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Law Conversion Courses

Diploma and Master’s

Assessments Briefing Sheet

December 2023
January 2024

This document covers ALL the Programme Assessments: please

refer to those relevant to your study plan.

Inspera Instructions for Non-Proctored Assessment

This is the Assessments Briefing Sheet and must be read in conjunction with the Inspera
Non-Proctored Assessment User Guide (the Inspera User Guide) which can be found on the
Hub Inspera Digital Assessments Page.

Fit to sit policy

BPP Law School operates a fit to sit policy on all programmes including these
Programmes. Under the above policy, any student who attends an assessment is
deemed to be “fit to sit” that assessment. This is important. It means that you may not
(for example) later submit a concession application relating to impaired performance in
that assessment because of illness, or any other mitigating factor which affected you at
the start of the assessment. If you are not “fit to sit”, you should not attempt the
assessment. Further details can be found on the Student Services pages on the Hub.

Written Assessment materials

These assessments are non-proctored, and they are open book assessments.

This method of assessment means that you will have access to your materials. This is
permitted however you are strongly advised to bear in mind that the time available will make
it very unlikely that you will be able to make meaningful use of them. We would advise you to
simply access the Advance Release Material pack and relevant statutes during the

The Assessments

These assessments are online assessments. Instructions on how to login and access the
assessments are set out in the Inspera User Guide.

All timed assessments will begin at 10am (UK Time) unless specified otherwise. Once you
start the assessment you will have the specified time for each assessment (subject to any
Learning Support Agreement) to complete the assessment.

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Academic Malpractice

All students are strongly advised to consult the University Policy on Academic
Malpractice. This is available on the Hub here:
Home > Help & Support > Student Services > University Regulations and Policies/
Guidance/ Documentation > Manual of Policies and Procedures.
The link to the Manual of Policies and Procedures is here.
It is extremely important that you comply with this Policy as any infringement may lead to
an Academic Misconduct investigation. Academic Misconduct is a serious academic
offence and may have repercussions, from scoring zero in your assessment, to affecting
your future career.

You should note that you are required to complete this assessment independently
and without any collaboration with any other person.
Please note the following definitions from the University Operations and Procedures
Part E 5.3A & B in relation to academic misconduct.
Collusion: is the act of aiding, or being aided by, one or more others in the preparation of an
assessment for submission where the assessment brief or invigilation instructions do not
expressly permit collaboration.
Plagiarism is the act of presenting the work of another as one’s own. It includes doing any of
the following without proper acknowledgment:
(i) copying the work of another; including BPP study materials.
(ii) copying from text books.
(iii) downloading and incorporating material from the internet within one’s work.
(iv) paraphrasing or imitating the work of another.

Please note that you are not required to include formal referencing in your answers.
However, if you include a quote, whether from a judgment, textbook or elsewhere, you
should briefly indicate the source at the end of the quote.
By submitting the assessment, you are stating that your attempt at the assessment is your
own work, and that no other person has assisted in its completion. You are on notice of the
penalties which will follow for any candidate breaching the Unfair Practices Code referred to

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Format of Assessments
To ensure you are confident with the format of the assessments, students should study the
following resources on the Hub:

1. The relevant Module Page Module Information Tile, in particular the Module Outline
and Exam Guidance document.
2. The relevant Module Page Summative Assessment Tile.

Timetable for Assessments
The timetable for assessments can be found in Appendix 1 of this Briefing Sheet.

Word Count Limit

Your submission for the written task in each timed assessment must not exceed the
maximum stated for each module on the summative module information.
This is the Word Count Limit.
Please note this is a maximum Word Count Limit and is not intended to be an indication of
the amount you need to write in these assessments. You could write an extremely good
answer in fewer words than this.
You are advised to write directly into Inspera and not to copy and paste from a Word
document or any other document format.
Inspera will read the word count differently from other formats such as Word. For example,
Inspera will read Word formatting instructions, invisible in a Word document, as extra words
for the purpose of the Word Count Limit and may not allow you to paste in the work you have
prepared. The number of words Inspera recognises is highly likely to exceed the number of
words shown in a Word document. Inspera will not allow you to type more words than
permitted by the Word Count Limit.
If you choose to copy and paste from another document against this advice, this is done at
your own risk. Copying and pasting from another document could cause you to run out of
time and fail to submit your full answer, as experienced by some students in the formative
assessments. At worst, you might find you are unable to submit anything in Inspera. If this
occurs, only work that is in Inspera at the end of the assessment will be marked.

Advance Release Materials

The Advance Release Materials for each assessment will be released at 09:00 (UK Time)
on the date specified in the schedule below.
Once the Advance Release Materials are available to students, your tutors will not be
permitted to answer questions that relate to these materials.

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Where will I find the Advance Release Materials?
The Advance Release Materials will be found on the Hub on the module page under the
Summative Assessment tile.

Instructions to Candidates
You must read the Inspera User Guide for details as to how to access the assessments.

Please note that two working days before each assessment, you will be able to check
that you have been set up for the assessment and that the correct time has been

Troubleshooting during an Assessment

For full guidance in relation to troubleshooting steps to take before and during the
assessments please read all of paragraph 4 of the Inspera User Guide.

For what do if you cannot resolve an IT problem, become ill during an assessment or
experience any other event that means you have to abandon your assessment please
read paragraph 3.12 of the Inspera User Guide. The email for the Team is Please use this email address before contacting your tutor or raising
a student query.

Students with learning support agreements may be entitled to extra time for the assessments.
This should be checked with your learning support officer.

Public Law 1 Submission

Further submission instructions for this module will be posted on the relevant module site
including troubleshooting and practice submissions.

Assessment Results

The examinations count towards your final grade on the LCC/LFC/PGDL. The weighting of
each assessment is set out in the relevant Handbook. The Handbook is available on the Hub
Welcome site. The pass mark for each of these assessments is 50%.

Please note that due to a rule imposed by the Solicitor’s Regulatory Authority, any fail
mark on any assessment will result in the resit being capped at 50% (a pass) and the
overall PGDL award will also be capped.

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Please note that there are multiple assessments in Crime (MCT and Oral Assessment) and
Land/Trusts (MCT in each module plus the combined assessment).

In each case, all assessments for the module must be passed to pass the assessment.
You will only be required to resit any assessment that you fail.

Learning Support and Reasonable Adjustment

If you have a learning support agreement in place, you will have been contacted separately
regarding the assessment arrangements particular to you.

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Revision Support
If you have a revision query, please contact your module tutor with any revision questions.

As it is a holiday period, your tutor may be on leave at this time. Further support will be

We are running a series of revision sessions prior to the assessment schedule.

Each session will be delivered by module leaders and will cover key points to be aware of for
each assessment.
These sessions will be delivered using Teams.
Please go to the link below at the time specified.
Either click on the link or cut and paste into your browser.
There may be time for questions at the end of each session.
A recording of the session will be available on the module page after the session has been

Day Time/Session
Monday 11th Contract Land/Trusts
December 12-1 1.30-2.30
Dec-23 Dec-23

Tuesday 12th PL1 PL2

December 12-1 1.30-2.30
23 Dec-23

Wednesday Company Crime Tort

13th December 12-1 1.15-2.15 2.30-3.30
Dec-23 Dec-23 Dec-23

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Appendix 1 – All times referred to are UK time

Public Law 1 Assessment

(Coursework question released 13 December)
Date: 05 January 2024

Latest Submission Time: 2pm

Public Law 1 Coursework Submission

Tort Law Assessment

Date: 03 January 2024
(Advance materials released 11 December)

Time: 10:00 – 12:00

Duration: Two hours

Contract Law Assessment

Date: 04 January 2024
(Advance materials released 12 December)

Time: 10:00 – 12:00

Duration: Two hours

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Company Law Assessment
Date: 08 January 2024

Time: 10:00 – 11:30

Duration: 1.5 hours

Criminal Law Assessment

Date: 18 December 2024
(Advance materials released 04 December)
Time: 2pm
Crime Oral Coursework Submission

Date: 05 January 2024

Time: 10:00 – 10:40
Crime MCT

Duration: 40 minutes

Land and Trusts Law Assessment

(Advance materials released 15 December)
10 January 2024 2pm: Assessment Opens
12 January 2024 2pm: Assessment Closes
Duration: 48 hours

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LCMR (Exemption) Students

Both modules: Land and Trusts

(Advance materials released 15 December)
10 January 2024 2pm: Assessment Opens
12 January 2024 2pm: Assessment Closes
Duration: 48 hours

One module: Land or Trusts

(Advance materials released 15 December)
10 January 2024 2pm: Assessment Opens
11 January 2024 2pm: Assessment Closes
Duration: 24 hours

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Trusts Law Assessment
Date: 09 January 2024
Time: 14:00 – 14:40
Trusts MCT
Duration: 40 minutes

Land Law Assessment

Date: 09 January 2024
Time: 10:00 – 10:40
Trusts MCT
Duration: 40 minutes

Public Law 2 Assessment

Date: 08 January 2024
Time: 14.00 - 16.00

Duration: Two hours

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