle crews). In special circumstances you
might want to introduce special rules for inexperienced crews,
tanks being driven off by penetrating or glancing hits, and so on.
This section of the rules describes how vehicles of all shapes and sizes move and fight. As
mentioned earlier, vehicle rules are quite different to those for infantry in order to show their
unique strengths and weaknesses. Vehicles can move swiftly and bring a tremendous arsenal of
weapons to bear as infantry fire patters harmlessly off their armoured hide. However, determined
infantry squads with the right weapons can use dense terrain to outmanoeuvre lumbering
vehicles and can easily knock them out unless the vehicles have their own infantry to guard


Infantries follow all the standard movement rules found earlier in
this book under the movement section, they have no additional
rules on top of the basic movement rules and are used as a
‘standard’ for most other movement.


Some special troops wear devices that allow them to move at

great speed across the battlefield. This makes them especially Troops with jump packs may not move over enemy troops. Also,
good at assaulting enemy troops but also allows them to make any jump pack equipped troops that have legs may instead
sweeping advances around the unguarded flanks and rear of choose to ‘walk’ in the movement phase and are therefore treated
enemy positions. These devices, normally only used by special as normal infantry.
troops, are generally called jump packs but they vary immensely
from race to race. For example, Space Marine Assault troops and Jump Pack Troops Shooting
Ork Stormboyz use screaming jet turbines to provide the lift
Jump pack troops can shoot with their weapons using their BS. All
needed to move a fully armed warrior across a battlefield, while
the normal rules apply so if the entire unit remains stationary, they
Eldar Swooping Hawk Aspect warriors soar aloft on raptor wings
can use any rapid-fire weapons they are carrying at full effect.
of light alloys powered by a silent gravitic motor. Jump pack troops
Heavy weapons cannot be fired by moving jump packers but may
also include more exotic types of warrior such as Eldar Warp
be fired if the unit is stationary.
Spiders who use teleport devices to achieve their mobility and
Chaos Daemons who use their supernatural powers. Shooting At Jump Pack Troops
Whatever their type, jump pack troops fight in squads just like Jump pack troops can be fired upon as if they were infantry. Use
other troops. They check morale in the same circumstances an the troops' Toughness to see if any hits cause wounds. Jump pack
assault and tank shock. troops are allowed to take saving throws as normal.
Jump Pack Movement Jump Pack Troops In Assaults
Jump pack troops can move up to 12” during their movement Jump pack troops fight in close combat just like other troops,
phase. A unit of jump pack troops can charge 6" in the assault using the troops' characteristics for WS, S, A and so on. Because
phase if it is within move at twice the speed of troops on foot but of their great speed jump pack troops can advance 3D6" after an
assault the normal distance. assault and fall back 3D6".
As jump packers fly through the air, they ignore the effects of
terrain unless they move in it. Jump pack troops are affected by
terrain differently to infantry because they won't be delayed by it -
they will either land safely or not. If jump pack troops enter difficult
terrain roll a D6 for each model in the unit. On a 2-6 the model
lands without incident, on a 1 the model crashes into the trees,
rocks or whatever and is removed as a casually. No armour saves
are allowed.

As well as squads of warriors fighting on foot, the armies of the Cavalry Shooting
41st millennium include troops which ride into battle on horses,
grunting Cyboars, daemonic steeds and other strange creatures. Cavalry riders can choose to shoot their personal arms using their
Such horse-sized creatures and their riders are referred 10 as BS. All the normal rules apply so ii the entire unit remains
cavalry. Troops may also ride into battle on bikes, trikes or similar stationary they can use rapid fire weapons carried by the riders at
vehicles, these are dealt with separately in a later section. full effect. Heavy weapons cannot be fired by moving cavalry but
Cavalry fight in squads just like other troops with a 2' coherence may be fired if the unit is stationary (ii can be imagined that the
distance. They check morale in the same circumstances as riders dismount to fire while they are halted).
ordinary troops - enemy fire, losing an assault and tank shock.
Shooting at Cavalry
Cavalry Movement
Cavalry are fired upon like infantry, use the rider's Toughness 10
Cavalry can move up 10 6" in their movement phase. A unit of see if hits cause wounds. They are also allowed to take saving
cavalry can charge 12" in the assault phase if it is within 12• of the throws as normal, although they can only take advantage of cover
enemy. In other words, they move al the same speed as troops on if they remained stationary during their previous movement phase.
foot, but assault twice as far.
Cavalry in an Assault
Cavalry mounted on particularly exotic beasts might charge faster
or slower than this, where this is the case, it will be noted in their Cavalry fight in close combat just like other troops, using the
rider's characteristics for WS, S, A and so on. Because of their
Cavalry are affected by terrain in a different way to infantry, being great speed cavalry can advance up lo 3D6" after an assault and
likely to either plunge through it or fall prey to a mishap rather fall back 3D6".
than be delayed. So, if cavalry enter difficult terrain roll a D6 for
each model. On a 2-6 the model rides through any hazards
unscathed, on a 1 the model has a nasty accident (e.g. stumbles
in a pothole, rides into a low branch) and is removed as a casualty.
No armour saves are allowed.

Bikes are amongst the most numerous vehicles of the 41st Bikes in an Assault
millennium and are used by a multitude of races for a variety of
purposes. The Space Marines use bikes for lightning assaults and Bikes light in close combat just like other troops, using the rider's
reconnaissance missions and the Eldar use jelbikes powered by characteristics for WS, S, A etc. In close combat the riders
anti gravitic motors for the same purpose. continue to gain the + 1 Toughness bonus from their armoured
All of these armies are renowned for their ferocious assaults and
Due to their great speed bikes can advance 306" after an assault
fast-moving battlelines. Their bikes allow them to out manoeuvre
and fall back 3D6".
and overwhelm their foes at key positions. The Dark Angels
Chapter of Space Marines has an entire company known as the
Ravenwing, all mounted on bikes and similar light vehicles who ATTACK BIKES
are justly famous for their skill at handling their mounts.
Attack bikes carry two crew and usually mount a heavy weapon
Bikes are treated as troops rather than vehicles - albeit they are on a side car or similar arrangement. Attack bikes function in
much faster than your average trooper. They share some rules in almost the same way as bikes but can fire two weapons in the
common with vehicles, but are best thought of as fast, mobile, shooting phase and have an improved save to account for their
extra-hard-hitting troops. In almost all circumstances the bike two crew. In close combat an attack bike is treated as a single
rider's characteristics are used. trooper with two attacks.

Bikes fight in squads just like other troops with a 2" coherence
distance. They check morale in the same circumstances as ELDAR JET BIKES
ordinary troops - enemy fire, losing an assault and lank shock.
The Eldar use bikes powered by anti-gravitic engines so that they
Bike Movement can hover a few meters above the ground and make powered
boosts over obstacles. This means that they combine the utility of
Bikes can move up to 12" in their movement phase. A unit of bikes bikes with the best aspects of skimmers. Jetbikes work like
can charge 6" in the assault phase if it is within 6' of the enemy. In ordinary bikes but can pass over and ignore terrain when they are
other words, they move at twice the speed of troops on foot but moving.
assault the same. Jetbikes which begin or end their move in difficult terrain must test
to avoid crashing. Roll a D6. On a 1 they crash and burn. Other
Note that certain types of bikes are able to move much faster than
than this jetbikes shoot and fight in assaults just like other bikes.
this. Special values for these bikes will be included in the Codex
army books where they are appropriate.

Bikers are affected by terrain like vehicles but are put out of action
if they become immobilised. If bikers enter difficult terrain roll a D6
for each model. On a 2·6 the bikers steers skilfully through the
hazards, on a 1 the biker hits a tree, rock or something else solid
with tragic consequences and the model is removed as a casualty.
No armour saves are allowed.

Bikers Shooting
Bike riders can choose to shoot either personal arms or bike-
mounted weapons using their BS. If the entire unit remains
stationary, they can use rapid fire weapons carried by the riders at
full effect.

As weapons are firmly mounted with plentiful ammunition

supplies, any weapons mounted on a bike can fire as if they were
stationary even when the bike has moved. Hence any rapid-fire
weapons mounted on a bike always get two shots at targets up to
12” away or one shot at targets up to 24" away. Even heavy
weapons can be fired by moving bikes.

Shooting at Bikes
Bikes have an equivalent Toughness and Armour to the troops
riding them but receive a Toughness bonus of + 1. This reflects
the protection offered by the bike's armoured bodywork.

Bikers are allowed saving throws as normal, although they cannot

take advantage of cover.

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