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Lesson Plan

School Counselor: Brooke Studnicki

Lesson Plan Title: Lunch Bunch: Friendship Skills

 Single Classroom Lesson

 Unit of Classroom Lessons: Lesson _____ of _____
 Small-Group Session Lessons: Lesson __3___ of __3___
Target Audience:

Evidence Base:
 Best Practice (commonly used and believed to be of high quality)
 Action Research (individual investigates own practice to improve content/delivery)
 Research-Informed (a review of research provides foundation for content/delivery)
 Evidence-Based (highest level of evidence, results published in peer-reviewed journal)

ASCA Student Standards Targeted: Student Learning Objectives:

Identify 1–2 student standards relevant for this For each of the selected student standards, write or
targeted group and goal: select 1–2 learning objectives
(Best practice = select one)
M&B# Mindsets & Behaviors Statement Student Learning Objectives
B-SS 2 Positive, respectful and supportive Student(s) will: clarify process, roles, and
relationships with students who are similar to
function of friendship.
and different from them

Student(s) will: distinguish between positive

friendships which promote growth and negative
friendships which limit or negatively influence.

Source: ASCA Student Standards and Learning

Objectives Database

 We are (Not) Friends! Video
 How Can You Share Yourself activity

Updated, June 2021

Describe how you will:
Introduce Lesson 2 min-Ask students: Is it okay for someone to have more than one
Topic/Focus: friend? What if you have a best friend, do you need to spend all your
time with that one friend?
Explain that today we will talk about having many good friends!
Communicate the 1 min-Students will learn about the process, roles, and function of
Lesson Objective: friendship, and will learn about good versus bad friendships

Teach Content: 5 min- Watch We are (Not) Friends! Video and explain how the friends
were not happy when they were not sharing their friends with each
other, but they had more fun when they all played together!
Practice Content: 10 min- Do skill builder activity: How can You Share Yourself? Hand out
one “How Can You Share Yourself” cards to each student and read each
one aloud. Have the student respond and invite other students to share
if they need help responding.

Summarize/Close: 2 min- Remind students that it is good to have more than one friend.
Encourage students to talk to different classmates and make a new
friend today!

Updated, June 2021

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