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Dr/ Soaad Abd El-Badie Attia El-Afefy

( S. Abd El-Badie)

Mathematics Department
Faculty of Science - University

Is the Queen of Sciences
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Dr/ Soaad Abd El-Badie Attia El-Afefy
( S. Abd El-Badie)

Math (III) – Math201

2023 - 2024
th Semester Students
Dr/ Soaad Abd El-Badie Attia El-Afefy
( S. Abd El-Badie)

Weekly Lecture & Section

Day Time Place
Lecture Mon 9-12 Hall 1

Course Assessment (100)

Dr/ Soaad Abd El-Badie Attia El-Afefy
( S. Abd El-Badie)

 Lectures & Sections

 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, by E. Kreyszig
 Calculus, 7th Edition, Stewart.
 Faculty Library
Dr/ Soaad Abd El-Badie Attia El-Afefy
( S. Abd El-Badie)
 Attendance is Very Important & Don't Come Late
 Your Mobile should be “Silent or Switched off”
 Don't Speak Loudly & Sit Politely
 Raise your hand if you have any question
 Do All Ur Quizzes & Homework

Study Hard & Do All Ur Best 2 B Z Best
Dr/ Soaad Abd El-Badie Attia El-Afefy
( S. Abd El-Badie)
Laplace Transform

Math (III) Course Outlines

Fourier Analysis

Z- Transform

Discrete Linear System

Wavelet Transform

Math (III)
Lecture (1)
The Secret 2
Getting Ahead
Getting Started
Lecture (1)
Laplace Transform
Laplace Transform
1. LT Idea

2. LT Definition

3. LT Examples

4. LT Table

5. LT Basis (5-9)
1. Laplace Transform Idea
Laplace transform is a special type of a wider class of integral transforms used to
simplify the methods of solution of many engineering problems. It is one of the easiest
methods to solve complicated non-homogeneous equations. Laplace transform converts
time domain signal into frequency domain, which is depicted more clearly
2. Laplace Transform Definition

Let f(t) be a function defined on the interval (0 t < ). We define
its Laplace transform F(s) by:

F ( s)  L[ f (t )]   e f (t )dt  st

3. Laplace Transform Examples

Example 1 : Find the Laplace transform of f(t) = 1

Let, f (t )  1
 st 

e 1
L[1]  F ( s )   e dt 
 st
 , s0
0 s s 0
3. Laplace Transform Examples
Example 2 : Find the Laplace transform of f(t) = t

Let, f (t )  t
 st 

te 1 
1  st 
L[t ]  F ( s)   te dt 
 st
  e dt  0  e
 st

0 s s0
0 s 2 0

F (S )  , s  0
3. Laplace Transform Examples

Example 3 : Find the Laplace transform of f(t) = eat

Let, f (t )  e at

 
1 t ( s  a ) 
L[e ]  F ( s )   e .e dt   e
at  st at t ( s  a )
dt   e
0 0 sa 0

 , sa
4. Laplace Transforms Table

f(t) F(s)
tn n!
s n 1
Cos(t) s2   2

Sin(t) s2   2
Cosh(t) s2   2

Sinh(t) s2   2
5. Linearity of LT Laplace Transform

Let F(s) = L[f(t)] & G(s) = L[g(t)], and let a and b be constants.

L[a f(t) + b g(t)] = a F(s) + b G(s)

Example Find the LT of: 3t +2cos5t

F ( s )  L[3t  2 cos 5t ]  3L[t ]  2 L[cos 5t ]

3 2s
F (s)  
s s  25
2 2
6. LT of the 1st Derivative

Let F(s) = L[f(t)], Then:

L[f(t)] = s F(s)  f(0)

Proof  st
Integration By Parts , Let u= e & dv= f (t )dt

L[ f (t )]   e f (t )dt  e f (t )   ( s)e f (t )dt

 
 st  st   st
0 0

 0  e f (0)  s  e f (t )dt  sF ( s)  f (0)

0 s  st

7. LT of the 1st Derivative Example

Example Find the Laplace transform of f t   sin t



f t   sin t  f t   2 sin t cos t  sin 2t , f 0  0, L f t   Lsin 2t  

2 2
s2  4
Since, L f t   F s  & L[ f(t)] = s F(s)  f(0)

L f t   s F s   f 0 

s 4 2

2 2
s F s    F s  
s 4 2
s( s  4) 2
8. Derivative of LT

Let F(s) = L[f(t)], Then:

L[tf (t )]   F ( s)

Since, F ( s)  L[ f (t )]   e f (t )dt
 st

d d   st d
 st
F (s)   e f (t ) dt   e f (t )dt
ds ds 0 0 ds

 st d
  e tf (t )dt   L[tf (t )]  L[tf (t )]   F ( s )
0 ds
9. Derivative of LT Example

Example Find the Laplace transform of f (t )  t cos 2t


Applying the definition of LT we get:

Lcos 2t  
s 4

d  s  s 4 2

 Lt cos 2t      
ds  s  4  ( s  4)
2 2 2
Dr/ Soaad Abd El-Badie Attia El-Afefy
( S. Abd El-Badie)

Don't 4 Get & Do All Ur Best 2 B Z Best

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