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The most fabulous bag of Translation

Spencer is able to translate items or scripts placed into the
holding bag into Common. The languages Spencer is able to
A well-made bag crafted from supple leather, it's edge translate are Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish, Goblin,
trimmed in purple leather with an open pouch on either side Halfling, Orcish, Celestial and Abyssal.
of the main bag. The main bag has a leather strap with a Detect Magic
large raven's skull mounted to it, beneath which sits an
ornate silver buckle which can be used to securely fasten the Any item placed in the bag can be discerned for magic as the
bag. Detect Magic spell. As per the spell, this will identify the type
The bag requires attunement to use any of its magical of magics used in the construction of any items that are
properties. examined.
Bag of Holding Identify
This bag has the same features and properties of a Bag of The magical properties of any item placed in the bag can be
Holding. identified as per the Identify spell.
The bag has an interior space considerably larger than its Scribe Scrolls
outside dimensions, roughly 2 feet in diameter at the mouth
and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500 pounds, not As an Archmage, Spencer is able to scribe scrolls provided
exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. The bag weighs 15 he has access to them within his existing spellbooks or the
pounds, regardless of its contents. Retrieving an item from required arcane knowledge can be provided to him.
the bag requires an action. Appropriate material components must be provided.
Mage Shield Craft Magical Items
While attuned to the bag you have Resistance to Force Since Spencer has little to no access to the rare material
damage and have immunity to damage from the magic components required to produce magical items on the Astral
missile spell. Plane, all of these components must be gathered from
outside of the extra dimensional space within.
Due to the unpredictable but timeless nature of the Astral
Inside out Plane, magical items constructed by Spencer can sometimes
Once per day the attuned user can pull a rope from the bag be completed much faster than they would be if produced on
while simultaneously throwing the bag into the air. Using the the Prime Material plane.
rope suspended from the bag the attuned user and anyone of
their choosing may use the rope to access the extra
dimensional space within. This extra dimensional space is a
small single story building floating on a rock in the Astral
plane. This is the astral residence of the Archmage Spencer
who has resided here in his astral form for untold centuries.
Note that while the attuned user is within the extra
dimensional space the bag is invisible and impervious to
At your service
As an Archmage Spencer is able to provide a number of
services to whomever possesses the bag. Having lived a
solitarity life for so long Spender is only too happy to trade
his services for much needed social interaction.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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