Yogi Amanda Erlambang

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Strategic and Emerging Issues Of Agribusiness Study Case In India

Aplication of innovation and technology in the field of agribusiness.

Precision agribusiness: Precision agriculture uses sensors, GPS, and other technologies to

collect data on crop health, soil conditions, and other factors. This data can be used to make

more informed decisions about crop management, such as when to plant, irrigate, and

harvest. Precision agriculture can help farmers to increase yields, improve qualitity, and

reduce coast.

Drones: Drones can be used for a variety of task in agriculture, such as crop monitoring,

spraying and fertilization. Drones can help farmers to save time and money, and they can also

help to improve the accuracy of crop management decision.

Robotics: Robots can be used for a variety of tasks in agriculture, such as harvesting, milking,

and packing. Robots can help farmers to save time and money, and they can also help to

improve the safety of agriculture workers.

Artificial intelligence (AI): AI is being used in agriculture for a variety of tasks, such as crop

identification, pest detection, and yield prediction. AI can help farmers to make more

informed decisions about crop management, and it can also help to improve the efficiency of

agricultural operations.

Blockchain: Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that is being used in agriculture

sector to track the movement of food from farm to fork. Blockchain can help to improve food

traceability, which can help to ensure food safety and quality

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