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Market Research – Assignment 2 Checklist

1. Define the problem:

Problem – Investigate the Feasibility of Setting up a Mobile Coffee / Smoothie /
Milkshake Stall in ……. Area

2. Set out your research objectives which should include find out:

Overall understand if a Coffee / Smoothie / Milkshake bar would be

successful if were to set up in your Chosen area by finding out the following

The Population of area Including demographics such age profile (Census)

The Size of the Coffee / Smoothie / Milkshake Market in the Chosen Area (in
terms of Volume and Value) including understanding the Competitors who operate in
the same area (Trade Magazine / Internet)
The characteristics (Age, Gender, Job Occupation) of current Coffee / Smoothie /
Milkshake drinkers in your chosen area (Questionnaire)
The Days and times of visits to other coffee / smoothie / milkshake bar in the
chosen area, including busy periods and quitter periods (Observation)
The Reasons why customer drink in their current bar (Questionnaire)
The types of drinks potential customer purchase in their current bar
(Questionnaire / Observation)
The Average Spend per visit to current bar (Questionnaire)
Understand how the current bar they visit could improve(Questionnaire)
Understand the reasons why people don’t visit Coffee / Smoothie / Milkshake bars

3. Set out a budget for cost of the market research

Set a financial cost of undertaking market research including:
Cost of using your time Internet Costs
Electricity Costs Printing Costs

4. Determine the data that is to be collected and the methods that you plan
to use to achieve your objectives Task 2 above:

Use 2 types of Primary Research including Qualitative data (Reasons) and

Quantitative data, (Statistics): These will include:

1. Survey using a Questionnaire (created in Microsoft Forms) with Open and

Closed Questions to
2. Observation (Create a Tally Chart on Microsoft Word) data to be collect
Identify the number of people visiting competitors observed at certain times?
Which drinks and snack are being purchased?
Explain the observation process and data to be collected including why you
have decided to collect this information.
Explain the timeslots and days in which you carried out the observation and
explain why?

Analyse why you are using these methods including finding out what you
have identified in Task 2 and the reasons why you didn’t choose other

Use 2 Types of Secondary Research These include 2 of the following:

Government Statistics including (Census)

Internet Websites and Journals (Competitor Analysis)
Market Research – Assignment 2 Checklist

Analyse why you are using these methods including finding out what you
have identified in Task 2 and the reasons why you didn’t choose other

5. Choose a Sampling Method you plan to use when undertaking your

survey and explain why?
Random Systematic Stratified Cluster
Quota Convenience Observation

6. Carry out your pilot primary research to collect sample data/findings

Explain why you are carrying out pilot Primary Research
Pilot Survey 10 People completing Questionnaires.
Undertake 1 hour observation of Shop Visitors of 3 (20 minutes each)
competitors – completing Tally Chart

7. Write a report in which you evaluate the findings of your pilot primary
research and suggest improvements that should be made to the final
market research activity.

In your evaluation you should think about:

Is the questionnaire and observations finding out the information you require?
the types and quality of data you have collected up to standard.
Is your sampling method effective?

Suggested Improvements could include – please explain why?

Modify Questions within the questionnaire to avoid bias / collection of desired data
– explain why?
Change of Sampling Method – explain why?
Change the Time of day you plan to observe coffee shop visitors / Tally Chart
Used – explain why?

8. Using the outcomes of your evaluation, you will produce a modified final
version of your market research plan.

Modified Questionnaire (Change questions) to undertake Survey

Modified Observation Form to undertake Observation / Times and Days of
A different Sampling Method

9. Once these improvements have been made, you are to carry out the final
market research activity collecting a range of both primary and
secondary data

Undertake Primary Research - 50 Surveys using your questionnaire / Observation

1 hour per competitor in the chosen area.
Undertake Secondary Research - As identified in Task 4

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