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School Data Summary

School Name: ____B. B. S. K. Elementary_______________ School Year: _2022-2023______

Understand your school’s data story by reviewing the school improvement plan, school data
reports and other data resources.

1. Identify who in the building can help you obtain the data. Who is your data expert; who
can help you interpret the data?

The school counselors (Brittney Dowell, Brooke Studnicki, Samantha Mingle, and Krystal
Carpenter) will be the primary data collectors. We will collaborate with one another and the
teachers/ other staff members and faculty to interpret the data.

2. Review your school improvement plan and identify your school’s goals. List two–three
school improvement plan goals relevant to the school counseling program and link to
student outcomes (achievement, attendance, discipline).

Achievement: By June 1st, 2023, any student whose success rate was lower than 15% in the
previous school year (2021-2022) will increase achievement by 6% from 13.7% to 19.7%.
Attendance: By December 1st 2023, students who were absent more than 10% of the time
(2021-2022) will decrease the chronically out of school rate by 7% from 22.6% to 15.6%.

3. Review available school data reports (achievement, attendance and discipline) for
previous years to identify trends.

The following data comes from the previous school year (2021-2022).
 The overall success rate of our school is 17.1% compared to 28.4% at the district level.
When looking at success rate by race and ethnicity, minority students have a lower
success rate than white students by about 6%, with white students’ success rate at
19.5% and minority students’ success rate at 13.7%.
 The achievement score of B.B.S.K. is 2.
 The school success rate in ELA is 12.5%, while at the district level is 28.2% and the state
at 36.5%. In math, the school success rate is 21.7%, while it is 28% at the district and
30.8% in the state. In science, the school success rate is 21.1%, while it is 28.9% at the
district and 39.8% in the state. These numbers show there are a lot of improvements to
be made in all areas, but especially in ELA.
 22.6% of students are chronically out of school. The chronically out of school score is
1.3. These numbers increased from the 2020 and 2021 school year data.
 The in-school and out of school suspension rates are less than 5%.
 The expulsions are less than 5%.
In terms of success rates, BBSK Elementary is behind the district and state.

Updated, June 2021

4. Review data from other resources (e.g., student behavior surveys, climate surveys,
school engagement surveys, etc.) from the previous two–three years, and identify areas
of strength and concern.

School climate surveys show several minority students answering no to having at least one
teacher at their school who thinks they can do well at school. Many students responded “no,
not really true” to questions asking about students caring, being nice to, and/or trying to help
each other. Many students responded no to their parents or guardians talking with their
teachers at school. These data points show that we need to work on breaking barriers between
families and staff at our school and build positive relationships where parents and children feel
supported by their teachers and school staff. Supportive relationships with teachers is an area
of concern for minority students, and parental involvement could be improved upon.
Many students (94%) responded that never or once or twice this school year someone at school
made fun of them or called them names or said they wanted to hurt them. This is a promising
statistic that there is not much bullying in this school community. There seems to be freedom
from bullying. There also was a wide consensus of approval of the physical environment of
B.B.S.K Elementary.

5. How does your school’s data compare to data from other schools, including:
a) schools with similar populations
(Using the National Center for Education Statistics website to find similar school
populations) &
resources/High_Poverty_Schools_TN_2021-07-30.pdf Link to other schools with high
amounts of economically disadvantaged students/families

Henry Elementary: This school has the most similar population in terms of minority
students and economically disadvantaged students. Their overall success rate is 32.4%,
being about 15% higher than ours and their achievement score is 2.1, which is similar to
ours. They are about 8% below their district success rate, while BBSK is 11% below the
district. The success rate of their minority population is 23.3% compared to 35% of the
white population. BBSK’s minority population is 6% behind the white population,
compared to a 11.7% difference at Henry Elementary.

Buchanan Elementary: The overall success rate is 44.9% which is higher than their
district average; Achievement score of 3.6; The success rate is about 16% lower for
minority students than that for white students. (Note that this school is similar in terms
of % of minority students, but has much less economically disadvantaged students at
only 13% compared to 63% at B.B.S.K Elementary).

Updated, June 2021

Tom Joy Elementary: This school has a larger minority population than BBSK Elementary
but the economically disadvantaged population is similar. Their overall success rate is
less than 5% with an achievement score of 1.

b) district averages
The overall success rate of our school is 17.1% compared to 28.4% at the district level.
The school success rate in ELA is 12.5%, while at the district level is 28.2%.
In math, the school success rate is 21.7%, while it is 28% at the district level.
In science, the school success rate is 21.1%, while it is 28.9% at the district level.
The in-school suspensions are slightly lower than the district averages.
The out of school suspensions are about the same as the district averages.

c) state averages
The school success rate in ELA is 12.5%, while the state level is at 36.5%.
In math, the school success rate is 21.7%, while it is 30.8% in the state.
In science, the school success rate is 21.1%, while it is 39.8% in the state.
The in-school suspensions are slightly lower than the state averages.
The out of school suspensions are about the same as the state averages.

6. Identify and prioritize data points you will address through your school counseling
Specific Data Priorities
 26 students leaving first grade reading below expectations
 38 first-time ninth-graders failing algebra 1
 Seventh-grade students with four or more absences in the first four weeks of school
 12 11th-grade students suspended three or more days from school for noncompliance first

1. 87 3rd-5th grade students scoring below average on ELA section of TCAP

2. Students who are more than two grade levels behind in reading or math
3. Minority students who are failing ELA

Updated, June 2021

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