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50 Terms In Mathematics

1. PATTERN - A regular arrangement of numbers, shapes, or other mathematical objects,
following a specific rule or set of rules. It involves repetition or a discernible order that allows
for prediction of subsequent elements in the sequence or arrangement.
2. SEQUENCE - A list of numbers in a certain order. Each number in a sequence is called a term.
3. NUMBERS - A mathematical object used to count, measure, label, or express quantity.
Numbers can be integers, fractions, decimals, or even complex numbers, and they follow
specific rules and properties within various number systems.
4. FINITE SEQUENCE – A list of terms in a specific order. The sequence has a first term and a last
5. INFINITE SEQUENCE – An endless list of numbers in which the difference between consecutive
terms is constant.
6. FUNCTION – A relation between a set of inputs having one output each.
7. DOMAIN – A set of all possible input values, typically represented by the independent
variable, for which the function is defined.
8. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE – It is a variable that does not depend on any other variable for its
9. DEPENDENT VARIABLE – It is the one that depends on the value of some other number.
10. VALUE – A number signifying the result of a calculation or function.
11. FIRST TERM – The initial value or element in a sequence.
12. LAST TERM – The final value or element in a sequence.
13. ARITHMETIC SEQUENCES – Ordered lists of numbers where the difference between
consecutive terms is constant.
14. FIXED NUMBERS – Values that do not change or remain constant
15. CONSTANT NUMBERS – Values that do not vary and stay the same.
16. COMMON DIFFERENCE – The consistent gap or step between consecutive terms in an
arithmetic sequence.
17. DIFFERENCE – The result of subtracting one quantity from another.
18. PARTIAL SUM – The sum of a subset of terms in a sequence or series, not necessarily including
all terms.
19. ARITHMETIC MEANS – The average of a set of numbers obtained by dividing the sum of the
numbers by the count of numbers.
20. COMMON RATIO – In a geometric sequence, the constant factor by which each term is
multiplied to obtain the next term.
21. GEOMETRIC SEQUENCE – A sequence in which each term is found by multiplying the previous
term by a constant factor.
22. FRACTION – A numerical quantity expressed in the form a/b, where ‘a’ is the numerator and
‘b’ is the denominator.
23. NUMBER OF TERM – The count of elements in a sequence or series.
24. TERMS – Individual elements in a sequence or series.
25. RATIO – A comparison of two quantities by division.
26. OPERATION – A specific procedure or rule that combines one or more values to produce a
27. SERIES – The sum of the terms in a sequence, often extending to infinity.
28. ARITHMETIC SEQUENCE – A sequence of numbers in which the difference between any two
consecutive terms is constant.
29. GEOMETRIC SEQUENCE – A sequence of numbers in which each term after the first is found by
multiplying the previous term by a fixed, non-zero number called the common ratio.
30. FIBONACCI SEQUENCE - A sequence of numbers in which each term is the sum of the two
preceding terms.
31. HARMONIC SEQUENCE – A sequence of numbers in which the reciprocal of each term forms
an arithmetic sequence.
32. ARITHMETIC – Pertaining to the properties and relationships of numbers, especially in
sequences and series.
33. GEOMETRIC – Pertaining to the properties and relationships of shapes and figures.
34. FIBONACCI – Relating to the sequence of numbers where each term is the sum of the two
preceding terms.
35. GEOMETRIC MEANS – Is the nth root of the product of the numbers, where n is the count of
the numbers.
36. GEOMETRIC SERIES – The sum of the terms in a geometric sequence. It is the result of adding
together the terms of a sequence.
37. ARITHMETIC SERIES – The sum of the terms in an arithmetic sequence.
38. SETS – Collections of distinct elements.
39. INTEGERS – Whole numbers, both positive and negative, including zero.
40. ADDING INTEGERS – Combining positive and negative whole numbers.
41. SUBTRACTING INTEGERS – Finding the difference between positive and negative whole
42. MULTIPLYING INTEGERS – Determining the result of the multiplication involving positive and
negative whole numbers.
43. DIVIDING INTEGERS – The process of finding the quotient when one integer is divided by
44. WHOLE NUMBER – A non-negative integer, including zero.
45. EQUALS – A symbol (=) indicating that two expressions or values are the same.
46. RECIPROCAL – The multiplicative inverse of a number, obtained by flipping the numerator and
47. NATURAL NUMBERS – Positive integers starting from 1 and excluding zero.
48. NUMERATOR – The top part of a fraction, representing the number of parts being considered.
49. DENOMINATOR – The bottom part of a fraction, representing the total number of equal parts.
50. DECIMALS – Numbers expressed in the base-10 system, including a decimal point.

1. POLYNOMIALS – A mathematical expression of one or more algebraic terms each of which
consists of a constant multiplied by one or more variables raised to a nonnegative integral
2. ADDING POLYNOMIALS – Summing up the like terms of two or more algebraic expressions by
retaining their sign to get the result.
3. SUBTRACTING POLYNOMIALS – Converting the signs to the opposite sign.
4. DIVIDING POLYNOMIALS – An operation where we divide a polynomial by another
5. SYNTHETIC DIVISION – A shortcut method for dividing two polynomials.
6. REMAINDER THEOREM – When a polynomial is divided by a linear polynomial.
7. REMAINDER – The leftover number in a division problem.
8. FACTOR THEOREM – Theorem that links factors and zeros of the polynomial.
9. POLYNOMIAL EQUATION – An equation that has multiple terms made up of numbers and
10. NON POLYNOMIAL – An algebraic expression has a radical in it.
11. LINEAR EQUATION – An equation with a degree of 1.
12. QUADRATIC EQUATION – An equation with a degree of 2.
13. CUBIC EQUATION – An equation with a degree of 3.
14. QUARTIC EQUATION – An equation with a degree of 4.
15. QUINTIC EQUATION – An equation with a degree of 5.
16. LEADING TERM – The term containing the highest power of the variable.
17. LEADING COEFFICIENT – The coefficient preceding the term with the largest exponent.
18. POLYNOMIAL FUNCTION – A function that involves only non-negative integer powers or only
positive integer exponents of a variable in an equation.
19. ODD – Numbers that can’t be divided by 2.
20. EVEN – Numbers that can be divided by 2.
21. LINEAR FUNCTION – A function whose graph is a straight line.
22. QUADRATIC FUNCTION – A function whose graph is a U shape.
23. CUBIC FUNCTION – A function whose graph can either start from down or up and ends with
up or down.
24. QUARTIC FUNCTION – A function whose graph is an M or a W shape.
25. QUINTIC FUNCTION – A function with a degree of 5.
26. ADDITION – The process of adding two numbers together.
27. SUM -the answer after the process of addition.
28. DIVISION – A process which involves the sharing of an amount into equal sized groups.
29. QUOTIENT – The answer after the process of division.
30. MULTIPLICATION – The process of adding a number to another number repeatedly.
31. PRODUCT – The answer after the process of multiplicatio.
32. SUBTRACTION – The process where you take away a number from another number.
33. REAL ROOTS – The values of the variable that satisfy the equation when substituted.
34. WHOLE NUMBER – Any number between zero to infinity.
35. SUBSTITUTE – Replacing the variables in an algebraic expression with their numerical values.
36. VARIABLES – An alphabet or term that represents an unknown number, value or quantity.
37. NEGATIVE NUMBER – A quantity that has a value less than zero.
38. POSITIVE NUMBER – A quantity that has a greater value than zero.
39. GRAPH – A visual representation of the relationship between variables or the structure of a
mathematical object.
40. EVALUATE – The process of finding the numerical value of an expression or equation.
41. SIMPLIFY – To reduce to a simpler form of cancellation.
42. FORMULA – A principle that is expressed in terms of mathematical symbols.
43. FACTORS – One of two or more numbers that divides into a number without a remainder.
44. DEGREE – The highest or the greatest power of a variable in a polynomial equation.
45. TURNING POINT -a point where the function changes from decreasing to increasing or from increasing
to decreasing values.
46. EXPONENT – A number written above a variable or a number.
47. SQUARE ROOT – A number which produces a specified quantity when multiplied by itself.
48. RADICAL SIGN – Symbol that is used to denote square root or nth roots.
49. DIVISOR – A number which divides another number.
50. DIVIDEND – The number in a division problem that is being divided.

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