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ADS452 WRITTEN: Ethical Issues in Malaysia (DRAFT)


Ethical issue in COVID-19 pandemic


• Philosophy's field of ethics examines what constitutes right and wrong. Every day, we
all have the chance to make moral decisions. As the business press frequently reminds
us, making the wrong decision can have dire repercussions, such as company failure,
reputational damage, fines, or even jail time.

• A situation where a moral conflict emerges in the workplace and a moral standard is
being questioned is referred to as an ethical issue. Workplace ethical issues arise when
a company faces a moral conundrum that needs to be handled.

I. Describe ONE ethical-related incident reported in the news (COVID-19)

• On January 12, 2020, the World Health Organization confirmed that COVID-19, a
novel pneumonia disease that originated in Wuhan, had spread to all countries before
going global.

• The majority of the public has complied with the directive to stay at home as the
Movement Control Order (MCO) has been in effect for 19 days. However, false
information about COVID-19 and the MCO is still circulating widely on social media.

• Some internet users don't seem to be affected by the constant advice and reminders
about the proper use of social media, the consequences for spreading false information,
and other related topics.
II. Discuss main issue and a possible related issue
• Misinformation and Fake news
266 investigation papers have been opened by the police and the Malaysian
Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in relation to the
dissemination of false COVID-19 news.
Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Yaakob said 172 of the cases were
still being investigated, 30 charged in court, 12 given warning notices, 13 in the middle
of trial, and 17 more pleaded guilty.
Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, which stipulates a
maximum fine of RM50,000 or imprisonment for up to a year, or both, upon conviction,
will not be waived by the Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in
exchange for those responsible for spreading fake news.

• Avoid falling victim to fraudulent sales

Since MCO enforcement until last Friday, a total of 501 cheating cases involving the
sale of face masks have been reported nationwide, resulting in losses exceeding RM3.5
Reports of fake and low-quality face masks being sold in Perak, including online, will
be closely monitored by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs
According to Datuk Abdul Yunus Jamahri, chairman of the Perak Domestic Trade and
Consumer Affairs, National Integration and Civil Society Committee, the action was
required to stop the sale of these products because people who use them might get
infected with the COVID-19 virus.

• Equity in vaccine distribution

As the Covid-19 global pandemic enters its third full year, vaccine disparity remains
one of the biggest obstacles to the world economy's ability to recover.
Socioeconomic inequality has been made worse by low-income countries' persistent
behind-the-curve Covid-19 vaccination rates.
For populations in low-income countries, vaccination is expected to last until 2024 due
to injustices and unfairness in the global vaccination rollout.
With no discernible signs of an economic recovery in the near future, this has had and
will continue to have a negative impact on the reopening and restart of economic

• Ethics in quarantine
In order to stop the virus's spread, the Covid-19 pandemic has compelled the
government to implement border closures, quarantines, and movement control orders.
Despite the fact that they were definitely implemented with the intention of saving lives,
they are having detrimental economic effects.

III. Identify the actors involved in the ethical incident

• Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob

Acting as a senior minister during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Defence Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob slammed Al Jazeera today for producing a
deceptive documentary about the government's treatment of undocumented migrants
during the Covid-19 outbreak.

• Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) stated that all
vaccination program information should be verified with the Committee on Covid-19
Vaccine Supply Access Guarantee (JKJAV), Covid-19 Immunization Task Force
(CITF), and the District Health Office in their respective areas.
The police and Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
have opened 270 investigation papers into cases of fake news related to the Covid-19
Not compromise with those responsible for spreading fake news.
Face legal action under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998,
which provides a maximum fine of RM50,000 or imprisonment for up to a year, or both,
if convicted.
• Datuk Dr Noor Hisham
According to Tan Sri Dr. Hisham Abdullah, spreading false information about the
pandemic is just as difficult as treating it. He stated that media professionals are the
"vaccine" required to fight misinformation and disinformation linked to COVID-19.

• World Health Organization

An international Working Group on Ethics and COVID-19 has been formed by WHO
to provide guidance on important ethical issues that Member States must resolve.
Creating emergency standard operating procedures for committees involved in human
research to enable prompt protocol reviews during the COVID-19 pandemic.

IV. Explain the implications of the incident

• Fueled social anxiety and panic

Fear-mongering or misleading information about the pandemic may have increased
anxiety and panic.
• Increased virus spread
selling fake masks to people may have caused them to engage in risky behaviors,
unknowingly spreading the virus further.


The era of the COVID-19 pandemic is so terrible that some have lost their lives. In addition,
Malaysians need to be vigilant in reading and receiving news and information about
COVID-19 and make sure that the news and information is authentic. As a presenter of
news and information, it is advised to be ethical and take care of the sensitivity of the public.

ACCA - (n.d.). What is ethics? | ACCA Global.

266 Investigation Papers on COVID-19 Fake News So Far- Ismail Sabri. (2020, July).

Harun, A. P. a. H. N. (2020, October 11). Police, MCMC have probed 270 cases of fake
Covid-19 news so far. NST Online.

Ethics and COVID-19. (n.d.).


Chin, E. S. M. (1970, January 1). Dr Noor Hisham: Media is the ‘vaccine’ to Covid-19 ‘fake
news.’ Malay Mail.

Mansor, M. S. (2020, October 29). Ethics crucial for pandemic resolution. NST Online.

Letter to the Editor. (2022, August 4). Time for Malaysia to do more for global vaccine
equity. Free Malaysia Today.

KPDNHEP to look into claims of low quality face masks sold in Perak. (2021, August).

Harun, A. P. a. H. N. (2020b, October 11). Police, MCMC have probed 270 cases of fake
Covid-19 news so far. NST Online.
MCMC advises public to be wary of false information on Covid-19 vaccination | Malaysian
Communications And Multimedia Commission (MCMC) | Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan
Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM). (n.d.). Malaysian Communications and Multimedia
Commission (MCMC) | Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM).

Team, M. (2020, July 6). Ismail Sabri calls for Al Jazeera apology over “unethical and
deceptive” documentary. Malaysiakini.

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