Public International Law - (DETAILED CONTENTS)

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Preface xiii
Table of cases xv
Table of statutes xxxi
Table of treaties xxxvii
Table of other documents lxiii
List of abbreviations lxxv

Glossary of Latin and foreign words and maxims lxxxiii

1 History and nature of international law 1


Chapter outline 1
1.1 Definition of international law 5
1.2 A brief history of international law 6
1.3 The nature of international law 12
1.4 Enforcement of international law 14
1.5 Situations to which international law is relevant 16
Recommended reading 17
Aide-mémoire 18
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2 Sources of international law 21


Chapter outline 22
2.1 Introduction 26
2.2 Treaties 28
2.3 International custom 29
2.4 The relationship between treaties and international custom 38
2.5 Special rules of customary international law: jus cogens and rules
creating erga omnes obligations 43
2.6 General principles of international law 48
2.7 Judicial decisions 51

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2.8 The writings of publicists 53

2.9 Equity 55
2.10 Secondary law of international governmental organisations (IGOs) 56
2.11 Declarations – an uncertain source? 58
2.12 Soft law 58
2.13 Codification of international law: the contribution of the International
Law Commission (ILC) 64
Recommended reading 66
Aide-mémoire 67

3 The law of treaties 68


Chapter outline 69
3.1 Introduction 76
3.2 The main features of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the
Law of Treaties (VCLT) 76
3.3 The fundamental principles of the law of treaties 79
3.4 The definition of a treaty under the VCLT 80
3.5 Conclusion of treaties 82
3.6 Reservations to treaties 86
3.7 Interpretative and conditional interpretative declarations and their
relationship with reservations 93
3.8 Entry into force, deposit, registration and publication of treaties 95
3.9 Validity of treaties 96
3.10 Application of treaties 103
3.11 Amendment and modification of treaties 106
3.12 Interpretation of treaties 108
3.13 Termination and suspension of treaties 113
3.14 Settlement of disputes 119
Recommended reading 119
Aide-mémoire 121
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4 International law and municipal law 125


Chapter outline 125

4.1 Introduction 128
4.2 The relationship between international law and municipal law 128
4.3 Municipal law before international courts and tribunals 131
4.4 International law before UK courts 133
4.5 International law before US courts 154
Recommended reading 162
Aide-mémoire 163


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5 International personality 165

Chapter outline 166
5.1 Introduction 170
5.2 States and the criteria for statehood 173
5.3 Independent States 179
5.4 Dependent States 181
5.5 Sui generis entities 184
5.6 Internationalised territories 185
5.7 De facto regimes 186
5.8 Mandates and trusteeship territories 188
5.9 Insurgents, belligerents and national liberation movements 189
5.10 Territories under UN administration 190
5.11 International governmental organisations (IGOs) 191
5.12 Individuals 194
5.13 Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) 201
5.14 Multinational corporations (MNCs) 203
Recommended reading 204
Aide-mémoire 205

6 Recognition of States, governments and intergovernmental

organisations in international law 208
Chapter outline 208
6.1 Introduction 211
6.2 Recognition of a State in international law 212
6.3 Recognition of governments 223
6.4 Recognition of States and governments in national law: the UK 225
6.5 Recognition of IGOs in national law: the UK 239
Recommended reading 240
Aide-mémoire 241

7 Territorial sovereignty 243

Chapter outline 243
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7.1 Introduction 248

7.2 Different types of territorial sovereignty 249
7.3 Principles and rules applicable to the acquisition of title to territory 251
7.4 Modes of acquisition of title to territory 257
7.5 Other circumstances relevant to the acquisition of territory 272
7.6 Acquisition of territory in polar regions 276
7.7 Restrictions on the transfer of territory 278
7.8 Loss of territory 278
7.9 Rights over parts of territory of a foreign State: international
leases and servitudes 279
Recommended reading 282
Aide-mémoire 283


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8 The law of the sea 285


Chapter outline 285

8.1 Introduction 289
8.2 Baselines 294
8.3 Internal waters 301
8.4 Territorial sea, international straits and archipelagic waters 305
8.5 Contiguous zone 313
8.6 The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) 314
8.7 Continental shelf 318
8.8 Delimitation of maritime boundaries 323
8.9 The high seas 331
8.10 The Area 342
8.11 Settlement of disputes under the 1982 UN Convention on the
Law of the Sea (LOSC) 345
Recommended reading 346
Aide-mémoire 348

9 Jurisdiction 352

Chapter outline 352

9.1 Introduction 356
9.2 The territoriality principle 358
9.3 The nationality principle 360
9.4 The protective principle 361
9.5 The passive personality principle 364
9.6 The universality principle 365
9.7 Jurisdiction based on a treaty dealing with international crimes 376
9.8 Jurisdiction in competition matters: the US ‘effects doctrine’
and the EU ‘implementation doctrine’ 382
9.9 Concurrent jurisdiction 385
9.10 Jurisdiction to enforce 386
Recommended reading 388
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Aide-mémoire 389

10 Immunity from national jurisdiction 391


Chapter outline 391

10.1 Introduction 394
10.2 State immunity, non-justiciability and the act of State doctrine 395
10.3 State immunity and its evolution 398
10.4 The terrorism exception to State immunity under the 1976
US Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) and its
amendments 418


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10.5 UK law on State immunity: the 1978 State Immunity Act (SIA)
and the common law 420
10.6 The 2004 UN Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and
Their Property (The UN Immunity Convention) 429
10.7 Diplomatic immunity 432
10.8 Quasi-diplomatic privileges and immunities 439
10.9 Immunities of international governmental organisations (IGOs) 440
10.10 Immunities of visiting armed forces 444
Recommended reading 445
Aide-mémoire 446

11 State responsibility for wrongful acts 448


Chapter outline 449

11.1 Introduction 454
11.2 Theories on State responsibility 456
11.3 Imputability 460
11.4 Direct and indirect international wrongs 465
11.5 Direct international wrongs: aggrieved responsibility 466
11.6 Direct international wrongs: ordinary responsibility 468
11.7 Indirect international wrongs: the treatment of aliens 471
11.8 The treatment of aliens: admission and expulsion 473
11.9 The treatment of aliens: denial of justice 478
11.10 The treatment of aliens: expropriation of foreign property 480
11.11 Admissibility of State claims: diplomatic protection 487
11.12 Circumstances precluding wrongfulness 503
11.13 Consequences of invoking a circumstance precluding wrongfulness 506
11.14 Reparation for injury 506
Recommended reading 510
Aide-mémoire 511

12 An overview of the international protection of human rights 514

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Chapter outline 514

12.1 Introduction 519
12.2 The International Bill of Human Rights: The Universal Declaration
of Human Rights and its implementation through the 1966
Covenants 524
12.3 Other ‘core’ UN human rights treaties 534
12.4 The UN human rights enforcement machinery 542
12.5 Regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of
human rights – the Inter-American system 547
12.6 Regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of
human rights – the African system 558


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12.7 Regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of

human rights – the European system 564
12.8 General conclusions 572
Recommended reading 573
Aide-mémoire 574

13 Self-determination of peoples 575


Chapter outline 575

13.1 Introduction 578
13.2 The evolution of the principle of self-determination: from a
political concept to a legal concept 581
13.3 Decolonisation 587
13.4 The limit of the right to self-determination in the colonial context 590
13.5 The extension of the right to self-determination to people living
under racist regimes and foreign domination 591
13.6 The right to self-determination as a human right 595
13.7 Self-determination in the post-Cold War era 597
13.8 Conclusion 609
Recommended reading 610
Aide-mémoire 611

14 Peaceful settlement of disputes between States 612


Chapter outline 612

14.1 Introduction 616
14.2 Diplomatic means of dispute settlement between States 618
14.3 Arbitration 620
14.4 Mixed claims commissions 627
14.5 From the Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ) to the
International Court of Justice (ICJ) 629
14.6 The ICJ: functions, composition and organisation 631
14.7 The ICJ: contentious jurisdiction 635
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14.8 The ICJ: advisory jurisdiction 667

14.9 Assessment of the ICJ 672
Recommended reading 675
Aide-mémoire 676

15 The use of force 679


Chapter outline 679

15.1 Introduction 683
15.2 From the right to wage war to a total prohibition of war 683
15.3 The prohibition of the threat or use of force under the UN Charter 688

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15.4 Exceptions to the prohibition of the threat or the use of force

based on self-defence 691
15.5 Collective self-defence 710
15.6 Controversial uses of force 712
15.7 Prohibition of reprisals 717
Recommended reading 719
Aide-mémoire 720

16 Collective security 722


Chapter outline 722

16.1 Introduction 725
16.2 The role of the UNSC in the maintenance of international peace
and security 728
16.3 The role of the UNGA in the maintenance of international peace
and security: the Uniting for Peace Resolution 744
16.4 UN peacekeeping and its role in the maintenance of international
peace and security 748
16.5 Regional arrangements and agencies and their role in the maintenance
of international peace and security 751
Recommended reading 755
Aide-mémoire 756

17 International humanitarian law (IHL) 757


Chapter outline 757

17.1 Introduction 762
17.2 The fundamental principles of IHL 763
17.3 The law relating to the conduct of armed conflicts (The Hague law) 770
17.4 The law relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts
(the Geneva law) – its origin and development 787
17.5 The scope of application and content of IHL 790
17.6 Breaches of IHL 806
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17.7 The role of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 809
Recommended reading 812
Aide-mémoire 813

Index 817


Kaczorowska-Ireland, A. (2015). Public international law. Taylor & Francis Group.

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