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Business A-Venture Capital.


Jean and Salim

Jean Marc Lopez & Selim Fendi, international entrepre-
neurs and investors have combined together to open their
new venture capital firm in the town of Palm Beach.

ean Marc and Selim bring years of experience and a distinctly European bring control Jean Marc Lopez is the son of the famous French painter Hubert
approach to investment, becoming intrinsically involved with the companies and discipline to Lopez Heredia, the creator of the flower abstract movement in
they invest in. They provide capital, advisory services, contacts and strategic what can be a the 1970's. Jean Marc has over 15 years of international invest-
direction to maximize the success of each company. We take a long term disastrous ment banking and venture capital experience in both the public
approach to creating wealth, we like to get involved early with a company, to investment for and private sectors. He holds Doctorate and Masters degrees
back companies that are in a position to capture new markets and to grow dramatically. an individual. from the Nice Antipolis University.
By putting the financial resources in place, we can focus the company management on We intend to
building their business, per- invest over $100 Selim Fendi, is a Canadian citizen, a native of Tunisa, and a cit-
petuating growth and enhanc- million in vari- izen of the world having lived in many countries as a child,
ing shareholders value. ous projects, depending on where his Father an Ambassador was posted.
because we Selim helped to develop The Club Four Seasons in Ottawa, and
"We love the lifestyle and the believe we can to oversee its expansion throughout Canada and into Europe.
opportunity to meet with peo- select great proj- He also founded Lajik International, which helps clients to con-
ple on the Island and many of ects, pre sell troltheir expose to volatile interest rates, currencies, and com-
our American and Foreign them, control modities prices. He holds Bachelor degrees from Ottawa
clients have homes here or the costs and University ( Canada) and Nantes University (France).
drop in for months at a time back the produc-
during Season. The informali- tion costs with a
ty of a resort town and the third party insurance bond,
wonderful restaurants and and get a great rate of return
social events, make Palm on these projects. This IMDB chart shows the revenues to date for
Beach the vacation spot of a number of independant movies that were
choice for our friends and The reason that we feel such produced for relatively small amounts of costs
clients. We deal daily with good returns are that in the
many of these people on the very recent past with the Film Budget
phone or by e-mail, but it is emergence of the presales Revenues to date
very important for us to keep markets at Cannes for exam-
Jean Marc Lopez and Selim Fendi Photos by Michael Davidorff on top of the changing ple, a feature film can typical- The Blair Witch project
lifestyles and demands of our clients, and when they are here relaxing, they have time to ly sell its worldwide distribu- 150,000,000 35,000
have a coffee with us and talk and plan for the future. In fact our whole approach to tion and ancillary rights for
investing demands that we have a very clear understanding of the requirements of our significant amounts of money Four Weddings and a Funeral
clients, and our ability to listen to what people are saying and to take the time to per- and this is before a domestic 244,100,000 6,000,000
sonalize a portfolio that truly release and the income gener-
reflects their needs, separates us ated by an America release is The Full Monty
and makes us an attractive choice factored in. Not that every 45,950,000 3,500.000
for the people we deal with. movie will be a winner to such
a high extent but a glance at Sex, Lies and Videotape
We specialize in basically four the table which shows rev- 27,200,000 1,200,000
areas, and are developing sepa- enues to date for a number of
rate funds for each of them not very expensive moves and Rocky
their costs of production 246,000,000 1,100,000
Arts and Entertainment amply demonstrates the
potential return for such a Lost in Translation
Real Estate fund. Again investing in 118,666,000 4,000,000
movies is very risky and defi-
Financial Services nitely not something that indi- Shine
viduals should do, without 89,111,509 5,500,000
Enterprise Software professional advice.

We know a lot of people will We hope that this short The Usual Suspects
find the inclusion of an Art and piece has managed to tell 51,372,306 6,000,000
Entertainment Fund, surprising, you a little about us. Do say
especially as we intend to invest hello when we meet at the Monsters
heavily in Independent Movie next Black Tie event or 34,468,224 8,000,000
Production. We feel that there around the town.
are huge opportunities in the Film Industry right now, with massive demand at home contact us at: Pulp Fiction
and abroad for quality product. We also realize that investment in movies needs to 212,900,000 8,000,000
handled by a team of qualified experienced professionals in order to Or call us at 561 282 0022

Black Tie International 53

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