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Loyola Institute of Business Administration

TCS Limited EPGPBM :: 2011 2014

Course Profile
Course (Term III) Period

Organizational Behaviour
September November 2011
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9 sessions of Three Hours (1400 to 1715 hours) each on Saturdays

Faculty Course Description K. Senthilathiban1 An executive who wants to progress to higher levels of position in an organization need to understand the why and how of behaviours within the organization in the context of personal, organizational and environmental influences. The study of organizational behaviour with its strong theoretical and applied foundations from the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology and political science meets this need by helping executives to be aware of, understand, analyse and, to a reasonable extent, predict behaviours of people in an integrated manner at the individual and collective levels. The course content is designed in such a manner that the participants will be able to develop perspectives as well as skills to understand and manage people effectively. To enable the participants learn and internalize basic theoretical approaches to understand individual and collective behaviours in organizations and oriented to competencies needed for the application of the knowledge in work situations to excel in their present and future roles in an organizational context

Course Objectives

Managing Partner, Sparks Development Group, Chennai & Visiting Faculty, LIBA.


Performance Objectives

The participants are expected to demonstrate conceptual clarity, reflective and critical thinking and application of knowledge gained in Interaction during the sessions Individual and group assignments Experimenting in work situations and sharing the experiences Understanding behaviour in organizations Perception Learning Personality Motivation Leadership Managing Differences Behaviour in Groups & Group Dynamics Organizational Culture & its Impact on Behaviour
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Learning will be facilitated through active learning methods covering Interactive presentations Group work Self Assessments Simulation Exercises Individual Assignments Case Analysis - Group Work Participants will be assessed through the following methods Method Regularity in attendance Individual Assignments ( 3 or 4 ) Group Assignment Mid Term Test Terminal Test Total Passing Minimum Marks 5 20 15 20 40 100


50 marks

Grading Based on the marks obtained, participants of the Course will be graded as follows:


of Participants

Marks 75 and Above 71 - 74 67 70 63 66 59 62 55 58 50 54 49 and below

Grade O A+ A B+ B C+ C F

Interpretation Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Average Below Average Pass Fail
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Reading Materials (Optional) References

Readings relating to the Course will be posted/sent through the yahoo group specified. Primary :: Organizational Behaviour by Stephen P Robbins & Seema Sanghi (Latest Edition) Supplementary :: Organizational Behaviour by Robert Kreitner & Angelo Kinicki (Indian Edition - Tata McGraw-Hill) Participants are expected to read additional readings specified during the course flow and also, if needed, other books and materials of their choice, to broad base their understanding


Apart from the general norms set by LIBA, the following norms are applicable for the participants of the Course in Organizational Behaviour: Adequate space will be provided for clarifications and sharing of experiences. Hence, participants of the course need to come prepared on the topic to be covered in the classes and also with reflections of their experiences. Participants can freely seek clarifications both during the class and off-the-class (preferably through email). Assignments (both individual and group) handwritten need to be submitted on the agreed date. Late submission will lead to deduction of 3-5 marks depending upon the total marks. Indication of reference work, critical analysis, original ideas, work life examples, application value etc will be given more


weightage while assessing assignments. Mere reproduction from other sources, particularly from the internet will be negatively assessed. Participation of all the members in the group work, if given, is a must. Indication of non-involvement of any team member or absence of any team member on the day of presentation will lead to non-awarding of marks for that assignment to them. Similarity in assignments beyond the reasonable limit will be viewed negatively and no marks will be awarded for those involved in it. Participants are expected to successfully complete the course in one attempt by fulfilling all the requirements.

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Session Plan
Session No. Date Topic & Sub Topics Resources for the session (Readings, cases, chapters from the book) Assignment/ Evaluation (if any)

Sep 10

Introduction to the course & Expectations & Learning Contract Need for studying behaviour in organizations Approaches to study organizational behaviour

Reading 1 Chapter 1 in Primary Reference

Sep 17

Foundations of individual behaviour Biographical attributes and behaviour Abilities Values Attitudes job satisfaction

Reading 2 &3 Introducing the Four Chapter 2, 3 Case Studies & 5 in of the Primary Course for Reference Group Assignment


3 Sep 24 4 Oct 01

Perception Factors influencing perception Perceptual process Person perception Attribution theory Distortions in perception and consequences Learning Learning to behave conditioning, modeling Role of reinforcement in learning Adult learning and learning styles Modifying behaviour for effectiveness Personality Meaning and determinants of personality Dimensions of personality Emotional components Personality-OrganizationRole fit Motivation Concept of motivation Theories of motivation Motivating strategies Contemporary challenges in motivating employees Leadership Understanding leadership Theories of leadership Power bases of leadership Leadership styles and competencies

Assignment on Values & Perception

Reading 4 Chapter 2 in Primary Reference

Group Presentation on Learning from Visual Case - 1

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Reading 6 Chapter 4 & 8 in Primary Reference

5 Oct 08 6 Oct 15

Self Assessment on Personality Types & Assignment on its application value

Reading 5 Chapter 6 & 7 in Primary Reference

Mid Term Test

Reading 7 Chapter 12 & 13 in Primary Reference

Self Assessment on Leadership Styles & Assignment on


its application value 7 Oct 22 Behaviour in Groups & Group Dynamics Foundations of group behavior Stages of group development Group dynamics Decision making in groups Managing Differences Need for managing differences Conflict process - Conflict resolution Managing diversity Diversity and innovation Organizational Culture Understanding organizational culture Types of culture in organizations Creating and sustaining culture Socialization into culture

Reading 10 Chapter 9 in Primary Reference

Simulation Exercise on Group Dynamics

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Oct 29

Reading 9 Chapter 15 in Primary Reference

Group Presentation on Learning from Visual Case - 2

Nov 5 Nov 12

Chapter 17 in Group Assignment on Primary Group Reference Dynamics & Organizational Culture

Final Examination

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