Approval Letter Volaris JFK Back Catering

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USDA MI oritoa states Department of Aariouture ‘Animal and Plant ‘Health inspection Service Plant Protection and usrantne State Pian Heat Diactor USDA, APHIS, PPO. 500 New Kamar Road, Suke 2 Albany, NY 12205, Phone: (618) 218.7510 Fan (518) 210-7510 Federal Relay Senco (Woice TT YIASCIUSpanish) ‘800-077-8938 Jorge Luis Pérez del Vale Baigts March 16, 2023 (©n Board Sales Analyst Volar Fresno SITS Clinton Way Fresno, CA 93727 Dear Mir. Jorge Luis Pérez del Valle Bagts, ‘Lam waiting in response to your letter requesting U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) approval of your company Voltis Fresno, in Fresno, California to handle APHIS regulated garbage, Based on the information provided by you and APHIS personnel, your request for approval to hendle APHIS regulated garbage is hereby granted. This approvel covers handling of APHIS. ‘egulated garbage as Back-Caterer at John F. Kennedy international Airport in Queens, NY. APHIS ‘s responsible for ensuring the welfare of American agriculture by preventing the introduction of animal end plant pests and diseases into the U.S. through various pathway, incloding regulated garbage, Please be aware that APHIS regulated garbage includes garbage on or removed from any means of onveyarce that has been in any pot outside of the U.S. or Canad within the previous two-year period. APHIS cegulated garbage also includes gacbage on or removed from a means of conveyanes that hes moved {o the continental U.S, ftom any territory or possession or from Hawaii or between any territories or between ‘territory and Hawaii within the previous one-year perio. Please be asvare that Volris Fresno in Fresno, California is ultimately responsible for ensuring the appropriate handling and disposal of regulated garbage by its employees and subeontractors named in the ‘compliance agreement. APHIS approval to handle regulted garbage only covers compliance with APHIS ‘egulaticas and requirements. Therefore, APHIS approval to handle regulated garbage does not reduce or climinate Volaris Fresno in Fresno, California legal duty and responsibilty to likewise comply with all other ‘Federal and State regulatory requirements applicable tothe handling of regulated garbage, ‘Now tht Volaris Fresno in Fresno, California has been approved by APHIS, they must ener into compliance agreement with local CBP personnel before your company will be allowed to begin hanling Fegulatec garbage. The point(s) of contact for your compliance agreement is Petet Del Pozzo, Agricul Supervisor, Cergo Operations, New York Field Office JFK Ainport, U.S. Customs & Border Protection, O: ‘718.487.5356; Mi 347 229,8593; Peter L,Delpozzo@ebp dhs gov. We recommend that you contact Mr. Del Pozzo immediately upon receipt ofthis letter to schedule a time and

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