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At 5204 building science unit: assignment

1 Semester 2, 2022


Semester 2, 2022

Assignment 1 due date (29/09/2022)


For this deliverable refer to the Materials Deliverable Drawings Set B that have been provided.
You will note that various parts of the building are numbered.
This assignment may be completed individual submission

You are to produce a table an example is shown below. The table consists of nine columns that
are titled as follows:
 Element name
 Load
 Ease of inspection
 Ease of replacement
 Durability (years)
 Material(s)
 Incompatible with
 Incompatibility remedy
 Effect on people and the environment

The following is an example of the format for Table:

Element Element Loa Ease of Ease of Durabilit Material/s Incompatible with Incompatibility Effect on people &
no name d inspection replacement y remedy environment

1. Pile

Referring to Drawing Set B find each numbered building component on the drawings. Working
in numerical order, (1, 2, 3) complete the row for each component by adding notes for each
column heading. (See below for further information about the content you need to provide).

Column Question
Element name What is it? For example a truss, metal roof tile etc.
Load live, dead or none explain what types of loads that the element would normally be
subject to (you can enter both live and dead if the element is subject to both). For
example you would expect a load bearing external wall to be subject to both live and
dead loads during normal use
Ease of How can the element be inspected after it is installed. Is it difficult; moderately
inspection difficult or easy to inspect.
Ease of How can the element be replaced after it is installed. (consider what other
replacement components would need to be removed to replace the element. Is it difficult;

At 5204 building science unit: assignment
1 Semester 2, 2022

moderately difficult or easy to replace.

Durability How many years durability does the element need to have according Table 1 in
(years) NZBC Clause B2/AS1 – Durability. It’s important to note the number of years
durability required can change for the same element depending on how it is used. For
example Gib linings that are not used for bracing have a far lower durability than
those linings that are used to brace the building
Material/s Identify the common material (or materials) that the element is made from (e.g.
timber, aluminium, mild steel, ceramic, plastic, concrete etc.). Note that the materials
indicated by the drawings are not necessarily the only possible materials (e.g. a beam
may be shown as timber, but steel and perhaps other materials could be used – Note
that it is the beams main material that we are discussing not any fittings or fixings
attached to the beam)
Incompatible For each possible material listed in column 6, identify any materials or finishes that
with the element is incompatible with. (e.g. the effect cedar weatherboards would have on
galvanised nail fixings; or etching of glass due to run-off from green concrete)
Incompatibilit Identify any steps that should have been taken to avoid the incompatibility problems
y remedy identified in 7 above – if none exists simply state this.
Effect on Identify effects that the building element could have on construction workers,
people & building users, the local and the wider environment (e.g. materials that contain
environment asbestos are prohibited due to health problems; aluminium consumes large amounts
of electricity during manufacture, etc.)

Hint: As some effects require a reasonably long description, an acceptable approach is for you to
write a numbered list of effects, then indicate the appropriate effect by using the numbered
reference. For example:
1) May contain asbestos, asbestos fibres are considered a health risk…..
2) May contain toxic residue as result of a preservative treatment.

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