Molecular Weight Polymer bsc2

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Molecular weight “Molecular weight of a polymer is defined as sum of the atomic weight of each of the atoms in the molecules, which is present in the polymer” This distribution of molecular weights is caused by the statistical nature of the polymerization process e.g. methane (CH,) molecules have the same molecular weight (16), but all polyethylene do not have the same molecular weight because the statistical distribution of molecular weight may be different for the different grade of the polyethylene and the degree of polymerization may also be different. Different molecular weights Number average molecular weight (Mn): A polymer solution of known concentration is made by dissolving a weight of ‘amount of polymer in its solvent. The colligative properties of this solution are then determined which counts the number ‘of molecules in a given volume or mass. Each Molecule makes an equal contribution to the colligative properties regardless of its weight or mass. Hence this method depends on the number of the molecule present. The molecular weight obtained by colligative property measurement is known as number average molecular weight and denoted by Mn. Yoimi_ Twi “Sai Sin Weight-average molecular weight Daim? YD wimi Sami Ywi Swim? SwiMi s(n, +n, +n, + Mw: z-Average molecular weight i.e. weight (w) /molecular weight (M) w= Weight of individual molecules (w, +, +5 +~ M = Molecular weight of each molecules Number Average Molecular Weight (Mn) The number average molecular weight is not too difficult to understand, It is just the total weight of all the polymer molecules in a sample, divided by the total number of polymer molecules in a sample. Consider a polymer, which contains four molecular weight polymers in different numbers and weight and these Number of unit in Weight of each Total weight of each 2 10 4 20 80 6 100 600 3 250 750 5 : 1450 Number average molecular weight, Mn Total number of polymer in containing each entity of poly-1, poly-2, poly-3 and poly-4 is = 15 Number of Poly-1 present in the polymer = 2 Number of fraction of poly-1 = 2/15 Similarly, Number of fraction of poly-2 = 4/15, Number of fraction of poly-3 = 6/15, Number of fraction of poly-4 = 3/15 Contribution made by poly-1 towards the average weight of polymer = number of fraction of each polymer x weight of each poly entity Therefore, each poly contribution is (2/15) x 10 =1.33g, (4/15) x 20 = 5.33g, (6/15) x 100 =40g, (3/15) x 250 = 50g ‘Summing up the contribution to get Number Average Molecular Weight= 1.33 + 5.33 + 40 +50 = 96.669 Number average molecular weight, Mn Total number of molecules (n) is given by a n, Number fraction of each molecule is = 5°, n=n, +n, +n, +n, +... Number average weight contribution of each entity i Number average molecular weight is nM, mM, nM, , nM, oe oe Weight average molecular weight; Mw Total weight of each poly present in the polymer =1450g Weight of poly-1 present in polymer = 20g Weight fraction of poly-1 = 20/1450, Weight fraction of poly-2 = 80/1450, Weight fraction of poly-3 = 600/1450, Weight fraction of poly-4 = 750/1450 Contribution made by each poly towards average weight of polymer = weight fraction of poly-1x weight of each unit For poly-1 (20/1450) x 10 = 0.14g For poly-2 (80/1450) x 20 = 1.10g For poly-3 (60/1450) x 100 = 41.38g For poly-4 (750/1450) x 250 = 129.31g ‘Summing up the contribution made by each poly to get weight average molecular weight is 0.14 + 1.10 + 41.38 + 129.31 = 171.93g Weight average molecular weight; Mw Total number of molecules (n) is given by NaN ty HM HN, eee = Total weight of the polymer is = 57N,/, =W nM, __nM, wo yn, MM, nM? Weight average weight contribution of each entity is = Say S17, nM, nM. a a 1M, >nM, YnM, age. pao alos For synthetic polymers Mw is greater than the Mn. If they are equal than they will consider as perfectly homogeneous. (Each molecule has same molecular weight). Weight fraction of each molecule is = Weight average molecular weight is Molecular weight and degree of polymerisation My, ThelbeaviersaolectlecOckbotes more We MGW Uae teltpkt ona new.oe Se / polymers is always greater that Mn except for a hypothetical monodisperse ™"°™** polymer. The value of Mw is greatly influenced by the presence of high molecular weight species just as Mn is influenced by species at the low molecular weight species Wale weg Degree of polymerization ( DP) represents the average number of monomer units in the polymer chain and is an alternate ‘way of expressing average chain size of the polymer Both number average, DPn and weight average, DPw degree of polymerization are defined as DPn=Mn/Mo & DPw=Mw/Mo Polydispersity index (PDI) or Index of polydispersity, PDI is used as a measure of molecular weight distribution and is, defined as PDI=Mw/Mn In case of monodisperse system( natural polymers and synthetic polymers made by anionic polymerization), PDI= 1 Since, Mn= Mw and for other cases, PDI> | or Mw is used as a measure of molecular weight distribution and is defined as Mw>Mn Molecular weight distribution and its significance Asimple chemical compound contains molecules, each of which has the same molecular weight (a monodisperse system), whereas a polymer contains molecules, each of which can have different molecular weights (polydisperse system). If a polymer sample of molecular weight 40000 Mn, the molecules have molecular weight ranging from 20000- 80000 or 500- 100000 the figure is uncertain. This is the reason why two polymer samples of the same 40000 Mn can display similar properties in some respect but not in the some others To know a polymer property, we must have a knowledge of both the average molecular weight and its dispersion pattern. This dispersity with respect to the lowest to the highest molecular weight homologues is expressed by a simple molecular weight distribution curve by plotting the number fraction (ni) of the molecule having a particular molecular weight(Mi) against the corresponding molecular weight. , °g s i ae | wah e e e “5 a & "eee LPILLLIALO Hare 20 33 ES aa A uniform (monodisperse) oReeee Polydispersity Index for Molecular weight of Polymers ‘The figure shows molecular weight distribution in two samples having same number average molecular ‘weight but different polydispersities. Sample 1 obviously has narrower dispersion pattern and hence a lower polydispersity than sample 2 Polydispersity is a very important parameter and it gives an idea of lowest and the highest molecular weight species as well as the distribution pattern of the intermediate molecular weight species. Plastics processing are affected by the molecular weight distribution. M, .— M—> ‘eer Molecular weight distribution of two hypsheticl polymer samples having sme umber average molecular weight but diferent polyspersitcn Influence of Molecular weight of Polymers The influence of molecular weight on the bulk properties of polyolefin’s An increase in the molecular weight leads to increase in Melt viscosity & Impact strength but decrease in hardness, stiffness, Softening point and Brittle point. High molecul: weight polymer does not crystallize so easily as lower molecular weight material does due to chain entanglement and that reflects in bulk properties of the high molecular weight polymer. A high molecular weight polymer increases the mechanical properties. Higher molecular weight implies Ionger polymer chains and a longer polymer chain implies more entanglement. Thereby they resist sliding over each other. Increasing the molecular weight and the chain length of the polymer increases impact strength. ‘Thermal properties can also be improved by increasing molecular weight. Mechanical Properties ‘Thermal Properties Molecular Weight ‘Molecular Weight Effect of Molecular Weight on Effect of Molecular Weight Distribution Properties of Polyoefing on Properties of Polyolefins Property __ With Incease Molecular Weight — ° ‘Melt Viscosity 7 ~ Distribution Incerasing, ‘Melt Strength + Melt Viscosity(High Shear) + ‘Melt Viscosity t Surface Gloss y Se pe “Toughness ¥ ‘Abrasion Resistance Optical Properties + " + Unimate Strenath t ‘Melt Strength (Low Shear) Resistane Determination of Number Average Molecular Weight 1. End group analysis » Determination of number average molecular weight (Mn) » Analysis of functional groups in polymers, particularly of those incorporated at chain ends » Method of analysis Titrimetric method ‘Spectrophotometric method » Limitations/disadvantageous This can only be used when a polymer has an end gropup Less sensitive for high molecular weight polymers. Mn < 25,000 End group analysis count the stars! If we know the skeletal structure of a polymer (i.e., how many end groups there are per molecule of polymer) and the end groups are in some way distinguishable from other chemical moieties on the polymer, then end group analysis can be a powerful tool to allow us to “count” the number of molecules in a sample and hence solve for Mn End group analysis would be like counting the stars on these polymers (6) and knowing there are 2 end groups per molecule — we can use that information to figure out that there are 3 polymer molecules. End group analysis ‘The end group analysis is a chemical method used to determine the number average molecular weight of a polymer sample through the analysis of reactive functional groups at one end or both end e.g carboxyl terminate polybutadiene, hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene . Apart from hydroxyl and carboxyl groups, other end groups (aldehyde, amino, ester) can possibly be present in various polymers. For detecting and analyzing quantitatively a ‘ determined by titration with a methanolic perchloric acid solution. Other titratable end groups are the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups in polyesters and the epoxy end groups in epoxy resins . ‘The sensitivity of this method decreases as the molecular weight increases . This method is limited to determination of polymers with a “molecular weight of less than about 20,000. From the knowledge of functional group equivalent and functionality, the molecular weight can be calculated using the following equation Mn=Functionality/Functionalgroup equivalent Determination of Viscosity Average Molecular Weight Viscometry: A plot of log [n] against log M gives a straight line. From the graph, the value of K and a can be determined from their ordinate intercept and slope of the line. If 1 and n, are the absolute viscosities of a solution and the pure solvent respectively and t and to are their corresponding time flow, then ——» Reduced Viscosity - It is defined as the relative increase in viscosity per unit concentration (¢) of polymers. Intrinsic Viscosity (1h) * The reduced viscosity is dependent on Concentration (c). © If a graph is plotted between reduced viscosity vs concentration, then the extraplotation value when c=0 is called “intrinsic viscosity. pibepiaicss eS “ Vise ny = Oe c — * The reduced viscosity is dependent on Concentratic ° if 2 graph is plotted between reduced viscosity vs concentration, then the extraplotation value when c=0 is called “intrinsic viscosity. ————— m Vise

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