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how to combat it

students: Rafael,Julia and Lincoln

Violence is a serious and widespread problem around
the world, and it is important that we discuss the issue
to understand how we can make a difference and help
create a more peaceful world.
There are many different types of violence, including
physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence
and domestic violence.
Physical violence involves physical aggression, such as hitting someone
or using a weapon. Psychological violence includes threats,
intimidation and bullying. Sexual violence is any forced or non-
consensual sexual act, including rape. Domestic violence is any form of
physical, emotional or sexual abuse that occurs within an intimate
Violence can affect people of all ages, ethnicities and social
backgrounds. Unfortunately, many people don't know how to protect
themselves from violence or how to help those who are victims of it.
It is important to remember that violence is not normal and is never
justifiable. So what can we do to help fight violence?
The answer is simple: education is the key. We need to educate
people about the nature of violence and how to prevent it. We
must teach people how to protect themselves and how to
recognize the signs of abuse in their friends and family. We also
need to work to create safe and peaceful communities where
people feel safe and secure.
To summarize, violence is a serious problem that affects many
people around the world. We need to talk about it, understand
its causes and work together to create solutions. Education is
the key to preventing violence and creating a more peaceful
world. Thanks for watching and I hope we learned something
new today.
Thanks for watching
and remember violence is never the solution

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