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>How to text 101, by Tinder Anon

These are my findings after a couple of months of online dating, lots and lots of
dead conversations, cancelled and ghosted dates, and finally finding a 'recipe'
that works most of the time. Gone all the way from a 'hi how are you' retard that
never got past the first message to having conversations with 8/10+ women that
eventually escalate into dates without issue. It's still WIP, i will keep expanding
this as my knowledge grows, any suggestions or questions feel free to say so in
/HTGWG/, i'm lurking most of the time.

The trick to texting, is getting emotions involved, because texting is inherently

sterile, there's no physical contact, there's no body gesture, all you've got is
your words and some emojis. Most guys suck at texting (and pretty much all women),
the difference is that women don't need to care about these things, but we do,
there's a 3-1 FtM ratio in dating apps, if you can't stand out you'll just be
another guy in the sea of messages, if she has a boring conversation, it's your
fault and she'll just move to the next guy.

So, the goal is to get her "entertained". I've found the "M3" model found in the
mystery method applies pretty well to online dating (note this is for getting dates
in online apps):
Stand out from the rest of the guys, say something witty, flirty, fun, the first
messages. The "opener", the goal is to let her know you're not another "hi how are
you" loser. Plant the "seed" if you can, aka, make it known you're willing to meet
"I would save that for when we meet/this weekend", etc.
This one's tricky, due to being over text. The goal is to establish a natural
flowing thread of conversation. In order to do so, you have to involve her feelings
into the mix by asking the RIGHT questions, and the ocasional flirty comment or fun
remark to keep it entertaining.
This phase lasts longer, it's to ensure her you won't be a disappointing date and
make her comfortable. A few days of texting. Plant the seed whenever possible.
Swapped for date. Everything has fell on it's place, it's time to go for it champ,
with the seed you planted during the rapport or attraction period, make solid
plans. Don't ask, just say "I'd like to continue this conversation in real person.
Let's meet at X, this Y, XX PM". Here you might continue texting, but "burnout" is
a thing, so it's better if you end it here and save the details for the date. Try
to keep it near, three days forward is pretty good.

By "fun" I refer to flirting or fun remarks.

Common pitfalls, and why am I getting ghosted

>The "Hi"
The most common thing, that you can see even in women openings (say in bumble) is
the eye gouging "hi", of "hi how are you" or a variation of these. Kys if you open
like that and then wonder why you were left on seen

>Random boring question

"What do you like to do", "what do you do", "what are you doing", zzzzzzzz. Why
would she reply to you when another guy asked the same thing? It's just boring.

>Failed 'opener'
You came up with an opener, or stole in from somewhere and she had already seen it,
maybe she didn't find it funny, no problem it happens.

>Interview conv
You fail to ask the right questions. The woman gets bored and at some point the
conv dies. Conv devolves into "Blah blah blah, and you?", no emotion on her part,
no fun on your side to salvage.

>The clown
You failed to transition from the fun at the attraction stage into the rapport
stage. You didn't ask any questions to get a conv thread, or you failed at picking
them up and are now perma stuck at trying to make her laugh. Game over

>The friend
You never ask for a date, the conversation dies, interest built up fades.
>Desperate dude
You setup a date too early during the first stages. Women sense this as desperation
or they simply don't feel comfortable enough with you yet, either ways, they will
either not show up or ghost you.

Lastly but not lastly, how do I make the right questions? For we men, emotions are
harder to come by for us. The golden rule I follow, is that a question has to have
two things
>Involve her feelings
Remember women are driven by feelings. If you've ever seen women converse, they can
talk about some mundane shit for hours, whereas to men talking it would take 30
seconds before they run out of material. The reason is because women love talking
about their feelings and the details, ask her about her feelings and she'll do the
talking herself, talk about your feelings and the woman will feel curious. Most
often than not, conversations turn into interviews because men fail to "pick apart"
a conversation and don't see the subtle details the woman would really like to talk
about, or when they talk about themselves they keep it canned, sterile. I.e
>I love X place
A common mistake is to end the specific thread when it hasn't ran out yet, i.e,
>1. X place is nice, I like Y myself.
>2. what other things do you like?
>2. what others places do you like?
This is how conversations turn into interviews. You don't involve her feelings,
you're looking at things shallowly and it's just as if you were talking to another
man. You'll run out of things to talk about, fast. Better questions would be asking
for her feelings.
>What do you like the most about it
This gets her talking, gives you more material to have fun with and shows you're
interested in her.

When talking about yourself, "I like X" doesn't convey anything. "X makes me feel
Y, I like it" is a way better way to put things.

>Be simple to answer

Avoid questions that make her think a lot, she'll just choose to not answer it. I.e
>3 lies 2 truths
>What is X thing about your childhood that blah blah
Try to test the questions before, the trick of a gold question is to be able to pop
an answer into mind easily, and to involve her feelings, in a easy to answer way.

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