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Observation of Public Speaking and

Debating Class: Evaluating Methodology

Effectiveness (by Mouna mohsine)
Institution : the higher school of education and formation BENI MELLAL

Class Subject: Public Speaking and Debating

Professor: Mr HILALI

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of the methodology employed by Professor in the Public
Speaking and Debating class, considering various components of the observation.

1. **Introduction and Engagement:**

The class commenced with a captivating introduction, setting the tone for an interactive and
dynamic learning experience. Professor Mr HILALI adeptly engaged students through thought-
provoking questions, creating an atmosphere of curiosity and participation.

2. **Structured Curriculum:**

The class followed a well-organized curriculum that seamlessly integrated theory and practical
exercises. The progression from foundational concepts to advanced debating strategies was evident,
ensuring a comprehensive learning journey for students.

3. **Inclusive Teaching Methods:**

The professor employed a variety of teaching methods to diverse learning styles. The use of
multimedia presentations, group discussions, and real-world examples enhanced comprehension
and made the content more relatable to students.

4. **Student Involvement:**

The professor actively encouraged student participation, fostering a collaborative and supportive
environment. Open discussions, impromptu speeches, and mock debates provided ample
opportunities for students to practice and their public speaking skills.
5. **Feedback Mechanism:**

A commendable aspect of the class was the emphasis on constructive feedback. Professor Hilali
provided individualized feedback to students, pinpointing strengths and areas for improvement. This
personalized approach contributed to a positive learning experience. Also, he asked the other
students to evaluate each performance based on a rubric he taught them from the very beginning
that showed all the components the speaker should respect for a persuasive speech, by that the
students learn how to pay attention more and have a critical eye.

6. **Real-world Relevance:**

The integration of current events and contemporary issues into class discussions and debates
showcased the professor's commitment to making the content relevant and applicable to real-world
scenarios. This not only enhanced the educational experience but also encouraged critical thinking.
For example once he uses the topic of investing a lot of money by the government in football
projects which was the trending subject back at that time as a debatable topic … etc

7. **Incorporation of Technology:**

The use of technology was judiciously integrated into the class. Online resources, virtual debates in
catch up exams, and multimedia presentations added a modern dimension to the traditional art of
public speaking and debating, aligning the curriculum with the demands of the digital age.

8. **Classroom Management:**

Professor Hilali demonstrated effective classroom management skills. The class maintained a
balance between structure and flexibility, allowing for spontaneous discussions while ensuring that
the learning objectives were consistently met.

9. **Encouragement of Diverse Perspectives:**

The professor actively encouraged students to express diverse perspectives and opinions. This
inclusive approach fostered an environment where students felt comfortable sharing their thoughts,
contributing to a rich and vibrant class dynamic. Moreover; he focused on STT student talk time
more .

10. **Conclusion:**

In conclusion, the Public Speaking and Debating class led by Professor HILALI exhibited a highly
effective methodology that encompassed a well-structured curriculum, active student engagement,
inclusive teaching methods, and a commitment to real-world relevance. The professor's dedication
to providing constructive feedback and fostering a supportive learning environment significantly
contributed to the success of the class. Overall, the methodology employed aligns with
contemporary educational practices and prepares students for the challenges of effective
communication in various professional settings.

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