Reflection Paper On CICL and VAWC

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Reflection Paper on CICL

After reading and understanding the lesson, CICL known as Children in Conflict with the

Law, which is about children who break rules specifically breaking the rules of laws I can say

that this law is must to have. Particularly, nowadays children become more and more vulnerable

and very prone to hazardous things and that parents of a child are to be blame. As an aspirant

social worker in the future, the skills to be use in here and roles to be applied in here should be

expected to learn and its laws as well.

I remember watching a movie that somehow relevant to this topic. In the movie I’ve

watched, it’s about the two siblings where the eldest brother works from an illegal business due

to poverty and that he is illiterate he chooses to work from that illegal business. After getting

caught by his younger brother, the eldest brother decides to let go of his younger brother by

betraying him in a way he puts something on the bag of his younger brother then he puts him to a

crowded area where there are police officers patrolling the area. The eldest brother shouts out so

loud stating that the man beside him, which is he’s younger brother, has an illegal drug on his

bag. Fast forward, his younger brother almost ended up to jail but when the police find out that

he’s still a minor they put him to Bahay Pag-asa then to RRCY. Living there, the younger

brother learned a lot of things such as when Sunday comes, there’s a nun who comes for them to

do the sermon and even let the children do some religious activities. They also let the child to

look for their capabilities or their ambition or the talent they have, so since the younger brother

knows how to paint, he focuses on that and the social worker who is assigned to him help him

achieved his dream, supports him continuously and years after he’s now one of the popular

young painters in the Philippine.

Hence, what I learned in this lesson is that there’s a right place to be put with the children

who commits such crimes particularly the minor crimes, it could be done in a community-based

since it’s a minor crime however if it’s a major crime like rape or murder then it should be in a

center-based area. Also, as a future social worker, I must know the skills and roles I have to

apply in this case. Finally, this lesson is really one of the interesting topics that must be read of

and maybe one day I could face some of this case in the future.
Reflection Paper on VAWC

The Republic Act NO. 9262 otherwise known as The Anti-Violence Against Women and

their Children Act of 2004 is really one of the intriguing topics that is stated in the law,

considering that it’s about the right of every woman. We always knew that woman will always

be a woman and that they are forever have a soft spot in them, that’s why they or we should be

always the top priority to be in secure or safe place than men when things aren’t good.

As what Mukhtar Ma’i says that “Violence against women can end only when the culprits

get punished.” This is indeed true, that’s why this law is very necessary, it will help women who

are experiencing any kinds of abuse by her partner. And this must be stop because it’s not the

woman only who will get affected by the situation but also their child or children, if they have.

Children who witness or experience abuse at home often grow up to be perpetrators or accept

their place as victims. Women also, who get to used the abuse or any kinds of violence tend to

have a what they called Battered Woman Syndrome, and this is no joke. Battered woman

syndrome is a serious mental health condition resulting from serious domestic abuse and can

trigger depression and self-doubt. That’s why this must be taken seriously, because the violence

that a woman experience will not only affect its physical but will negatively affect its mental,

sexual and reproductive health as well.

Nevertheless, violence against women particularly intimate partner violence and sexual

violence is a major public health problem and a violation of women’s human rights. So, as I’ve

done research to how this case will prevent, in 2019, WHO and UN Women with endorsement

from 12 other UN and bilateral agencies published RESPECT women, it’s a framework for

preventing violence against women aimed at policy makers, so maybe this will help for every

woman having a partner or who plans to have a partner in life. Each letter of RESPECT stands
for one of seven strategies: Relationship skill strengthening; Empowerment of women; Services

ensured; Poverty reduced; Enabling environments (schools, work places, public spaces) created;

Child and adolescent abuse prevented; and Transformed attitudes, beliefs and norms.

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