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1st level Moon feature

As a bonus action, you can conjure a pitch black cloak
on your back for 1 minute. For the duration, you can
shed bright light or nonmagical darkness (your choice)
in a 30ft radius around you.
When you conjure it and as a bonus action on your
turns thereafter, you can use the cloak to lull a creature
you can see within 30ft of you to sleep. The creature
must make a wisdom saving throw, or take 1d8 + your
PB necrotic damage and have its speed reduced to half
until the end of your next turn. If this damage drops a
creature to 0 hit points, it is stabilized and falls into a
deep slumber for a number of hours equal to your
warlock level.
You can summon the cloak a number of times equal
to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended
uses when you finish a long rest.

6th level Moon feature
Your cloak twinkles as if embedded with countless stars.
You can stow and retrieve items from your cloak of the
midnight as if it were a bag of holding. When you die,
any stowed items appear at your feet.
OTHERWORDLY PATRON: When you are hit by an attack while your cloak is
THE MOON active, you can your reaction to interpose the cloak and
deflect part of the attack to the boundless void,
You have made a pact with the Eldest, the silent reducing the damage by 1d8 + your PB.
watcher, the shepherd of the night. At the break of
twilight, the moon's golden eye watches over the world WAKING DREAMS
as its domain, embracing both the lost lamb and the 10th level Moon feature
prowling wolf. While a creature is affected by a warlock spell cast by
Your pact with the Moon is as vacillating as her you, it hears and sees harmless illusions crafted by you,
temperament, one of will and whimsy. Do you ask of her which can be either benevolent or malevolent in nature.
embrace for safety, or for her to bless your hunt?
If the illusions are benevolent, the creature has
MOON EXPANDED SPELLS advantage on the first attack roll or saving throw it
SPELL LEVEL SPELLS makes on its turn.
If the illusions are malevolent, the creature has
1st sanctuary, sleep disadvantage on the first attack roll or saving throw it
2nd blindness, moonbeam makes on its turn
3rd catnap, slow
4th greater invisibility, phantasmal killer 14th level Moon feature
5th cone of cold, reincarnate When you deal damage to a creature using your cloak,
you can call on the essence of your Patron to force the
CRESCENT EYE creature into an eternal sleep. The creature takes an
additional 15d8 necrotic damage. If this damage
1st level Moon feature
You can see the world around you as if lit by moonlight, reduces the creature to 0 hit points, it falls into an
granting you darkvision out to 60ft. In addition, you have eternal slumber and can't be woken up by any means
advantage on checks and saving throws against illusion short of a wish spell.
spells and effects. You can use this feature once, and regain expended
uses on a long rest.


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