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Colonel Frank Seely School

Exampro A-level Physics Name:

(7407/7408) Class: Longitudinal and transverse waves



Time: 106

Marks: 98


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Q1.Explain briefly how transmission of energy by a transverse wave differs from transmission by
a longitudinal wave.





(Total 2 marks)

Q2.(a) (i) State the difference between a longitudinal wave and a transverse wave.





(ii) State an example of a transverse wave.


(iii) State an example of a longitudinal wave.


(b) Sound with a frequency of 560 Hz travels through steel with a speed of 4800 m s –1.
Calculate the wavelength of the sound wave.
(Total 6 marks)

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Q3.(a) When an earthquake occurs longitudinal waves (P waves) and transverse waves (S
waves) are produced in the Earth’s crust. The P waves travel faster than the S
waves. A station, whose task is to detect and locate the position of earthquakes, is
at a distance d from the point where the earthquake originates (the epicentre).
The speed of P waves is 7.5 km s–1 and that of S waves is 5.0 km s–1 . For a
particular earthquake the station detects the P wave 1.5 s before the S wave.

(i) Write down expressions for the time it takes each wave to travel the distance d
from the epicentre to the station.

Time for P waves ..................................................................................

Time for S waves ...................................................................................


(ii) Determine the distance of the epicentre from the station.


(b) The earthquake can set up resonant vibrations in bridges causing them to collapse.
The diagram below shows one such bridge. The modes of vibration of the bridge are
similar to those of a stretched string.

(i) Explain how a stationary wave is set up in a stretched string.






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(ii) The velocity of transverse waves along the bridge is 180 m s–1. Determine the
frequency of the vibrations produced by an earthquake that would cause the
central span of the bridge to resonate at its fundamental frequency (first

(iii) A designer assumes the highest frequency produced by an earthquake is 1.5

times the fundamental frequency and decides to modify the bridge by building
an extra support midway between the two existing supports.

Explain whether this modification would eliminate resonant vibrations caused

by an earthquake.






(Total 10 marks)

Q4.(a) State the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves.





(b) State what is meant by polarisation.





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(c) Explain why polarisation can be used to distinguish between transverse and
longitudinal waves.




(Total 6 marks)

Q5.Polarization is a property of one type of wave.

(a) Circle below the type of wave that can be polarized.

transverse longitudinal


(b) Give one example of the type of wave that can be polarized.


(c) Explain why some waves can be polarized but others cannot. Space is provided for
sketches should you wish to include them in your answer.






(Total 5 marks)

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Q6. (a) With the aid of a clearly labelled diagram explain how a sound wave in air
transmits energy away from its source.





(b) Unlike sound waves, transverse waves can be polarised. Give one example of a
transverse wave and draw a diagram to show how it can be plane polarised. State a
method of polarising a wave of the type you have chosen.

Example transverse wave ........................................

Method of polarisation .......................................................

(Total 6 marks)

Q7. Figure 1 shows three particles in a medium that is transmitting a sound wave.
Particles A and C are separated by one wavelength and particle B is half way between
them when no sound is being transmitted.

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Figure 1

(a) Name the type of wave that is involved in the transmission of this sound.


(b) At one instant particle A is displaced to the point A' indicated by the tip of the arrow
in Figure 1. Show on Figure 1 the displacements of particles B and C at the same
instant. Label the position B' and C' respectively.

(c) Explain briefly how energy is transmitted in this sound wave.






(Total 4 marks)

Q8.Which one of the following types of wave cannot be polarised?

A radio

B ultrasonic

C microwave

D ultraviolet
(Total 1 mark)

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Q9.Which one of the following types of wave cannot be polarised?

A radio

B ultraviolet

C microwave

D ultrasonic
(Total 1 mark)

Q10.The audible range of a girl's hearing is 30 Hz to 16 500 Hz. If the speed of sound in air is
330 m s−1, what is the shortest wavelength of sound in air which the girl can hear?

A m

B m

C m

D m
(Total 1 mark)

Q11. (a) State the characteristic features of

(i) longitudinal waves,



(ii) transverse waves.

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(b) Daylight passes horizontally through a fixed polarising filter P. An observer views
the light emerging through a second polarising filter Q, which may be rotated in a
vertical plane about point X as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Describe what the observer would see as Q is rotated slowly through 360°.

You may be awarded marks for the quality of written communication provided in
your answer.






(Total 5 marks)

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Q12.Which line, A to D, in the table shows correct relationships for the respective wavelengths,
λ , λ , and frequencies, f , f , of light waves and sound waves?

wavelengths frequencies

A λ << λ
L S f >> f

B λ << λ
L S f << f

C λ >> λ
L S f >> f

D λ >> λ
L S f << f

(Total 1 mark)

Q13.Which one of the following properties of light waves do polarising sunglasses depend on
for their action?

Light waves may

A interfere constructively.

B interfere destructively.

C be polarised when reflected from a surface.

D be polarised by the lens in the eye.

(Total 1 mark)

Q14.By approximately how many times is the wavelength of audible sound waves greater than
the wavelength of light waves?

A 102

B 106

C 1010

D 1014
(Total 1 mark)

Q15.The sound quality of a portable radio is improved by adjusting the orientation of the aerial.
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Which statement is a correct explanation of this improvement?

A The radio waves from the transmitter are polarised.

B The radio waves from the transmitter are unpolarised.

C The radio waves become polarised as a result of adjusting the aerial.

D The radio waves become unpolarised as a result of adjusting the aerial.

(Total 1 mark)

Q16. Complete the first column in the table to show which of the waves listed are
transverse and which are longitudinal.
Complete the second column to show which waves can be polarised.

type of wave transverse or can be polarised

longitudinal (answer yes or no)




(Total 3 marks)

Q17. (a) Define the amplitude of a wave.



(b) (i) Other than electromagnetic radiation, give one example of a wave that is


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(ii) State one difference between a transverse wave and a longitudinal wave.



(c) The figure below shows two identical polarising filters, A and B, and an unpolarised
light source. The arrows indicate the plane in which the electric field of the wave

(i) If polarised light is reaching the observer, draw the direction of the
transmission axis on filter B in the figure below.


(ii) The polarising filter B is rotated clockwise through 360º about line XY from the
position shown in the figure above. On the axes below, sketch how the light
intensity reaching the observer varies as this is done.

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(d) State one application, other than in education, of a polarising filter and give a
reason for its use.




(Total 8 marks)

Q18. The figure below shows two ways in which a wave can travel along a slinky spring.

(a) State and explain which wave is longitudinal.



(b) On the figure above,

(i) clearly indicate and label the wavelength of wave B


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(ii) use arrows to show the direction in which the points P and Q are about to
move as each wave moves to the right.

(c) Electromagnetic waves are similar in nature to wave A.

Explain why it is important to correctly align the aerial of a TV in order to receive the
strongest signal.




(Total 7 marks)

Q19.Earthquakes produce transverse and longitudinal seismic waves that travel through rock.
The diagram below shows the displacement of the particles of rock at a given instant, for
different positions along a transverse wave.

(a) State the phase difference between

(i) points A and B on the wave ...................................................................

(ii) points A and C on the wave ...................................................................


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(b) Describe the motion of the rock particle at point B during the passage of the next
complete cycle.






(c) A scientist detects a seismic wave that is polarised. State and explain what the
scientist can deduce from this information.




(d) The frequency of the seismic wave is measured to be 6.0 Hz.

(i) Define the frequency of a progressive wave.



(ii) Calculate the wavelength of the wave if its speed is 4.5 × 10 m s . 3 −1

wavelength .......................................... m
(Total 9 marks)

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Q20.Ultrasound waves are used to produce images of a fetus inside a womb.

(a) Explain what is meant by the frequency of a wave.




(b) Ultrasound is a longitudinal wave. Describe the nature of a longitudinal wave.




(c) In order to produce an image with sufficient detail, the wavelength of the ultrasound
must be 0.50 mm. The speed of the ultrasound in body tissue is 1540 m s . –1

Calculate the frequency of the ultrasound at this wavelength.

Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.

frequency ........................................ Hz

(d) A continuous ultrasound wave of constant frequency is reflected from a solid surface
and returns in the direction it came from.

Assuming there is no significant loss in amplitude upon reflection, describe and

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explain the effect the waves have on the particles in the medium between the
transmitter and the solid surface.






(Total 8 marks)

Q21.Which one of the following provides direct experimental evidence that light is a transverse
wave motion rather than a longitudinal wave motion?

A Two light waves that are coherent can be made to interfere.

B Light can be diffracted.

C Light can be polarised.

D The intensity of light from a point source falls off inversely as

square of the distance from the source.

(Total 1 mark)

Q22.Which of the following waves cannot be polarised?

A radio

B ultrasonic

C microwave

D ultraviolet

(Total 1 mark)

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Q23.The term ultrasound refers to vibrations in a material that occur at frequencies too high to
be detected by a human ear. When ultrasound waves move through a solid, both
longitudinal and transverse vibrations may be involved. For the longitudinal vibrations in a
solid, the speed c of the ultrasound wave is given by

where E is the Young modulus of the material and ρ is the density. Values for c and ρ are
given in the table below.

Substance c/ms −1
ρ / kg m −3

glass 5100 2500

sea water 1400 1000

Ultrasound waves, like electromagnetic radiation, can travel through the surface between
two materials. When all the energy is transmitted from one material to the other, the
materials are said to be acoustically matched. This happens when ρc is the same for
both materials.

(a) Calculate the magnitude of the Young modulus for glass.

Young modulus = ...............................


(b) State your answer to (a) in terms of SI fundamental units.


(c) The passage states that ’when ultrasound waves move through a solid both
longitudinal and transverse vibrations may be involved’.

State the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves.

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(d) Show that when two materials are acoustically matched, the ratio of their Young
moduli is equal to the ratio of their speeds of the ultrasound waves.


(e) The wave speed in a material X is twice that in material Y. X and Y are acoustically

Determine the ratio of the densities of X and Y.

X = ............................... Y = ...............................

(f) Ultrasound waves obey the same laws of reflection and refraction as
electromagnetic waves.

Using data from Table 1, discuss the conditions for which total internal reflection can
occur when ultrasound waves travel between glass and sea water.






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(Total 10 marks)

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M1.disturbance / oscillation / vibration is pendendicular to same directions for transverse and

parallel to the direction for longitudinal waves

clear indication of what the direction of reference is eg direction of propagation,

transmission of the wave or energy / direction in which the wave is travelling

M2.(a) (i) loose distinction e.g. one has oscillations parallel to the wave direction and the
other has oscillations in the same direction as the wave
transverse -vibrations perpendicular to direction of propagation
longitudinal -vibrations in same direction as direction of propagation

(ii) any example of transverse wave


(iii) any example of longitudinal wave


(b) v = fλ
8.6 m

M3.(a) (i) d / 7.5 and d / 5.0 (denominator may be in m s ) –1

or d / 7.5 and d / 7.5 + 1.5

or d / 5.0 – .5 and d / 5.0

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(ii) d / 7.5 + 1.5 = d / 5.0


22.5 (22 – 23) km


(b) (i) interference / superposition of waves (condone waves superimpose) of:

same frequency travelling in opposite directions

or an incident and a reflected wave


idea of a resonant length

eg length of string is a whole number of half wavelengths of the wave

or length such as to produce nodes and antinodes

or fixed ends are nodes


(ii) wavelength of fundamental = 64 m


v = fλ

2.8 Hz

(iii) (natural / fundamental) frequency of oscillation of the new spans

= 2 × (ii) (5.6 Hz) or twice original frequency

or wavelength is half the original wavelength(= 32 m)


clear link and conclusion shown between the new natural frequency of
the spans
and the max frequency of the earthquake


second calculation plus conclusion that resonant vibrations would

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not take place

or calculation and comparison of the wavelength of the

earthquake wave travelling along the bridge and the resonant
wavelength (42 m and 32 m)

M4.(a) transverse: vibration / displacement / disturbance not movement is

perpendicular to direction of travel

longitudinal: vibration / displacement / disturbance not movement

is parallel to (same) direction of travel

C1 for idea of transverse and longitudinal being perpendicular


(b) restriction of vibration / idea of how polarisation occurs


single plane / same orientation – diagram may help


(c) only transverse can be polarised / longitudinal cannot


idea of being able to restrict vibration to single plane

or longitudinal not being perpendicular to motion
or longitudinal vibrating in direction of travel

M5.(a) Transverse

(b) correct example of transverse wave

( e.g. light / electromagnetic / radio etc. allow photon b.o.d.)

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(c) [transverse] displacement vector perpendicular to energy

direction [accept ‘direction of motion’]

[longitudinal] vector parallel to energy direction


polarisation is restriction of displacement vector to one

plane OWTTE

[allow any or all marks on clear diagram]


M6. (a) Good diagram of pressure variations/particle oscillations

with at least one label indicating direction of propagation,
pressure variation or density variation


Plus any two from five of

Vibrating source


Energy transferred to (air) molecules


Energy passed on by collisions between molecules


Oscillations of air molecule neighbours slightly out

of phase


Oscillations/waves are longitudinal/energy transfer parallel

to vibrations


(b) Diagram showing several transverse vibrations/waves which are

subsequently limited to one after polarisation

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Valid example (light, microwaves etc.)

accept sunlight
Suitable polariser for the stated example


(polaroid, reflection, metal grid etc). Not sunglasses


M7. (a) longitudinal wave


(b) arrows showing B displaced to the left and C to the right


(c) particles in the transmitting medium are made to vibrate/given



mention of a compression/region of increased pressure (or
cause nearby particles to vibrate/have energy/move


the compression produces a compression further along (the


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M11. (a) (i) particle vibration (or disturbance or oscillation) (1)

same as (or parallel to) direction of propagation
(or energy transfer) (1)

(ii) (particle vibration)

perpendicular to direction of propagation (or energy transfer) (1)

(b) variation in intensity between max and min (or light and dark) (1)
two maxima (or two minima) in 360° rotation (1)


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M16. transverse yes


transverse yes


longitudinal no


M17. (a) maximum displacement from equilibrium/mean

position/mid-point/etc (1)

(b) (i) any one from:

surface of water/water waves/in ripple tank (1)

rope (1)

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slinky clearly qualified as transverse (1)

secondary (‘s’) waves (1)

max 1

(ii) transverse wave: oscillation (of medium) is perpendicular to

wave travel

or transverse can be polarised

or all longitudinal require a medium (1)


(c) (i) vertical line on B ± 5° (1)



max 0, 180, 360 + min 90, 270 (1)

and line reaches same minimum and maximum every time

and reasonable shape (1)

(d) appropriate use (1)

reason for Polaroid filter being used (1)


Polaroid glasses/sunglasses/ to reduce glare


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camera reduce glare/enhance image

(in a) microscope to identify minerals/rocks

polarimeter to analyse chemicals/concentration

or type of sugar

stress analysis reveals areas of high/low stress/

other relevant detail

LCD displays very low power/other relevant


3D glasses enhance viewing experience, etc


M18. (a) (wave) B

(the parts of the) spring oscillate / move back and forth in direction of / parallel
to wave travel
mention of compressions and rarefactions

Second mark can only be scored if first mark is scored


(b) (i) (double ended arrow / line / brackets) from between two points in phase

(ii) wave A: arrow vertically upwards

wave B: arrow horizontally to the left


(c) (transmitted radio waves are often) polarised

aerial (rods) must be aligned in the same plane (of polarisation / electric field) of
the wave

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M19.(a) (i) π / 2 (radians) or 90 (degrees)

No path differences
Penalise contradictions
No fractions of a cycle

(ii) 3π / 2 (rad) or 270 (degrees)

No path differences
Penalise contradictions
No fractions of a cycle

(b) (oscillation or motion) perpendicular to direction of wave (travel / velocity /

energy transfer)
(oscillates from equilibrium to maximum positive displacement, back to
equilibrium, then to max negative displacement) and back to equilibrium /
starting position / rest position
do not allow ‘up and down’ for first mark
allow ‘up and down’, or ‘down then up’, ‘side to side’, ‘rise
and fall’ in place of oscillates
Allow ‘rest position’, ‘starting position’ ,ߢmiddle’, ‘centre line’
ref to nodes / antinodes not allowed for 2 nd mark

(c) (the wave is) transverse OR not longitudinal

accept it is an S wave or secondary wave

only transverse can be polarised OR longitudinal waves cannot be polarised

OR oscillations are in one plane

(d) (i) number of waves / complete cycles / wavelengths (passing a point /

produced) per second
or ‘unit time’
allow: (number of) oscillations / vibrations / cycles per
allow f=1 / T only if T is correctly defined
do not allow references to f=c / λ

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(ii) ( v = f / λ λ = v / f = ) 4.5 × 103 / 6.0

= 750 (m)
correct answer only gets 2 marks

M20.(a) number of (complete) waves (passing a point) in 1 second

number of waves / time (for the waves to pass a point)
(complete number of) oscillations \ vibrations per second
1 / T with T defined as time for 1 (complete) oscillation ✓
Allow: cycles
Allow: unit time

(b) For two marks:

oscillation of particles \ medium \ material etc, but not oscillation of wave is
parallel to \ in same direction as
the direction wave (travels) ✓ ✓

For one mark:

particles \ material \ medium move(s) \ disturbance \ displacement
parallel to \ in same direction as
the direction wave travels
(oscillations) parallel to direction of wave travel ✓

the one mark answer with:

mention of compressions and rarefactions
(longitudinal waves) cannot be polarised

gets two marks

Allow direction of energy transfer \ wave propagation

(c) ( f = 1540 / 0.50 × 10 )


= 3 100 000 (Hz) ✓ (3 080 000)

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2sf ✓

(d) no more than two points from either list (max 3):
• mention of nodes and antinodes
• particles not moving at a node
• maximum displacement at antinode
• particles either side of node in antiphase / between two nodes in phase
• variation of amplitude between nodes

• a stationary wave (forms)
• two waves are of equal frequency or wavelength (and amplitude in the
• reflected and transmitted waves \ waves travelling in opposite directions,
through each other
• superpose / interference occurs
• constructive interference at antinodes
• destructive interference at nodes

Allow ‘standing wave’



M23.(a) 6.5 × 10 Pa ✓

(b) kg m s ✓
-1 -2

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(c) Direction of movement of particles in transverse wave perpendicular to energy

propagation direction✓

Parallel for longitudinal✓


(d) ρ c =ρ c ✓
1 1 2 2

E=ρc or ρc =2

(e) [ and c = 2c ]
x y


(f) speed of the wave in seawater is less than speed of the wave in glass✓

argument to show that n

water glass

so tir could be observed when wave moves from water to glass ✓


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E1.Candidates seemed to find this difficult to express clearly and unambiguously. A common
response was that energy moves perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave if
transverse or in the direction of the wave if longitudinal. There seems to be inadequate
appreciation that waves represent a flow of energy through the medium whatever its form
and that it is the motion of the particles in the medium that provides the difference. A clear
mention of something oscillating would enhance many responses.

E4.(a) Most candidates were able to show that they knew and understood the differences
between transverse and longitudinal waves. Weaker candidates confused their
answers by giving unclear statements such as ‘…transverse waves move at right
angles to their direction of travel whilst longitudinal move in a parallel direction’.

(b) Answers were often unclear and candidates tended to focus on the polarisation of
light waves, often going on to talk about the effect of crossed polaroids in their
answers. Most candidates recognised that transverse waves can be polarised but
there was some confusion about why longitudinal waves cannot.

(c) Answers were often unclear and candidates tended to focus on the polarisation of
light waves, often going on to talk about the effect of crossed polaroids in their
answers. Most candidates recognised that transverse waves can be polarised but
there was some confusion about why longitudinal waves cannot.

E5.(a) Almost all candidates knew that transverse waves could be polarised.

(b) Almost all could give a clear, correct example of a wave that can be polarised.

(c) Explanations of why some waves can be polarised were weaker. Not only were the
descriptions of the wave types muddled and poor, but many failed to describe
clearly why longitudinal waves cannot be polarised. A large number would have
helped themselves by drawing clear well labelled diagrams.

E6. In part (a) diagrams and explanations varied from excellent to non-existent. The best

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candidates provided a well-labelled diagram of an oscillating source radiating a
longitudinal wave in air. They went on to write about the vibrations of the source being
passed on to the air molecules around it, and the energy being propagated as the result of
collisions between oscillating molecules.

Part (b) was quite often answered well, but some candidates confused polarisation with
diffraction and referred to a polarising slit for visible light.

E7. (a) Very few did not know the type of wave although the spelling of longitudinal was
often very poor.

(b) This was done very poorly with the majority incorrectly showing displacements of
both particles to the right

(c) Most were able to gain at least one mark here and many gained both. Lack of clarity
in the response was often the cause of loss of the second mark.

E11. Reluctance to memorise conventional definitions meant that many candidates were
struggling to construct an answer in part (a). This usually caused a failure to express
ideas sufficiently clearly for any marks to be awarded - for example “the waves move
along in the same direction as the wave is travelling”. Part (b) was generally very well
answered, although there were references to coloured effects and/or fringes in some
scripts. The most frequent mistake amongst more successful candidates was the notion
that successive maxima of intensity occurred every 360° of rotation, rather than every

E16. This question was answered well by many, who understood that all electromagnetic
waves are transverse and therefore can be polarised whilst ultrasound, like sound, is
longitudinal and therefore cannot be polarised.

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E17. In part (a), the strict definition of amplitude was expected. Candidates needed to say
‘maximum displacement’ and then indicate in some way that this was relative to the
equilibrium position.

The majority, however, chose to define amplitude as the distance between the centre and
the peak.

For part (b) (i), the majority of candidates could not give an example of a transverse wave
other than electromagnetic waves. Most gave a form of electromagnetic radiation (most
commonly ‘light’) or even sound. Common answers that were accepted included ‘water
waves’, ‘waves on strings’ or ‘s-waves’.

Most candidates realised that a comparison between the direction of wave travel and the
oscillation of the medium was a good way to answer part (b) (ii). It was common, however,
for candidates to struggle to express this clearly. The most common error was to say that
a transverse wave ‘moves’ perpendicular to the direction of wave travel rather than
‘oscillation is perpendicular to direction of wave travel’.

The vast majority of candidates found part (c) (ii) very straight forward.

The majority of candidates had no problem with part (c) (ii). The exact shape of the line
was not important as long as the maximum and minimum intensities appeared in the right

There were many very good answers to part (d), such as ‘sunglasses/ski goggles reduce
glare from light reflected from water/snow’ and ‘a camera filter reduces unwanted
reflections’. Common inadequate responses included saying that polarising sunglasses
‘reduce light intensity’ because the lenses are ‘darker’, or that polarising filters reduce UV.

E18. Most did well in part (b)(i) and indicated a complete wavelength very precisely,
though a generous tolerance was allowed. A significant number thought the coils
constituted the waveform and gave the spacing between one or two coils as the
wavelength and some chose the compression or the rarefaction or the whole length of the
spring. In part (b)(ii) many believed point P would move downwards. This is a very
common misconception and a similar question has appeared in a past paper. The
behaviour of point Q is more difficult to understand. The particle changes direction when
the centre of a rarefaction or compression reaches it. If the wave is moving to the right,
then as the compression gets closer to the particle, the particle will move left towards the

In (c) the majority of students surprisingly did not recognise that this was about
polarisation. Those who did point this out did not describe the aerial being aligned with the
plane of polarisation.

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E19.(a) (i) Some candidates thought this was a stationary wave and thus stated incorrect
phase differences. See (a)(ii).

(ii) Phase difference is generally not well understood by candidates. Phase

differences were often wrongly given in fractions of a wavelength e.g. λ / 4
rather than angles, e.g. 90°. Ninety degrees was often also given as π / 4
radians or π radians rather than π / 2 radians. Two hundred and seventy
degrees was often thought to be equivalent to π rather than 3 / 2 π radians.

Many said ‘in phase’ or ‘out of phase’ rather than stating the phase difference.

Many marks were lost here due to contradictions, where candidates

attempting to embellish their answers only succeeded in talking themselves
out of the mark. E.g.’ 90° (π / 4)’ or ‘90° (antiphase)’. Where a question says
‘state’ and there is one mark available, the candidate should try to give just the
answer that they are confident is correct and not try to expand upon it.

(b) A high proportion of candidates thought that point B was going to go ‘downwards’.
Candidates must be clearer when stating directions. It is always advisable to say
‘vertically upwards’ or ‘move upwards perpendicularly to the equilibrium line’. When
a description of a complete cycle is required, marks will be lost if the whole cycle is
not described including, in this case, the return to the equilibrium position.

(c) Many came up with interesting hypotheses such as, that the wave must have
passed through a ‘crack’ in the rock to become polarised. However, in a question
like this we are only expecting the candidate to apply the physics that they know.
Here we were only looking for the link between polarisation and transverse waves,
and not an in depth knowledge of seismology.

(d) This was very well done. A few candidates defined time period (T) rather than
frequency. There was a tendency for some to say ‘number of waves that pass a
point in a given time’ rather than per second. A rather odd response to this question
that was seen quite often was: ‘The frequency doesn’t change’. Quite a few stated
the equation f = c/λ but this is not the accepted definition of frequency.

E20.(a) The majority of candidates got this mark and only a small number missed out the very
important ‘per second’.

(b) For 2 marks it was necessary to point out that the particles are oscillating rather
than the wave oscillating. For example, some candidates said something like,
‘waves oscillate parallel to direction of wave’, or ‘the motion is in the direction of the

Confusion between progressive waves and stationary waves was often seen and

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some candidates talked about ‘energy not being transferred with the wave’.

Many candidates talk about ‘motion’ of particles rather than oscillation. Part (a) and
part (b) highlight the fact that simple descriptions and definitions need to be

(c) The first part was done well apart from some candidates who did not convert from
mm to m. Many rounded to 3sf rather than 2. This was probably because they
believed 0.50 mm was three significant figures.

(d) This type of question is asking the student to apply their knowledge in a context that
may be unfamiliar (assessment objective AO2 – see specification).

A simple explanation describing the formation of a stationary wave was therefore

needed here.

However, many students did not spot that the question was about stationary waves.
Candidates could mention how nodes and antinodes are formed by superposition,

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