4to 4ta - Task June (Past Tenses)

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Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______ July 2023

Bibliography: Focus 2 -Unit 2 (Past tenses) - Task Mark:_________________

1) Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentence.

1. While they ( were listening / listened ) to music, the phone rang.

2. Yesterday, I (was buying / bought ) a newspaper for the first time.
3. Jean (made / was making) breakfast when the children woke up.
4. Marco ( read / was reading ) while drinking a smoothie.
5. They ( were playing / played ) ping-pong when the lights went out.
6. My father ( was fixing / fixed ) my car last night.

2) Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets, use Past simple
and Past continuous.

Example: I visited (visit) my grandparents yesterday.

1. I ________________ (buy) a new book yesterday.

2. They ________________ (play) soccer when it started raining.
3. She ________________ (not/finish) her homework on time.
4. _________ you ___________(enjoy) the concert last night?
5. We _______________(have) a delicious dinner at the new restaurant.

3) Complete the gaps in the conversation with the correct form of "used to". In some
cases, you may need to use the Past Simple.

Peter: Hey, do you remember our childhood days?

Miles: Yes, of course! We _______________ (go) camping every summer.
Peter: Oh, right! And we _______________ (have) picnics in the park.
Miles: Yes, those were fun times. We _______________ (play) hide-and-seek all day long.
Peter: And do you remember the treehouse we _______________ (build)?
Miles: Oh yes! We _______________ (spend) hours up there, imagining we were in a secret
Peter: And what about our favorite ice cream shop? We _______________ (visit) it every
Miles: Definitely! I _______________ (love) their strawberry flavor.
Peter: It's amazing how much things have changed since then.
Miles: I know, but those memories will always bring a smile to our faces.
4) Complete the sentences with the correct form of "used to" and the verb in brackets. If
"used to" is not suitable, use the Past Simple.

Example: Did she used to paint (she/paint) when she was 5 years old?

1. Did ____________________ (you/play) the piano when you were younger?

2. I ____________________ (not eat) spicy food until I moved to Mexico.
3. Steven ____________________ (live) in New York, but now he lives in California.
4. What ____________________ (you/do) last weekend?
5. Mum ____________________ (work) as a nurse before she retired.
6. I ____________________ (not watch) much television yesterday.

5) Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. What did you do last weekend?

--> __________________________________________________________________.

2. Did you use to have any pets when you were younger?

--> __________________________________________________________________.

3. What were you doing at 8 p.m. yesterday?

--> __________________________________________________________________.

4. What cartoons did you use to watch as a kid? What cartoons?

--> __________________________________________________________________.

5. Did you use to eat vegetables when you were little?

--> __________________________________________________________________.

Written Test- Total of points: 35

➔ 35 to 31 Points: Excellent!
➔ 30 to 28 Points: Very Good!
➔ 26 to 24 Points: Good!
➔ Below 24 Points: Regular

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