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Racine School/ lycée 2ndS

In the past, man lived from fishing, hunting, gathering etc. He preserved
the balance of nature. However, nowadays, we witness a degradation of the
environment. What are the main causes of pollution? What solutions can
we take to solve this problem? In the following lines, we are going to
answer these questions.

Let’s talk about the causes.

Firstly, industrial development is the main cause of pollution. In fact, in
addition to releasing a lot of smoke into the atmosphere, the factories
participate in water pollution pouring toxic chemicals in the sea. Besides,
the most polluted countries are those which are more industrialized.
Secondly, there are the cars and most means transport in general. In fact,
there are bad for the environment because of the smoke they give off and
the noise they make. For example, according to green earth, the carbon foot
print of a Paris, New York, round trip in approximately 1,75 tons of carbon
dioxide which represents almost all the annual emissions to which a French
person should limit himself to meet the objectives imposed by the
government to fight against global warning.
All these factors cause pollution which negatively affects humans but also
animals and plants and disturbs the balance of nature. So we have to find
solutions against it.
First of all, awareness must be raised. In fact, the best way to fight
pollution is to show people its negative consequences: the fish that die, the
oil spills, people who cannot who cannot rest due to the horns of the bikers.
So they will be less inclined to pollute.
Then, factories that polluted water should be heavily sanctioned by the
authorities to discourage them from continuing. Moreover, the population
can also act by limiting energy waste in homes as much as possible and
cycling or walking for short journeys.

Ultimately, pollution is an evil caused by human activities. Thus its

negative consequences can only be avoided by working hand in hand.
Racine School/ lycée 2ndS

Written by Zeïnab Diéne Samb

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