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1. I met my wife on Labour Day in 2018 at a friend's party. She was sitting all

alone in a corner sipping on a drink and I felt like walking up to her and

striking up a conversation was the perfect thing to do because I was also

alone and getting bored as well. I walked over to where she was seated and

introduced myself while extending a handshake to her. She looked up at

me, sadi hi and introduced herself as Tera. I asked her if she doesn't mind

me keeping her company since she was sitting all alone and looking bored.

She said it was fine and I drew a seat closer to her while teasing her about

being so beautiful yet sitting alone without company. We both had a good

laugh and settled in to enjoy the evening with others amidst great

conversations and a few glasses of wine. When it was time for me to go

home, we exchanged phone numbers, and I promised to call her.

2. Immediately I got home that day, Tera called me to ask if I was home. We

spent the evening having witty conversations and throwing jokes at each

other. The days after that fateful day had us texting each other a lot and

over time, I started to enjoy the attention I was getting from her. So, one

day, I called and asked if we could have lunch at my apartment. I offered to

treat her to my country’s best recognized party meal – Jollof Rice and

Chicken, which she accepted. The following weekend, Tera showed up at

my house for lunch bearing a bottle of wine and some homemade cookies.

Lunch was great. She loved my cooking and even asked me to teach her

how to make it.

3. After that day, we got to talk more. She told me about herself and

mentioned that she was out of work at the time. We talked about what We

want in life, likes and dislikes, things we have in common and all. She was

really more fun to talk to in person and away from the party. I was

beginning to develop a level of affection for her, but I was really holding

back because I didn’t know how she would feel about me being very much

older than her.

4. The communication between us was never boring. There’s always

something to talk about. Sometimes when we didn’t want homemade food,

we would go out together to eat. I sometimes invite her over whenever I

make food and she always enjoys my meal. On one of the days I invited her

for dinner, I asked her to be my girlfriend. It was so spontaneous, and I

wasn’t expecting a Yes, but to my surprise, she agreed. Right there in my

sitting room, we shared a passionate kiss. I was so excited and emotional

that I didn’t want to break that precious moment.

5. After that day, Tera started spending more time with me. We would play

games, take walks and be literally everywhere together. She is also a great

cook, no doubt but I started noticing some traits about her. For instance,

she hates to do dishes or go grocery shopping so I try to make sure that I

assist her with that. She also smoked a lot. I tried to make her see the

reasons why it wasn’t good for her. She loved me, so she promised to stop.

6. Our relationship was a very fun one. Tera really knows how to get me

mushy all the time . She gives me all the attention I need and is always

there for me when I feel down. She loves to buy me gifts when she can and

was attentive to my emotional needs. I have never expected so much from

her. Instead I do more things like, get her gifts, take her to beautiful places,

etc because I knew she was not working at the time but she tries her best to

keep me happy and I really loved that about her.

7. One day we were walking home together from a date, when I loosely told

her that I was short on money for the things I needed to do. Few days later,

Tera called me and guided me through a “Find the item” game. She

surprised me with the exact amount of money I needed even though I

never mentioned the amount to her. She said she just thought to support

me from her savings. This really warmed my heart.

8. Our relationship as expected was not totally smooth. We are coming from

two different nationalities and due to the age difference between us, we

sometimes go out of sync. One thing I learnt from Tera was to apologize for

peace sake. After which we talk about it and later make up. We never stay

angry at each other for a long time.

9. We dated for some time and I felt it was only right that I ask Tera to marry

me. I was so much in love with this woman. It was a memorable day for me
seeing her wake up from her nap with my engagement ring on her finger.

She looked long and hard at the rock on her finger and tearing up, she said

Yes to my unspoken proposal.

10. Tera was undeniably supportive to me. After proposing to her, I had an

accommodation issue and when I summoned courage to speak to her about

it, she readily asked me to come stay with her at her Parent’s house at 926E

2 14th street, Bronx NY 10469. Initially I was skeptical because back in my

country, that was not our mentality but Tera did a good job convincing me

to give it a try.

.Tera was really loving and affectionate towards me. She had improved on

being homely while we dated, so she ran the domestic wing of our home.

She loved decorating so I let her pick out our furniture design and our

interior how it suits her. I was also helpful; lifting things, taking out trash,

grocery shopping. etc. We were happy.

11. We didn't have so much but we were happy as a couple. I did my best to

provide for my wife as much as I could and made sure that she was

comfortable and happy since she was not working. I took care of the bills

and other financial responsibilities. I try to surprise her when I can. There

was a day I saw a shoe in a store that I knew she would love, I didn't have

so much on me that day but I knew I had enough to afford the shoes. When

I gave it to her, she was so happy that she jumped on me. Then she told me
that she has always wanted the shoe and she thanked me. That night we

had passionate sex.

12. Our sex life was one of a kind. My life is a very sexual person and I matched

her sexual energy. We could have sex anywhere around the house and at

anytime. Every time spent in the company of my wife was a great one and I

couldn't have asked for anything or anyone better.

13. My wife was applying for jobs online and I was so happy when she told me

she finally got one in September of 2021. I was happy that I can finally get

relief from my financial obligations, pay bills and hopefully save more.

14. My wife started working and her financial contribution to our household

was a big relief. Things were working out just fine but my wife will always

complain about her job whenever she gets back and do not think she might

continue with the job for long. I advised her to endure and keep putting in

for more jobs with the hopes of finding a better one. She agreed but within

3 months of working, she came home early one day and told me she quit

her job. I tried to ask her why she did but just shouted at me and stormed

into the bedroom.

15. Our marriage took a drastic turn after my wife lost her job. She stopped

applying for jobs and started making demands from me. I begged her to try

to find something to do so as to help around the house with bills. She told

me that I met her when she didn't have a job and I didn't complain, so why

would I be complaining now. She said she was a lady who deserves to be
taken care of and not be stressed with work of any sort. I stopped

complaining about her getting a job and did what I had to do around the

house for peace.

16. Things started going sideways when her demands were getting too much. I

try my best to give her whatever she asks for or else she would create a

scene. One day, she asked me for some money and I was stretched thin

financially after paying some bills and sending some money to my family. I

told her I didn't have it and if she was working, she wouldn't have to ask

me for anything. All of a sudden, my wife picked up a knife and threatened

to cut herself and blame it on me. She said she would call 911 and tell them

I tried to kill her. I was so shocked at her outburst that day. I tried to calm

her down but she was not having any of it until I gave her the money. This

continued for a long time, threatening to hurt herself one way or the other

to coerce me to do what she wants.

17. My wife started spending a lot of time out of the house. Sometimes she

stays out for days and whenever I asked where she was coming from, she

would say she was coming from her parents'. I never saw any reason to

doubt her but it became too frequent that I asked her to spend more time

at home with me. She told me since I could not provide for her needs, it

was better to go to her parents' who can. I felt hurt by that statement but I

just had to let it go. The only time my wife would be happy with me was

whenever I bought something for her or gave her money.

18. Our sex life became non-existent. My wife stopped sleeping on the same

bed with me, she practically threw me out of our bedroom and slept most

of the time on the couch in the living room. Whenever I try to touch her,

she screams like I am some kind of plague. All this was happening but I

was still hoping that someday she would come back to her senses.

19. I started spending more time outside my home. Started eating out and

even stayed out late and wouldn’t go home till I was sure she was either out

as usual or sleeping because I just wanted peace. One day I came home and

to my surprise, my wife had moved out of our home with her things and

some of the things we bought together.

20. I thought my wife married me out of love but I started to realize that

it was about all I could provide for her and whenever I didn’t she put me

through hell. She put me through so much emotional and mental abuse

which is going to take me a bit of time to recover from.

21. I make the above statement freely and with the intention that it be relied

upon immigration proceedings and with the knowledge that I may be

called upon to testify as to the truth or otherwise my statements as stated

in my affidavit.


Sworn to me this Day of ……………………………………………………., 2022.

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