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IBPM1: Information system in companies

• Professors: ZOUADI Tarik & CHARGUI Kaoutar

• 2019-2020

Syllabus of the course:

▪ General introduction
▪ Text processing (WORD)
▪ Spreadsheets (Excel)
▪ Presentations ( Powerpoint)

Student behavior 3

▪ Delays and even justified absences impact your score.

Tolerated delay: 10 min.
▪ It is forbidden to eat and drink in the classroom.
▪ No exit from the room is accepted without authorization.
0. Didactic contract

▪ No phone or other electronic machines is accepted in class

unless it’s explicitly requested by me.
▪ For taking notes, they will be manual. If you want to use
your laptop, it should be requested at the beginning of the
session and send me your notes at the end of the course.

Communication with the professor 4

▪ Receipt of documents and information about the

course via the UIR's email address. Thank you for
checking it regularly.
▪ Ability to answer your questions by mail.
0. Didactic contract

IT Management course objectives 5

Direct objectives of the course

• Understand the critical role of the information for
business competitiveness.
0. Didactic contract

• Familiarize yourself with fundamental IT for running a

• Identify and learn how to manage the challenges and
decisions of a manager related to IT.

IT Management course objectives 6

How does this course contribute to the goals of

Rabat Business School?

• Act responsibly by familiarizing yourself with the ethical

aspects of IT use in companies.
0. Didactic contract

• Become familiar with the innovative uses of IT to

improve business performance.
• Understand how implementing an IT strategy will enhance
the company's competitiveness at the national and
international levels.

0.6. Rating system 7

▪ Final exam: 50%

▪ Continuous control: 50%
▪ Attendance (Absence, participation, behavior in
0. Didactic contract

classroom ): 10%
▪ Continuous control: 20%
▪ Project: 20%

Syllabus of the course:

2 Hours :
4 Hours : PW 2 Hours : PW 2 Hours : DW 8 Hours : DW

General Text Presentation
systems EXCEL
Introduction processing software

General introduction

The information…?

▪ Complex set consisting of data and

▪ Describes an activity.
Information = Data + interpretation model
▪ Several possible values. The information must be relevant and reliable
▪ An indication,
▪ An organizational resource,
▪ The component linking all the
elements of the internal and external
environments of the company.

Strategic role of the information

▪ It influences decision-making.
▪ The applications adapt to the interests of the company's strategy.
They make it possible to use information to gain market influence.
▪ Information systems make possible, or support, changes in the
company's product or the way the company faces competition in the

Global vision of a company
Decide actions to do Decision system

Collect, memorize, treat,

and distribute the information.

Ensure the functions:

. manufacture the products, Operations system

Information System - Definition

An Information System (denoted IS) represents all the elements

involved in:
▪ the management,
▪ processing,
▪ transport and,
▪ diffusion
of information within the organization.

Information System - Definition

There are several types of information systems:

▪ Operations support systems
▪ Management information systems
▪ Decision support systems
▪ Executive information systems

Information system

▪ The information system often includes computers but

not always.
▪ The information system is much wider and can be

Computer System

▪ A computer system is used to describe the computer tool(s) that

will process the information.
▪ In general, the computer system is composed of computer materials
(machines and networks) and software installed on these devices.

And the big question is…
How to make a "good" information system?

The answer on the classical techniques and approaches of Software Engineering:

▪ Analysis
▪ of the existing and the needs of the user.
▪ Design
▪ of the system and the software.

▪ Production
▪ Translation of algorithms in a chosen language.
▪ Software tests
▪ Verification and validation of the software.
▪ Non regression tests.
▪ Exploitation
▪ Use the software once installed.
▪ Maintenance
▪ Correction of errors.
▪ Feature additions. 17
▪ …
The nature of the Information System
The IS and the company functions
The typical enterprise can be summarized as follows:
▪ Accounting and inventory management.
▪ Office automation.
▪ Sales and Marketing.
▪ Production and manufacturing.
▪ Logistics and customer relationship supplier.
▪ Management and direction.

▪ An accounting information system (AIS) is a structure that a business
uses to collect, store, manage, process, retrieve and report its
financial data.
▪ Accountants ensure that the AIS provides the highest level of
accuracy in a company's financial transactions and record-keeping.
▪ Accounting information systems generally consist of six primary
components: people, procedures and instructions, data, software,
information technology infrastructure, and internal controls.

Inventory management
▪ An inventory management system is the combination of technology
(hardware and software) and processes and procedures that
oversee the monitoring and maintenance of stocked products.
▪ A complete inventory management system
• Identification System.
• Hardware tools.
• Inventory management software.
• Processes and policies
• Peaple.

Office automation
▪ Office automation (OA) refers to the collective hardware, software
and processes that enable automation of the information
processing and communication tasks in an organization.
▪ It includes:
• Computers .
• Software .
• Internet connectivity and email programs
• Fax and printing services
• Instant communication

Sales and marketing

▪ The Sales and Marketing Information System refers to the

systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, storage and
dissemination of the market information, from both the internal and
external sources, to the marketers.

Production and manufacturing

• It can be seen as the most critical part of the entire

manufacturing sub system.
• Basically it tracks the flow of the job through the
entire production process. It also records change in form of goods
or transfer of goods from one place to the other.

The problem of decision makers
Scattered data:
▪ Race to information

Moving data
▪ Medium and long term impossible analysis

Incompatible formats
▪ No possible consolidation or comparison

In summary… No possible reasoned

▪ Unprepered data decision-making!
▪ Too important deadlines
▪ Dependance on computer system

 

The integration of information systems

The integration of a new system on the IS is both:

▪ A technological and organizational challenge
▪ A contextual challenge

The integration of a software package is not limited to the installation of

a set of programs and their tests, but must include the steps to melt the
software in the IS., as much on the application side as on the user side.

Main standards
We distinguish two large types of norms or standards:
▪ Management (or organizational) standards.
▪ Products standards (or service).

The trend observed is the reconciliation between the management standards and
the product standards: the improvement of the process must have as objective the
quality of the product.

Main repositories

IT in companies: Support service

Hardware & Software

Operating System

▪ An operating system (often called OS) is a set of programs that

directs the use of computer resources by application software.

There are dozens of different operating systems on the market:

▪ Windows
▪ Mac OS
▪ Irix
▪ Symbian OS
▪ Linux
▪ Android

The softwares

Database Interface
Proof of concept (interest, unit of
software, ...)


Realization and marketing

Support (ASS) and software
improvement (updates, ...)
Security of information systems: Definition
and Concept
Information Systems Security (ISS) is the set of technical, organizational, legal and human means required to
maintain, restore, and guarantee the security of information and the IS.
Overall design
The security of an IS can be compared to a chain of more or less resistant links. It is then characterized by the security
level of the weakest link.
Thus, the security of the IS must be approached in a global context:
▪ user awareness of security issues,
▪ logical security, that is, data security,
▪ network security,
▪ system security,
▪ telecommunications security,
▪ application security,
▪ physical security, ie security at the level of physical infrastructures.
Business continuity and IS
Continuity of service is the ability of an organization to continue to provide an agreed
level of service in case of a serious event.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP):

Its purpose is the resumption of operations after a major disaster affecting the IS.
This is to restart the activity as quickly as possible with the minimum of data loss.
Business Resumption Plan (PRA):
No company can do without the computer tool, hence the absolute necessity of a
computer continuity plan. The purpose of this plan is to resume business after a
disaster in the most efficient manner while ensuring the survival of the business

IS securing methods
Preventive (avoid discontinuity)
▪ Backup of data by regular copies
▪ Backup systems: by redundancy of data, and creation of relocated emergency
sites (clean rooms, hot / cold / warm sites)
Curatives (restore continuity after a disaster)
According to the criticality of the breakdown:
▪ Data recovery by re-implementation of saved datasets
▪ Resuming applications or machines by temporarily using backup sites, before
repairing and rebasing users to dedicated applications / machines

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