Data Points

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Sure, let's provide a brief explanation for each business object in the context of

ZATCA's data architecture:

### Persona:
- Represents user archetypes with specific characteristics and needs, helping to
tailor ZATCA's services and interfaces for diverse user groups.

### Taxpayer Details:

- Aggregates personal and financial information specific to individual
taxpayers, crucial for accurate tax record management and compliance assessment.

### Taxpayer Information:

- Encompasses broader data about taxpayers including tax history, compliance
status, and interactions, vital for strategic tax planning and risk assessment.

### Login Details:

- Contains user-specific credentials and security settings, fundamental for
ensuring secure access to ZATCA's systems and protecting sensitive data.

### ID Type:
- Classifies various forms of identification documents used for verifying
individuals or entities, critical for authentication and record accuracy.

### Business Type:

- Categorizes the nature of businesses (e.g., LLC, partnership), impacting their
tax treatment and compliance requirements in ZATCA's systems.

### Entity Information:

- Comprehensive data about organizations, including structure and business
nature, used for legal and tax-related processes.

### Entity Address:

- Records official address details of businesses, essential for legal
correspondence and location-specific tax and regulatory considerations.

### Financial Details:

- Captures financial information like income, expenses, and assets, key for
financial assessments and taxation purposes.

### License and Certificate:

- Details about legal permissions or qualifications held, important for
verifying operational status and compliance in regulated activities.

### Business Details:

- Specific information about business operations and structure, used for
regulatory compliance and tailored service delivery.

### User Selection & Authentication:

- Involves preferences and verification processes for users, ensuring
personalized experiences and secure system access.

### ID Numbers:
- Unique identification numbers assigned to individuals or entities, critical
for tracking and unique representation in various systems.

### Other IDs:

- Additional identification numbers or codes, useful for supplementary
identification and cross-referencing across systems.
### Applicant Details:
- Information related to applicants for services or programs, used for
eligibility assessment and application processing.

### Contact Person Details:

- Data about designated contacts in businesses, essential for liaison and
communication with entities.

### Contact Details:

- Comprehensive contact information for individuals or entities, vital for
communication and customer relationship management.

### Address Details:

- Detailed physical and mailing addresses, crucial for legal documentation and
service delivery.

### Account Details:

- Information pertaining to various accounts held by individuals or entities,
key for account management and transaction processing.

### Summary & Declaration:

- A consolidated

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