STATs HomeWork#2

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STAT2001 – Inferential Statistics

Home Work #2
Due: Monday, April 15, 2024
Instructions: Proper Heading with your name and id# along with the course code and
course name and date should be at the top of the submitted assignment. The homework
should be given in to the administrative office in the Mathematics Department by the
date and time specified (April 15, 2024 by 2:30p.m.). Please get a receipt.

Problem 1

A certain study examined the impact of depression on a patient's ability to survive cardiac
disease. Researchers identified 450 people with cardiac disease, evaluated them for
depression, and followed the group for four years. Of the 361 patients with no depression, 67
died. Of the 89 patients with depression, 26 died. Among people who suffer from cardiac
disease, is there evidence to support the claim that depressed patients are more likely to die
than non-depressed patients? Conduct an appropriate hypothesis test.

Problem 2
Two brands of refrigerators, denoted A and B are each guaranteed for 1 year. In a random
sample of 50 refrigerators of brand A, 12 were observed to fail before the guarantee period
ended. An independent random sample of 60 brand B refrigerators also revealed 12 failures
during the guarantee period. Estimate the true difference (p1 – p2) between proportions of
failures during the guarantee period at the 90% confidence interval.

Problem 3
Use R to answer the following question. Copy and paste your work from R into a word file.
Put your R commands in the back of the homework under the heading “Appendix”. Please
combine the R portion of your homework with the rest of the homework and submit it
accordingly. Copy and paste all plots done in R into your homework word file.
(a) Import the melanoma.csv dataset into R found on the course ourvle website by doing
what you learnt from the R lessons. The pdf document “melanoma_data_information”
located on the course ourvle website gives information on the variables in the
melanoma.csv data.
(b) Use R to do a Two-Sample T-Test on the difference between the age and the sex of
the person at α= 0.05. Assume that the variances are unequal. State the p-value and
an appropriate conclusion in the context of the question. Also write the 95%
Confidence Interval for the difference in the means.
(c) Use R to create a box plot figure comparing the age of the person and the sex.
Comment on the boxplot figure.
Problem 4

Problem 5

Problem 6

Problem 7

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