A World of Poetry 3

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A crowd has caught a woman. The persona implies to the reader that the woman is not
decent. She was beautiful, but scared because she had gotten 'roughed up' a little by
the crowd. The persona states that the woman has experienced men's hands on her
body before, but this crowd's hands were virtuous. He also makes it clear that if this
crowd bruises her, it cannot be compared to what she has experienced before. The
persona also speaks about a last assault and battery to come. He justifies this last
assault by calling it justice, and it is justice that feels not only right, but good.

The crowd's 'justice'. however, is placed on hold by the interruption of a preacher, who
stops to talk to the lady. He squats on the ground and writes something that the crowd
cannot see. Essentially, the preacher judges them, thereby allowing the lady to also
judge the crowd, leading to the crowd inevitably judging itself. The crowd walks away
from the lady, still holding stones [which can be seen as a metaphor for judgments] that
can be thrown another day.


The persona is making the point that the lady was in fact NOT decent looking.

This device is particularly effective because the word 'kisses' is used. Kiss implies
something pleasant, but it is actually utilized to emphasize something painful that has
happened to the lady; she was stoned.

3. PUN
• Title: The title of the poem is itself a pun on two levels. A stone's throw is used
by many people in the Caribbean to describe a close distance. eg. "She lives a
stone's throw away". The other use of the title is to highlight the content of the
poem. It is a figurative stoning, or judging, of a woman.
• Line 23: There is a play on the word 'come'. The persona is telling the reader that
the crowd is planning to rape the lady. This act is to come, or occur, in the near
future. Come, in this context, also means to ejaculate, the culmination of the act
of sex. The rapists in the crowd also plan to 'come'.
4. ALLUSION (biblical)
The content of the poem alludes to the story of Mary Magdalene in the Christian Bible.
See John 8 v 5-7. Please note that the poem is NOT about Mary Magdalene, the content
of the poem simply resembles the story of Mary Magdalene, that is found in the
Christian Bible.


5. 'we'
This immediately tells the reader that the persona is in a crowd, which highlights to us
that the mob mentality exists in this context. The crowd acts as one entity.
6. 'they'
The use of this word immediately alienates the lady and places her in the scornful realm
of the 'other'.
7. 'dead scared'
The use of the term 'dead' to describe the lady's emotional state of fearfulness implies
that she is extremely frightened, it is beyond regular fear.
8. 'tousled'
This word means to be handled roughly and, as a result, to look disorderly and
disheveled. It is the perfect word to use in this context because it adds to the sexual
innuendo that exists throughout the poem.
9. 'nothing much'
The persona disregards the damage that they have done to the lady. He admits to the
rough treatment, but tries to make himself, and the crowd, look favourable despite their
wrong doings.
10. 'But ours were virtuous, Of course'
This is almost like a tongue in cheek admittance that their touch was actually the
opposite of virtuous. The use of the term 'of course' highlights this interpretation.
11. 'battery'
In the Caribbean context, battery refers to the slang term for the rape of an individual,
conducted by several people in succession. Therefore, the persona is pointing out the
intent of the crowd, or some people in the crowd.
12. 'Of right'
This is a clear indication, from the persona, that he believes that he and the mob are in
the right.
13. 'tastes so good'
'Taste', to a lot of individuals, is one of the higher senses. Therefore, when the persona
uses this word, he is highlighting the intense pleasure that he anticipates from meting
out this 'justice'.
14. 'this guru, Preacher, God-merchant, God-knows-what'
The persona's annoyance at this individual for disrupting his fun comes out in this
statement. The persona is deliberately being disrespectful.
15. '(Should never speak to them)'
This particular line speaks to the alienation that the lady faces. She is scornfully grouped
as 'them'.
16. 'And saw in her something we couldn't see'
The intruder saw value in the lady, something that the crowd did not see.
17. 'He turned his eyes on us, Her eyes on us, Her eyes upon ourselves.'
This speaks to the fact that the preacher and the lady judge the crowd, and, more
importantly, the crowd judges itself. The preacher's act of kindness sheds light on the
cruelty that is inflicted on the lady by the crowd.
18. 'We walked away Still holding stones'
This implies that the crowd still plans to keep judging, and acting on their judgments, as
they see fit.

The tone of the poem is mixed. At times it is almost braggadocious, then it becomes
sarcastic, moving to scornful.

The mood of the poem is one of superiority.

Discrimination, religion, survival, hypocrasy, oppression, alienation.

The persona gives a vivid description of an African thunderstorm. It comes in from the
west, with clouds and wind, followed by lightening and rain. The village children
respond to the coming storm with screams of delight and mothers respond by dashing
madly about and trying to get out of the storm.

• Stanza 1, line 2: This personification emphasizes the movement of the rain
clouds. They are moving just as quickly as the wind. The wind, when moving
quickly, is a violent entity because it sweeps up everything in its path and
destroys it. Therefore, the fact that the clouds are keeping pace with the wind, a
level of violence is implied in the movement of the clouds. We can almost
visualize it whipping and whirling. This action stands out because we are used to
clouds being fluffy, soft and floating in its movement.
• Stanza 1, line 10: The word pregnant implies swollen; swollen belly, ankles, legs
and the list continues. Therefore, the clouds are swollen with rain. This implies
that the storm has not revealed its true strength at this point. There is more to
• Stanza 1. line 11: When the cloud's journey on the wind's back is described as
stately, we get an image of some-one gracefully riding a horse. This image,
therefore, not only communicates grace, but speed as well. The storm is fast
paced, and as a result, there is an implication of violence.
• Stanza 1, line 15: This personification shows the strength of the wind. The trees
are being tossed and turned in the very strong wind.

• Stanza 2, line 11: The strength of the wind is, again, emphasized through the
repetition of the action of the trees. They cannot withstand the strength of the
wind, so even though they stand in place, they are whipped about and
manipulated by the wind.

• Stanza 1, line 6: The wind and clouds approach like a plague of lotus. This
highlights the sheer volume, or quantity, of the wind and clouds. Locusts are
usually associated with large numbers and destruction, so the implication is that
there are large numbers of rain clouds, coupled with seriously strong wind,
which equates to destruction.
• Stanza 1, line 8-9: This simile compares the wind to a mad man. This association
highlights the lack of structure, thought, or reason, which with the wind moves
and destroys. A mad man is someone without reason, the wind operates without
reason as well. It operates on sheer force and power, with no explainable
• Stanza 2, lines 12-13: This simile highlights the strength of the wind. It can
literally rip someone's clothes to shreds, while it is on their bodies. This is a
display of force and strength because it now moves from controlling and
manipulating nature, for example the trees, to impacting humans on a personal


4. 'Turning
This phrase shows the movement of the wind, which is not static, but seems almost
alive in its movements. Its restlessness is also highlighted through the use of the word
sharply. So its movements are abrupt, at times, while also insistent in its movement.
5. 'Gathering to perch on hills.'
This phrase likens the wind to a bird of prey. It is perched in waiting for its next victim.
This emphasizes that the wind is aiming to destroy.
6. 'Screams of delighted children toss and turn'
This highlights how the wind manipulates sound. It takes the children's screams and
tosses and turns them. The power of the wind is highlighted here. It controls the
movement of objects and people, and it manipulates sound. Its manipulation of sound
also implies that the wind, itself, is very loud.
7. 'In the din of the whirling wind'
Din means a loud, unpleasant and prolonged noise. This is a clear indication that the
wind is extremely loud.
8. 'Madly'
This word emphasizes the chaos of the atmosphere. The mothers are dashing wildly
about and the wind is wreaking its destruction. The scene has devolved into disorder
and chaos.
9. 'jaggered blinding flashes'
This is a visual image of the lightning that is streaking through the sky. The blinding
flashes brings to mind the flash of a camera, but these flashes are continuous and
10. 'pelting march of the storm'
This highlights how persistent the rain was. The term march, brings to mind organized
soldiers performing a task, therefore, when it is associated with the rain, it highlights the
consistent, and persistent, nature of the rain in the African storm.

The mood of the poem is calm. The persona is calmly reporting on the storm and
painting vivid images.

The tone of the poem is reflective. The persona is reporting on the storm.


Hunters gather at the persona's house during bird hunting season. The persona explains
that the men become very attached to their guns and indulge in a ritual that promotes
male bonding and machismo, ie drinking. The women, on the other hand, perform
domestic tasks that prepare the men for the birdshooting season. The men leave early
in the morning and the children watch them go. The little boys long to become bird
hunters, while the little girls wish that the birds would escape.

• Stanza 1, line 3: The home is usually the domain of the woman, so by
personifying the men's 'take over' of the home, during birdshooting season, it
emphasizes the extreme nature of the take over. The term macho means to be
masculine in an overly assertive or aggressive way, therefore, it can be asserted
that it was a take over of the feminine sphere. During birdshooting season, the
home is the domain of the men.


2. 'contentless women'
The word content means to be in a state of peaceful happiness. Therefore, to be
contentless means to be utterly miserable. So, the women were not pleased with the
fact that they have been displaced.
3. 'stir their brews: hot coffee chocolata, cerassie wrap pone and tie leaf'
This shows the chores that the women have to perform in order to prepare the men for
birdshooting season.
4. 'Tonight the men drink white rum neat'
This highlights the fact that the men drink white rum at room temperature and
undiluted. White room is a very strong and potent drink, so if you can drink it neat, you
are either a 'rum head' aka alcoholic, or you can 'hol' your liquor', aka possess a high
tolerance for alcohol. The implication is that this is a 'pre-sport' that the men indulge in,
with the aim being to prove ones masculinity.
5. 'men make marriages with their guns'
This expression means that the men literally become very attached to their guns.
Marriage is a union where two people cleave to each other, therefore, the men cleave
to their guns. It is constantly with them.
6. 'Little boys longing to grow up birdhunters too Little birds whispering fly birds fly'
This highlights a contrast in how birdshooting is viewed. The girls want the birds to be
free and safe, while the boys want to emulate the men and become birdhunters too.
6. 'Little boys longing to grow up birdhunters too Little girls whispering: Fly birds fly'
This reveals a contrast in attitude toward birdshooting. The boys are enthused, while
the girls want the birds to live. This contrast, in terms of the attitude of the genders
toward the sport, is echoed throughout the poem.

The mood of the poem is calm. The persona is calmly remembering a time in her life.

The tone of the poem is reflective. The persona is reporting on the storm.


The poem is about a black boy who wishes that he could have regular things in life.
Things such as a congratulatory hug, to be educated to the highest level and to travel
without harassment. The persona yearns to stop fighting for the basic right to be
successful and to rise above societal expectations.

The constant repetition of the phrase 'I wish' points to a yearning, a desperation even,
for the basic things that life has to offer. The repetition gives credence to the idea that
the persona might believe that his wishes are actually dreams that might not come true.

• Stanza 1, lines 6 and 7, alludes to slavery, the state of lacking control over one's
own life and destiny. The fact that reference is made to this hints to how the
persona feels about his life. He does not feel as if he has control over it.

• Stanza 3, lines 19 to 20, alludes to Paul Robeson, a black intellectual, who

attained success despite difficult circumstances. The persona yearns to be like
this person. He wants room to stretch intellectually.
• Stanza 4, lines 22 to 25, alludes to the klu klux klan. Burning lights refers to the
burning of crosses and the pajamas alludes to their white outfits that look like
pyjamas. The persona wants them to leave him alone, find something else to do
other than make his life difficult by contributing to his wishes remaining in the
realm of the dreams.


3.'not sink to lick boots'
This refers to the concept of being subservient. To have no choice but to kowtow to
people in order to get ahead.
4. 'Inside eye a sun'
This refers to the persona's mind. He wants to show how intelligent he is without fear.
He wants his mind to be a sun. Sun represents brightness and light, that is how he wants
his intelligence to shine.

The tone/mood of the poem is one of sadness. The persona is thinking about how he is
treated and he reacts to this in a sad way. He keeps wishing that things were different.

Racism, survival, oppression, desire/dreams.

Wilfred Owen, the poet, tells of his first hand experience in war. He tells the tale of tired
and wounded soldiers walking through dirt and sludge. Suddenly, there is a warning
about gas, which the soldiers hurriedly and awkwardly heed by donning their helmets.
Unfortunately, one soldier is too late in donning the helmet and his companions watch
him 'drowning' in the gas. The unfortunate soldier was thrown in the back of a wagon,
where it is implied that he was left to die. The persona points out that if you (the
reader/ listener) could have witnessed these events, then you would not tell children
the old lie: dulce et decorum est pro patria mori (It is sweet and honourable to die for
one's country).

• Stanza 1, line 1: This simile introduces the exhaustion of the soldiers.
• Stanza 1, line 2: This emphasizes not only the tiredness of the soldiers, but the
fact that they might be sick as well.
• Stanza 2, line 13: This device gives a visual image of how the soldier physically
reacted to the gas. Floundering implies flopping about, therefore, the soldier was
flopping about violently. We know it was violent because fire and lime illicit
excruciating pain.
• Stanza 4, line 22: This device gives a visual image of the expression on the
soldier's face. This is a particularly grotesque image that highlights the soldier in
the throes of death.
• Stanza 4, line 25: Cancer is a horrible disease that takes many lives on a daily
basis. Therefore, to compare this dying soldiers face to this disease is to
emphasize the agony that the soldier was going through, which was reflected on
his face.
• Stanza 4, lines 25-26: This is another graphic comparison that compares the
soldier's face to incurable sores. 'Sores' is a disgusting visual image of
degradation which, in turn, highlights the soldier in the throes of death.

• Stanza 1, line 7: This device points to the level of fatigue that the soldiers were
• Stanza 1, lines 7-9: This highlights not only the fatigue that the soldiers were
feeling, but the fact that they were injured as well.
• Stanza 4, lines 29-30: This device highlights a visually graphic death mask. The
soldier is in the throes of impending death.


3.'Bent double'
The soldiers are bent over with fatigue. It is very significant that the poet/ persona
initiates the poem by highlighting the exhaustion of the soldiers. He is trying to
emphasize the harsh realities of war.
4.'haunting flares'
Flares are typically used to signal distress. The flare is fired from a flare gun, in the air,
where rescue crafts, at sea or in the air, can have a general idea of the location of the
soldiers who are in distress. Therefore, to describe the flares as haunting implies that
the soldiers are severly distressed by their situation.
5.'deaf even to the hoots of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.'
Five-nines are German 5.9 artillery shells. This means that bullets were firing around
them while they were walking. The extent of the soldiers' tiredness is also emphasized
at this point because the soldiers do not hear the shells going off around them.
6.'An ecstasy of fumbling'
The word ecstasy, that is used to describe the fumbling, implies the level of panic that
this one word (gas) elicits. The soldiers' were so tired that they could not even hear the
five nines, but this one word immediately wakes them up.
7.'Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light, as under a green sea, I saw him
This describes exactly what (www.bulbsoup.com) the outside world looks like through
the lens of a gas mask. The effect of the gas is seen in the mention of the word 'drown'.
It implies that the unfortunate soldier could not breathe.
8.'He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.'
This is the very graphic result of breathing in the gas. It is a very violent reaction, as seen
in the word 'plunge'. The dying soldier did not simply reach for the persona/poet, but he
did so in a desperate manner, while all the time being unable to breathe.
9.'wagon that we flung him in'
The statement implies that the soldier was left for dead in a wagon. No regard was
shown to him, through the use of the word 'flung'. This implies that war is heartless and
10.'Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.'
This statement literally means it is sweet and honourable to die for one's country. The
persona/ poet clearly does NOT believe this to be the case.

The mood of the poem is one of anger. The persona/ poet is thinking about his
experiences in the war.

The general tone of the poem is both sarcastic and ironic. The persona/ poet tries to
present a visual of the realities of war while using the haunting words that contradict
that reality. It is, in fact, NOT sweet and honourable to die for one's country.

War, death, survival, oppression, patriotism

The poet expresses that the world is full of God's glory and greatness. This greatness,
however, will burn out in a dramatic manner because of man who smears, smudges and
pollutes everything without consciousness. Nature is resilient, however, and will
persevere from deep in the earth and burst forth, counteracting all of man's ill.

• Line 3: This line indicates that the world will burn out in a brilliant way. Think of
how shiny and reflective foil can be, that is the brilliance with which the earth
will temporarily burn out.
• Line 4: Think of the manner in which oil slowly spreads across water, eventually
taking over as much of the surface as possible. That is the way in which the
world gathers to a greatness.

The persona questions why men do not care about God's wrath. He implies that this
wrath is sure because the Earth is charged, or commanded with the grandeur of God.

3. ALLUSION (biblical)
This 'rod' refers to the rod of correction that is found in the Christian Bible. See 2 Samuel
7:14. This line implies that God will punish man for being reckless with the world.

This device highlights the damage that man has done to the world. Trodding implies that
one walks, or tramples, in order to crush or injure.

• Lines 10-11: This device emphasizes the impact that man has had on his
environment. He has impacted every crevice of the world in some negative way,
as implied by words such as 'smudge'.
• Lines 14-15: This device clarifies that the Earth is resilient, no matter what man
does to harm it, it will bounce back.
• Lines 18-19: This device simply re-iterates the resilience of the Earth, we can
actually visualize the sun rising.


7. 'charged'
This word implies intensity, impassioned. Therefore, the world has been gifted with
intensity of the greatness of God.
8. 'grandeur'
This implies that something is awesome, or awe inspiring. Therefore, the world is
infused with the 'greatness' of God.
9. 'And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;
Everything in the world is tainted and influenced by man's presence.
10. 'nor can foot feel, being shod'
This means that man is blind to the damage that he has caused. If one is wearing shoes,
it protects them from stones etc, therefore, man's consciousness is deadened by his
inability to see the damage that he has caused.
11. 'Holy Ghost over the bent World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings'
This can be interpreted to mean that the Holy Ghost is protective of the world. The
word 'broods' implies that the Holy Ghost is like a mother hen protecting her hurt young
chick. 'Warm breast' implies that the Holy Ghost has warm, or maternal feelings,
towards the damaged world, while the phrase 'bright wings' implies hope, that all will
be well in the long run.
The mood of the poem is pensive because the persona is reflecting on man's influence
on the world.

The tone of the poem is one of confidence and formality.

Nature, religion

The persona reflects on the image of someone he cares for. This love interest accused
him, with their eyes, of breaking their heart. The persona admits that both of them (he
and the love interest) can make no excuses for his behaviour because the love interest
does not take precedence over his land, or country. Despite this fact, the persona begs
for mercy, pleading guilty for being seduced by his love interest's beauty. This person
protects him dearly and he admits that, as a result of this, he has committed treason
against his country. He hopes that his country, his other dearest love, will pardon him
because he loves both his country and his love interest.

• Lines 4, 6-7: The love interest's eyes constantly accuses and convicts the
persona. This device highlights the extent to which the persona has hurt this
• Lines 18-20: The persona hopes that his country, his other dearest love, will
forgive him for the treasonous act of loving another. This highlights the
patriotism that defines the persona's relationship to his country.

The term heart's-treachery implies that the heart, something so vital and indicative of
love, has committed a terrible crime. It highlights the heartbreak that the persona has
caused his love interest.


3. 'constant image'
This implies that the persona constantly, or always, remembers his love interest's face.
It emphasizes the guilt he feels in relation to this person.
4. 'grave attention'
The love interest's eyes display grave attention. The word grave
implies intensely serious, so this person is truly hurt.
5. 'world of knives'
A knife inflicts pain and destroys. The persona, therefore, is identifying his world with
causing pain.
6. 'such blackmail with your beauty'
To blackmail someone is to have something (www.bulbsoup.com) over them that puts
their will in your control. The love interest's beauty has captivated the persona in such a
way that he betrays his country with this person.

The mood of the poem is sadness. The persona is thinking about his two loves and how
he is torn between them.

The tone of the poem is apologetic. The persona is guilt ridden over this love triangle
and sadness permeates the words that he uses to describe it.

Love, guilt, patriotism, places, desires/ dreams


A father describes his experience of disciplining his son. He describes the child's
tantrum, as well as his response to the fact that he must discipline his child.
• Stanza 1, lineS 6-7: Alliteration focuses on sound and the effect that it conveys.
Therefore, if you read the lines, you will realize that it conveys the speed of the
slap, which implies that it might also have a loud sound. The effect of this is that
it allows the reader to feel sympathy for the child.

• Stanza 2, lines 8, 12-13:This is an allusion to the fairy tale, Jack and the Bean
Stalk. The father is the ogre/monster who terrifies Jack, and Jack is the little
three year old child (www.bulbsoup.com) who is defenseless against the
threatening figure. The solutions that the little boy has at his disposal, for
defense, are not plausible. Therefore, the child's helplessness, in the face of a
parent that is intent on administering discipline, is highlighted.


3. 'brief spite and hurt'
This phrase highlights the fact that young children are mercurial in their moods. They
will be angry one minute and happy the next.
4. 'metamorphosed'
This word means to change from one form to a totally different one. The use of this
particular word highlights the extreme nature of the transformation, in mood, that the
child underwent.
5. 'three year old frustration'
The fact that the persona puts an age to describe the frustration, points to the idea of a
tantrum. Three year olds do not get angry, they get a tantrum. The word tantrum
implies (www.bulbsoup.com) impermanence and triviality, therefore, the implication is
that the child will get over it soon, it is only maintained based on the child's inability to
control his impulses.
6. 'bright eyes swimming tears'
This phrase emphasizes the amount of tears that the child shed. One can only swim in a
very large body of water, therefore, the 'swimming' tears must have been abundant.
7. 'hurt your easy tears can scald with'
This reveals that the father was not as terrible as the little boy thought. He was actually
very soft, and regretted the fact that he had to discipline his son. This fact is seen in the
use of the word 'scald'. This implies more than heat, but very very intense heat.
Therefore, it not only hurt the father, but it caused him very intense pain, when he had
to discipline his son. The fact that the little boy cries a lot, as well as his mercurial
nature, was also revealed through the use of the phrase 'easy tears'. It implies that he
might be calm one minute, then crying the next.
8. 'wavering hidden behind that mask'
This is highlighting the fact that the father is softer than he appears. He has to don a
mask, or an expression of sternness, in order to discipline the child. His soft nature is
emphasized because he wavers behind the mask, meaning that he is not firm in his
stance to discipline the child, he wants to coddle him instead.
9. 'dare not ruin the lessons you should learn'
This highlights the father's motivation. He does not want to spoil his child, so he cannot
fall victim to his tears by caving in to his desire to coddle him.
10. 'You must not make a plaything of the rain'
A possible meaning of this phrase is that, as a parent, the father cannot miss an
opportunity to discipline his child. The rain can be interpreted as the constant crying
that comes with a tantrum, and the father cannot allow the child to think that he can
throw them at will. He must use the tantrum as an opportunity to discipline.

The mood of the poem is reflective. The persona is reporting on the actions of his child
and his feelings about it.
The tone of the poem is regretful. The persona does not want to have to discipline the
child because it goes against his nature.

Love and family relationship.

A mirror defines itself. It reports that it reflects exactly what it sees. It is not cruel, just
honest. It reflected a pink wall and shadows, until a lady started using it every morning.
The more the lady looked in the mirror is the older she became.

• The poet personifies the mirror. The mirror becomes the persona that tells the
reader, or listener, about itself. As a result, it moves beyond the realm of an
object, and becomes a voice that the reader listens to. By the end of the poem,
the reader can relate to this mirror's views. It is only reflecting the truth. We get
a feel of the mirror's precise nature, or character, through the constant full stops
or periods. It is straightforward in what it reflects.
• Stanza 3, line 12:The candle and the moon become liars because they do not
give a clear reflection of a person's face. They cast shadows and create illusions,
which is the opposite of a mirror.

• Stanza 2, lines 16-17: This simile compares the old woman, that the lady is
becoming, to a fish. This is an effective simile because a fish is very unattractive.
Therefore, it highlights that the lady's descent into 'age' as a terrible thing. She is
becoming unattractive.

• Stanza 2, line 5: The mirror compares itself to a little god. The nature of a god is
that it is all seeing and all knowing. Therefore, the mirror takes on this
characteristic. What it reflects is truth because it sees and knows all.
• Stanza 3, line 10: The mirror compares itself to a lake. One can immerse
themselves in a lake, become one with it when swimming, or drown themselves
in it. This is what the woman does with the mirror, she immerses herself totally
in it, using it as a tool to define herself.


4.'I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions'
The mirror defines itself as exact. It tells things as they are. The word preconception is
defined as an opinion, or conception, formed before hand. The mirror is devoid of this,
it simply reflects what is.
5. 'Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.'
The woman is now dependent on the mirror to define and redefine herself daily. The
time of the day, morning, implies that the minute she awakens, she consults the mirror.
6. 'In me she has drowned a young girl'
The lady consults the mirror so often that now she finds only faults. Therefore, she is
becoming old. The implication is that she is not really old, just viewing herself as such
because she sees every wrinkle and every line.

The mood of the poem is cold. The mirror is relating facts without emotions.

The tone of the poem is robotic in nature. The persona is simply relating facts.

Loss of innocence.

The persona speaks about how his parents kept him away from children who were
rough. These children were very unkept and seemingly wild and the persona feared
them because they bullied him. The persona wants to forgive them, but they never tried
to be friendly.

• Stanza 1, line 2: Stones are very hard and unyielding, and they can literally cause
injury when thrown. When words are compared to stone, it is highlighting the
hurtful nature of those words because they cause emotional injury and scarring.
• Stanza 2, line 5: Iron is also unyielding and represents strength. Therefore, when
the persona compares the boys muscles to iron, it implies that the boys are very
strong. It also implies that the persona might have experienced the strength of
those muscles. This is the case because he states that he fears the boys' muscles
even more than tigers. Tigers are ferocious animals who live in the wild, and are
feared by both other animals and humans alike. If the persona fears the boys'
muscles even more than ferocious tigers, then he must have had a traumatic
encounter with the boys.
• Stanza 3, lines 9-10: A dog's bark is a very loud and persistent thing. It also seems
quite frightening as well, even if the dog is harmless. Therefore, implication is
that the persona would be waylaid and verbally abused at consistent intervals.

• The lyrical flow that this alliteration facilitates imparts the freedom that these
boys experience.

• The boys' pointing was salt course. This means that their pointing hurt the
persona because salt is abrasive. This highlights the effect of the bullying that the
persona had to endure.


4.'My parents kept me from children who were rough'
This appears, at first, to be a disembodied phrase. This is because the content that
follows speaks to the persona's fear of the boys. This first statement could be
interpreted as a simple statement of fact. The persona's parents kept him from children
who were rough, based on the treatment that he gets at their hands.
5. 'pretending to smile'
The persona pretends to smile in order to bear the bullying that he is enduring. It can be
considered to be a sign of strength because he does not appear to give in to his fear by
hiding it in a smile.
6. 'I longed to forgive them, but they never smiled'
This reveals that the persona has a good heart. He does not react in a bitter way to the
treatment that he receives, but longs to forgive the boys. Unfortunately, the boys are
not repentant because they never give the persona an opening, or an opportunity, to
forgive them.

The mood of the poem is sad.

The tone of the poem is reflective.

Loss of innocence

In this poem, the Ol' Higue / soucouyant tells of her frustration with her lifestyle. She
does not like the fact that she sometimes has to parade around, in the form of a fireball,
without her skin at night. She explains that she has to do this in order to scare people, as
well as to acquire baby blood. She explains that she would rather acquire this blood via
cooked food, like every-one else. Her worst complaint is the pain of salt, as well as
having to count rice grains. She exhibits some regret for her lifestyle but implies that she
cannot resist a baby's smell, as well as it's pure blood. The 'newness' of the baby tempts
the Ol' Higue, and she cannot resist because she is an old woman who fears death,
which can only be avoided by consuming the baby's blood. She affirms her usefulness in
the scheme of things, however, by claiming that she provides mothers with a name for
their fears (this being the death of a child), as well as someone to blame when the evil
that they wish for their child, in moments of tired frustration, is realized. She implies
that she will never die, so long as women keep having babies.

Cane-fire has a very distinct quality. It burns very quickly and its presence is felt through
it's pungent smell. Therefore, when the Ol' Higue compares herself to cane fire in her
fireball state, it implies that she uses a lot of energy quickly, and is very visible.

• Stanza 1,line 4: This rhetorical question highlights the scant regard that the
Higue has for the average person. She is thoroughly annoyed that she has to
literally waste her energy on them.
• Stanza 1, line 5: This highlights the fact that, again, she is annoyed that she has
to expend so much energy to obtain a few drops of baby blood.
• Stanza 1, lines 6-8: The Ol' Higue is emphasizing the fact that regular people
ingest blood too, just in a more palatable manner. She would not mind if she
could ingest it in the same manner as well.
• Stanza 3, lines 22-23: At this point the Ol' Higue is making excuses for her
presence, claiming that she serves an actual purpose in the scheme of life. If a
child dies of unknown causes, she can be scapegoated for it.
• Stanza 3, lines 24-25: 'The murder inside your head' refers to the moments,
when out of pure frustration and tiredness, a mother might wish ill on her child.
The Ol' Higue is implying that, again, she can be used as a scapegoat if something
unfortunate happens to the child. The mother is relieved of bearing the burden
of guilt.

The repetition of the word 'soft' emphasizes the fact that the call of the child's blood has
captured and beguiled the Ol' Higue'. She implies that she cannot resist that call.

This device emphasizes the Ol' Higue's dependence, even addiction, to the sweet blood
of the baby.


5. 'stupidness!'
This is a distinctly Caribbean phrase that highlights frustration or scorn. Therefore, it
highlights the Ol' Higue's frustration with her lack of self control.
6. 'gallivanting'
This term refers to some one 'playing around', having fun. The Ol' Higue is being
sarcastic at this point. She is expressing displeasure at having to fly around to seek prey.
7. 'pure blood running in new veins'
Babies are often associated with purity, this is what is emphasized here. The Ol' Higue
simply cannot resist the lure of new and pure blood.
8. 'holding her final note for years and years, afraid of the dying hum ...'
This tells us that the Ol'Higue has been living this desperate existence for a long time. It
also implies that she will keep hanging on, despite her frustration. The final line confirms
this point: 'As long as it have women giving birth a poor Ol' Higue like me can never

The mood of the poem is acceptance and annoyance.

The tone of the poem is slightly bitter and resigned. She accepts that the cycle of her life
cannot change.


A parent is talking to his/her's son and telling him how things used to be. The parent
tells the son that people used to be sincere, but are now superficial and seek only to
take from others. The persona tells the child that he/she has learnt to be just like these
people, but does not want to be like that anymore. The parent wants to be as sincere as
the son.

The people's eyes are as cold as ice. This means that there is no warmth or real feeling
in the words that they say, or how they behave.This metaphor literally allows you to
visualize a block of ice, cold and unwelcoming.

• Stanza 4, lines 20-21 emphasizes the constant changes in the persona's face. If
you think of how often a woman changes her dress, then that is how often the
persona adjusts his/her's personality to suit an audience. The list of faces that
follow this line emphasizes this point.
• Stanza 4, lines 23-24 compares people's faces to smiles in a portrait. If you think
about a portrait, it is usually very formal and stiff, even uncomfortable.
Therefore, the implication is that the smiles are actually fake and stiff. They are
conforming, or trying to fit, to a preconceived mold that is set up by societal
• Stanza 6, lines 38-40 compares the persona's laugh to a snakes. When you think
of a snake, words such as sneaky and deceitful come to mind. Therefore, the
implication is that the persona is fake, just like the people he/she despises.

This phrase is repeated at the beginning and the end of the poem. This usually signals
the beginning of a fairy tale. Therefore, it is implied that the persona is nostalgic about
the past.


4.'they only laugh with their teeth'
This emphasizes the insincerity of the people around the persona. To laugh with your
teeth means that only the bottom half of your face is engaged, the laugh does not reach
the eyes.
5. 'shake hands with their heart'
To shake hands with your heart implies a strong handshake that is sincere, this is the
opposite of what now occurs between people.
6. 'search behind my shadow'
This implies that the person cannot look the persona in the eye, they are looking
everywhere but there. Looking someone in the eye during a conversation implies that
one is sincerely interested in what you have to say. Not being able to do so implies
7. 'hands search my empty pockets'
People are only 'seemingly' nice to get something from you. So, they smile with you, but
it is not sincere, they are seeking to get something from you.
8. 'unlearn all these muting things'
The word mute means silence, think of what happens when you press the mute button
on the TV remote. Therefore, there is an implication that the insincere actions that the
persona describes are muting, they block, or silence, good intentions. Hence, the
persona wants to 'unlearn' these habits.

The mood of the poem is annoyed, disappointed. The persona is remembering how
things used to be when he was young and innocent, like his son.

The tone of the poem is sad. The poet's response to his nostalgia is sadness.

Death, childhood experiences, hypocrasy, loss of innocence, desire/dreams.

* It is IRONIC that the persona is behaving in the exact way that he/she despises. There
is an implication that things cannot go back to what he remembers, due to the influence
of societal expectations.

The persona is moving from a house that she has occupied for five
weeks. She has sent her belongings to her future home, but one item
remains in her old space, an orchid. The persona clarifies
(www.bulbsoup.com) that she was given the orchid as a gift, but implies
that it holds no value because the gifting of orchids is habitual for the
person who gave her. She describes the flower as odourless, but
attractive. She watered the orchid once, expecting it to die, but it
survived. It not only survived, but bloomed. The persona contemplates
plucking the bloom and pressing it between the pages of a book. The
purpose of this is to allow her to appreciate the flower.

The orchid's full blown blossoms are being compared to a polished
(www.bulbsoup.com) poem. The word polished in this comparison
implies perfection, shiny and pleasant to read.

2. PUN
The purple heart literally refers to the splash of color in the center of the orchid's
bloom, but it could also refer to the bravery of the flower. This is so because a purple
heart, in the army, is a medal that a soldier receives for bravery.


3. 'box pieces'
This phrase implies that the persona's life is literally in boxes, all her belongings are
stored and ready to be moved.
4. 'from a bouquet one who makes a ritual of flower-giving sent.'
This phrase implies that the persona places no value in the orchid because its giver
gifted it without any sentiment attached.
5. 'unfurled'
This word literally means to open. Therefore, despite the persona's attempts at killing
the orchid, through starvation, it not only survived but flourished.
6. 'full-blown blooms'
These full-blown blooms represent the flower at its peak, where it is most full of life, as
well as where it is most usually appreciated.
7. 'pages of memory'
This refers to the practice of (www.bulbsoup.com) placing a flower between the pages
of a book, thereby drying, or killing the flower. The purpose of this act is to keep the
flower for nostalgic reasons.
8. 'peculiar poetry'
This phrase highlights the persona's desire to discover the value in the flower. It is very
IRONIC, however, that she would choose to kill it in order to achieve this goal. Usually
people place value in a living flower that can give pleasure through its beauty.

The mood of the poem is pensive, or thoughtful. The persona is thinking about the lack
of value that she places in the orchid.

The tone of the poem is calm and contemplative.

Death, nature, survival, desire/ dreams.
The persona in this poem is reflecting on the perfection of the city. He believes that
there is nothing on Earth so beautiful as the city in the morning. Only a dull person
would not appreciate such a majestic sight. He is awed by the calm of the city.

The persona compares the manner in which the beauty of the morning settles over the
city, to that of a garment on a body. This emphasizes the perfection of the beauty of the
morning, just as a garment flows smoothly over a body.

• Lines 9-10: The sun is referred to as a male who rises sharply and beautifully. This
emphasizes the beauty of the city in the morning. The use of this personification
also helps the reader to personalize this beauty.
• Line 12: Like the sun, the river is personalized as well. This allows the reader to see
the river as real, instead of a thing. It comes alive and we can visualize it's
movement, gliding, as beautiful.
• Line 13: When some-one is asleep, they are usually peaceful. Therefore, when the
persona describes the houses as sleeping, he is emphasizing the peace that exists
in the city in the morning. The inhabitants of the houses are asleep, therefore
the houses are quiet and peaceful.


4. 'fair'
The word fair, in this context, literally means beautiful. The persona is setting the stage
for the reader, introducing the fact that the city is beautiful.
5. 'majesty'
This word implies that the city is regal in it's splendour. Therefore, it is beyond beautiful
and has become stately.
6. 'steep'
This word describes the way in which the sun ascends into the sky. It is stressed that it
does so in a beautiful manner.

The mood of the poem is pensive, or thoughtful. The persona is expressing his thoughts,
and reaction to, the city in the morning.

The tone of the poem is one of awe and admiration.

Nature, places.

The persona speaks about the fact that today he is recapturing the
beauty of the island of his birth. He reflects on the fact that he has
travelled to the lands of the north, which appeared to be the very
opposite of his island. The persona appeared, at that point, to be
homesick for his island and resented the ease and comfort that the
Northerners felt towards their land. He then shifts back to the present
where he appreciates certain features of the island, particularly those
that remind him of his past on the island.

• Stanza 1, lines 1-2: The sound that the alliteration illicits, when
spoken, is a positive one. This is the case because the alliteration
forces the reader to sound cheerful, thereby facilitating the
interpretation that the persona is happy to be home.
• Stanza 1, lines 4-5: This alliteration, again, draws the reader through
the sound that it illicits. One can almost hear the sound that the
sea makes through the repetition of the 's' sound. It emphasizes
the joy that the persona feels to be home.
• Stanza 2, lines 13-14: This alliteration, when spoken, is staccato. It
literally emphasizes the persona's discomfort, and dislike, of the
new context that he is faced with. It is alien to him, as seen when
contrasted with the scene that he describes in the first stanza.
• Stanza 5, line 31: This device gives the reader a visual image of the
scene. It is simple image that highlights the persona's excitement
at being home and seeing scenes, even seemingly
inconsequential ones, that he knows and loves.

• Stanza 6, line 41: This alliteration gives the reader a visual of what the persona sees as
pleasant and calming, as opposed to the alliteration in stanza 2. The sound that
the alliteration illicits is a calm one, implying that the persona is at peace.

• Stanza 1, lines 6-7: This device gives a beautiful impression of the effect that the
island had on the persona. He felt whole when he was there, at peace.
• Stanza 2, lines 16-17: The shadows, in this context, represents his past life and
experiences on the island. The memories of his island illicits feelings of sadness,
even homesickness. These memories cast an oppressive shadow over his life in
the north.
• Stanza 4, line 25: The river is said to be patient. This represents a turn in the personas
view of the city that he now calls home. There is now respect for it, implying that
the persona has decided to really experience the city, as represented by the

The persona compares the flowing of the rivers, which represents the north, to his
longing for his island home. This comparison indicates that his longing is an intense one,
he is homesick.


The word capture means to take possession of something or someone. Therefore, when
the persona says that he is recapturing his island, it implies that he is taking back
possession of what he once owned.
5.'Since then I have travelled'
This line indicates that the persona did not remain on the island of his birth.
6.'sojourned in stoniest cities'
This highlights a contrast between the persona's island and the cities that he visited. His
island has beaches and oceans, while the cities that he visited were concrete jungles
made of stone.
7.'We who are born of the ocean can never seek solace in rivers'
The persona refers to the north, and its populace, as rivers, while the south, and his
island, is the ocean. This line highlights the persona's discontent in the north.
8.'reproves us our lack of endeavour and purpose'
Reprove is to reprimand. Therefore, the line is saying that the flowing river, the north,
reprimands the ocean, the south, for its lack of effort and resolve. This implies that the
persona might be homesick and, therefore, not functioning at full capacity in the new
northern environment.
9.'proves that our striving will founder on that.'
The term founder literally means the owner or operator of a foundry. This has little to
do with the context of the poem, therefore, it can be assumed (www.bulbsoup.com)
that poetic license was utilized at this point. Contextually, the line can be interpreted as
meaning that the persona's subsequent striving, or efforts, will be founded on the
reprimand made by the river, or the north.
10.'But today I would join, you travelling river,'
The persona has decided to live in his present, instead of looking back at his past.
Looking back at the past promotes homesickness, and the persona has decided to move
beyond this.
11.past pains that would wreck us, sorrows arrest us,'
These represent experiences that the persona has had while living in the north. He is
moving past these experiences in order to embrace more positive ones.
The emphasis placed on this word, through the use of italics, highlights the fact that the
persona is both happy and excited to be home.
13.'and look!'
The exclamation mark emphasizes the persona's enthusiasm, and excitement, when he
identifies a scene that is reminiscent of his past.

The mood of the poem is nostalgic. The persona is thinking about his island home, as
well as places that he has visited in the north.

The tone of the poem goes from being reflective, to being elated.

Patriotism, places, desires and dreams

The persona, a white male, proudly enters Sabina Park to watch a

cricket match between England and the West Indies. The persona
notices that the game is slow and that the crowd is not reacting well. He
is, in fact, initially shocked that there is a crowd at all because this is
usually not the case at Lords. By lunch, England is sixty eight for none,
and the crowd gets abusive. They even state that maybe they should
borrow Lawrence Rowe. The persona tries to explain the reason behind
the slow pace of the British side, but fails to convince even himself. His
embarrassment at England's performance has him eventually skulking
out of the venue.

• Stanza 2, lines 6-7: This question reveals that, despite the fact that
cricket is a popular sport in England, the venues for the matches
are not crowded. This question could also point to the fact that
Sabina Park was very crowded.

• Stanza 3, line 10: This question represents the general frustration of the West Indians
in the crowd. They are annoyed that the cricket match is progressing so slowly.
• Stanza 4, lines 16-18: These questions imply that the West Indian crowd's level of
frustration has escalated.

The allusion to Lawrence Rowe, a very colourful and successful West Indian cricketer,
emphasizes the fact that the match is slow and boring.

To 'boycott' is to abstain from, or to stop, doing something. Therefore, the persona is
being sarcastic because excitement is a good thing. People usually boycott for
something negative, therefore the persona is, again, highlighting the slow and boring
pace of the cricket match.
4. PUN
The word 'boycott', is a play on words. It literally refers abstaining from excitement,
along with referencing the cricket player Geoff Boycott. the second pun is on the word
'amiss'. this literally means that an important element is missing in the match, but it is
also referencing the cricket player Dennis Amiss. This pun is particularly clever because
the poet manages to manipulate the words to indicate that England is missing these two
strong cricketers, or cricketers with their skill, which is why they are playing a slow


4.'rosette of my skin'
Rosette implies a reddish colour, or tint, to the skin, that sometimes resembles a rose.
This description immediately identifies the race of the persona as caucasian. The
persona is proud of his race, as he enters Sabina Park.
'This word means to walk proudly. It emphasizes the fact that the persona is proudly
walking into Sabina Park.
6.'something badly amiss'
The persona is jolted by the fact that the match is going slowly. The word 'amiss' implies
wrong, the game should not be going so slowly.
7.'vociferous partisans'
Vociferous means to be very noisy and clamorous, while patisan is a person who shows
biased, emotional allegiance. Therefore, the West Indian crowd was extremely noisy in
their support of their team. They were also very unappreciative of the slow pace of the
8.'England sixty eight for none at lunch'
While this is a good score, it never-the-less highlights the slowness of the match, hence
the fact that the experience, for the crowd, was far from exciting.
9.'the wicket slow'
The purpose of the wicket is to 'out' the opposing side. Therefore, no 'outing' is
occurring, the wickets are standing. Everything about the match is going slowly.
10.'sticky wickets'
This implies a sticky, or awkward situation. It highlights England's situation.
11.'loud 'busin'
The English team was being loudly abused.
12.'skulking behind a tarnished rosette'
Skulking implies (www.bulbsoup.com) hiding in shame, and tarnished means tainted.
Therefore, the proud Englishman is now embarrassed, and the rosette of his skin is
making him stand out. Initially this was a very good thing, but now it is a disadvantage.
13.'blushing nationality'.
At this point, the Englishman admits to being embarrassed for his team, as well as

*There is a distinct CONTRAST between the beginning of the poem when the persona is
proud, and 'struts'. However, by the end of the poem, he is embarrassed and 'skulking'

There are two distinct voices in this poem. The English man's and the West Indian's.

The mood of the poem is tense embarrassment.

The tone of the poem is one of frustration and annoyance (West Indian), as well as
embarrassment (English man).

Discrimination, places, culture and sports

The persona's lecturer gave him an assignment to write a page that
reflects 'him', or his character. The persona wonders if this is a simple
task, and begins to think about his life. Things like his age, place of birth,
race and place of residence. Based on these musings, he surmises that
he is confused due to his youth. He guesses that he is what he feels,
sees and hears, which is Harlem, New York. He continues his musing
about what he likes, and concludes that he likes the same things that
people of other races like. On this basis, he questions whether or not his
page will be influenced by race. He concludes that it will not be white.
He admits that his instructor, as well as the fact that this instructor is
white, will have some influence on his page. He states that they both
influence each other, that is what being American is about. He believes
that both of them might not want to influence each other, but it cannot
be helped. He concludes that both of them will learn from each other,
despite the fact that the instructor has the advantage of being older,
white and 'more free'. All of these musings and conclusions become his
page for English B.


• Stanza 2, line 6: The persona ponders the ease of what he is asked to
do. This question, in turn, actually highlights the difficult nature
of the task.
• Stanza 3, line24: This question highlights the persona's confusion as to
who he is, or his character. He is unsure.
• Stanza 4, line 32: The persona is wondering whether his race will
affect what he writes on the page. This is despite the fact that
he concludes that race does not hinder people, in general, liking
the same things.

This repetition emphasizes (www.bulbsoup.com) the profound impact that Harlem, New
York, has had on the personality of the persona.


3.'here to this college on the hill above Harlem.'
The fact that the college is on a hill, above Harlem, is very important. It highlights the
fact that the college is a superior entity. The people of Harlem look up at it, showing
their inferiority.
4.'I am the only colored student in the class.'
This line emphasizes the persona's 'otherness' in relation to every-one else in the class.
He is different. The isolation of the sentence - enclosed by full stops/periods - also
emphasizes the persona's 'otherness'.
5.'The steps from the hill lead down into Harlem, through a park, then I cross St.
Nicholas, Eighth Avenue, Seventh, and I come to the Y, the Harlem Branch Y, where I
take the elevator up to my room'
This line highlights the fact that the college is a great distance from his home. This
distance is also metaphorical because it is implied that the (www.bulbsoup.com)
experiences that he has at the college are also a great distance from the experiences
that he has in Harlem. They are two different worlds.
6.'But it will be a part of you, instructor. You are white - yet a part of me, as I am a part
of you. That's American.'
This statement reveals the fact that America is viewed as a melting pot by the persona.
He believes that different races and cultures influence each other, thereby forming the
term 'American'
7.As I learn from you, I guess you learn from me - although you're older - and white -
and somewhat more free.
This statement, by the persona, repeats his belief that the American society is a melting
pot. It also, however, states that not every-one is equal within this society.

* It is interesting to note that the persona's 'page for English B' becomes a journey of
self discovery that actually does not end. He forms no conclusion as to who he is
because his personality is still 'in process'

The mood of the poem is contemplative.

The tone of the poem is also reflective.

Racism, places

The persona in this poem is telling the story of a mother who loved her
son. The mother became aware of the child's presence when she
experienced morning sickness. She placed all her hopes in the child and
raised him as a single parent because his father was indifferent to the
child's existence. The mother had set no barriers on what the child could
become, but is told that he has an employer who values him so much
that he is given his own submarine gun. The son tells his mother that his
employer is like a father to him, but the mother wonders at the father
figure who purposefully endangers his child. She prepares for her son's
death by going downtown to buy funeral apparel. The mother feels
powerless, so she prays for her child and says protective psalms for him.
On the other hand, she reads psalms of retribution for the employer and
weeps for her son. Her situation does not look good and is likened to a
partner system in which she draws both the first and the last hand.

• Lines 1-2: The persona emphasizes that the mother placed all her
hopes in her son. When you are poor, generally, you have no
prospects, you only dream and hope. Therefore, the persona
uses this metaphor to emphasize the mother's dependence on
her son's success.
• Line 17: The employer is being compared to a father figure. This
implies that this person fills a gap in the son's life.

The persona appears to praise the child's father by referring to him as
'fair-minded'. She is, however, chastising him for not only ignoring his
son, but all of his other children.

3. IRONY (situational)
The son innocently tells his mother that his employer values him so much that he gave
him a whole submachine gun for himself. The irony in this situation is that if you really
care about someone, you do NOT give them a gun due to the negative results that are
bound to occur.

4. ALLUSION (biblical)
• Lines 28-29: This line alludes to a particular verse in the Christian Bible, Luke 11 vs 11.
The verse questions what the actions of a good father should be.
• Lines 38-39: Psalms is a particular chapter in the Christian Bible. In this chapter there
are verses for protection, the mother uses those for her son, as well as verses for
retribution and rebuking. It is implied that the mother chooses those for the
employer. An example of a Psalm of protection is Psalm 121, while an example of
a Psalm of retribution is Psalm 109.
• Lines 43-45: In the Christian Bible, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. Therefore, it does not
bode well for the mother if she is in a 'partnership' with this person's mother
because she might also be betrayed. The banker in the 'partnership' also
happens to be the thief on the left hand side of the cross' mother. This also does
not bode well for the mother if the apple does not fall far from the tree.
• Line 49: Absalom is the son of David, in the Christian Bible. Absalom betrayed his
father, which implies that the mother feels betrayed by her son because she has
placed all her hopes in him.
5. 'a need to cry for little reasons and a metallic tide rising in her mouth each morning.'
These two symptoms are early signs of pregnancy. The metallic tide refers to vomiting.
These signs usually occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.
6. 'full term'
This means that the mother carried her son for the full nine months that a pregnancy
should last.
7. 'tight up under her heart'
This hints at the love that the mother harbours for her child. He was not simply 'close to
her heart', but 'tight up' under it. It implies that the son holds a special place in her
8. 'set no ceiling'
A ceiling is something that blocks you in, you cannot get past it. The mother set no limits
on her son, he could be anything he wanted to be.
9. 'his bloody salary'
This implies that the mother believes that the result of the son's 'job' will be death.
10. 'the level of earth'
The mother has no power to change her son's situation. Earth is used to emphasize her
powerlessness on this level, the realm of 'reality'.
11. 'knee city'
This refers to the fact that the mother constantly prayed for her child.
12. 'eye water covers you'
This implies that the mother cried constantly for the plight of her son. The fact that it
'covers him' speaks to the high quantity of tears that were shed.
13. 'partner'
This is an informal saving scheme set up with a specific number of individuals for the
duration of a specific time span. Each person agrees to pay a designated figure on a
monthly basis. The 'draws' are decided, meaning who gets the money first, second, third
etc, on a monthly basis. The banker then collects the money and gives the monthly pool
to the person who is to receive their 'draw'. Therefore, a 'partnership' is dependent
upon the honesty of the banker, who could abscond with the money, as well as the
honesty of the members of the savings scheme, who could decide NOT to pay after they
have received their draw.
14. 'banker'
The banker, or financial controller, of this partnership is the mother of a thief. This does
not bode well for the mother if the thief on the cross learnt it from his mother.
15. 'her draw though is first and last for she still throwing two hands as mother and
This statement implies that though the mother has the advantage of first draw as
mother, she loses that advantage because she also has the role of father. Mothers
cannot father sons. The fact that the son has found a father figure proves this to be true.
Therefore, she has the last draw, which carries with it the disadvantage of not receiving
a full 'draw'. The longer one waits for a draw is the more likely that dishonesty will come
into play on the part of the participants.

The mood of the poem is reflective and angry. The persona is thinking about a mother's
response to her son's life choices.

The tone of the poem is pragmatic, pessimistic and angry. The persona is telling the tale
as it is, with no positive energy.

Death, love, survival, desires/ dreams, childhood experiences.

The persona speaks to some-one that he cares for. He tells this person
that this is the dark time, which is, in essence, a time of sadness. It is
implied, by certain key terms; such as 'dark metal', that it is a time of
war. The persona warns his 'love' that it is a dark, sad time.

• Stanza 1, line 1 & stanza 2, line 7: The repetition of this phrase highlights that there is
something seriously amiss. The persona is telling his 'love' that this is a sad and
terrible time.

This device literally draws the readers' visual attention to the sentence. The
sentence implies that everything that is good and positive is hidden away, or gone. This
alliteration sets a sad tone at the very beginning of this poem.

This device emphasizes the sad tone of the poem. This is the case because flowers are
usually associated with feelings of happiness and cheerfulness. Therefore, if the flowers
- embassadors of joy - are sad, then it highlights how really sad the times have become.

The contrast in this device is startling. The terms 'festival' and 'carnival' not only
describes fun and festivity, but also a large amount of each. Both words are associated
with huge crowds. This emphasizes how terrible the times have become because guns
and misery are plentiful.

• Stanza 3, line 13: This device informs the reader/ audience that a threat exists and
that it comes in the dark of night.
• Stanza 3, lines 14 - 15: It is implied that the threat is a soldier through the term 'boot
of steel'. The 'slender grass' is the innocent youth who is cut down and trampled
by these 'boots of steel'. The fact that we are given this information through the
use of rhetorical question adds mystery and intrigue to the poem.


6.'All round the land brown beetles crawl about.'
Some variety of brown beetles are scavengers that feed on decaying or dead carcasses.
Therefore, when the persona states that they crawl about, it implies that a lot of dead
or decaying bodies exist in the land.
7.'season of oppression, dark metal, and tears.'
A season is an extended period of time. Therefore, the persona is telling his 'love' that it
is a period of extreme sadness. This sadness is brought about by the 'dark metal', which
can be literally interpreted as vehicles of war.
8.'man of death'
The man of death, in this context, is the soldier.
9.'Watching you sleep'
Sleep is a state of extreme vulnerability. This is the case because when one falls asleep,
they fall into unconsciousness, which equates to a state of defenselessness. The fact
that the man of death, ie soldier, watches the persona's 'love' while he/she sleeps,
implies that this person is not only vulnerable, but in extreme danger.
10.'aiming at your dream.'
The man of death's purpose is to destroy the persona's 'love's' dreams, or desires.
The mood of the poem is fearful and tense. The persona is giving his 'love' sad and
depressing news.

The tone of the poem is cautious.

Racism, places.

The persona is travelling in a plane, looking down at San Juan, Puerto Rico, as the plane
descends. He is saying that this island is the wealthiest in the Caribbean because it has
won the jackpot, it has come up lucky. He then points out that he, and others, had
travelled to many Caribbean islands and received a hint of the flavour of each island
through it's calling card, - its airport - all of which fail when compared to plush San Juan.
As they land, they are instructed to stay on the plane if their destination is not San Juan.
The persona takes offence and states that America does not want blacks in San Juan,
implying that they might be a disruptive force. He notes the efficiency with which things
flow, enabling them to take to the skies once more. During the ascent, the persona
notes the contrast between the influences of the Caribbean and America. He likens San-
Juan to a broken TV, it Iooks good on the outside, but broken on the inside.


• Line 2: Puerto Rico is compared to dice that is tossed on a casino's baize, it can
either come up with winning numbers, or losing numbers. Puerto Rico comes up
with winning numbers in the game of chance, as reflected in its wealthy exterior,
which is supported by America.

• Lines 7-8: San Juan's glitter is compared to a maverick's gold ring. The word
maverick implies non-conformist, an individualist. This implies that San Juan,
Puerto Rico is in the Caribbean, but not a part of the Caribbean. It belongs to
• Lines 10-11: Airports are compared to calling cards. This means that, like a calling
card, the quality of the airport gives you an idea of the island's economic status.
The airport is also compared to a cultural fingerprint. A fingerprint is an
individual thing, therefore the airport gives the traveler an idea of the island's
cultural landscape.

• Line 39: The road is compared to twisted wires. This means that the roads, from
above, look both plentiful and curvy. This does not carry a positive connotation,
but implies confusion.


• Line 5: Dallas is an oil rich state in America. Therefore, many of its inhabitants
are wealthy, and the state itself, is wealthy. By stating that San Juan is the Dallas
of the West Indies, it implies that it is a wealthy island in the West Indies.
• Lines 5-7: An allusion is being made to the well known cliche; 'every cloud has a
silver lining'. It means that behind everything that is seemingly bad, there is
good. In the context (www.bulbsoup.com) of this poem, it means that the good,
the silver lining, has a mark, or stamp, that authenticates its good quality; it is
hallmarked. This implies that it will always have its silver lining showing.


• Line 20: This statement means the exact opposite of what is stated. The persona
is disgusted that Uncle Sam (America) would have such a regulation. This
regulation bars anyone from stepping a toe on Puerto Rican soil, if it is not your
intended destination. You just have to remain in the air craft, no matter the
waiting period, until it is time for takeoff. The persona believes that the
Americans are being blatantly discriminatory, and are attempting to camouflage
it through the use of regulations. He does not believe that they have achieved
their goal of subtlety.
• Line 20: The statement, 'give me your poor...' is particularly sarcastic because it
is a direct quote from the New Collossus, which rests on a plaque on the statue
of liberty, and signifies that the disenfranchised of the world are welcome. The
persona, as a member of the 'disenfranchised' masses, clearly
feels unwelcomed.

Line 26: The persona implies that America is all talk and no action. They really do
not want the poor because they bar them from entering and expediently sends
them on their way when they enter their airport. The statement is sarcastic
because it is loaded with an alternate meaning, due to the contrast in statement
and action.

4. PUN
Line 17-18: The pun is placed on 'land of the free', it becomes 'Island of the free'. This
pun emphasizes how isolated Puerto Rico is from the rest of the Caribbean islands. It
belongs to the U.S.A. This state of belonging to, or being owned by the US is asserted
through it's insertion into the Star Spangled Banner.


5. 'plush'
This word implies soft, like a teddy bear. It also implies luxury. So San Juan is all of these
6.'desperate blacks might re-enslave this Island of the free'
These 'desperate blacks' to whom the persona is referring are the poor people of the
Caribbean. If they converge on the glistening San Juan, sucking up its resources, then it
might become re-enslaved by poverty.
7.'America's back yard'
A backyard means one of two things for people. It is a haven where you relax, therefore
you decorate it and invest time and money in it. Or, you ignore it and spend all your
time indoors, not (www.bulbsoup.com) investing any time, energy or money in it.
America viewed Puerto Rico as the latter, a prize in which it saw value. Therefore, when
the persona uses this phrase, he is implying that while it is valued, it is still at the back.
Slight sarcasm is being used here.
8.'the contrasts tantalise'
When something, or someone, is tantalising, it implies that it is intriguing. The persona,
by using this phrase, is trying to draw the readers attention to to the jarring contrasts by
stating that he finds them intriguing.
9.'fierce efficiency'
The word fierce, used to describe the level of efficiency with which the people worked
to get the plane off the ground, shows the extent to which they were not wanted on the
This implies that the flashiness of San Juan was not authentic.
11.'It's sharp and jagged and dangerous, and belonged to some-one else.'
This implies that San Juan is not safe. The cultures are not melding, but jarring against
each other. The reason for this is because it belongs to someone else.

The contrast in this poem is found in stanza 5. The American cars etc, against the
pushcarts. The American culture versus the Puerto Rican culture.

The mood of the poem is perturbed.

The tone of the poem is slightly bitter, which is fueled by the sarcastic atmosphere.
Discrimination, oppression, places, culture.

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