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Unconditional Love of God

Class Discussion:
1 – What do you understand by the term “Unconditional Love”?
2 – Do you have any personal story or experience related to this Unconditional

Passage Reading:
John 3:16
16 ForGod so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Whoever: the person who
Shall: used instead of "will" when the subject is "I" or "we"

Devocional Reading:
No matter how hard we try, yet we cannot scale God’s love. If we look back in time
and remember some of our past attitudes, thoughts, or feelings, we may be ashamed
of ourselves. How could I have been so petty, insensitive, or selfish in specific
situations? And what about some lies or rush words that have brought about people
some suffering or sadness? I cannot blame others for some issues I had to face
either once I myself caused them.

We know there is nothing attractive in us that makes us worthy of God’s affection.

But thank Lord for His great love and mercy. He intervenes on our behalf even when
the odds are against us. He helps us set up all the disorder we ourselves have

We say we want to serve Him better, but we’re too busy to find some time to spend
in prayer and reading His word. We ask for His favor and blessings, but we don’t
believe we deserve them. We want to be a tool in His hand, but we don’t think we’re
qualified enough for that. There are lots of buts preventing us from receiving what
God wants to give us.
On the other hand, God’s buts bring blessings along. His word says in Psalms 73:26
that “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my
portion forever.” And in Romans 5:8, He says, “But God demonstrates His own love
toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” After going through
hard times, Joseph could say that his brothers “intended to harm [him], but
God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many

Through the sacrifice of His Son, God demonstrated His unconditional love to all
those who would receive Jesus Christ. So, all a person must do is trust in Jesus, the
Savior. This way we permanently become God’s beloved children.

Grammar Point: Present Perfect Tense


Affirmative Sentences:
1. I have experienced God's love in my life through answered prayers and
2. They have seen the love of God manifested in acts of kindness and
3. She has felt the overwhelming love of God during times of struggle and
4. We have witnessed the love of God through the support and care of our
church community.
5. He has shown his love for us by forgiving our sins and offering us salvation.

Negative Sentences:
1. I haven't fully grasped the depth of God's love, but I'm seeking to understand
it more each day.
2. They haven't always recognized God's love in their lives, but they are open
to experiencing it.
3. She hasn't fully surrendered to the love of God, but she is on a journey of
faith and growth.
4. We haven't always responded to God's love with gratitude and obedience,
but we strive to do so.
5. He hasn't always trusted in God's love, but he is learning to rely on it in
times of uncertainty.

1 - Share examples of acts of unconditional love you have witnessed or experienced
in your life, using the present perfect tense to describe those events.
2 - Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the present perfect tense (affirmative
or negative) of the verbs given in parentheses.
1. I ____________ (experience) God's love in my life through countless
blessings and answered prayers.
2. They ____________ (witness) the love of God in acts of kindness and
compassion from others.
3. She ____________ (feel) the overwhelming love of God during difficult times
in her life.
4. We ____________ (see) the love of God in the support and care of our church
5. He ____________ (show) his love for us by forgiving our sins and offering us
3- Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering questions using the present
perfect tense (affirmative or negative) related to the topic of God's love.

A- Student A: Have you ever experienced God's love in a specific situation?

Student B: Yes, I have. When I was going through a difficult time, I felt God's love
through the support of my friends.

B - Student A: Have you witnessed acts of God's love in your community?

Student B: Absolutely. I have seen people showing God's love by volunteering at
local shelters and providing food for the needy.

C - Student A: Have you ever doubted God's love?

Student B: Unfortunately, I have. There were times when I questioned God's love
during challenging circumstances, but I've learned to trust Him.

D - Student A: Have you shown God's love to others recently?

Student B: Yes, I have. I have been trying to show God's love by being kind and
helping those in need whenever I have the opportunity.

E- Student A: Have you ever felt the overwhelming love of God in a worship service?
Student B: Definitely. There have been moments during worship where I felt God's
love surround me and fill my heart with peace and joy.

4- Write a short paragraph (5-6 sentences) reflecting on your personal understanding

and experience of God's love using the present perfect tense (affirmative or
I have experienced God's love in numerous ways throughout my life. From answered
prayers to unexpected blessings, I have witnessed His love and faithfulness.
However, there have been times when I haven't fully embraced God's love due to
doubts and fears. Nevertheless, I am learning to trust in His unconditional love and
surrender my worries to Him. I strive to reflect God's love by treating others with
kindness and compassion, just as He has loved me. The more I experience God's
love, the more I realize its profound impact on my life.

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