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ASSIGNMENT- 01 (TERM I-2024-25)


Q1. You are the cultural secretary of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words inviting
the names of students who would like to participate in the variety programme that you are
planning in aid of an old age home in your city. Items may be in the form of solo and group
singing, mono acting, magic show, dance performance, etc. Trials for the most suitable
participants will be held during the zero-period every day.

Q1. You are Nitin/ Yashi, the Head Boy/ Head Girl Zenith International School. Write a
notice, in not more than 50 words, inviting write-ups for the school magazine. Provide all
necessary details. (This is to be done as H/W in your English Writing Skill note-book.)
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SAMPLE DIALOGUE: Planning the School Science Fair. (in about 80-100 words)
Sophia: Hey Mark, have you thought about what project we should do for the science fair?
Mark: Not yet, Sophia. Any ideas?
Sophia: How about exploring renewable energy sources? We could build a small solar-
powered model and explain its benefits.
Mark: That sounds interesting! We could also compare it with wind energy. I'll research
solar panels, and you can look into wind turbines.
Sophia: Perfect! Let's meet tomorrow with our findings and decide which one to go with.
Mark: Agreed! This project will be awesome. Can't wait to get started!
Sophia: Me too! See you tomorrow, Mark.
Mark: See you! Bye!

Q1. You are Mukesh/ Mishika. Last day, you went to the local playground and met an old
man. On finding the lack of interest in playing outdoor games among the children these days,
you both shared your concern and discussed about the reasons and the remedies. Write a
dialogue between you and the old man in about 80-100 words. (This is to be done as C/W in
your English Writing Skill note-book.)


Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her success in class 12 board

B-32, sector-11
New Delhi-110034

January 10, 2023

Dear Muskan

My happiness knew no bounds when I got to know that you have topped your school and
achieved your dream. I felt so pleased that I wish I were there to congratulate you personally.

The result has proved that hard work, determination, and perseverance bring good results.
You were so laborious and passionate about it. I know you were very nervous too, but I was
always very confident that you would come out with flying colors. I apologize that I couldn’t
even attend the celebration party despite my wishes.

Hope to see you soon. Please be encouraged and continue your hard work. Your future is
very bright. My parents and elder sister have sent lots of love and heartiest congratulations.

Yours lovingly

Q1. You are Neel/ Nilima. Recently, you visited the International Film Festival held in your
city and watched some fantastic movies. You felt so fascinated that you even thought of
pursuing Theatre and Film Studies in future. Write a letter, in not more than 120 words, to

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your friend, sharing your experience and ideas (This is to be done as C/W in your English
Writing Skill note-book.)


Study the picture given below and write a paragraph, in not more than about 150
words, of what the picture suggests you. Give a suitable title to your paragraph.

Girl Education- A Far Cry in Rural India

The picture shows three schoolgirls playing a game of cricket instead of being at school. It
shows that, just like boys, girls can also skip school and play games during the time when
they should be at school. They are shown in the picture as carrying their school bags as
backpacks. So, it appears that they had got ready for school and left their homes for attending
school. From the dress worn by the girls in the picture, it appears they are living in either a
rural area or in a small town and they are enrolled in a government school. It is well-known
that three-quarters of India’s schools are operated by the government, but nearly half of these
schools don’t have separate usable toilet facilities for girl students. The situation is relatively
better in private schools. Consequently, many girls either skip classes or drop out from school
altogether. But more than anything else, it is a dignity issue and an issue of security for girl
students. But, schools often fail to recognize this or are unable to do anything due to lack of
funds. So, even those who don’t actually drop out, end up missing school for almost a week
every month. Further, when a girl does not go to school, there is constant pressure on her
parents to marry her off, thus causing child marriage. Consequently, we end up having an
uneducated girl who is a child bride and unable to face the world on her own. The
government must wake up and take strong steps to redress this wrong against half of our

1. Write a paragraph, in not more than 150 words based on the following visual cue:

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SAMPLE PARAGRAPH ON VERBAL CUES: Write a paragraph, in not more than
about 150 words, based on the clues given below. Give a suitable title to your
[Climate change- global problem- global warming- due to pollution- burning of hydrocarbon-
CO2, methane gas etc-melting of ice-Pole, mountain peak- Rising sea level-people at sea
coast in danger.] (This is to be done as H/W in your English Writing Skill note-book.)

Melting Ice and Rising Seas: The Global Crisis of Climate Change
Climate change stands as a formidable global challenge, intricately linked to the phenomenon
of global warming, primarily driven by human activities. The relentless burning of
hydrocarbons, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, plays a significant role in this environmental
crisis. The combustion of these fuels releases vast amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane, and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and leading to a rise
in Earth's average temperature. One of the most visible and alarming consequences of this
warming is the melting of ice at the poles and on mountain peaks. This melting contributes to
rising sea levels, posing a direct threat to communities living along coastlines. As sea levels
continue to rise, these populations face increased risks of flooding, loss of habitat, and the
dire prospect of displacement, highlighting the urgent need for global efforts to mitigate
pollution and embrace sustainable practices.

Q1. Write a paragraph, in not more than 150 words, based on the following cues:
[Sustainable development-blueprint for a better future-healthier environment and a more
resilient economy-responsibility-necessity for the planet's survival addressing pressing global
challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss prosperity is balanced with
environmental stewardship]. (This is to be done as H/W in your English Writing Skill note-

1. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the
correct word in the answer sheet against the correct blank number.
Incorrect Correct

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A integrated circuit (or microchip as (a)_______ _________
it is generally call) is a tiny (b)_______ _________
component that are heart and soul of (c)_______ _________
all single electronic device from (d)_______ _________
washing machine to traffic signals. These (e)_______ _________
revolutionary inventions has itself (f)_______ _________
given birth to many another revolutions (g)_______ _________
in the modern world- on computers to (h)_______ _________
internet for information and communication.
2. Read the conversation and complete the paragraph that follows:
Kanishk: Excuse me, could I meet the manager?
Accountant: Certainly.
Kanishk: I wish to meet him alone. Can you please tell me where I can meet him?
Accountant: He is in his room. Go to the second door on the left.
Kanishk asked the accountant (a)________. The accountant replied that he certainly could.
Kanishk then said that (b) _______ and further asked (c) __________ . The accountant told
him that he was in his room and directed him (d) ___________.
3. Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences:
a. Red cross day / an / become /day / the / in /important /world /of / history / has
b. celebrated /plays /annually /it / role / is / big /the /saving / to /in /lives
c. due / war / aims/ human beings / it / relief /distress / to /provide /the /in/to
d. on this day/ various/ to celebrate/ are / held /programmes /in the schools

Note: The above exercises are to be done as H/W in your English Language fair note-


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