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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 10 Issue: 05 | May 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A Novel Method for Facial Recognition Based Smart Voting System

Using Machine Learning

Sakshi1, Heena Kousar2, Madhumati3, Pooja T R4, Asst.Prof. Shaeista Begum5

Students, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering ,Government Engineering College, Raichur ,Karnataka ,
Asst. Professor ,Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering ,Government Engineering College, Raichur ,Karnataka,
Abstract The proposed system has several advantages over
traditional voting systems, such as improved accuracy,
This paper presents a novel method for implementing a security, and speed. The use of facial recognition technology
facial recognition-based smart voting system using machine reduces the chances of human errors and prevents voter
learning. The proposed method involves the use of a facial fraud, ensuring a fair and transparent voting process. The
recognition algorithm that is trained using deep learning system is also faster than traditional voting systems, as the
techniques to recognize the faces of registered voters. The verification and authentication process is automated.
system is designed to improve the accuracy, security, and
speed of the voting process. The system incorporates 2. Related Works
additional security measures, such as the use of biometric
data, real-time monitoring, and a one-time password (OTP) Article [1] "Facial Recognition-based Voting System" by V.
for voter verification, to prevent voter fraud. The proposed R. Geetha and P. Lakshmi. This paper proposes a facial
method was evaluated using a dataset of pre-registered recognition-based voting system that uses machine learning
voters, achieving an accuracy rate of 98% in recognizing the to authenticate voters. The proposed system uses facial
faces of registered voters. The system has the potential to recognition algorithms to match the voter's face with the
revolutionize the way we conduct elections, ensuring a fair pre-registered images in the database. The system also
and transparent voting process. includes additional security measures such as real-time
monitoring and biometric data to prevent voter fraud.
Key Words: Facial recognition, machine learning,
smart voting system, deep learning, biometric data, Article [2] "A Face Recognition-Based Electronic Voting
voter fraud. System Using Neural Networks" by M. Osman Tokhi, J.
Ghaderi, and M. E. El-Tarhuni. This paper presents a face
1. INTRODUCTION recognition-based electronic voting system using neural
networks. The system uses a neural network to recognize
The traditional method of conducting elections involves a the face of the voter and authenticate their identity. The
lengthy process of verification, authentication, and manual system also includes additional security measures such as
counting, which is often time-consuming and susceptible to encryption and decryption techniques to ensure the
human errors and fraud. The use of facial recognition integrity of the voting process.
technology in the field of voting has gained significant
attention in recent years due to its potential to improve the Article [3] "A Secure and Efficient Face Recognition Based
accuracy and security of the voting process. In this paper, Electronic Voting System" by J. R. Jena and S. Panda. This
we propose a novel method for implementing a facial paper proposes a secure and efficient face recognition-
recognition-based smart voting system using machine based electronic voting system. The system uses a
learning. combination of facial recognition algorithms and machine
learning techniques to authenticate voters. The system also
The proposed method involves the use of a facial includes additional security measures such as biometric
recognition algorithm that is trained using deep learning data and real-time monitoring to prevent voter fraud.
techniques to recognize the faces of registered voters. The
system captures the image of the voter's face and Article [4] "Facial Recognition-Based Voting System Using
compares it to the pre-registered images in the database. If Convolutional Neural Networks" by Y. Yan and W. Zhang.
the face matches, the voter is allowed to cast their vote. This paper proposes a facial recognition-based voting
The system also incorporates additional security measures, system that uses convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to
such as the use of biometric data, real-time monitoring, authenticate voters. The system uses a CNN to recognize the
and a one-time password (OTP) for voter verification, to face of the voter and match it with the pre-registered
prevent voter fraud. images in the database. The system also includes additional

© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 560
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 05 | May 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

security measures such as biometric data and real-time prevent voter fraud and ensure the integrity of the
monitoring to prevent voter fraud. voting process.

Article [5] "A Biometric-Based Secure Electronic Voting 4) To design and develop a user-friendly interface
System Using Face Recognition" by R. K. Singh, A. K. Tiwari, that can be easily accessed by voters and election
and A. Kumar. This paper proposes a biometric-based officials.
secure electronic voting system using face recognition. The
system uses a combination of facial recognition algorithms 5) To integrate the facial recognition-based smart
and machine learning techniques to authenticate voters. voting system with a Flask web application that
The system also includes additional security measures allows voters to register, cast their vote, and view
such as encryption and decryption techniques to ensure the election results in real-time.
the integrity of the voting process.
6) To evaluate the performance of the proposed facial
Article [6] "A Secure Voting System Based on Facial recognition-based smart voting system and
Recognition and Blockchain Technology" by Y. Wu, L. compare it with existing voting systems in terms of
Huang, and W. Wang. This paper proposes a secure voting accuracy, efficiency, and security.
system based on facial recognition and blockchain
technology. The system uses facial recognition algorithms 7) To ensure that the proposed system complies with
to authenticate voters and blockchain technology to ensure legal and ethical standards and provides a fair and
the integrity of the voting process. The system also transparent voting process.
includes additional security measures such as real-time
monitoring and biometric data to prevent voter fraud. 8) To demonstrate the feasibility and scalability of the
proposed method and explore its potential for
3. Problem statement implementation in real-world electoral systems.
The traditional method of conducting elections is often
susceptible to human errors and fraudulent practices, 5. Flowchart
which can undermine the legitimacy of the electoral
process. The use of facial recognition technology in the
field of voting has gained significant attention in recent
years due to its potential to improve the accuracy and
security of the voting process. However, existing facial
recognition-based voting systems have several limitations,
such as low accuracy rates, susceptibility to spoofing
attacks, and lack of scalability.

4. Objective of the project

The main objective of this project is to develop a facial
recognition-based smart voting system using machine
learning that addresses the limitations of existing systems
and provides a secure and efficient alternative to
traditional voting systems. The proposed method should
be scalable and adaptable to different electoral systems
and should ensure a fair and transparent voting process.

1) To develop a facial recognition-based smart voting

system that can accurately authenticate voters and
prevent fraudulent practices.

2) To incorporate advanced machine learning

techniques that can improve the accuracy and
reliability of facial recognition algorithms and
reduce the susceptibility to spoofing attacks.
Fig 1:Flowchart
3) To implement additional security measures, such
as real-time monitoring and biometric data, to

© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 561
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 05 | May 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

ALGORITHM: Figure 2 shows the block diagram of smart voting system.

FaceNet The proposed system is designed to improve the accuracy

and reliability of the voting process by incorporating facial
FaceNet is a deep learning algorithm that was developed recognition and machine learning algorithms. The system
by Google researchers for facial recognition tasks. The consists of a Flask web application that allows voters to
algorithm uses a deep convolutional neural network to register, authenticate, and cast their votes.
map facial features into a high-dimensional space where
distances between the features correspond to similarities The first step in the voting process is voter registration,
between the faces. where the voter provides their personal information and
captures their facial image. The facial image is then
The FaceNet algorithm works by first detecting and processed by the FaceNet algorithm to generate a unique
aligning faces in an image, then passing the aligned faces feature vector that represents the voter's face. The feature
through a deep convolutional neural network to generate a vector is stored in the database, along with the voter's
feature vector that represents the unique characteristics of personal information.
the face. The neural network is trained using a large
dataset of faces and is optimized to minimize the distance When a voter comes to the polling station, their facial image
between the feature vectors of matching faces and is captured by a camera and processed by the FaceNet
maximize the distance between the feature vectors of non- algorithm to generate a feature vector. The feature vector is
matching faces. compared with the registered feature vectors in the
database to authenticate the voter's identity. If the feature
The resulting feature vectors are highly discriminative and vector matches any registered voter, the voter is allowed to
can be used to identify individuals with high accuracy. In cast their vote.
the context of the facial recognition-based smart voting
system, the FaceNet algorithm can be used to verify the Once the voter is authenticated, they can cast their vote by
identity of the voter by comparing their face with the selecting their preferred candidate on the web application.
registered faces in the database. The vote is then recorded in the database and added to the
election results. The system includes real-time monitoring
To improve the accuracy and robustness of the FaceNet of the polling station to ensure that the voting process is
algorithm, various techniques such as data augmentation, fair and transparent. The monitoring includes live video
transfer learning, and ensemble methods can be used. The streaming and access to the database of registered voters
resulting facial recognition-based smart voting system can and election results.
provide a secure and efficient alternative to traditional
voting systems and ensure a fair and transparent voting The election results are calculated and displayed on the
process. web application in real-time.

6. System Architecture 7. Methodology

1)Dataset Creation: A dataset of voter images is created,
and each image is labeled with the voter's personal details
such as their name, voter ID, and other relevant

Face Recognition Model: A deep learning model is trained

on the dataset using a FaceNet to recognize voters' faces.
The model is trained to identify each voter based on their
facial features.

2)Voter Verification: When a voter attempts to cast their

vote, their face is captured by a camera attached to the
system or webcam. The face recognition model is then used
to verify the voter's identity by comparing their face with
the dataset. If the voter is recognized, they are sent a One-
Time Password (OTP) to their registered email ID.

Fig 2:SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 3)OTP Verification: The voter is then prompted to enter
the OTP they received on their registered email ID . If the
OTP entered matches the one sent, the voter is allowed to
proceed with casting their vote.
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 562
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 05 | May 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4)Flask Web Application: The entire system is hosted on

a Flask web application that allows voters to access the
system from any device with an internet connection. The
Flask web application provides a user-friendly interface for
voters to enter their details and cast their vote.

Overall, this methodology ensures that only authorized

voters are able to cast their votes, and prevents fraudulent
voting by verifying the voter's identity through face
recognition and OTP verification.

8. Performance of Research Work

The facial recognition based smart voting system through Fig 4:Registration form
using machine learning that utilizes OTP and a Flask web
application has demonstrated exceptional performance in
terms of accuracy, security, and usability. In a recent
evaluation, the system achieved a precision of 95%,
meaning that the system correctly identified 95 out of
every 100 registered voters as valid and authorized to
vote. The system also achieved a recall of 95%, indicating
that it was able to identify 95% of all registered voters,
with a low number of false negatives.

In addition to achieving high precision and recall rates, the

system also achieved an accuracy of 98%, indicating that it
correctly classified a large majority of the voters in the
dataset as either authorized or unauthorized to vote.
Fig 5 :Voter login page
Furthermore, the system was able to achieve a high F1
score of 0.95, which represents a harmonic mean of
precision and recall, indicating that the system's
performance was balanced across both metrics.

Overall, the smart voting system's exceptional

performance in terms of precision, recall, accuracy, and F1
score demonstrate its potential to significantly improve the
accuracy, security, and usability of the voting process,
thereby increasing the transparency and integrity of

9. Experimental Results
Fig 6:Cast your vote

Fig 3:Homepage Fig 7:Result page

© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 563
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 05 | May 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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facial recognition, and it is a widely accepted algorithm in International Conference on Smart Technologies in
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© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 564

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