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Remember the wooden house I mentioned, it was badly smashed because of the flying debris.

Then, I saw myself in that house. I was standing

at the corner of the empty living room facing the dirty window. The house was shaking and I could hear the strong wind from inside the
house. It was a horrible experience to see the windows smashed, the branches of the trees slammed into the house. At any moment, the house
would topple and collapse. As I was standing there looking outside, tears started to flow down my eyes

Few days later after having this dream, God gave me another dream. Early in the morning on Friday 17th, I saw myself in a car driven by
someone (a Christian but not close to God). As we were moving along the beach, the sea was so rough and the current was so strong. It was
neither a tsunami nor flash flood. I didn’t know what was happening. Then, we came across a long straight road whereby there were seas on
both sides of the road. Along the road/path, there were coconut trees. At the end of the road, all I could see was brightness. When the man
was driving along the road, there were two strong winds coming from each side and the wave slammed onto the dry land; the road. When the
man saw what was happening, he was afraid to drive on. So, he u-turned and went back instead of driving forward. When I woke up that
morning, I asked God what was all that about and He answered me after I drew what I saw in my journal. Around 11:50pm, (my parents
were asleep so I took this quiet time to seek God’s explanation); I prayed and asked God to reveal the meaning to me about the dream. At
12:00am, just after I finished drawing my dream, God spoke to my heart and He explained my dream like this:

The dry land/road is the way to life. (There is still hope) “Jesus is the way, the truth and the life”. That was why I saw the brightness at the
end of the road. In addition, God said many people have forgotten Him. When it comes to times of trouble and difficulties, not many will
want to go through that way; they rather turn back and follow their own ways (their easier way). They did not know that even though they
had to take the tough and difficult way, God WOULD lead them. He IS always there to guide them. No matter what, if we follow Him and
believe that we can go through those trials with Him, He WILL reward each one who walks with Him and that is LIFE. Disaster will come
from both sides (the western and eastern sea) but HOPE WILL NEVER END. Even Christians can turn away from God but God had made
the way straight and we must keep on going forward therefore not to turn back. On March 29th, I read in the scripture and God explained
some more about this dream. Please read Isaiah 43 especially’ in verse 1-7. The promises are always there.
Regarding the dream I had on the 15th, I went back home to Bintulu (my hometown) on Saturday the18th and on Sunday the following day I
read in the papers about what had happened in Australia. The cyclone that hit the eastern side of Australia was a shocking news for me since
I dreamt about it a few days before. Each time when I read in the news about the disasters, I can’t hold back my tears! The dreams and
visions that I had ever since I was 11 years old, they ARE happening now in this end times. Plane crashes (I dreamt about this on the 5th Sept
2000 and it really happened on Sept 11, 2001; and is happening more than before; in 2004 I dreamt about more plane crashes for two nights),
wars (dreamt together with the plane crashes, nuclear bombs, fires, earthquakes on Sept 5th 2000), earthquakes (connected to my dream on
the 5th Sept 2000 because this dream was about the end times happening), tsunami (dreamt few months before Dec 26, 2004; some more but
worst will happen), hurricanes (dreamt about this at least twice), tornadoes, fires (just like hell), flash floods (middle of Nov 2005, I dreamt
about it and it really happened in Dec 2005), volcano eruption (soon but some more will happen elsewhere), and cyclone (dreamt about this
for two times in March 2006)! Jesus is coming soon, sooner than what we think!

Sometimes God spoke to me directly into my ears. He gave me verses in the Bible especially about what will happen to me and what I should
do to stand firm. He is so good! He gave me verses like in 1 Timothy 4:6,11-15/ 2 Timothy 4:2-5/ 1Peter 3:8-22; 4; 5/ Romans 8/ 1 Corinthians
14Some of my favorite verses are taken from the book of acts (Acts 2:17-21/ Joel 2:28-32), from John 10:27, Isaiah 40:31 and more. (All of
His words are important to us).

On Saturday April 15 2006, the day after Good Friday, I went to the S.I.B in Medan Jaya, Bintulu for the special combined Youth Service.
Just after the service, I went home around six in the evening. On my way home, I saw this huge marvelous rainbow in the sky. In the Bible,
we read about God’s Covenant from Genesis 9:12-16; God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every
living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant
between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant
between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the
everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

Remember the vision I had one week after New Year’s Day (2006), I read in the papers on 17th April 2006 and was shocked to read this:

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