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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader

Project Option
Revised January 2024
The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange
cells after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please
include copies of all instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level

Steven Knepper sknepper@csu.fullerton.ed Single Subject 6-12

Mentor Email School/District Date
Altus Schools Charter
Heather Long April 2024
School of San Diego
Section 2: CSTP focus
Identify 2-3 CSTP elements in which you are at least at the applying level for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment.
Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
Emerging, Exploring, Applying, Integrating, Innovating

Rating Description
CSTP Element Initial
1.5 Integratin
through T - Supports students to initiate critical thinking through independently
inquiry, developing questions, posing problems and reflecting on multiple perspectives
E S–
solving, and S - Students respond to questions and problems posed by the teacher and
reflection begin to pose and solve problems of their own related to the content
Developing, T- Integrates equitable expectations, positive supports, and consequences for individual
communicating, and group behavior within and across learning activities.
Integrating T- Guides and supports students to self-assess, monitor, and set goals for individual and
high standards
2.5 group behavior and Participation.
individual and
Integrating S- Students respond to individual and group behaviors and encourage and support each
behavior other to make improvements.

3.5 Using and T- T- Engages students in identifying and adapting resources, technologies, and standards-
adapting Innovating aligned instructional materials to extend student understanding and critical thinking
resources, about subject matter.
and T- Ensures that student are able to obtain equitable access to a wide range of
standards- technologies through ongoing links to outside resources and support.
materials, to
make subject
accessible to all
with colleagues
and T- Collaborates with colleagues to expand impact on teacher and student learning
the broader within grade or department and school and district levels.
professional T-
community to Integrating T- Engages with members of the broader professional community to access resources
support teacher and a wide range of supports for teaching the full range of learners.
and student

Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning

Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
To inform educators on how to
How can I effectively instruct effectively use AI in the classroom.
AI Implementation in the Classroom educators on the practicality
and ethical use of AI? To empower educators to adopt AI in
their daily work with students.
How Project Fits into
Audience for Project Professional Goals and/or How Audience Satisfaction will be
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/Distri Assessed
ct Needs
My school has taken a lead
role in developing policies and
practices for using AI in the
classroom. As a member of Audience satisfaction will be assessed
our AI research team, I have through a Google Forms
been providing insight and rating/questionnaire that allows
feedback to my fellow teachers to share their feedback on
Fellow educators and administrators colleagues and administrators how effective the presentation was,
to help shape our school’s how likely they are to use these
policies and practices. I have guidelines, and what feedback and
been able to identify several ideas they have to improve our
needs that our school must school’s focus.
address to ensure our official
adoption of these AI policies
is effective.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Identify at least one standard (NBPTS, ISTE C, Teacher Leader Model Standards) that is the special emphasis focus of your
project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated. You may add more than 1 if you wish.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
Teacher Leader Model Standard: Domain II: Accessing and This Teacher Leader Model Standard will be incorporated in this project
Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning by my continued research of AI in the classroom and how it can support
student learning and instructional practices. Based on this research, I
will determine how my educational setting could best benefit from new
instructional strategies and policies to inform my fellow educators and
administrators. My research will lead to specific, targeted
recommendations and actions that can be used to shape classroom
policies and staff and student interaction with AI.

Teacher Leader Model Standard: Domain IV: Facilitating This Teacher Leader Model Standard will be incorporated in this project
Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning by determining how AI can be used by my colleagues to improve
instruction and student learning. My project will uncover how individual
student learning can be enhanced and more equitable through
recommendations, guidance, and policies that are provided to my
colleagues. My colleagues will then have a better grasp and
comfortability not only with using AI, but with allowing their students to
gain equitable access to this instructional tool.
Inquiry Implementation Plan
Analyze Discuss Results
Milestone 1 Milestone 3 Results with Mentor
Milestone 4 Milestone 5
Meet with mentor
Presentation to
Refine and Collect and to discuss results
Identify name and date for staff/colleagues
Conduct research and finalize analyze survey and make
activities. on
analyze current practices current results from targeted
and policies practices staff who adaptations to
practices and
and policies participated future
3/20/24 3/29/24 4/8/24 4/8/24 4/12/24
I will be conducting academic research from a variety of sources on AI in education to determine
Provide 1-2 sentence
what current practices and policies can help inform my school leadership team. I will present my
summary of your teacher
findings to my colleagues to help inform new practices and policies around AI usage in our educational
leader project. setting.
In order to analyze the effectiveness of my leadership role, I will collect and analyze survey data from
Summarize process for my colleagues regarding how effective the presentation was, what they learned, how likely they are to
analyzing effectiveness of use these guidelines, and what feedback and ideas they have to improve our school’s focus. My
leadership role. colleague’s responses will help me determine how effective my teacher leadership project was, and
what additional policies and practices are needed.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and
statement of what was learned.)
Wang, Y., Liu, C., & Tu, Y.F. (2021). Factors affecting the
adoption of AI-based applications in higher education: An
Wang, N., & Johnson, M. (2019). AI education for K-12: Connecting AI
analysis of teachers’ perspectives using structural
concepts to high school math curriculum. Workshop on Education in
equation modeling. Educational Technology & Society,
Artificial Intelligence K-12, 28th International Joint Conference on
24(3), 116-129.
Artificial Intelligence, 1-4.
In this research article, the researchers examined how
In this research article, the researchers examined the connections
individual teacher attitudes toward AI can influence policy
between mathematics curriculum and student development of AI skills
and implementation. The researchers focused on factors
to become 21st century learners. The researchers discovered that there
such as self-efficacy, attitude, anxiety, and perceived
are numerous connections between mathematics content acquisition
usefulness to help inform policies and practices at the
and AI tools. The researchers found that taking a problem-solving
university level. The researchers found that individual
approach to connect mathematics with AI can help improve both skills
teacher views and confidence of AI in the classroom
in students, while also teaching logic and reasoning skills. While
impacted their use and overall willingness of accepting this
additional research is needed to examine how mathematics teaching
new technology. The researchers recommended that
and AI interact, various connections between mathematical skills and AI
school policies should focus on the usefulness of AI
learning were discovered, such as different types of searches, logic,
technology, use the simplest tools, and focus on the
reasoning, decision-making, modeling, and clustering.
practical applications of AI in helping teacher workload to
reduce anxiety and stress associated with learning new
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at
department/school/district level.)
My mentor at my school site has been a part of our virtual Another colleague at my school has been a part of implementing a new
reality research team at my school, and has helped shape mathematics curriculum with various technologies. This colleague was
some policies. My mentor conducted research, shared her part of a focus group at my school in which he conducted some
learning with administrators, and developed a framework research, organized his ideas, and provided recommendations to our
regarding virtual reality implementation and ethical use.
school leadership team. This colleague also piloted a new program with
My mentor’s leadership role in this capacity is similar to my
his students around the new mathematics curriculum, which allowed
leadership role in AI. My mentor was able to have a direct
him to provide feedback and create new policies for implementation.
impact on this work by not only conducting research, but
This colleague went through a similar process as my leadership project
also applying this research to her work with her students to
in which he directly interacted with his research, shared his findings,
then help shape our school policy. I learned from this
and influenced school policies. I learned from this colleague that my
colleague that my leadership project must not only provide
leadership project must make strong connections to realistic and
my own insights into my work with my students, but also
effective instructional strategies that can be used instantly by all
offer suggestions and recommendations for adapting my
educators at my school to help with teacher motivation and anxiety of
findings to all learners and educational settings.
implementing a new technology.

Section 5: Results and Reflection

Describe the impact you feel you Suggestions for Continued
Initial Rating
CSTP Element made on your own growth as an Growth as an educator and
educator and leader. leader
Promoting I will look into more research
critical I feel that by presenting at a in this area and try to apply
thinking conference I was able to…. it. At the conference, I
through T – Integrating attended a session that gave
inquiry, S – Applying As I spoke about my strategies, I me good ideas to….
problem realized that there were things I I want to conduct a PD for
solving, and can do differently such as… my grade level team based
reflection on this project
To continue growing as an
educator and leader, I will need
to continue to hold myself and
my colleagues accountable for
Throughout this project, I increased maintaining high standards for
my expectations of high standards ourselves and our students’
Developing, for teaching and learning. After education. This experience has
communicating conducting extensive research and taught me that I need to further
, and learning more about equitable work on my criticality of
maintaining T- Integrating technological access, I significantly curriculum, seek more
2.5 high standards grew by further demanding myself independent research time, and
for S- Integrating and my colleagues to always be never be satisfied with the
individual and engaging in reflection, conducting status quo. I need to continue
group research, looking for continuous to engage in actions that further
behavior improvement, and always striving to support my strong belief that all
provide our students with the best students need access to the
education possible. most engaging and effective
instructional tools possible, in
addition to teachers needing as
much support and
encouragement as possible.
3.5 Using and T- Innovating Throughout this project, I now have I need to continue to grow in
adapting a much more detailed and my curriculum development
resources, professional outlook on how skills to ensure that all students
technologies, different resources, technology, and have access to cutting-edge
and instructional materials can be further technology, instructional
standards- adapted and enhanced to support all materials that engage and
aligned learners. After finding so many tools support learning, and an
Instructional to help improve my teaching, I now effective education that
materials know that there is no excuse for not develops their 21st-century
including providing students with the most skills. As I continue to refine my
adopted equitable and appropriate education curriculum development skills, I
materials, to possible. My repertoire of strategies now have this new lens to look
make subject and curricular resources has grown through as I seek out more
opportunities and experiences
for my students to enhance
their learning and prepare them
for new careers. I must
accessible to significantly and will forever be
continue to be critical of
all impacted by this project.
educational policies and
practices that do not support
my mission as an educational
As I continue to gain leadership
experience, I need to grow in
my ability to identify problems,
Throughout this project, I have made
seek solutions, and create
tremendous growth in my leadership
actionable items for teachers. I
skills, collaboration, and
know that I can improve in my
communication with my colleagues
Collaborating collaboration and
to support teacher and student
with colleagues communication with my
learning. By being given the
and colleagues to ensure that my
opportunity to develop my
the broader work is not done in the confines
leadership skills, I have grown much
professional of my environment. Instead, I
more than I could have ever
6.3 community to T- Integrating need to continue to branch out,
imagined. I now look at things
support seek support, and become a
through a critical lens, am seeking
teacher leader that values input,
improvements, and am confident in
and student guidance, and team
sharing my opinions and voicing my
learning collaboration. As I continue to
concerns to my colleagues and
refine my leadership skills, I
administrative team. I look forward
must ensure that I always place
to continuing to improve my
teachers and students at the
leadership skills in other areas as
forefront of all decision-making,
and ensure that their voices are
heard, valued, and represented
in my work.
Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions
Contribution to
Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed
Product(s) Generated Others/Department/School/Distri
by Teacher
I have gained extensive knowledge and developed critical For this project, I created and
skills throughout this project. Through my research on AI, I delivered a Google Slides
have learned how powerful this technological tool can be presentation to teachers and
when used effectively, ethically, and with the intent to administrators regarding
empower student learning and educators. I read many effective and ethical AI
different journal articles, reports, and policies to help implementation into the This project was presented to
enhance my understanding of these novel educational tools curriculum and daily tasks. I educators and administrators at my
that can support myself and my colleagues’ work with our created handouts and notes school from all departments and levels
students. Some new skills developed include research, for the audience to follow of experience. This professional
analysis, policy adoption, curriculum design, and leadership. along more easily. I created development session was open to any
Throughout this project, my leadership skills improved an activity embedded in the staff member who was interested in
tremendously as I had to quickly learn how to identify presentation to help my our AI Research Team, enhancing their
problems, determine current trends and practices, align colleagues practice their instructional effectiveness, or just
research with data and practice, and construct a plan to newly gained knowledge and learning how to further engage their
help educators and students learn more about a brand new skills. I also created a Google students.
educational tool. By using research to improve instructional Forms audience survey to
practices and student learning, I was able to help bridge the gain critical feedback
gap between literature and actions. I was able to become regarding the effectiveness of
an educational leader by identifying a problem and finding a my presentation and
solution. leadership skills.
Mentor Feedback
The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.
Overall, your use of resources (presentation, notes, handout, and
survey) were very effective. Your resources were detailed, specific, and
are actionable and useful for teachers. Teachers and administrators at
all expertise levels could use these resources to further incorporate AI
Effectiveness of resources designed by the Candidate, into their practice. Teachers who are new or experienced with AI could
including presentation, notes, handouts, and other use these resources to increase their confidence and comfortability with
resources. this new educational tool. Areas of improvement could include a more
detailed and published policy resource for educators and administrators
to share with students regarding ethical use. Also, some of your
presentation resources could have been shortened to reduce overload
of information without compromising the effectiveness and utility.
Overall, your project was very effective, detailed, and allowed for
actions at the individual teacher and administrative levels. Since this is
such a new educational tool, you did a good job of making sure that all
educators could access the information, gain something valuable, and
enact change immediately in the classroom. All participants seemed to
enjoy learning more about this tool and how they did not have to
Effectiveness of Overall Project
reinvent the wheel. One area of improvement for your project could be
a more detailed list of resources, an annotated bibliography, or a
literature review that teachers could access for their own research.
While your research was integrated throughout the project, being more
detailed and organized in these areas could enhance the effectiveness
of your project inside and outside of the school environment.
Overall, it appears that the audience enjoyed learning about this topic,
they had interesting questions, and all participants engaged with your
activities. The audience seemed to be able to take away specific and
targeted actions that will make a difference in their classroom
immediately. Administrators seemed to receive some great information
Value of project for audience.
and feedback that could help supplement existing policies and research.
My only suggestion would be to allow the audience to have more
focused time to talk amongst themselves, digest the information,
provide more comments, and create a shared list of ideas and
recommendations to increase audience input.
Overall, I am very impressed by your hard work, dedication, and passion
to not only successfully complete this project, but to also make a
Overall feedback profound impact on our educational setting. You clearly have passion
for this topic, demonstrated your effective leadership skills, and
increased your impact on our school.
Action Items (some may not be applicable)
As I continue to design curriculum and develop lessons and assessments, I will need to keep AI tools at
the forefront of my practice. There are so many great ways to integrate AI into our curriculum, and it
For curriculum design, is my duty to provide my students with these critical 21st-century skills. As I continue to refine my
lesson planning, practice and research more about the benefits of AI in education, my curriculum will be shaped by
assessment planning research-based practices that enhance learning and increase student engagement. Also, AI can be
used effectively and ethically to help me design curriculum, lessons, and assessments to meet the
needs of my students and staff.
In my classroom, I will start to see a lot more AI integration, both for my students and for myself. My
students will gain access to this tool frequently in their studies, while I will use it for productivity and
enhancement. My classroom will forever be changed as I continue to incorporate more technology to
For classroom practice
create a more equitable and skills-focused classroom environment. My curriculum design skills,
instructional strategies, and use of collaborative activities will all be enhanced by the knowledge and
skills gained from this project.
For teaching English For English Learners, students with special needs, and students with other instructional challenges,
learners, students with their learning and engagement will be enhanced by further incorporation of AI into the classroom. As
special needs, and AI can help me with curriculum design, data analysis, and create more engaging activities, all of my
students with other learners will find something within AI’s large array of tools that will help increase motivation and
content acquisition. Since AI can be used in conjunction with existing best practices, my diverse
learners will gain equitable access to new technology and a more differentiated and appropriate
instructional challenges
educational experience.
For future professional development, I am interested in refining my research. For example, I would
like to give teachers some time to explore these new tools and then organize and analyze this data.
For future professional Then, I can create a new professional development session that addresses common teacher problems,
development concerns, and uses. I can then further refine our school’s policies, curriculum integration, and
determine how AI can be used even further to increase productivity, student learning, and improve
the school environment.
I can continue to support my colleagues, my departments, and my entire school by being a resource
for anything AI related. I can continue to provide more professional development sessions, one-on-
For supporting
one training, and help be the main point of contact for AI incorporation into the curriculum. I can also
continue to inform my administrative team about what policies would be effective, how we can
school/district continue to ensure student safety, and what direction our school could head next to continue to be
leaders in this space.
I would like to continue to read and learn how to be an effective educational leader to further refine
my newly developed leadership skills. I need to seek out more opportunities to use my leadership
skills to ensure that my voice is being heard, that I contribute to the success of my school, and to
never remain stagnant and content with the status quo.
Other Notes and Comments
Overall, I am very proud of how far I have come. This project not only opened up my eyes to the possibilities of AI and curriculum
enhancement, but to leadership skills in general. I never really considered myself to be a strong leader before this project, but now I
have more skills, experience, and confidence to become the leader that my school, colleagues, and students deserve. I look forward to
seeing where my leadership skills will take me in my career.



Presentation Handouts:
AI Implementation in the Classroom Handouts.pdf

Google Form Survey:


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