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Liza Jane O.

Villarin BSMA-3 April 01,2024 ECON- 225 (MWF)

During Holy Week, I have had the opportunity to reflect thoroughly on my faith, values,
and convictions. I take part in prayer, meditation, and contemplation to enhance my
spiritual connection and gain a better appreciation of the significance of this sacred
time. This time has given me the opportunity to reflect on my behaviors, ideas, and
aspirations, in order to identify areas where I can grow and improve personally. I've
accepted my flaws and weaknesses, and I've worked hard to seek forgiveness and
advice in order to become a better person. Through self-reflection, I realized the value
of compassion, kindness, and empathy for others, and I have worked to embody these
characteristics in my relationships with people around me. Through self-reflection, I
realized the value of compassion, kindness, and empathy for others, and I have worked
to embody these characteristics in my relationships with people around me. This Holy
Week has allowed me to realign my priorities, reflect on what is actually important in life,
and renew my commitment to living with integrity and purpose. I've found comfort and
strength in my faith, inspired by the themes of sacrifice, redemption, and love that are
important to this season.

Also Going out to the beach, on Easter Sunday is a beautiful way to celebrate the
holiday and connect with nature. The beach symbolizes renewal, serenity, and the
beauty of creation, which aligns well with the themes of Easter - resurrection, new
beginnings, and hope. As you walk along the shoreline, feeling the sun on your skin and
listening to the soothing sound of the waves, you can't help but be reminded of the
magnificence of life and the wonders of the world. Being surrounded by the vastness of
the ocean and the endless expanse of the sky can inspire feelings of awe, gratitude,
and peace. Easter Sunday at the beach offers a chance to reflect on the blessings in
your life, to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and to feel a sense of connection
to something greater than yourself. It is a way to rejuvenate your spirit, uplift your soul,
and celebrate the joy of life.

As I move forward, I will keep with me the lessons I gained during Holy Week, aiming to
live each day with thankfulness, humility, and a loving heart.

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