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Select the 3 that you think are most important for you to watch before starting to build
your site for project 4. Write down the 3 you chose, and explain why you believe these 3
are the most important (for you).

2. For submission for PART 2, write down the 3 design tips you chose, explain why you
chose them/find them valuable, and then link the 3 tutorials you feel will help you
accomplish those design elements (copy and paste the URL). So, for example, if you
value "Responsive Design," you would want to select tutorials that helped you build a
great experience across devices.


My most important three are “Customize The Layout: Work With Sections and Strips,” “Add &
Edit Media: Add & Customize Media,” and “Add Some Pizzazz: Use Images for Navigation.”
These three are the most important for me because they directly relate to how the website looks
as well as how effectively I can communicate a message. Without the ability to manage these
it’ll be significantly harder to create a good website.

The three I chose from the design tips list are “Simplicity,” “Navigability,” and “Conventionality.” I
chose these for similar reasons I chose the above – they directly relate to my ability to have an
effective website. I need to have these design skills in my repertoire because they’ll make my
website good to look at, good to utilize, and good for sending my message. Without those three
I’d end up focusing more on appearances than getting my message across, and for me
personally I know it would end up cluttered and hard to navigate.

The three links I chose are: for simplicity for navigability for

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