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Jalyn Snipes

Coaching Journal

Journal Entry 1: This semester I will be working with Mrs. Hogan to

incorporate more technology into her everyday lessons and small
groups. I am eager to help her reach her goals. I am also glad that I will
be gaining some coaching experience. Mrs. Hogan has been teaching
for about 14 years. She is familiar with working with technology from
having to use it for digital learning during the pandemic.

Since returning in person Mrs. Hogan uses tech tools such as I-ready, G-
suite, and Amplify. Mrs. Hogan believes that she has far more potential
for incorporating technology in her classroom. I plan to address this by
highlighting that it is such as great thing that at least some technology
is being used already. During this coaching process I want keep Mrs.
Hogan goals at the forefront. I hope that I am able to help coach her
and push in the direction that she wants to be in.

Journal Entry 2: After Observing one of Mrs. Hogan’s lessons, I was able
to gain a better understanding of where her class currently is. I
observed students using Chromebooks and completing a lesson that
was assigned to them on I-ready. Mrs. Hogan was showing great
teaching strategies especially with her use of differentiation with only
one technology tool.

Mrs. Hogan has shared with me that she would like to adopt the flipped
classroom method in her classroom. Her goal is to maximize her time in
class, so I was able to agree with her that this could be a great way to
do that. We decided that we would track data using Iready assessment
scores since this is something they use for various purposes in the
classroom. I am leaving this coaching session with the task of bringing
back resources for Mrs. Hogan to use to start this teaching strategy in
her classroom.
Jalyn Snipes

Journal Entry 3: Mrs. Hogan and I have continued to work with each
other to get the flipped classroom model up and running in her
classroom. Mrs. Hogan has had a very positive and open mindset with
the coaching process so far. This has made my job as her coach very
enjoyable. Today when meeting with Mrs. Hogan I want to outline our
steps for starting this flipped classroom model.

I provided Mrs. Hogan with a checklist to go ahead to get things

started. I started by doing my own research on the flipped classroom
model so that I was aware of what my role could be in helping her with
this. I then offered Mrs. Hogan a few suggestions for recording her
lessons. I asked Mrs. Hogan to set a schedule for when she would
record and release videos to students. I made it a priority to let Mrs.
Hogan know that I would always be here to help at any step.

Journal Entry 4: I recently observed a lesson where Mrs. Hogan was

implementing the flipped classroom model. Mrs. Hogan has done a
great job of setting a goal and working to accomplish it. I noticed just
how much time she had to work with multiple small groups because of
this strategy being used in her classroom. This strategy is a great one
for differentiation and extending students learning.

While observing her lesson I noticed that some students were off task. I
came up with a few strategies to help us reach these students where
they are. Mrs. Hogan and I agreed that her students that are in her
beginning group need a more hands on approach at this time. We were
both ok with understanding that all things will not work for every

We spoke about our original plan to use I-ready data. We decided that
we will review the data from summative assessments now instead of
Jalyn Snipes

Iready data. This will help us when we need to restructure the way the
instruction is given because we can pinpoint the exact standards that
need to be retaught. We decided to catch up after students have taken
the summative assessments to review the data.

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