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AS-LEVEL BIOLOGY ja, 08 TRANSPORT ay ANIMALS SAQLAIN YUIS 03009615050 TRANSPORT. IN-ANIMALS. NEED FOR TRANSPORT Smaller animals do not need a specific transport system as ther body is made of few cells which ae directly exposed fo the exfernal environment. They have thin and jlat surfaces with very few layers of cells. Tis increases. surface area to volume ratio of these animals. So diffusion alone is sufficient for exchange of substances Larger animals have complex body plan wih tissues and organs. Every cell is not in direct contact with environment 50 diffusion alone is not sufficient for exchange of substances. They have small surface area f volume ratio. Larger animals are more active so they have greater energy requiremens. So there is an increased heed of transport of ‘oxygen and nutrient inernal organs Furthermore removal of wastes and transport of hormones also needs a transport syem, CIRCULATORY SYSTEM anspor splem m animals 1s. called a ceclatoy ysl ciaatory system Open craton sytem (Closed eran system ‘h Open ciculatory system blood does nat low in blood vessels In Closed crculatory system blood always low in blood vessels all the time rather it comes out and directly bithes every tssve. never comes out 63.2 Jew insects have Open circulatory system 3. Alverleberates have Closed circulatory system Components of a dosed circulfry system 1 _A:pumping organ Heart fi A-cireulating jlvid Blood Hii Resistant vessels __ Arteries Capacilance vessels —____ Veins v. Exchange vessels Capillaries. BLOOD Blood is the circulating aid. It has too main. components 1. Plasma ti. Blood cells PLASMA Plasma isthe yellows jh Ht constitutes. 55% blood by volume Plasma compnses 99) mater 8/__plasma proteins. which inebde i Abumin - It is the most abundant plasma protein Helps fo maintain the water potential of the cell 1k preverls foo much water 4rom leaving the cell also helps in the return of water tothe blood. it. Antibodies > Involed i. immunity i Fibrin, thrombin and ofr clotting actor. 21 Gher substances Gases Oxygen and_carbon dioxide ‘Nutrienk Glucose and amino acids, ‘Wastes. ____Urea and uric acid fons __ Na. cf! Ho ,Ca® Eraymes Hormones REDBLOOD CELLS Erybhrocyfes Most abundant cells inthe blood There are 40 5. million RBCs in one cubic millimeter of blood. They. are jormed in bone marrow. They have nucleus at the Lime of their yormation which is lost doring maturation process. Mitochondria and ER ate abo lost Red protein haemoglobin and an enayme carbonic. anhydrase takes the place «these organelles AA single RBC has more than 250 million haemoglobin molecules. ‘A mature red blood cell has plat biconcave dise shape Average life span of a red blood cell is 90 fo 120 days after which Ihe are destroyed in liver and spleen ost of the components of RBC are retrieved and reused, RBC are involved intransport of Oxggen. Haemoslbin in REG combines eversibly wih oxygen to Jorm a complex called xyhaernoglin jor is transport Ho 4 40, en HbOg RBCs are well adapled Jor Their junction These adaplations.inchde J. Flat biconcave disc shape. It increases. surface area fo volum ratio of these cel. so oxygen diffuses. in and out op fas aan 2. Small in size. Diamefer of an RBC is. 2Um.[t is aboul the size o} the lumen of capillary so RBCs have fo. squeeze Trough capilarries, brings onygen as clse as posible b clk. Smaller size abo means that Hb is nol very Jar rom the membrane and il can attaches. oxygen easly 3. Flexibility » RBCs have special type 0} cyfosteleln which enables ‘Them fo dejorm wile passing trough narrower capilres. and spring bak l her orginal shpe affer passing 4 No mudevs, no mitochondria, no ER, Lack 4 Tese argnelks provides more space jor haemoglobin. H ako maximies fe amount. oxen anspor by REG. WHITE BLOOD CELLS Leukocytes Tey are lager in sine than ROC excep er mphctes Fewer in number 7000 lo 10000 W8Cs in one cubic millmeler o} blood. Formed in bone marrow and lymph nodes Few mire in Thynus gand Iie span varies from a Jew days (neutrophils) to several years (memory cells) Involved in immunity Have a well defined nucleus. On the basis. of different shapes of nuclei they are called polymorphs While blood cells I Granulocytes Aganulocyfes Eosinophils Basophils Neutrophils Lymphocyles Monocales S00 @ Bilobed nucleus __Bean shaped nucleus Tilobed nucleus Inflammation Infenmation Phagocess Specific immune response Phagoogess Platelets - These are not true cells but cell fragments They are produced jrom larger cells in bone marrow called megakaryocytes. They are involved in cling They secrete. chemicals called vasoconstrictors which constrict blood vessels fo restrict blood flow They form temporary platelels plug to stop bleeding They secree procoagulars (cloing factors)1e promote blood cleting They dso help fo dissolve blood clots when they are not needed BLOOD VESSELS. Three type of blood vessels Arterioles. capillaries venules Aorta Arteries Vena Cava oy Arferies These ate the blood vessels tat take blood away from heart All arteries contain oxygenated blood exceph for pulmonary. and umbilical arteries. Blood flows under high pressure in arteries. Speed of blood flow is Jastest in arteries Aeris are called resishnt vessels as they have the abiliy to resist high blood pressure Wall of an artery is composed of three layers 1. Tunica intima (endalhelium) Inner most layer D 2.Tunica media middle layer 3. Tunica externa Oulermost layer 1 Tunica intima; It is composed of a single layer of endothebal cells. These are flat cells zilled together like Jiqsanl pieces. This is very smooth and reduces friction XT Tunica externa f XK twhenblood flows near the surface. his type of epithekum VES) Wiese is called_ squamous epithelium 2. Tunica media. ft is thickest layer inthe wall of arfery.It is composed af smooth muscles and elastic fibers. 3. Tunica exlerna.. It is the oukermost layer of wall of arfery Hl is composed of more colagen and bres and ferc elastic fibres r Bloodis pumped from the hear! with grealer pressure so Eee arleries close fo hear| have more elastic zibres which allow smooth muscle arfery wall stretch during pressure surges fb accomodale ee a greater volume of blood without being damaged Between surges elashe fibres return back to their original poston _"ecum-seed artery 250m squeeting the blood te move in a continuous flow. smooth musck| This stretch and tecoil of arteries can be fell as. pulse ee are Blood pressure is generally high in arteries but it gradually falls brn ‘eastic fbtes Pp ecco nan in peripheral arteries. arienple elastic fibres In pergheralarferies smoath moscles contact and relax to change QO saath musk ococs fhe size of lumen in order fa control the amourt of blood flow sopen firs The smaller the lumen the harder wil be Jor the blood fo flow. This. controls the amount of blood that flows info an organ Veins Blood vessels which bring blood. back to heart Tunica externa All veins have deaxygensled blood except for umbilical vein and Fonica eda pulmonary vein. fendohelom Blood pressure {alls to minimum in veins Lum Speed of blood flow is quite less in veins Veins are called capacitance vessels as they can hold larger Volume of blood in comparison to similar sized arteries. About 50/ of total blood 1s present in veins al any given time. Wall of a vein has similar structure to the wall of an arlery bul tunica media is less thick. When blood jlows into the vein there is_no pumping force rom the heart is involved. However tivo factors contribute fo the jlow of blood ei ‘Blood moving inthe direction ofthe heatt forces ae ‘the valve open, allowing th Hood to flow Bhrough i. At intervals in the veins unidirectional semnilunar valves are present. These valves close fo prevent blood faling back 1 Skeletal muscles nthe surrounding of the veins contract to squeeze the blood in upward direction ‘Abackflow of blood wil dose the valve, ensuring that blood cannot flow awar from the heart ‘Comparison_of an artery. and.a.vein SZ Feature Artery Vein, Shape Spherical Irregular Lumen Narrow wide Tunica media Thick Thin Smooth muscles More Less Elastic jibres. More Less Semilunar Valves Absent Present Blood Pressure High Low Speed of blood flow Fast Slow Nature of blood Oxygenated Deoxygenated alse Yes No Capillaries - Small microscopic blood vessels present at he junction of atferies and veins Capillaries are_so numerous that no part of the body is morethan two cells away from a capillary Speed of bload flow falls fo minimum in capillaries. Capillaries are called exchange vessels as they are the siles of exchange of substances belween blood and cells. Capilres havea very natrow lumen and blood travels \ery slowly through capillaries. which gives. sufficient time for the exchange of gases Wal of capillary is made of single layer of endathebal cells which have_slt pores or gaps belween them (0220) rm wide Endothelial cet about 0 pm tc, Pressure changes in the blood vessels decreasing pressure resulting from increased total cross sectional area low pressure of the arteries in veins fluctuations caused by pumping of heart Blood pressure (kPa) arteries arterioles capillaries venules veins Changes in blood pressure , velocity of blood flow and cross sectional area of blood vessels high blood pressure (kPa) low large small arterioles capillaries venules veins arteries artenes Roles of the circullory, system 1 2 3 4 8 6 Tissue Respiration . Transport of oxygen foall body parts and transport of CO, back to lungs Hydration “Transport of water toa body pats Nutrition - Transport of nutrients (sugars, amino acids. lipids, vitamins and ions to all cells. Excretion. Transport of wasle produdls of melabolismfe kidneys, lungs and shin, Temperature regulation. _Distibution of heat Development and coordination Transport of hormones from endocrine glands tolarget cells Tissue Fluid Some amount of blood plasma leaks from the capillaries andenters into tissue spaces among cells. Here i is called tissue fluid. It forms the immediate environment of the cells serves as an exchnge medium. béween body cells and blood. Substances such as nutrients and oxygen #vom the blad ener info body cell affer passing trough tissue fluid. Similarly. wastes and COs jrom the body cell enfer info blood affer passing through tissue fluid Formation of tissue fluid jrfenoleend Ree ubaibatin dillon satent osmotic ‘osmotic diffusion gradient hydrostatic ‘of water andsmall (organ and rutnents Srovement movement (waste metaboliles) pressure molecules Conger, Fequted byreaing fate wale gag ope ce netoulflow net inflow At the arterial end of the capillary blood enfers under high pressure Il increases hydrostatic pressure inside the capillary which forces. out smatler molecules and ions inlo surrounding {issue spaces through slits inthe endotheliurn There is also a diffusion gradient for the mavernert of glucose and O2. Hence at the arleriole end there isa net outward moverent of substances AAs the blood travels in capillary towards venule end, hydrostatic pressure gradually drops while osmobic Pressure of tissue fluid mcreases, Il causes mest amounl of tissue fluid to return back inlo blood Lymph: About 90/. of the tissue fluid thal leaks from the capillaries eventually seeps back info them. The remaining 0. is IS collecled and returned back to blood by a syslem of tubes called lymphatic system. These tubes are called lymph vessels or ymphaics. These are fy blind ending vessels found in almast all hdl issues. 5 tissue fluid drainage typeset QS ers ey og _ FS GY ees valve in lymph vessel walt lymph vessel Tissue fd can ron info Iymph vessels trough fry valves which allow io flow in but ntout These valves are wide enough f allow large protein molecules to pass through. His very important because these proteins can not erler into capillaries. Ir these proteins slay in tssve fluid it can be fab It very impotant fo drain excess issue fluid. Accumulation of excess tissue fluid in tissue spaces. may resull in @ condition called oedema. A person with oedema may notice swollen ,strelched and shiny shin Shin retains a dimple after being pressed for a few seconds. Puffiness of ankles, Jace or eyes. Aching body parts or stiff joints Heart Heart is a muscular organ thal pumps the blood. Animals have two ype of hears i. Single circut heart Ina single circuit heart blood passes once throug the haat eg Fishes have single citculation Heart receiyes deoxygenated blood from all body parts and pumps itfo gills for oxygenation A EN ] Gills i Double circuit heart. Mammals have double circuit heart in which blood passes twice through the heart in one complele cycle Right atrium —__, Right ventricle ___y Pulmonary artery Left atrium p> Lert ventricle > Aorta Vena cava All body Pals Lungs Pulmonary vein

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